《Believe》Collecting Teeth


Tooth sat down with an empty tooth box in her hands, and Baby Tooth was now resting on a broken box nearby. Claire and Jack walked over to them and then crouched down beside them.

Bunny, North, and Sandy were a small distance off. "Okay." Bunnymund said. "All right. I admit it. You were right about Pitch."

"This is one time I wish I was wrong." North replied. "But, he will pay."

"I'm sorry about the fairies." Jack told her.

"And the teeth." Claire added. Baby Tooth flew up and sat on her shoulder.

Tooth replied. "You should have seen them. They put up such a fight."

"Why would Pitch take the teeth?" Jack inquired.

"It's not the teeth he wanted." she explained. "It's the memories inside them."

"What do you mean?" Claire asked as she and Jack stared at her. Tooth got up and led them across the palace lagoon. The water under Jack's feet hardened into ice with each step. Claire used this ice to follow them across.

"That's why we collect the teeth, Jack, Claire. They hold the most important memories inside them." She showed them a wall mural. It was a beautiful picture of memories being gathered by fairies or being received by children. "My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's most important, we help them. We had everyone's here." She looked to Jack. "Yours too."

"My memories?" Jack asked.

"From when you were young." Tooth answered. "Before you became Jack Frost."

Jack shook his head. "But, I wasn't anyone before was Jack Frost."

"Of course you were. We were all someone before we were chosen." Tooth stated.

"What?" Jack didn't fully comprehend what she was telling.

North entered the conversation. "You should have seen Bunny." He chuckled

"Hey, I told you never to mention that!" Bunny nearly shouted.

Jack was struggling with this new info. "That night at the pond... I just... why, I assumed. Are you saying... Are you saying I had a life before?. With a home, and a family?"

"You really don't remember?" she questioned.

Jack's face went blank. "All these years, and the answers were right here." He looked around the crumbling palace. "If I find my memories, then I'll know why I'm here." The wind lifted Jack off the lagoon and Claire jumped off the ice and back onto solid ground. He was ready to follow Tooth to his storage drawer.

"I can't Jack." Tooth regrettably said. "Pitch has them."

"Oh no" Claire said looking worried.

"Then we have to get them back!" Jack countered.

Right then, Tooth lost a few of her feathers. "Oh, no. The children!" she cried. They all looked at the mural and were horrified to see it disintegrating. "We're losing them. We're too late."

"No!, No!, No such thing as too late." North shouted. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Idea! Ha!" he pointed one of his swords as he had a eureka moment and it was inches from Claire's face. "We will collect the teeth." he gestured to everyone with his swords.


"What?" Tooth was dumbfounded.

"We get teeth!, Children keep believing in you!" North declared.

"We're talking seven continents." she worried. "Millions of kids."

"Give me break!" North told her. "You know how many toys I deliver in one night?"

"And eggs I hide in one day?" Bunny put in.

North turned to Jack. "If you help us, we will get you memories"

We looked to Tooth, who agreed to the deal. Sandy gave him a thumbs-up. Bunny merely groaned. Jack turned to North and smiled. "I'm in."

"I am too." Claire spoke up. "Do you really think I am going to let my childhood fade away, think again." She said crossing her arms and had a smile on her face.

Bunny smiled at her, then turned to North. "She is coming with. I will keep a eye on Sheila."

North nodded. "Very well, off we go!."

They all ran to the sleigh.

A few minute later.

In Shanghai, China, North shot out of a chimney and raced across the rooftops. "Quickly!, Quickly!" he called as Bunny popped up on a roff away with Claire on his back.

"Come on Bunny!" Claire cheered him on.

"Here we go, here we go." Bunny chanted.

Jack zipped past them. "Hop to it, rabbit. I'm five teeth ahead!"

"Yeah, right." Bunnymund. "Look, I'd tell you to stay out of my way, but, really, what's the point?. Because you won't be able to keep up, anyway!"

"Is that a challenge cottontail?" Jack taunted.

"Oh, Jack, Jack, Jack." Claire said while shaking her head at him while smirking. "When are you going to learn that..."

You don't wanna race a rabbit mate." Bunny said running even faster. Passing jack in the process.

"A race?" North called as he popped up between chimneys. "Is it as race?, This is going to be epic!"

Sandy floated at a slower pace nearby while Tooth kept darting around with Baby Tooth struggling to keep up. "Four bicuspids over there!" she pointed left. "An incisor two blocks east!, Is that a molar?. THEY"RE EVERYONE!" she called out. She flitted off the rooftops and straight into, ironically, advertising tooth paste. "Ow," she groaned rubbing her nose after she'd hit head first with an audible 'thud'.

Jack leapt to the top of billboard to check on her. "You okay?" He asked.

"Fine," She stated. "Sorry. It's been a really long time since I've been out in the field." She flew in front of him.

"How long is a long time?" Jack asked.

"Four hundred and forty years." She replied. "Give or Take." Before Jack could respond, Tooth noticed a tiny glow under the pillow of a little girl in a nearby. Without another word, she pointed to it like she was a five year old and it was the last piece of candy in the world, and flew off. Baby Tooth just shrugged as a form of explanation.


Inside a dimly lit bedroom, Jack was about to snag a tooth, when Claire and Bunny popped out of a hole in the floor. Claire smirked and did a peace sign at Jack, while Bunny chuckled at Jack holding the tooth up. "He he he he." Until Jack shot ice out of staff at them. Making yelp and Jack laugh.

Until he was hit in the face by a ball thrown by Claire.

In the next city, North discovered two teeth under two pillows. "Twins!" He nabbed both. "Yipa!" he said triumphantly as he hurried offAt another home, Bunny got five teeth from a sleeping child. "Jackpot!" He whispered. Claire looked around the room with a smirk, she nudged Bunny and he looked up. Hockey posters lined the walls, and the shelves were loaded with trophies. "Looks like you're a bit of a brumby, eh mate." Bunny remarked.North stood by a boy's bed. "It's a place of pie." he softly. But, as he reached forward, Claire came up through a hole in the floor, but before Bunny could jumped out, North fell in, effectively the both of them in the confined space.

While the two Guardians competed for the tooth, Sandy slipped in the room and took the prize for himself. "That's my tooth!" North whisper-yelled at the Sandman's back. "Sandy! Sandy!"

Claire watched as Sandy went out the window and then turned to the two Guardians in the floor. "Hang on, I got you" Claire pushed down on they're heads before they went flying down the tunnel.

Bunny and Claire continued on their mission to sabotage Jack. When Jack came into the next room, Bunny opened a rabbit hole, sending Jack falling though. Claire took the tooth and disappeared down another hole followed by Bunny.Tooth reached under a child's pillow and pulled out a tooth. The tooth was perfect, but there was a mouse attached to the root. Baby Tooth immediately tackled the mouse, knocking free of Tooth's grasp, and commenced to whopping him down.

"Whoa, whoa, Whoa!" Tooth pulled Baby Tooth back. "Take it easy there, champ. He's one of us. Part of the European division." Tooth turned to the mouse and then asked if he was okay in French. "Ca va?"

He got up and squeaked angrily at the two before throwing his hat down.

In yet another city, Claire and Bunny was about to grab their next tooth, but when Claire reached under child's pillow, they found a note instead. The note showed an arrow pointing toward the window. They followed it's direction. There, they found North, peering in the window and holding a kid's tooth grinning. "Huh?" The Duo questioned in surprise as North dashed away laughing.

They were certain the next tooth was theirs, but when they reached the roof and held it up for inspection, the heard the cracking sound of ice and frost. "Crikey!" They began to slip. Tumbling down the slick, tilted roof, they passed Jack in the process. As they did, Jack easily reached out and snagged the tooth.

"Yes!" Jack cheered, but an instant later, it was yanked out of his hand. "No!" Sandy waved good-bye as he snagged the tooth for himself.

"Are this going to work, Sheila?" Bunny asked as Claire gathering logs and putting them in the fireplace.

"I am sure, besides..." She turned to him with a smirk. "Who do you think taught Jack some of his pranks." She turned back around to finish setting the fireplace. Bunny went bug-eyed at her while his jaw was dropped.

They heard a booming laugh not too far off. Claire turned to Bunny and made the sign to keep quiet. Bunny nodded, and they patiently waited and listened.

Right as they heard North coming down the chimney, Claire handed the matches to Bunny, who eagerly took them and lit the logs up. "Ha-ha. Ho, ho, ho" He chuckled.

"Ahh!" North screamed, scrambling back up the chimney.

They burst into laughter. "That was pretty funny" Bunny said while still chuckling.

Claire looked at him with a evil smile. "If you think that was funny, wait until I teach you my other pranks that you can use on Jack."

Bunny responded with a evil smile of his own, while laughing and rubbing his hands together.

Everyone met up on a rooftop. The competition had been fun, and they each held a large sack of teeth. "Wow!" Tooth was impressed. "You guys collect teeth and leave gifts as fast as my fairies." They stared at her with blank expressions. Tooth surveyed their panicked looks and asked "You guys have been leaving gifts, right?"

At first Sandy nodded his head 'yes' and then frowned before he shook his head 'No'. The rest of them glanced at each other embrassed.

Claire sighed. "Thank god, I went to the bank today." She said while pulling out some coins from her pocket in her hoodie, much to everyone's relief.

Having run out of change not long ago. They had to give the kids gifts of their own.

North took a tooth and put a couple canes in it's place.

Bunny and Claire left three Easter eggs on a child's bed.

Baby Tooth stuffed a heavy coin beneath a feather pillow.

Tooth left behind a coin for a sleeping child.

Sandy entered a house through the doggy door and was going to leave a quarter, but North beat him to it. He chuckled as he plugged in an elaborately lit Christmas tree. In frustration, Sandy chucked the coin behind him.

A toddler spotted the Guardians through his bedroom window. Jumping from roof to roof. Sandy spotted him and waved. He was so surprised, he dropped his sippy cup.Finally, Claire and the spirits climbed back into the sleigh. Nearby, a nightmare spy watched North take up the reins. As they lifted off into the sky, and through a magic portal, the Nightmare vaporized down a street drain. Slipping into the sewers.

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