《Forbidden | ✓》Chapter 5


~50% edited~

I woke up the next morning with something heavy on my waist. My hand was somehow laid flat on some sort of warm wall. But this wall was covered in a cloth.

What the H?

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a chest, covered with a red T-shirt. I was laying on this chest. Is it who I think it is?! I lifted my head, and sure enough I saw Nathan's perfectly shaped face.

His mouth was slightly ajar, as his breathed in and out slowly. I smiled at the sight of him. Our legs were tangled together under the sheets. At least I was able to wear my nightdress.

I was so comfortable in his arms. I felt safe. Like nothing could get to me because he was there to make sure I was safe. I wish I was his girlfriend. It would be so fun.

I kissed him the chin since I couldn't reach any higher. I tried to, though and managed to rub my nose on his neck. I was completely on top of him now.

As suggestive as the position was, I didn't want to get off of him. My legs were on either side of his and I laid on top of him, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.

Both his arms snaked around my waist. I sighed, feeling utterly content and closed my eyes. "Morning, Princess."

I blushed, feeling embarrassed at the thought that he could've been awake the thole time. I rested my chin on his chest, looking up at him. The heat from his body was transferred to mine. "Hey," I greeted back with a sheepish smile.

"I so like this position," he said in his husky morning voice. I smiled with a small laugh. "Me too."

"You're beatiful, you know that?" He whispered as he looked deeply into my eyes. I shook my head. "No, I don't," I replied. "Then you should. From now on," he said, nibbling on his bottom lip and I nodded, trying my best to hide my blushing face from him.

We laid in silence for a while and I snuggled closer to him. "You're such a better cuddle buddy than my teddie bear," I told him. I felt his body shake under me and heard his audible laugh.

"Good to know, Princess." Yesterday, Nathan stayed for the whole day. When Seth and my dad came back home from their fields of work, I ushered Nate to my room.

He said he didn't want to leave so I hid him. I stayed in my room most of the time with him, and got out only when my dad yelled out for me. I managed to sneak in some dinner for him.

Bottom line is, we had a lot of fun. We spent the night talking, and continuing our questions game. A lot of whisper laughs erupted from us last night.

Luckily, Seth didn't come to my room like he usually did to say goodnight.

It was totally fun. We ended up sleeping together without me saying he should sleep on the couch in my room. I didn't regret it, though. That was one of the best sleeps I'd ever had.

He squeezed me and I opened my eyes, gazing up at him. "What?" I asked him. "The time is nine o'clock. Is your family still here?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I doubt it. I'm sure they left for work hours ago. We have the house to ourselves this morning."


"Good. Because I wanted to make breakfast before I go. I have class at half past ten. Get off of me," he ordered. I whined,"But I'm so comfortable!"

"I'm super comfortable too. But I'm hungry and I have to leave soon. We'll continue, later," He said. I sighed, giving in.

I got off of him and stood next to my bed. He got off of the bed too, but he had a look of discomfort on his face. "What's wrong?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Is it okay if I take off my shirt? It's just so itchy right now," he requested, scratching at his chest. Seeing Nathan without his shirt? I wasn't sure I would be acting as normal as usual. But I'd see.

"O-of course. You can take it off," I approved and not a second later Nathan's red shirt was on the floor. I gulped at the sight of his sculpted abs. He was ripped!

I couldn't help but gawk at him.

"You should take a picture, Princess. It will last longer," Nathan said, cockily. I nodded and took my phone from the bedside table.

I entered the camera app and before I captured a picture, I said,"Sure." Snap, snap. "Done. Now let's go eat!" I sang. I looked at Nathan and he was flabbergasted.

I saw him shake his head, pulling him out of his trance. "Yeah. Let's go," he said and walked towards the door. I walked behind him all the way to the kitchen.

Maybe I could help him out with whatever he was going to make. We entered the kitchen and he went straight to the fridge. I was still ogling his back.

What a nice view!

"What do we have here?" I heard him mumble to himself. "Bacon, bread, tomatoes, some sausages and eggs," he said while taking each of them out onto the counter.

"I eggspected that," I joked with a giggle. I heard Nate chuckle. "Egg puns? Really?" I just smiled and shrugged. He started doing his thing and I just watched him.

"Well, are you going to help me?" He asked as he chopped the tomatoes. I pressed a finger on my chin and squinted my eyes, in fake thought. "On second thought...nope. I'd rather watch you," I said.

I sat down on one of the stools and placed both my elbows on the counter. Nathan snickered. "You do you," he told me and continued on.

As he was making our breakfast, I kept on making egg puns. Some he laughed at, some he thought were not even funny. I wasn't embarrased in the slightest.

He finished thirty minutes later, which means he was going to leave in an hour. Just the thought could make my mood change to sad and sullen. I was already so fond of him and as much as I liked that, it scared me.

As we ate, we started talking again, asking each other questions. We were back to the questions game. But this time, we each asked deep questions. Mine were pretty stupid, by the way.

"How do you think you will die?" It was Nathan's turn to ask. "I...think...I'm...going...to die by someone pushing me off a cliff," I replied, munching on the toast.

He looked at me like I grew three heads but I ignored that look. "Would you rather know you had three months left to live or die instantly?" I questioned.

He thought about it for a little bit. "Three months left to live," he answered. "Why?" I asked again. "So that I die knowing you a whole lot better. You?"


"Well, I would rather die instantly because I don't want to bring more hurt to my family, friends...and possibly you, by staying for another three months," I replied.

He nodded. He suddenly looked deep into my eyes, not even blinking. "Do you believe in soulmates?" I closed and opened my mouth. Okay, that was uneggspected.

Especially, coming from him."Uh...yeah yeah. I do believe in soulmates. I'm not sure if I'm going to be making any sense but I believe soulmates are our forever. The people we will love until we die. The people who are our everything. The people who will always be in our hearts."

"The people who will not even make you think of casting a glance to other girls or boys, even after they die. The people who leave a permanent mark on our hearts. The people we cannot live without. The people we love forever and ever."

"The people we accept despite their past mistakes. The people who know us like no one else. You just...connect, click, quickly and sometimes you feel like you've known them all your life. So, do you believe in soulmates?" I asked him after my long rant.

"Of course I do. Your answer changed my mind. You really are full of surprises, Princess." I just winked at him and stood up to take our plates. "Go shower, Blue Eyes. I'll take my brother's clothes for you."

He smiled and nodded. "Where is the bathroom?" He inquired. "Opposite my bedroom," I sang and sauntered off to the sink. I quickly washed our dishes and placed them on their rack.

When that was done, I skipped to my brother's room. I went straight to his closet and took out a black T-shirt and black jeans. I then walked back to my bedroom. Seth had so many clothes he wouldn't even notice he was short of one pair of jeans and one shirt.

Waiting for Nathan, I tossed the clothes on the bed and plopped down on it. I took my phone and went to those two pictures. I clicked one and couldn't stop staring at it.

Nathan was so hot in this photo. I was definitely not deleting it anytime soon. Just as I was still gaping at the photo, Nathan came in. With only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

I widened my eyes. My poor poor eyes.

I abruptly stood up and gulped. "I uh...think I'm going to give you some privacy," I quickly said and darted out of the room. Only thing was that I didn't actually get out.

Nathan stepped in front of me, making my body collide with his. I almost fell, but he quickly saved me.

My knight in shining towel.

He helped me stand up. I took a step back; he took a step closer. It went on and on like that until my back hit a wall.

Oh gosh, this was such a cliché moment.

His body was literally attached to mine. He placed his hands on either side of my face. His lips were inches from mine. I inwardly groaned.

Not another almost-kiss again!

Unexpectedly, he took his other hand and slowly placed it on my thigh. I guess my nightdress was kind of short. I'm joking. It was extremely short. I don't even know why I chose this particular one when there's a guy here.

Except for my brother, of course.

His hand slowly kept going up. I held my breath enjoying all the small tingles and the heat I felt wherever he touched me. When he reached the hem of my nightdress, which was a little above mid-thigh he stopped.

"You should know not to wear this nightdress again when I'm around, Princess. It turns me on so much especially when your little thighs jiggle. I so want to kiss you right now. Will you let me?" He said this in his all deep voice. It was deeper than usual.

"I..I c-can't," I managed to answer. I watched him as he closed his eyes in frustration. Sexual frustration. Lol. Okay, that was actually a lame joke.

He finally opened them and grumbled out,"Why?" I shrugged and gave him puppy eyes. I'm not sure how they are relevant but I just did them.

"Because I was never kissed before. And besides Blue Eyes, I just met you. I can't go around kissing a stranger...who is my friend," I replied. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I guess I see your point." I nodded, encouragingly. He sighed and stepped away from me. I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Can you get out, now?!" I ignored the way his words sounded rude and rough. Being the nice person I am, who doesn't like fighting, I nodded and walked out of my room.

I just waited by my door.

Who the hell does he think he is? Kicking me out of my own room! This is not his house. And it never will be anyway, no matter how many times he dreams. He's an idiot. A handsome idiot.

He got out of my room and looked at me for a brief moment. "Open the gate, for me," he demanded and left me standing there. I stuck my tongue out, at his pea shaped head.

What a jerk!

I walked as slowly as I can, just to spite him. I really tiptoed outside. I opened the gate for him and his head snapped to me. "What the hell took you so long?!" He shouted at me from inside his car.

"You're making me late for class, you know?! I should've never even come to this lousy home!" I audibly gasped. But don't worry, I wasn't offended.

He's got me angry, now.

I immediately closed the gate first, so he could get a piece of me. "What are you doing?!" He yelled as he quickly tried getting his car out. It was too late.

When the gate completely closed, he got out his car and slammed the door so hard I thought the glass would break. I took angry steps towards him.

"Why did you freaki-" I slapped him. Yeah, I slapped him. He's being a total douchebag! He's only angry because I didn't kiss him. I mean, what is that?

He was shocked. And it looked like he wasn't angry anymore.

"How dare you insult my home, huh?! You're being such a jerk, and only because I didn't allow you to kiss me! What the hell is that, Nathan?!" Tears started falling from my eyes.

I hated that. I hated that whenever I'm angry, I cry. It makes people think I'm weak. And I'm not. I'm not.

I just stopped talking and let out sobs. Loud, loud and ugly sobs. Nathan did what I didn't expect him to do. He hugged me. I didn't have anymore energy to push him away, so I just let him be.

He kept on whispering sweet little apologies in my ear while rubbing my back in a soothing manner. My heart was screaming for me to forgive him because I like him.

Whereas, my brain had no idea what to do. So, I went with the former. Call me stupid or easily forgiving for all I care. I wiped my tears and sniffled for the last time.

"I forgive you," I whispered and hugged him back. "Are...are you sure? I was being an idiot, Vanessa. I never should have snapped at you, it was wrong of me. I-"

"You don't have to explain yourself. I understand," I interrupted him. I pulled away from the hug and gave him a weak smile. "Now go to class. I'll see you later," I said and opened the gate.

Knowing I wanted to forget this, he nodded and got inside the car. I waved at him with a small smile and turned around. I entered the house and waited for Nate to get out.

When he was gone, I closed it and placed the remote in a drawer. I sighed at the drama filled morning. Just when I thought I had had enough, I heard my loud message tone.

I darted towards my room and jumped for my phone. I unlocked it and entered WhatsApp. I clicked on Joe's chat and reading the message, I let out a loud gasp.

Reese and I are dating.


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