《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 19


Chapter Nineteen

Slumber Birthday Party Part I


The day had arrived. The day Nate and I got back together. The day I finally told him I love him. Of course I was nervous. I thought I was getting the heebie-jeebies.

I'd be fine, though.

It was still morning and Bella and I were preparing to go to the mall. Just to get some more stuff, like snacks and food.

As we were about to leave, Zan walked inside. "Hey, sis," she greeted. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah...come in," I said, sarcastically.

She giggled. "Look, we're late for our bus. I was the only one they picked to come give you this. And say goodbye," she told me as she handed me something wrapped in a gift wrap.

It felt like a book of some sort. "What's this?" I asked her. "It's for Nate from all of us. Don't open it," she warned.

"You got him a gift?!" I inquired, incredulously.

She shrugged and smiled. "Yeah. We are sure he's going to like it. There's even a CD inside. Just don't tell him what's inside, okay?"

I nodded, still a little bit unsure. "Okay. I won't. We'll just add it to the treasure hunt," I told her. "Treasure hunt? You know what, nevermind. Bye, sis," she said and hugged me.

Since I had taken off my slings, I hugged her back. "I love you," I whispered. "You know I love you more. Bye." With that said, she pulled away and left.

I sighed and walked into the living room, placing the gift next to all the others. I hadn't exactly picked up my gift for him, yet. It was a surprise.

"Was that your sister?" Bella asked, walking towards the door. "Yeah. Came to say goodbye. And also drop off Nathan's gift," I replied.

She arched an eyebrow. "She got him a gift?" She inquired. "They got him a gift," I corrected her,"Unbelievable, I know."

We exited my apartment and I locked the door. We started walking to the elevator. "You know, I'm surprised how they reacted about Nathan," she shared.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, confused. "Well, you sometimes seem to forget that Nathan is white. I'm just surprised that your siblings paid no attention to that."

I smiled. "That's how my siblings are. What matters is his heart; not his looks. Also, if he makes me happy and if he's good enough for me. Their words, not mine," I told her.

"I wish I had a big family like you. You're lucky. You have six siblings and you all love each other," Bella said. I was about to talk when the elevator door opened.

We stepped inside and I pushed the ground floor button. The doors closed and then I spoke,"Yep. In most cases, when there are a lot of siblings, they usually don't like each other."

"Exactly. You should be grateful."


My eyebrows rose. "Who said I'm not?!"

She chuckled. "Nobody. I was just advising you," she said.

"Oh well, I already took that advice a long time ago, thank you very much." She nodded and said,"Good girl." I just rolled my eyes.

The elevator dinged and we stepped out. We walked through the ground floor and out of the door. Bella opened her car and we got inside.

"You bought all the activity stuff, right?" I asked her, as we drove off. "Yep. Only thing left is the snacks and food. We should get them at West Mall."

"Definitely. And I don't think we need decorations," I shared with her. "Yes, we don't," she agreed. "My apartment is decoration enough," I joked.

She snorted. "Whatever you say."

I giggled. "Okay, let's go through the games and activities once more," Bella suggested. "Firstly, we eat. Then, we do the gift hunt. Thirdly, we sing happy birthday and eat some cake."

"Fourthly, Nate opens his gifts. Fifthly, we sing some karaoke. Sixthly, we play some board games. Seventhly, we watch movies and eat snacks. Lastly, we sleep," I listed.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Bella chirped. "I know. I'm as excited as you, right now," I told her, with a grin plastered on my face.

We drove to West Mall in silence, after that. We arrived fifteen minutes later and exited Bella's Mini Cooper, walking to the entrance.

We walked inside and the shop we got into, was Snackeria. All the snacks you needed, you'd get from there. It was obviously our first and only choice.


We walked out of the shop with bags filled with all kinds of junk food. I suddenly remembered something important.

"Look, Bella. I have to go to another shop. I'll see you, now now," I said. "What about the bags? I can't carry them all," she complained.

"Don't worry. I'll still carry them. Just go. I won't be long," I told her. She nodded and turned around. I turned around, too and walked straight to the watch shop.

I had realized that Blue Eyes didn't have a watch. That was what I was going to get him. But wasn't just any watch...

"Hey," I greeted Frederick as I approached his counter. I placed the bags on the floor and straightened myself up. "Oh. Hey, Vanessa. You're here to pick up the watch?"

What else would I be coming here for, Mr Can't-point-out-the-obvious?

"Yeah," I answered. He reached under the counter and after a few seconds, he held out his hand, with a box clutched in it.

I slowly took it from his hand and opened it. I gasped. It was exactly what I wanted. "Thank you so much, Fred!"

He smiled. "It's my job, Vee. The guy must be very special for you to request a custom-made watch." I rolled my eyes. "Of course he is. Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent this much money on him," I said.


He chuckled a little. "Well, let me not keep you. I hope I'll see you soon," he told me. I closed the watch's box and threw it inside one of the bags.

I then picked the bags up and gave Fred a grateful smile before turning on my heel and leaving the shop.

Everything seemed to be going great. I just needed to call Reese and Danny when I arrived at home. Hopefully, everything would go smoothly tonight.

We didn't need any disturbances. Come to think of it, maybe I should just lock the door. People seemed to just barge in, nowadays.

I put the things in the car's boot and then entered the passenger's side. "Ready to go?" Bella asked. "Yep," I responded.

She nodded and started driving.


I unlocked the door of my apartment and we walked inside. The shopping bags were a little bit heavy, I tell you. Bella and I placed them on the counters in the kitchen.

"I need to use the bathroom," she informed me and ran down the corridor. I reached for my phone in my backpocket and entered the group chat on WhatsApp.

Reese & Danny, we need you here

come ASAP.


is against us.

I was about to leave WhatsApp, when a message came in.

what do you need them for??

Oops. I forgot about him.

donut worry, Blue Eyes

you'll know soon enough.

well, I want to know now.

curiosity once killed the cat, yo.

but I'm not a cat

I stiffled a laugh at his remark.

i know you're not a cat!

it's a

we are coming, sweetie!

cuz, could you tell me what she needs you for?

This guy really wasn't giving up. He was so darn curious.


so now you call me cuz?

like my future cousin-in-law said, you'll know soon enough

you're gonna end up being a cat you know

and die of that curiosity.


really, Danny? "cousin-in-law"?

i don't think that's languagically true.

really, Princess? "Languagically"?

i don't think that's grammatically true.

really, guys? "Arguing"?

i don't think that's smart of you

you guys are total imbeciles

and Vee, I have been calling your name for the past five minutes!

My head snapped up and was met with an irritated Bella. I gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry," I whispered. She rolled her eyes and was about to say something when a message came.

but your imbecile, Izzy

My gaze rose and of course, I saw Isabella blushing at her screen.

you should know that she's blushing, Dan-Dan

She immediately flicked the back of my head. I flinched and pouted. "Ouch!" I whined. She just narrowed her eyes at me.

she should know that Danny is blushing, too.

he is?!

Danny, what are you still doing there??

get your butt here!

i'm out!

I got out of WhatsApp and then shoved my phone in my pocket. Bella continued staring at her phone in awe. I rolled my eyes and walked passed her.

I started taking the sleeping bags and dragged them to a corner in the living room. I took the speaker and placed it in front of the T.V.

I had a storage room, by the way. For times like these.

Eventually, Reese and Danny arrived and helped out with everything. The chocolate cake we ordered was here. We placed the snacks neatly in the bowls.

We were not in the mood to cook, so we ordered five large pizzas. The board games were set in the dining room, along with the pizza.

We chose the movies and put them in the living room. What was left was the gift hunt, originally known as the treasure hunt.

I was still trying to put the gifts in different places. Knowing no one would actually get inside my room except Nate, I put the watch there. And also, whatever my siblings got for him.

I put the other gifts in random places. I was the only one who hid them. I guessed I wouldn't be joining the gift hunters. Pretty disappointing.

I plopped on the couch, next to Danny. "We're done now, right?" Reese asked. I nodded. "Yeah. We're done. I think I'm going to go and take a shower before I wear my pyjamas," I said and stood up.

"Everybody, wear your pyjamas. We'll assemble here in the living room when finished. Then, we'll tell Nate to come wearing his pyjamas," Bella told us.

We all nodded and I just walked to my room. I closed the door and went straight to the bathroom. I stripped and stepped inside the shower.

I let the cold water fall on my body. After approximately seven minutes, I was out. I entered my room again and decided to wear my navy pyjama shorts, which went with a black vest.

It had "Gotta catch up on my Beauty Sleep" imprinted on it. Mind you, the shorts were very short. But I didn't mind.

I wore my night shoes and walked out of my room. Luckily, I found everyone at the living room.

"Okay, everybody, group chat, now," I commanded and everyone instantly took their phones. I took mine from the couch.

Blue Eyes, can you come to my apartment, too?

we need you

but be in your pyjamas.

also bring clothes for tomorrow.

why must I be in my pyjamas, now??

you'll know when you get here, cuz.


i'm curious enough to come

see you guys in a few.


you're in for a big surprise

i wonder what it is...

well, if you get here you'll stop wondering

now drive!

okay, jeez

no need to yell

i'm coming.

I exited WhatsApp after that. "Now, we wait," Reese said. I nodded. As I was about to sit down, there was a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Bella asked me. "No. No, I'm not. Let me check it out," I said and walked towards the door.

I opened it and the person standing right on my doorway was least expected. I was shocked, to say the least. I didn't expect to see him anytime soon.


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