《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 14


Nathan's POV


"I think we should leave Nate alone now. Until Seth comes," Bella shared her thoughts. I didn't answer. I was still gazing at my princess with a blank look. Her cold hand–now warm–was still in my hands.

I would squeeze it from time to time. "I agree. Cuz, we'll be outside if you need us," Danny told me and I nodded. They stood up from their seat and walked out of the room.

Almost instantly, a tear fell on its own. "Princess," I started off,"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be in this much pain. I'm the one who was supposed to lie there. My life isn't the perfect life you think it is. I have done a lot of things. Things I'm not proud of."

"You thought I was happy. Truth is, I wasn't. I am only happy when around you, baby. You always manage to lighten up my day, make me laugh and make me smile. The day I met you, was the day my life changed."

"I was very unhappy back then. Always gloomy and sullen. Using girls only for pleasure since high school. But the day I met you...everything and literally everything changed."

"Danny noticed that. My mother and father noticed that. I found something different in you, Princess. That's what pulled me to you. I felt this connection and yearn to always be with you."

"I'm not sure if you can hear me or not. But I hope you do. Always know that I lo–"

"Nathan?" A familiar voice called out. I turned around and sure enough, it was Seth. "Yeah, Seth. It's me," I whispered, wiping a few tears.

"I saw Daniel and Isabella outside. Why aren't they inside?" He questioned, coming closer to the bed. "Only one visitor is allowed at a time," I replied.

"Oh. Well, can you please leave me alone with my sister?" I nodded, standing up. I kissed her swollen cheek softly and walked out of the room.

"Where is Johan and Reese?" I asked Danny and Bella, sitting down. Bella shifted on her seat, uncomfortably. Danny cleared his throat.

"Well uh...Izzy called Johan and he said that he never wants to talk to us again and that we're no longer friends," Danny finally answered.

I chuckled humorlessly. "Is this middle school or even preschool?" I asked, sarcastically. "I'm guessing that includes Reese, too?" I asked.

They both nodded. I scoffed. "Something is happening here. I don't think Reese is happy in that relationship. Joe is controlling him," I bluntly said.

"I think so too. I have seen them. I once visited Joe's dorm room and Reese was there. He was bossing him around. It was sad to watch, really," Bella told us, the corners of her lips tugged down.


"I think I have to go and chat with Reese," I said and stood up. "Wait, wait, wait! Not about the relationship, right?" Bella questioned, her eyes wide.

"No, about why he's betraying me. But why not that too? I need to save him," I responded and started walking out of the hospital.

I found my car and got inside. I took off my coat and my tie, throwing them in the backseat. I unbuttoned a few buttons of my shirt and then drove off.

I was going back to the university. Reese lived in the dorms too. Good thing I knew which room.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived. I parked the car in front of the residential building.

I walked inside and knew exactly where to go. I turned left and entered Dorm A. His room number was A150 so I still had a long way to go.

I actually ended up jogging. 142, 144, 146, 148, 150! I stopped right there. I knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling inside until the door opened.

A shirtless Reese was in front of me. "Hey, man. What are you–" I didn't let him finish. I just pushed the door and barged inside.

I was seriously angry. But what I wasn't expecting was seeing a girl quickly covering her chest with Reese's bed covers. I stared emotionlessly, not surprised.

"Dude, this is not what you think it–"

I waved off what he said. "Don't worry. Look, Reese, how can you just 'stop' being my friend? Right when I need your support, you leave?! All because of your controlling boyfriend?!"

His eyes widened. "H-how do you know about that?"

I rolled my eyes. "Everyone knows that. You're not happy Reese so why aren't you backing out?"

"Hailey, can you please give us a moment? You can wait in the bathroom," he told the girl...or Hailey, I guess.

She nodded and scurried to the bathroom. I turned my attention back to Reese. "I don't want to hurt him, man. I stopped loving him a long time ago. As you can see, I have a girlfriend and I'm cheating on him. I feel kind of bad," he shared.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. "Don't feel guilty, dude. I actually approve. Joe deserves this. Just break up with him," I said.

"You approve?" He asked. I nodded with a small smile. "Well, I'll try but look, about never talking to you guys again, that was Joe. He just included me without talking to me. I'm sorry about Vanessa, bro. I know you love her."

"Yeah. Thanks. Unfortunately, I need to go now. Enjoy your evening with your girlfriend," I said one last time, before leaving.


I jogged out to my car. I thought I was going back to the hospital, not sure if I'd sleep there or not but I did need a shower and clothes for changing.

I arrived twenty minutes later to find the three I left here, exiting the hospital. Confused, I got out of the car and ran to them.

"Hey, guys. Why are you leaving?" I asked when I reached them. "Visiting hours are over. They are going to start again at two in the morning," Seth answered.

I nodded. "Well, I'm going to be coming back at two in the morning. Danny, you going to come with me?"

He shook his head side to side. "Sorry, cuz. I'm going to be asleep at that time. Remember, we still have to look for that place," he reminded me.

"Well, you'll find me here then. Bella don't forget," I told her.

"I won't," she said, determined.

"Okay, then. I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said to them.

They waved and I went back to my car. I sighed as I laid my head back on the seat. I was exhausted, thinking I needed some sleep.

I pulled out of my parking space and drove home. I wanted to drive slower this time. I was not sure I wanted to talk to my parents.

They were probably wondering where I went. I'd just walk inside and go straight to my room because I wasn't feeling okay, at all.

I didn't want anyone to tick me off. But really, what really happened? Did Princess fall on her own? I should have never let my mom pull her away from me.

She said she'd be fine and I had to trust her. Of course I trusted her and let my mom drag her away. Meanwhile, my dad wanted to talk to me.

What happened shocked me.

My dad was actually happy for me. He was happy that I'd found love and it didn't matter in whom. As long as I was happy.

Obviously, he made me promise not to tell my mom. He didn't even tell me why. I'd come to a conclusion that my mom is the problem here.

My dad was being manipulated by my mom and I couldn't even do anything. I was really frustrating, I tell you.

I got home early, much to my dismay. I exited my car and slammed the door shut. I dragged my feet towards 'home'.

I entered and closed the door behind me. I didn't waste any time. I darted up the stairs to my room. Seemingly, they have already cleaned that spot.

I didn't want to think about that right now.

Soon, I got inside my room and locked it, not wanting any visitors. To my surprise, Felicia was there playing with her toys on my bed.

I sat down next to her. I was so not in the mood. "You're back. Where were you?" She questioned. My eyebrows rose.

"I was at the hospital," I said, kinda shocked she didn't know what happened. Her head shot up and she looked at me. "Why?! What happen?"

I sighed,"Vanessa is there. She fell down the stairs," I replied. She gasped loudly. "My sis-in-law? I wanna see her, Nate!"

My eyes grew to almost the size of saucers and I couldn't help but blush at the thought of marrying my Princess. I just hadn't thought that far.

"Who told you she was your sister-in-law?" I inquired. "Cousin Danny," she answered. I rolled my eyes and mumbled,"I should've known."

"I wanna see her, Nate. I aleady like her. I know she good for you." How does she know all of this?!

I swear the next time I saw Danny, I was going to strangle him.

"How do you know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Cause you smile, more. You always happy. Since you met sis Nessa," she responded.

I smiled, knowing she was right. "You will see her tomorrow, okay? Right now, I just want to sleep. I'm going to the hospital at two in the morning," I told her.

She looked at me incredulously. "Two in the moning?! Ah you cwazy?!" I shook my head. "No. I'm not," I responded to her rhetorical question.

"I going with you," she said.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, frantically. "Yep. And so I don't give you twouble, I sleep with you today," she suggested.

I shrugged and said,"That's fine with me. Remove your toys from my bed though." She nodded and started collecting them.

I walked to my closet and took off my suit. I knew Felicia couldn't see me. I was left in my boxers and exited the closet.

Felicia was already inside the covers. I turned off the lights and walked to the bed. I got inside the covers and Felicia snuggled closer to me.

I wrapped my arms around her, protectively. "Love you, big bro," she whispered. I kissed her forehead. "Love you too, little sis," I whispered back.

I was not sure if I'd be able to sleep. But considering how tired I was, I probably would. I stared at the window, lost in my thoughts.

I hoped Princess would wake up soon. I didn't know how long I could keep being patient. I wanted my baby back. I wanted my princess back. And soon.

I was right about my birthday. It was horrible.

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