



I saw the kids were already sleepy. Both of them were sitting on each side of Fluke and they were almost lying on his lap. They looked so cute, even Fluke looked really cute as he was caressing their heads. He was really good with the kids. He could be a good parent.

We were still in the living room talking about everything and anything that P' Liza asked. I made sure I answered all her questions if that would really convince her that I could be the right one for their best friend.

If only Fluke talked much, I would be able to know more about him too, but he just stayed there with the kids and give bits of answers sometimes. But it was okay, I guessed. At least we were still in the same room, I could still see him and observe him.

It was just a bit off because he seemed to be avoiding looking at me or my direction. Did he know that I was staring? Did I make him uncomfortable? I hoped I didn't.

I cleared my throat as I saw Fluke stopping himself from yawning. He must have been very tired and sleepy now.

"Uhm. . . Phi," I started. "As much as I want to prolong this conversation, I think I have to go now. Fluke looked sleepy and tired now. And the kids are almost asleep." I said.

That got Fluke's attention when he heard his name and looked at me. Those doe eyes looked so beautiful.

"Oh. . ." P' New said, "We didn't notice the time. It's almost eleven now."

"Why don't you stay the night, Ohm?" P' Liza suggested.

"It's okay. I can still drive."

"No, you looked tired, too. You might fall asleep while driving. Better stay here." P' New said.

"It's really okay, Phi. I know myself and I still can go home. Don't worry." I insisted. I stood up and was about to say goodbye, when I heard Fluke's soft voice.

"Stay here. It's better to be safe than sorry." I turned to him as he continued. "A lot of accidents happen at night. You'll never know what's gonna happen once you're on the road." He continued. He seemed to be sad as he said those words.


"Uh. . ." I wasn't able to say anything as I was pulled by the sadness in his eyes. I looked at P' New and he just nodded. "Okay. Thank you for letting me stay, Phi."

"Good." Fluke replied as he stood up and picked up Lara. "You can stay in my room, I'll just stay with the kids in their room.


P' New led me to Fluke's room while Fluke and P' Liza went straight to the kids' room. The room was neat and organized with a double-sized bed and a desk on the far corner near the window. It looked simple and minimalist.

"Here's the bathroom, you can go and take a shower first, I'll bring you some clothes to wear to sleep. Fluke's clothes won't fit you for sure. And there are some fresh towels in the cupboard, just get one."

"I have some clothes in the car."

"No, need. You can wear mine."

"Okay. Thank you so much, Phi."

As I was almost done with my shower, I heard him talk outside the bathroom door to let me know that he just put the clothes on the bed, so I said my thanks before he went out.

I was drying my hair with a towel when someone knocked. I thought P' New forgot to tell me something. But it was Fluke who welcomed me as I opened the door.

"Uh. . ." He looked at me and said shyly, "I will just get some of my things."

He looked so cute when he's shy. I opened the door wide to let him in and he went straight to his desk to get his bag and a notepad in the drawer.

"Uhm. . . Fluke?" He turned to face me. "Did I make you sad?" He just looked at me in confusion. "I mean a while ago when I insisted on going home, your eyes seemed sad when you told me about the accidents that might happen at night."

He let out a soft sigh and looked down. "My parents died in a car accident. The truck driver that hit their car fell asleep while driving, so he got out of control and collided to my parents' car. Mom and Dad didn't even reached the hospital. It was dead on arrival."


I did not think anymore. I pulled him into my arms and hugged him. He stiffened at first, but relaxed when I started caressing his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't know about that."

He nodded his head and I felt his arm hugged me back. "Just don't drive when you're tired and sleepy. Those two are not a good combination."

"Yes, I won't. Thank you for worrying, too."

He freed himself from my hug and said, "I don't want to see my friends in the same situation as my parents."

He was about to walk to the door when I held his hand, he looked at our hands and turned his head to me. We did not say anything, and silence filled the room. We just stayed there holding hands and looking at each other's eyes. I guessed I was longing for this time to happen, to be able to hold him and have a moment with him alone. I just wanted to hold him.

"I like you, Fluke." I just blurted it out. I saw him opened his mouth, but then closed it again as if he lost some words to say. "And I think I'm already in love with you."

"Wh-What?" He finally said. "H-How did it . . ."

"How did it happen?" I finished it off and he just nodded. "I just felt it. The first time I saw you at the story conference, I just felt my heart beat fast. Just like this. . ." I put his hand that I was still holding on my chest for him to feel my heartbeat. "And I always want to hear your voice or see you. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't get any chance to meet you again." I told him.

"But. . ." He said and removed his hand that was on my chest. I did not let go of it, though. I still held it, for I might not have another chance to hold it after this. He just looked at our hands again and let out another sigh. "I would understand 'like', but 'love'? It's such a big word, you know. How could you love me even though we haven't even introduced formally."

"I know that. But I also know that what I'm feeling is true. You might not believe me, but that's what I really feel." I took another deep breath as I continued, "I know you're confused as to why I'm telling you these things. I just want to tell you everything that I feel. You know, it's so hard to find a way to see you or talk to you, so I'm taking this opportunity to tell you what's inside my heart, for I might not have the chance again." I looked at him the whole time as I let my heart out.

He was just quiet, staring at me as if looking for any signs that I was just fooling around.

"Ohm," he started, "Could we give this a rest for a while? I. . . I mean. . . what you said is such a shock for me. . . Maybe . . . I . . . maybe we should sleep it off for now. Both of us are tired and sleepy, I think sleeping would help us clear our minds. . . I just can't . . . I mean. . ." he tried to explain everything he wanted to say, but couldn't.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I mean, I don't have work tomorrow. Are you free?" He just looked at me again, but did not say a thing. "Please?" He still looked a bit hesitant, but nodded his head. "Thank you so much." I said and lifted his hand to my lips and kissed it. I saw his eyes widen as soon as my lips touched the back of his hands. I couldn't help but smile and touch his face. Then I walked him out of the room to the kids' room.

"I. . . I'll go to. . . to bed now." He said in almost inaudible voice once we were at the door.

"Talk to you tomorrow, Fluke. Good night."

He just nodded and entered.

That night must've been one of the best sleep I'd ever had. I was so happy. I just really hoped that he would really allow me to pursue him.


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