《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 13



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Nathan's POV


"Princess! Oh my God, baby!" I panicked as I saw her still and lifeless body a few feet away. My heart was literally breaking into a tiny thousand pieces at that moment.

I reached her and she had blood trickling on her forehead and on the side of her head. Her shoulders were a dark colour of red and her arms were in weird angles.

I scooped her up in my arms. "Princess, please don't die," I whispered as I ran outside. I opened the car and placed her on the backseat.

I ran to the front and got in. I drove in full speed, passing by a lot of red lights. I couldn't let her die. Not before she knew I loved her.

I would glance at her body from time to time hoping she would jump up laughing telling me this was all a joke. But she didn't.

Tears fell from my eyes and let admit that I hadn't cried ever since I lost my little brother and sister. They were twins, but that wasn't a story for another day.

I sobbed as I continued driving recklessly. I couldn't care less about road rules. My princess's life was more important to me than some stupid protocol.

I reached the hospital soon enough and parked the car near the emergency area. I got out and slammed the door. I got my princess out of the car and carried her as I sped towards the entrance.

"Help! Help her, please!" I started yelling. A doctor came rushing to me. "What happened?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"She fell down the stairs," I whispered, wheeping. The nurses came in with the stretcher. I laid her on it and they took off.

I followed closely behind them but as soon as we reached some door they told me I couldn't come in.

I turned around and sat on a chair next to that door, resting my head on my hands and continuing to cry. It should've been me. Not my princess.

My princess didn't do anything. She was innocent; the most amazing person I had ever met. Me, on the other hand...

I was a jerk. I was once a player. I killed my little brother and sister. I was the one who was supposed to tumble down those stairs. Not my baby.

I couldn't lose her. Ever. We had just gone on one date. We had just discovered our relationship. Literally just yesterday.

I could only pray she doesn't die. "Cuz!" Danny shouted and I didn't even bother to look at him as I continued wheeping and sobbing.

Never in my life did I think I would cry for a girl.

I heard Danny sit next to me and Bella, I assumed, seating on my right. Bella pulled my head to her shoulder. I laid it there and she hugged me.

She sounded like she was crying too. "It's okay, Nate. I know, Van. She'll live. She'll win this battle. I know she will. She will survive," she whispered.

Who is she convincing? Me or us both? It definitely was the latter.

I didn't say anything. I stared blankly at the floor, the tears falling themselves. "I can't lose her, Bella," I found myself whispering.


"Do you love her?" She questioned. I closed my eyes shut. "Yes. I love her. More than anything," I replied. I felt her nod.

"Then be strong. Be strong for her," Danny said. I sighed and sat upright. I wiped my tears away and clenched my fists. "Okay," I agreed.

I was not going to cry anymore. I will be strong. For my princess, my love, my baby. I will be strong.

I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes, waiting for the doctor to come out.

We sat there for hours and hours. Daniel was busy cradling Isabella in his arms. Those two looked really cute. What would Princess say?

That she ships them. I smiled at the thought of her.

"Um...are you Vanessa Peerce's family?" The familar voice asked. My eyes flew open and I jumped off my seat. "Not really. We are her friends," I answered.

The doctor shook her head. "I'm afraid I have to speak to only her family," she said. "Please," I begged, sounding desperate. I was. She sighed and shook her head again.

Bella stood up from her seat and held a serious look. "You don't understand doctor. We're the closest she has to family." What was she playing at?

"Her family doesn't love her. But we do. They don't care about her at all. They don't even know what Vanessa studies! We've been there for her, for forever. Now will you please tell us if she's okay or not," Danny joined in.

Ohhh. I get it.

It seemed to have worked because the doctor nodded. She gave us a sympathetic smile. "Well, I'm Doctor Hailes," she started.

We nodded, urging her to continue. I was starting to get irritated and impatient.

"Vanessa...is going to be fine. The dress cushioned her legs from the harsh fall. I couldn't say the same for her arms and head though."

I frowned.

"Her arms were twisted but we managed to pop them back to their original state. She has a small crack on her skull on the forehead and also the right side of her head. It caused a little bit of a problem in her brain."

"Will...she be okay, though? Will the cracks mend?" I asked, worriedly. "I believe so, sir. But we will try to help quicken the process. Give it a week or two. For now, she is in a coma," she finished.

I let out a sigh of relief. As long as she's going to be okay in the end. I don't know what I would do if the doctor said she was dead.

"Don't worry, guys. She'll be fine," she reassured us. "Can we see her?" Bella whispered. "Yes...but only one at a time. However, only for now, all of you can go. Just don't tell anyone. I'm giving you ten minutes," she said.

"Thank you, doc," Danny thanked her. She nodded. "It's only a pleasure. Now go, time is ticking," she told us and continued walking down the hall.

I walked towards the room my princess was held in. I pushed the door and the first thing I saw was her. She had a bandage wrapped around her head.

Both of her arms were in casts. Her cheeks were swollen and red. Tears threatened to spill at how lifeless she looked, despite her chest moving up and down indicating she was breathing.


I took slow steps towards her. The others were following closely behind me. "Princess," I whispered as I sat on the chair next to the bed.

I took her cold hand and placed it in mine. Danny sat across from me, with Bella on his lap. "Do you think we should tell Seth?" Bella asked.

"I don't know. Don't you think he'll tell their dad?" I just kept quiet and stared at my princess. I tuned them out after that. Did she fall by herself down the stairs?

I knew Princess and she wasn't clumsy. But I guess it could happen to anybody?

I just wanted her to wake up. I wanted to hear her voice again. Her dorky and loud laugh. I wanted to see her smile, her walk. Basically, her everything.

I wanted her body pressed against mine in a tight hug, once again. I wanted the amazing feeling of her pink lips against mine. But...I guess I wouldn't get any of that anytime soon.

"Nate, what do you think?" Bella pulled me out of my thoughts. I shrugged in response. I know I wasn't of any help.

Bella sighed. "What about her exam, tomorrow? Or the fact that she has to move out of her house tomorrow? We promised to help her find a place," she reminded us.

I was definitely interested in the conversation now. I cleared my throat. "We have to talk to her lecturer. Explain the situation," I suggested.

"Who's going to do that?" Danny questioned. "I can," Bella answered. I nodded. "Okay, then. About her moving out...I think I have a plan," I told them, glancing at them for a few seconds.

"What is that plan?" Bella inquired. "Well, we look for an apartment for her. So that, when she wakes up, everything will be in order. Her exam problem fixed and a new place," I replied.

They nodded in approval. "I'm guessing I'll look for the place with you, cuz?" I nodded at Danny's inquiry. "Who's going to pay for the deposit? She's in a coma; we can't access her savings account," Bella said.

"I will. I'll pay for everything while she's still in this...coma. Now, about Seth, I think we should tell him. We don't want to be on her family's bad side. Even all of her siblings. They won't tell their father, trust me," I changed the subject.

"And how do you know that?" Isabella asked. "Well, Princess used to tell me about them. How when her third oldest sister was pregnant, she told only the siblings and the siblings didn't say anything to the 'rents," I responded.

"Okay, then. But as far as I know, her siblings live far away," Danny said. "Don't worry. They have a group chat on WhatsApp. Seth will see through there," I told them.

"Where's her phone? Is it back at your home?" Bella asked. She was asking so many questions! It was starting to get infuriating.

"No. It's with me right now. Let me just send the text," I said and reached for my coat pocket. I took out my princess's phone and unlocked it with a pattern.

I saw it a long time ago while she was unlocking it. I entered WhatsApp and luckily, it wasn't locked. I clicked 'archived' and Peerce Siblings was at the top.

I entered the group chat and started typing.


this is Vanessa's friend. close friend.

i have pretty bad news.

we-all of her best friends-are at the hospital right now.

Vanessa fell down the stairs at my birthday party. i am very very sorry.

we're still unsure about how it happened.

I continued staring at the screen, waiting for someone to answer. Danny and Bella quickly rushed to my side, leaning over my shoulders, peeking at the silver phone.

A few long minutes later, someone started typing. And it wasn't Seth. I started feeling anxious.

this has to be a joke!

Vee tell me you're not playing some sort of prank on us!

i doubt it, Sel.

have you ever seen Vee text like that?

tell us what happened to our little sister, please.

I had no idea who these people were but what did it matter?

well, unfortunately I didn't witness the fall

none of us here did. I was only too late

she was already at the bottom of the stairs when I reached her.

that sight will always stay stuck on my head till the day I die. i'm traumatized. it wasn't a nice sight at all...especially because it involves someone I love...

Danny snorted at my message and I glared at him. He stifled a laugh and I rolled my eyes.

i hope she's okay!

she is, right?

I was about to type back when Danny took the phone from my hands. "I want to type too," he whined and kneeled next to me. I rolled my eyes.

I peeked at the phone as he typed a reply.

hi. I'm her other friend.

answering your question uh...Zan. The doctor said she will be fine.

her arms were twisted in all weird and scary angles but they fixed them.

they said her skull was seriously cracked and her brain completely moved from its position.

she is in a coma now, should wake up in a week or 2.

I smacked my cousins head. "What the heck did you just tell them? I knew you would exaggerate. Give me the phone and let me fix this," I took the phone from his grasp and he pouted.

I sighed tiredly, having had enough of my cousin's antics.


sorry, sorry

this is her friend that texted first

look, the second friend here is lying

please excuse his childish manner

the truth is, she has small cracks on her skull. yhey should be healed in a week or two. after they heal, she should wake up.

oh. well please keep us updated.

yes, please.


re you a guy?

My eyes widened. Should I lie...or? "Tell the truth," Bella whispered. I was still unsure but did it anyway.

yes...and may you please not tell your dad? Vanessa and him aren't in good terms right now.

wat do u mean?

wat happened??

it's not my place to tell.

we understand.

which hospital??

won't tell dad.

We all sighed of relief.

Cliftonburg Private Hospital. and thanks.

am coming right now. thanks for informing us.

would've been wrong not to.

After that, I got out of Whatsapp. "Well, that took some time," Bella stated, blowing air into her cheeks.

I nodded. "I know. At least they won't tell the dad."

"What do we do now?" Danny asked, pursing his lips in thought.

I shrugged and sighed,"We wait for Seth."

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