《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 18


Chapter Eighteen


It had been five days now. Five days without speaking to Nate. It'd been good, since Bella was trying her best to fill the vacant space.

But the fact remained: she was not Nate.

Today was the worst day of my life, apart from the fact I discovered that I could move my arms. I was still scared to take the arm slings off so I decided to wait a few more days.

Anyway, I was on my period. That was why it was the worst day of my life. But that was not all though. Bella was leaving to visit her parents which meant she was going to leave me alone here.

She knew that on the first day of my period I had cramps, so firstly, I needed a cuddle buddy, my favourite snack, a pillow and pads.

Scratch the last one.

I made her a whole list yesterday. And now I was laying on my bed, clutching my stomach. It was painful every time.

I hated being on periods. Why God? Why?

"I got you your snacks, Van but I'm not sure about your cuddle buddy. I doubt you'd want Reese to come and I sure as hell won't call Danny. And you're not speaking to Nathan," she explained.

She told me about Johan. I couldn't care less. He could do whatever he wants.

I screamed as another shot of pain came. "God dammit, Bella! Just call Nathan!" I shouted at her. By the way, since it was Saturday, the substitute birthday is tomorrow night.

It was a slumber party. For adults.

"Fine, fine. You didn't need to yell. I'll call him now. I'll also be buying some things for the birthday if that's okay with you," she told me.

"Yeah, that's great actually but don't buy of 'em. We'll buy them together tomorrow," I said through my gritted teeth. I seriously had to stop talking.

"Okay, then. Bye," she said and left my room. It was morning then, so by afternoon those whole cramps would be over for the rest of my period. Which was until Tuesday.

I sat there, waiting and waiting. I hated the fact that I couldn't get up. Seriously, I felt like I was in labor or something. If that was how it felt–if not worse– I didn't think I wanted the four kids I was always dreaming of having.

What felt like an hour later, I heard the door open. "Princess?" I heard Nathan's feint voice.

How good it felt to hear his voice, again.

"In here!" You could definitely hear I was in pain from the way my voice came out strained. Footsteps echoed throughout the apartment.

It had never been that quiet before.

Nathan walked inside and he looked handsome, as always. God, I missed him. Too bad things would finally be okay between us only tomorrow night.

He looked concerned of the state I was in. Another thing to know on the first day of my period, I was rude and grumpy. Cue the moods.

"Are you okay?" He asked, as he walked closer to the bed. "Does it look like I'm okay?" I gritted out. I scooted back to give him some space. He laughed at my moodiness.

"Bella told me to expect that," he said. He climbed on the bed and pulled my body closer to his. He wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Thank you," I thanked him. But what was funny, was that I said that in a rude or grumpy tone. It didn't sound genuine at all. But I guessed Nathan got it.


"I would be your cuddle buddy anytime," he told me, making me smile. I pushed my body further into him. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"Don't say things like that. It's going to make me get my hopes up," he said, his voice lowering a bit.

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you so much for ruining the moment. You know, I told you Nate. We aren't breaking up. At least I'm not planning on that. I just needed time to think, okay?"

"How much more time do you have to take? I'm tired. Like really tired of waiting. These five days have been torture without you. Especially because I know you're fine and within reach."

"It took every ounce of energy I had to not come to this apartment and kiss you so bad that you'll never crave a kiss from anyone else but me. So please. Tell me this break is over," he whispered. I could tell he was going to cry.

I could hear it.

I didn't know I was bringing this much pain to him. He needed me as much as I needed him. But I couldn't. Not right now. I still had to surprise him tomorrow.

No matter how much I wanted to tell him this whole fake break is over, I didn't.

I sighed sadly. "I'm sorry. It's not over yet."

And then I heard a sniffle.

That made my heart stop and my body instantly freeze. A sob followed. And another sniffle. Oh my word...

I forgot all about my period pains and turned my body around. Sure enough, Nate's eyes were closed shut and tears were falling down to the pillow.

I reached out for his face and wiped them. That's when his blue eyes finally showed. I now could see how tired he looked. He looked like he hadn't slept for days.

It brought my own tears because this break is all fake. But I was doing it for a good reason. A very good reason, in my opinion.

"Please, Princess. I need you," he begged. At that point, I had no idea what to do. "I can't go on," he whispered.

I shook my head. My own tears fell. "You have to go on. Just for a couple more days," I told him,"Wait for me, please. I will come back to you. I promise."

"Is there another guy?" My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. I literally gave him a look of horror. "No! How could you even think of that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm white and stuff. Maybe you're bored of m–" I pressed a finger on his soft lips.

"No. I want you and only you. I thought you would know that by now."

He sighed, "You never know, Princess."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I am yours. And that's that. No refunds," I reassured him.

He smiled genuinely. "Don't worry. I'm never going to need a refund."

I smiled back at him. "Good. Now, let's cuddle," I said, before turning around again. He wrapped his arms around me, and with the heat radiated off from his body to mine, I found myself drifting to sleep.

I woke up on the couch. I rubbed my eyes and finally was able to hear the shuffling in the kitchen. I thought it was Nate so I didn't check.

I found the remote next to me and turned on the TV. "Oh. You're up," I heard him say. "What does it look like?" I asked, sarcastically.


"Sarcasm not appreciated," he told me. I just rolled my eyes and didn't say anything. I found Jumanji: The Next Level and almost jumped off of the couch from excitement.

Perfect timing!

Nathan sat next to me with a bowl of mixed snacks in his hands. "Give me that," I snapped and took the bowl from his hands, almost forcefully.

"I'm in deep trouble," he muttered. "How?" I questioned. "Because I'm going to be a part of your life. Which means I'm going to have to endure your period days," he replied.

"Yes you will, sweetheart. Now quiet! I'm trying to watch Jumanji," I seethed, hoping he understood that it was not my fault I was being so snappy.

It was the period hormones or whatever they were called.

I didn't want to put him through this. But he was the only one available. Well, Danny too but you heard Bella. She was possessive of a person that was not even hers.

Sad, really.

It was silent as we watched the movie. It was about two in the afternoon and Nate looked like he was about to fall asleep.

I smiled at how ludicrous he looked. The nice person in me, poked him on his shoulder. He looked at me through his eyelashes. "What? Do you need anything?"

I shook my head and patted my lap. He gave me a weak smile and then placed his head on my lap.

I placed the bowl of finished snacks next to me and started running a hand through his hair. He groaned in satisfaction.

I kissed his head as he fell asleep. The movie ended and I had to say, I liked the first one more. I was only happy that it was not the end of the series Jumanji series yet.

The way it ended, I was pretty convinced another Jumanji was coming. I wonder how it was going to be like.

I had no idea what to do. I could be writing my exam, however I wrote it yesterday. Nathan was asleep and I'd be cruel if I woke him up just because I was bored.

But he came here for me, right?

Still, the guy hadn't slept in days because of me. The least I could do was let him sleep. A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts.

I didn't know how I was going to yell for the person to come inside, without waking up Nate. As I was about to try, the door opened.

Oh. Okay, then.

Felicia walked in. My face morphed into a bright smile. "Aunty Nessa?" She called out. "Here," I whispered.

Her head snapped towards mine and she beamed. She walked closer to this side. She was about to launch herself onto me when she saw her brother.

"He has been with you?" She asked as she sat on the empty space next to me. "Yep. And you? Who did you come with?"

"You sisters," she answered.

"My sisters?! Where are they?" I enquired. "I left them behind a little." I nodded.

"You've been hanging out with them?"

She took the remote of the TV. "Yeah. They cool," she replied. As she changed the channel, the door burst open. I turned my head back to the door and watched as my sisters flooded in.

"OMG, it looks so nice in here!" Zan exclaimed. They saw me and entered the living room. They all stood in front of me.

I didn't realize Nate had opened his eyes. "You had us worried, Vee. We're so glad you're awake," Seleene told me.

I shrugged. "Sorry."

"Well, we came here to see you," Farah said. "But seemingly, you're preoccupied," Zan added, eyeing Nate. He pushed himself up and leaned against the couch.

"Well, uh...I only came here because she needed me," Nate explained.

"Oh! Now I remember. She's on her period," Felix embarrassed me further.

"Where is Nick?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "He's back at home playing his PS4," Seleene answered with the roll of an eye.

"Oh. So you're at home? With dad?" They all nodded. "Dad told us what happened. We're sorry," Farah apologized, frowning.

"Speak for yourself, Far. I'm not sorry. I'm glad dad kicked you out. Look at where you live now! It's way better than home," Zan commented.

"I have to agree," I told them. "How did you even get this place?" Felix asked. They all sat down aligned on the floor, crossing their legs.

I had to buy more couches. I see they were going to be a necessity when I had visitors. I had a big family.

I responded with a smile,"Nate found it for me." All their eyebrows rose. "Really? I have to say. You are amazing, Nathan," Zan complimented him.

"Yep. Noel would never find a place for me and pay for it," Farah agreed.

"Wait, who said anything about Nate paying?"

All eyes were trained on Nathan. He squirmed on his seat. "Actually, I did pay for it Princess. Danny asked to help of course, so I let him."

"You paid for this place for me?" I whispered. He nodded with a small smile. I could see he was scared about how I would react.

And guess what?

I tackled him and gave him the tightest hug. He chuckled under me. I forgot my sisters were here, I forgot Licia was here.

"Thank you," I whispered in his shirt. He kissed my forehead. "It was nothing." I pulled away and glared at my sisters.

"Okay, show is over," I told them and wiped my tears. Zan shook her head as if she was disappointed but sort of proud?

"You are so emotional. Just like all of us, here," she pointed out. I rolled my eyes. "I thought we established that everyone in the family is emotional," I shared.

"True, true," Seleene agreed. "Where is Imie?" I asked Zan. Imie was her son. That was not his full name, by the way.

"He's in Durby with his father," she replied. "Well, okay then. I was hoping I was going to see him," I told her.

"You'll see him on another time. Now, back to Nate. Let's assess this guy. Do you agree sisters?" Zanniah is the talkative and straightforward one, out of all of us.

The others nodded and I just slammed a hand on my face. This was going to he embarrassing. Not only for me, but for Nate too.

I laid my head on Nate's shoulder and swiftly whispered,"Brace yourself." I felt him tense which made me laugh slightly.

"Okay, so Nathan, do you see a future with our little sister?" Seleene questioned. He was quick to answer,"Yeah. I do. She's the one I see having children with."

I didn't think I'm supposed to hear all this like this. But I didn't care.

"What do you love about her?" Farah asked. "Everything. From her smile, laugh, craziness to her beauty and mesmerising body."

Zan raised her hands. "Okay, we haven't reached the raunchy part, Nate. Patience." We laughed at her comment.

"My question, what would you do if our parents wouldn't allow you to date each other? Considering the race difference," Zan inquired.

"I would fight. Make sure that in the end, I'm going to be with her. Even if it means we'd have to run away."

"Last basic question from me, do you love her?" That made us both freeze in shock. I wasn't expecting that question.

I gazed at him expectantly. "I'm sorry. I can't answer that now. It's...kind of uh...complicated?" He said but it came out more as a question.

Good. Because I was expecting to tell him I love him, tomorrow.

"Complicated, how?" Felix prodded. "I think it's a private matter between me and him," I slowly said. I heard a sigh of relief next to me.

"Well, that's fine. Now, for the raunchy questions," Zan said with an evil laugh. "You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled.

"What is your ultimate turn on?" Zan questioned. My eyes grew wide to the size of saucers. "How is that any of your business?!" I exclaimed, interrupting Nate from answering that question.

He seemed to be blushing. I would have laughed at his misery but it wouldn't be right. Particularly, when I was defending him.

"We just want to know," Seleene sang. "That is absolutely absurd. The answer to that question is for me or him to know," I defended.

"Ohhhh, so you want to know how to turn him on?" Zan teased. Heat rose to my cheeks and I covered my face with my hands.

"No! That's not...you know what? You guys are unbelievable," I told them. They all started laughing. "You should have seen your faces! We were just kidding, sis. You know how we roll," Zan reminded me.

"I knew that," I said. After their laughter died down they stood up. "Okay, it's time for us to go now. It's like six in the evening. We'll come by tomorrow morning to say goodbye," Farah informed me and stood up.

The others followed suit. "Well, bye guys," Zanniah said with a wave and then they were out the door. I let out a long breath.

"Well, that was fun," Nathan muttered. I laughed at him. "Sorry about my sisters," I apologized. "Meh. It's fine. Thanks for defending me."

I shrugged as I stood up. "Anytime." I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "I better get going. I'll see you next time."

"Wait, don't you want to stay for dinner?" I asked him. He waved me off. "Nah. I'm fine," he replied. "Well, okay. Bye. Drive safely and thanks for stopping by today," I told him.

"It was a pleasure." I nodded and took out the pizza from the fridge. The door closed shut and I smiled stupidly at it.

He was going to be so surprised tomorrow.

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