《System And Rebirth: Leveling Up In The Apocalypse!》Chapter 14:『 Discoveries 』


In a dark office was a tall handsome man talking to another guy with its whole body covered in black clothes. Only his eyes were out in the open, which held a piercing stare not losing to the handsome guy's.

"Reporting. Yun Xie is one of the powers of City A." The pretty man lifted the corners of his lips as he gave off a menacing aura.

"Tell me more, Yi*." He said using an abnormally calm voice. The guy who was called 'Yi' then opened his mouth and reported all of his findings.

(*This means 'one' in English)

"According to what this one investigated, Yun Xie is the first daughter of the Rongs. She was kidnapped and was brought here by the people of the Yuns as Yun Lian ordered." Yi was calm on the outside but his heart was trembling in fear. Although his boss was godly handsome, seeing this cold glint in his eyes without getting afraid is an astounding feat.

"Is that all?" Despite releasing a cold aura, his tone was still calm. Yi secretly sighed in relief. After was another discussion.

"We all know that from the start, the Yuns and the Rongs are competing to have the best laboratories and scientists. Thus, giving birth to their eternal competition that now involved Yun Xie, or should I say, Rong Qian Xie. Putting miss Rong aside, the Yuns have been busy about their new experiment- a drug that can bring the dead back to life."

The handsome man paused for a moment. The drug that the Yuns made defy the heavens. If people knew about this, or the other powers at worst, his Qian Xie would be in trouble. Although he could wipe all of them out in a second, he was too lazy to enter the power struggle.


All he wants was a worry-free life with his Qian Xie. Besides, they both are the strongest powers in the most flourishing city.

"Er, San, Si*, keep a close eye on Qian Xie."

(*'Two, three, four' in English.)

Gunsite Pavilion.

「 Shooting • Intermediate • 334/500」

Rong Qian Xie practiced her shooting skills with different guns in the Gunsite Pavilion which was known as the best in the country. While on it, she also continued to plan inside her mind.

Placing bases in every city was crossed out as it would take a lot of time. All she had to do was prepare for these 6 months. She would also need to help Chen Jian prepare. And while inside the Pavilion, Rong Qian Xie decided to steal some of the guns and a bit of ammos. She can just duplicate it inside her space and put it back.

A week later, Chen Jian can be seen training with Rong Qian Xie using different rifles, and endless numbers sometimes covered Qian Xie's vision.

「 Shooting • Master • 899/1000」

A month later, Qian Xie and Chen Jian were competing for the most headshots. The one who wins will have a break but the one who loses will be accompanied by a trainer and would have to train until nighttime.

「 Shooting • Expert • 1500/1500」

Rong Qian Xie's mood was good when she finally had her rest, even more when she reached the peak of her Shooting Skill as per her System said. Chen Jian on the other hand who kept pulling the trigger was almost crying while being yelled at by the bulky trainer.

One could say, Rong Qian Xie really has exceptional skill in using guns. Even the three bodyguards that was assigned to pay attention to Qian Xie just last month was astounded. With their harsh training from their boss, they never thought there would be someone more capable using guns than them.

Turns out, there was actually someone who could rival their boss, Tian Ming Jue. It is said even the most capable in other countries cannot beat him, after all the one who could was still in their country and was their future Lady.

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