《Hermaphrodite: Two Bodies (Lesbian Stories) [Major Editing]》Part Twenty One - Say Something.


Reaching.... 6k reads! Yay! Thank so much guyysss!

I have reached this chapter and I should make it more interesting.

Dedicated to all of readers like you!


I ignored the cramps that was radiating from my lower abdomen. I bit my lower lip. However, this morning didn't really help me at all.

I was not going to ride on a bus.

I was going to be with Chloe today, or the scariest part is to be with her forever.

I mentally rolled my eyes at that thought, however, it creeps me out.

"Good Morning " Jillian said along with Dad who was enjoying their meal. I smiled at them.

"Morning." I said weakly. Dad noticed it.

"Don't you want to eat?" He asked.

"No. Thank you." He nodded and I went outside. I'm not really eager to go to school today. I saw mom who was cleaning and pouring water to our nearly dead flowers.

"Mom, their going to be dead." I said. She looked at me. She was touching the rose petals.

"If there is a chance for something to live, why not do something for them to live?" She said. I know that she's been depressed. Knowing that she knew about my problem.

"Mom. I'm okay." I smiled at her. She shook her head.

"No you're not my child. Its always been my fault. If I just stopped doing reckless things when I was pregnant of you, you will be happy." I let my smile fall.

My mother had an affair with dad when she was just 18 and dad is 28. Ten years gap is different.

I must say that mom was super immature.

Dad was her first real love.

Dad rescued mom from a drug addict who was using mom to push some drugs. Of course that jerk is mom's ex so he just let mom get used to drugs.


So dad is her night in shining armor, saved the princess from getting under influence of drugs and the rest is history.

"No mom. Its not your fault." I reassured her. She was crying. I kissed her forehead. I heard some honking noise.

"Hey Juls! Come on!" Mark shouted. I gave him a weak nod and headed to the car.

I get inside and Chloe hugged and kissed my cheek. We were six to be exact.

"I missed you." Chloe muttered while kissing my cheeks. I forced smile at her.

"Aww so sweet! Long time no see Juls!" Giana said. I smiled.

"Yeah no sweet couple here like us." And Mark kissed Giana hard.

"Get some room." I said and they laughed.

Chloe side hugged me. I looked at the window. Wondering how Chloe is now. Is she alright?


I was staring at the small clip I snatched to a small girl I found in the forest when I was a kid. I knew her. I always knew her.

I knew who she is...

And I saw her..

I knew she was hiding her real self in a body of a boy.

Her name was Julian.

I was walking down the forest. I have no one to talk to rather than my maids and stuff toys. It was dark though. I knew they will find me.

I heard someone crying. It was a small voice.

I was finding that voice and I noticed that she was in front of me.

Is this for real? I thought.

No one in this time would be travelling in this forest. Joy filled my heart because at last! Someone is going to play with me!

I reached towards her. She looked at me with tears falling into her eyes..


She was carrying a big, orange fluffy cat.

She was wearing a cute blue dress and her hair was in two cute pigtails.

"W-who are you? Don't come any closer!" She said.

She was scared. I stepped into the light to reveal myself. I gently patted her hair.

"Don't be afraid." She stopped shaking and looked at me. I smiled.

"W-who are you?" She asked me. She still wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.

"I am Julian Mitchell. You?"

"I am Dann Schmitt. Wanna play?" I asked.

Thanks to all of people who voted here!













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