Hayyy,,,maaf ya updatenya ngak secepat part kemaren, aku kuliahnya udah mulai masuk ditambah parttime dan beberapa kursus (sok sibuk)
Insyllah aku usahain tetep lanjut deh
Makasih ya yang masih mau baca cerita ini
Sesampainya diapartemen liliyana langsung membawa joonki kekamar dan memandikannya. Karena aktifitasnya joonkipun langsung tidur.
Liliyana langsung pergi ke dapur dan membawa air hangat kedalam baskom untuk membasuh kaki youngdae. Kegiatan itu selalu dia lakukan setiap malam sebelum youngdae tidur, gunanya untuk merangsang otot kaki youngdae.
Sesampainya di kamar youngdae, youngdae terlihat sedang mengecek sesuatu dalam tablet miliknya. Youngdae terlalu fokus hingga liliyana datangpun dia tak menyadarinya. Liliyanapun langsung menarik kaki youngdae dan mulai membasuhnya.
"Hay, kau udah datang,"kata youngdae
"Iya, kamu fokus banget sampai aku datang kau tidak liat,"kata liliyana
"Joonki dimana?,"tanya youngdae
"Dia dikamar, dia tidur kayaknya kecapekan,"kata liliyana
"Iya, pasti kamu juga apalagi kamu harus ngurus aku juga, pasti capek, maaf ya,"kata youngdae
"Ahh ngak juga aku bahagia,"kata liliyana
"Kamu tak harus membasuh kakiku setiap malam, aku bisa lakukan sendiri,"kata youngdae
"Ahh ngak papa, awalnya aku sebel sih waktu pertama kali basuh kakimu kenapa kaki laki-laki bisa semulus ini, kakiku aja kalah, tapi kalau aku ingat kaki ini yang harus menanggung beban masa depan joonki, aku pasti akan melakukannya,"kata liliyana
"Kau berlebihan,"kata youngdae
"Oh ya young, apa kamu beneran tiap hari bakal beli bakso bakar kakek tadi?,"kata liliyana
"Iya, baksonya enak, oh ya ci, kalau misal 1 bulan kamu aku kasih 100rb buat biaya hidup bagaimana?kata youngdae
"Aishhh mana bisa, 100rb itu buat beli permen joonki aja udah abis, aishh aku ngak tau kalau kamu begitu pelit,"kata liliyana sambil mengelap kaki youngdae dengan handuk
"istri kakek itu 1 bulan hanya terima 100rb, keluarga yang hebat,"kata youngdae
"Istri yang hebat, udah lah aku mau tidur, oh ya kerja yang rajin yak,"kata liliyana
"Yak, ehh kenapa tidak menyuruhku tidur? Kata youngdae
"Kau udah tua untuk disuruh tidur dan aku bukan wanita yang akan terima cuma dengam uang 100rb/bulan jadi kerja yang rajin,"kata liliyana
"Hahahah, yakk, sanah kamu ambil seberapapun yang kamu mau, aku akan kerja dengan keras,"kata youngdae
"Ya, emang aku akan mengambil banyak karena ATM gold mu ada di aku, jadi jangan kaget dengan tagihannya, udah ah aku balik dulu"kata liliyana becanda
"Ci,"panggil youngdae
"Apalagi?,"kata liliyana yang sudah diambang pintu
"Kamu kan setiap malam basuh kakiku, besok pagi mandiin aku yak,"kata youngdae
"Young, aku rasa kau ingin mandi sekarang,,aishhh jangan sampai ini air aku lempar,"kata liliyana yang lalu beranjak ke kamarnya.
Sesampainya dikamar, dia langsung melempar tubuhnya kekasur kesayangannya dan memandang foto youngdae,joonki dan dirinya yang dia pasang dikamar dengan ukuran 20r,
"Joonki, papamu hari ini udah kembali, dia cerewet banget, aishh aku sampai kewalahan, young terimakasih sudah kembali seperti dulu,"kata liliyana
Youngdae dan liliyana sudah di rs untuk menjalani terapi kakinya, selama terapi berjalan yang dilakukan. Youngdae yang dibantu instrukturnya belajar berjalan dengan begitu keras beberapa kali youngdae sempat terjatuh tapi dia bangkit kembali. Kakinya sudah mulai dapat bergerak walaupun harus membutuhkan banyak perjuangannya.
Sesi terapipun berakhir dan youngdae menunggu di kolam ikan terapi, ikan ikan disana banyak sekali dan membuat geli dikakinya. Liliyanapun menghampirinya tapi tak terlihat kursi roda yang dia bawa.
"Ci, mana kursi rodaku?,"kata youngdae
"ehmm, aku buang, kamu tak membutuhkannya, sekarang kamu pakai kruk ini,"kata liliyana
"He, kata dokter boleh ? Youngdae
"Sangat boleh, kamu harus melatih kakimu terus, aishh kayaknya kakimu sembuh karena basuhanku,"kata liliyana
"Iyakk, makasih ya,"kata youngdae
"Yaudah yuk kita kerumah owi, anak anak lagi pada kumpul,"kata liliyana
Liliyana, joonki dan youngdae adalah tamu yang terakhir datang dan merekapun langsung menghampiri yang pada kumpul ditaman.
"Wahh kak ahsan kelihatannya kamu harus giat berlatih lagi, sainganmu udah mulai jalan,"kata jonathan becanda
"Iyakk keliatannya aku harus menambah jam latihanku,"kata ahsan
"Ahh kalian berlebihan,"kata youngdae
"Sepertinya kamu makin sehat young,"kata grasilla
"Iyakk, syukur puji tuhan,"kata youngdae
"Iyak, dia sehat banget ampek kalau kerja dirumah ampek jam 12 malem,"kata liliyana sambil mencopot jaket joonki dan joonki langsung berlari setelah jaketnya lepas. Liliyanapun langsung duduk di samping youngdae
"Yak, kak seharusnya kamu jangan kerja sampai malam gitu,"kata jonathan
"Wahh sayang sekali jo, aku punya tanggungan yang banyak jadi harus kerja,"kata youngdae sambil melirik liliyana
"Ahh banyak apa kak, kalian disini hanya bertiga apa yang banyak,"kata jonathan
"Banyak maunya,'kata youngdae
Semuanya langsung melihat liliyana
"Apa?, apa yang salah, hidup sekarang itu mahal, beras, telur, listrik, bensin belum kalau belanja baju, sepatu ahh itu biaya sekolah juga semuanya mahal,"kata liliyana dengan santai
"Aish ci, kau terlihat lebih cici sekarang,"kata owi
"Masyallah ci, kamu keluar cinanya,"kata ahsan
"Masyarakat, ci kamu emang calom mentri ekonomi yang baik,"kata jonathan
"Sudahlah ngakpapa, aku malah suka. Kalau dia ngak kayak gitu aku yang ngak enak kok,"kata youngdae
"Aishh aku saranin jangan berikan ATM mu ke cici, cukup kasih uang tunai aja,"kata owi
"Kenapa? ATM gold ku cici yang bawa,"kata youngdae santai
"ATM gold (atm unlimited) kamu kasih ke cici, ah kurasa cici bakal ngrampok mall di jakarta ini bentar lagi,"kata owi
"Tak masalah dia bisa lakukan sesukannya, aku kerja juga buat dia dan joonki, ATM gold tak masalah aku masih bawa yang silver untukku,"kata youngdae
"Ahh sanah nikah nikah kalian mengerikan,"kata owi
"Aku kayak liat drama korea,"kata grasilla
Merekapun melanjutkan acaranya sampai malam,
- In Serial58 Chapters
To Conquer Fate
The Dimension Wars almost broke the very fabric of reality, each dimension and race struggling for supremacy in the fight to obtain the resources located in the void between dimensions. Under threat of their home worlds disappearing into the void, the major races and dimensions gathered together to form a truce, stopping the endless conflict. After decades of meetings and deliberation The Tower was born. A colossal structure formed in the void, The Tower would act as a proving ground, a place where each race could send a champion to compete. The higher their champion climbed, the more resources their race had access to. Waking up naked with his memories sealed, Tormacc must climb The Tower. During his climb a chance encounter lets him in on a secret that would cost him his life should its knowledge get out. Burdened by the knowledge now in his possesion, and the responsibility that brings, he has to rely on vague impressions of his people and a sense of honor to push himself forward. But without any actual memories of his home planet he has no idea what his life was like before entering The Tower, or what those memories would reveal to him once unsealed.
8 80 - In Serial6 Chapters
I Am Power
I didn't live a full life. I didn't live a happy life. But thanks to the god's interest in me, I'm getting another chance. I Lucas Bramas, am born again.[Tags: Reincarnation, Fantasy, School Life][Btw dragon comes in later]
8 175 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Evil God is forced to become a Sidekick?
Fauros, one of the trillions of gods that inhabited the cosmos, and the only one that almost managed to reach true omnipotence, was cornered and betrayed by everyone he once considered an ally, his greed, and thirst for power made even the most vicious of gods to become part of the alliance to exterminate him. In every meaning, the entire cosmos united in order to stop him from reaching ultimate power, and unfortunately for Fauros, they succeeded.Fauros felt his own body crumbling apart as his existence dissipated into cosmic dust. However, right as he was about to disappear for once and for all, the voice of something or someone called out to him and bound a strange rule on his shattered soul [Your soul shall be of use for me... Not every day do you find a disappearing almost-omnipotent god ready to serve you] "Who's gonna serve you motherfucker? Come here and I will rip out your **** before then I ***** into your disgusting *****" ... Fauros wasn't exactly very well mannered... ... [Look at your tongue, even on the verge of disappearing you keep badmouthing everything in existence... -*Sigh*- Either way, I will now send you towards your new mission] "What new mission you fuck, give me my body back so that I can kick that ugly face of yours" [Make sure to make lots of good friends down there!] "Hah?" Thus, the evil god that once desired to control everything in existence was sent like that towards a very small planet in the middle of nowhere so that he could become... ... ...The sidekick of a Gary Stu in real life... °°°°°° The MC will be the Evil God by the way, just in case someone got confused. Just had this idea, just testing how does it look for now... Maybe I will continue it if I like it.I will also add more tags when I'm done planning completely the novel.
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Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One
Gu Yang, despite his name, is American and has lived there ever since he was born, but one day while he was jogging, an unexpected phenomenon occurred, and he was taken to an unknown realm.
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Adventures in the Pirate Continent
Dylan’s gap year is going great, yes her cruise ship was sunk by some sort of ancient evil sea monster and she had to spent a lot of time nearly starving to death. But she’s doing better now she lives in a world of mystery and wonder! In The Pirate Continent! She made new friends and is only almost killed now by Vikings and every once a while Nazis.
8 273 - In Serial100 Chapters
The Gangleader and Me ✅✔ (Completed)
*¡NEEDS MAJOR EDITING!**~*~*~*"You parked your bike in my spot." He said with a slight glare and I rolled my eyes. "Do you see me giving a fuck if its your spot or not? I don't see your name on it, so what's the problem?" I asked as I looked behind him at my bike in the same spot and he glared at me. "You look new so I will just let that slide. But I need to park my bike at my spot, so get your bike out of my spot! Understood?" He spoke slowly and I rolled my eyes once more. "I am not moving my bike because I was here first and I saw the spot first. So I parked first and I repeat myself again.... I don't see your name on it so I will not move my bike to please you nor a soul. So good luck with that and I swear... If you touch my bike, you will regret it. Take that as a warning." "You're the one that will be regretting this later and take that as a hint." I heard him yelling and I smirked. "Hint taken, asshole." "Make sure, blonde."*~*~*~*Ashley Sky is the daughter of a millionaire and she's typical a badass, but kinda a nerd at times. She has two side, a good sweet side and the side which no one should mess with. So moving to a new town and attending a new school, she decided to play it cool. She placed her badass ways behind her and went with the flow. But everything went downward when she parked her bike at the wrong spot at her new school.Tyson king is the school main bad boy and player but he surely knows how to love a girl which is worth it. He's the Captain of the football team and the Gangleader of the Q's - Quest Gang which is currently one of the strongest gang in town. He has been looking for a badass bitch ever since senior year and he knows whenever he finds her, there's no turning back for both of them. What will happen when these two meet?*~*~*~*Book #1 of, Him and Me series.*~*~*~*
8 173