



I gave him the glass of water he hasn't finished to let him drink and rub his back just to let him know that I was just there for him.

"He asked me if it was okay to go on a three-day trip with his high school friends. He wanted me to go with him, but I couldn't have fun when grandma was still in the hospital. Before he left on a Friday, he messaged me to update him about grandma, so I told him to just have fun." He said. "But, that night, grandma died. I was so shocked and couldn't do anything. Liza and New were the first one I called, and they immediately went to comfort me. They were also the ones who did the necessary arrangements for grandma's funeral, for I couldn't function well. I messaged and called Mark, but his phone was out of reached. I still tried to contact him the next two days, but still no answer. Since he told me it was only a three-day trip, I decided to check on him at his apartment on Sunday night to tell him personally that grandma would be cremated the next morning. I used my duplicate and just entered the apartment, for I expected him to be taking a rest after his trip. What welcomed me was not the silence though. . . I heard moans and groans all over the place, I didn't even walk further when I saw 'my boyfriend' pushing and pulling his manhood to the woman who was on all fours on the sofa. I was rooted on my spot, I was too shocked to even walk away. I saw how both of them were enjoying what they were doing, how he caressed the woman's waist, and squeezed her butt and pinched her nipples, then the woman's cry of satisfaction from what she was receiving. I didn't know how long I was there watching them have sex until I heard a drop of metal on the floor. That got me back to my senses. The keys I was holding fell and that caught their attention and saw me standing there. The woman was oblivious to what was happening and she still looked so high with her orgasm, but Mark stopped and called my name. I walked backwards and ran outside. I heard him called me again, but I didn't look back. Luckily, I found a taxi right after I went on the street, so I was able to escape from that nightmare I saw right away."


I held his face and wiped his tears. I hugged him tight and caressed his back to calm him. "Fluke," I wanted to say something more, but he didn't let me. He pushed his body a little to look at me.

"Imagine how I felt back then, Ohm. . . I was mourning from my grandmother's death, then I found out that the person I expected to be by my side on my worst days cheated on me. . . I felt so numb when I went back to my grandma's funeral. Liza noticed that I looked devastated. She didn't say anything, she just hugged me and let me cry. She waited until I could tell everything to them. After I told both of them what I witnessed in Mark's place, Liza was ready to kill that bastard. New and I just had her calmed down. She was already pregnant that time, and we didn't want anything bad to happen to her and the baby. I was just thankful that I had them that time or else I wouldn't be able to survive."

"Did he try to talk to you after that?" My anger showed up after knowing what that bastard did to Fluke.

"He did. He went to my grandma's cremation the next day, but New was there to prevent him from coming near me. He told Mark that if he ever got to see him near me again, he wouldn't hesitate to have him arrested. You know, New was very intimidating back then and he had a lot of connections. Mark knew about that, so he didn't have a choice but to leave the place."

"I wouldn't be able to control myself if I were there." I said firmly.

Fluke might have noticed that my anger was rising, so he reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze. "It's okay, Ohm. We didn't cross paths after that. Thanks to my best friends. Did you know that they hid me for a month after that. They even arranged everything at school for me. Since they graduated from the same university, they were able to talk to all my professors that I would be just doing home school 'til the end of the semester. They said it would be better for me to stay with them for me to have someone to talk to anytime I needed one, but also for the reason that they knew Mark would do anything just to talk with me. New also found out that it wasn't just the woman I saw with Mark that he had sex with. There were more. I was so stupid that I didn't even notice or had an idea about what he was doing." He explained. "When the semester ended, they told me that Mark left for the states. His parents knew what he did to me, and they were very disappointed about his actions that they decided to send him to the US. His parents met me a few months after, to say sorry personally. I liked his parents, they were good to me then, they were actually supportive to us when he introduced me as his boyfriend. But I guess, Mark was a different kind." He just sighed. "I couldn't blame him completely, I rejected him a few times, and he had his needs."


"No, Fluke. He cheated on you. He was the one to blame. If he really loved you, he would wait for you."

"Ohm. . . I don't know if I am ready for another relationship." He looked down to his lap. "I don't even know if I would ever give my heart again to anyone."

"I'm willing to wait, Fluke. Just let me show you how I feel." I lifted his face to look at me. "Please?"

His eyes looked through me. He seemed to be reading me, if I were serious.

"I know you might think it was too sudden, but what I told you yesterday was true. Everything here," I said as I pointed to my heart, "is true. Maybe you're afraid of opening your heart again because of what you've experienced, and I understand. Just let me show you how much I feel for you. Allow me, please. Hmmm?" I reached for both of his hand and kissed them.

"Uh. . ." I looked at his shocked face. "Ohm. . . Can . . . can we. . . talk. . . about this again? I really don't know what to answer right now. After recalling my past, I felt so drained and I couldn't think properly right now. It would be unfair for the both of us, if I just answer without even thinking about it."

I nodded my head. "I know. I'm sorry, if I'm rushing you."

"No, you're not. Don't feel bad about it. I just need time, I guess."

"Thank you for telling me your story, Fluke."

"Can I just take a rest now?" he asked. "I'm sorry if I sound like I'm asking you to leave, but I really feel so tired now."

"No, don't worry about me. Take a rest. I'm gonna take my leave now. Thank you again." I said as I stood up. I looked at him, but I still didn't want to leave just like that. "Can I hug you, Fluke?" He looked at me, then he stood up. He nodded his head in response, so I hugged him, and whispered, "I'm just here, Fluke."


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