《The Wedding In Miami》A little spy


The only people that know that Nick and I are sharing a tent are Landon and Zoey, hence the four of us had to wait for everyone else to go into their tents before we could go into ours. Once everyone had finally left, we too went off. 

"You better tell me everything tomorrow," Zoey gave me a pointed look. 

"Yes, Zo, goodnight," I said while pushing her to her tent before walking off with Nick to mine. 

"Are you sleepy?" he asked as we crawled inside. 

"Not really," I said while tying my hair in a loose ponytail. While he was drinking water, my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. 

"Emma listen, Zoey's mom's here and Zoey isn't answering her phone, could you please give her the phone?" my mom asked.

"Um-" I stuttered while climbing out of the tent and walking out towards Zoey's. "Yeah, just one sec, she went to the bathroom but she's coming back," I lied before shaking the zipper of her tent. She opened it and looked at me in confusion. "Here you go," I said to my mom before handing Zoey the phone. 

"Hello?" she asked in confusion. "Yeah, mm-hmm, okay. Night, mom," she said before hanging up and handing it back to me. 

"What'd she say?" I asked out of curiosity. "That there's no need to go back to the hotel tomorrow morning. I guess it's another beach day tomorrow, they're all gonna meet us here," she said before zipping up her tent. 

"What the hell are we even gonna do at the beach again?" I muttered to myself while walking back to my tent, gasping when Liam popped up out of nowhere in front of me. "Jesus Christ!" I pressed my hand to my chest, "What are you doing?" I asked in confusion while looking at him. 

He had his toothbrush in hand. "I went to brush my teeth," he shrugged. 

"The bathrooms are over there," I pointed behind me in confusion. 

"I mean, I was going," he stuttered. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze. I gasped in realization. "You were with a girl," I stated. 

"N- no," he stuttered. 

"Then why do you have lipstick on your neck?" I arched an eyebrow at him. 


"I wasn't with a girl, Emma, goodnight," he sighed before running off. What a liar. 

He moved on that fast? 

Good for him. 

I shrugged to myself before walking back to my tent, climbing inside to a shirtless Nick. "Um- excuse me, what are you doing?" I asked in confusion. 

"What am I doing?" he questioned. 

"Put that back on," I pointed to his shirt. 

"I'm not sleeping in a tiny little tent with a shirt on, it's hot in here," he shook his head. 

"I'm in a sweater and I'm doing just fine," I arched a brow at him, giving him a pointed look. 

"Yeah well, I'm hotter than you," he smirked while pulling me down. 

"You so are not," I scoffed. He lay down and pulled me down with him, holding our held hands up as he played with my fingers. "Nick?" I asked while staring at our hands. 

"Hmm?" he questioned while kissing my cheek. 

"Why do you think Liam likes me?" I asked. He huffed and pulled away, giving me a blank look. "Just answer the question," I huffed. 

"I think he likes you because you're pretty," he kissed my cheek, "And beautiful," then did it again, "And funny," and again, "And kind," and again, "And amazing," and again. 

"I don't think he liked me," I said while staring at the top of the tent, while he turned his flashlight off. 

"Then why would he say he did?" he asked, his lips brushing against my skin. 

"I don't know," I mumbled, "But if he did, then I wouldn't just see him with lipstick all over his neck," I sighed. 

"Who cares who put that lipstick on his neck? Why don't you put some on mine?" he asked. 

"Patience," I chuckled. 

"How many fingers am I holding up?" he questioned. 

"How am I supposed to know? We're sitting in absolute darkness," I laughed. 

"Just guess, call it a game," he clicked his tongue. 

"And how do I know you're not lying when you say I got it wrong?" I questioned. 

"Just guess, Emma," he sighed. 

"Two," I sighed in defeat. 

"Nope," he laughed. 

"Okay, so now what?" I asked. 


"Now I get two kisses," he said before I felt his lips on mine. 

"What happens if I get it right?" I asked after he pulled away. 

"Then you get the kisses," he laughed. 


I woke up the next morning because my body felt cold. I opened my eyes and he was there, looking at me. 

"Hey you," he smiled. 

I rubbed my eyes, letting out a groan, "What time is it?" I asked. 

"Eight o'clock," he replied. 

"And why exactly are you up?" I looked at him questioningly. 

"I got cold," he admitted. 

"Ha," I sighed while closing my eyes, hugging the pillow I brought along. 

"Are you gonna go back to sleep?" he whined. 

"Yes," I mumbled. 

"Okay," he sighed while pulling me closer. 

And then I went right back to sleep. I woke up at ten after that to an empty tent. I sat up while letting my hair down, running my fingers through it before I stepped out, squinting at the brightness. I scratched my head while looking at the number of people that were already here. Including families and wedding attendees. I went back inside and grabbed my toothbrush and bathing suit, going to the bathrooms where I brushed my teeth and washed my face before changing out of my pajamas and into my bikini, pulling the sweater on top because I was comfortable in it. 

I ruffled my hair while walking to the tent, halting when Rachel popped up. 

"Fuck's sake," I mumbled to myself while rolling my eyes and going back to the tent, throwing my things into my bag. I threw the sweater off while feeling irritated and slipped my shorts on top. I walked back out while throwing my hair in a bun before finding Madeline and Zoey that were lying on sun loungers. "Ladies," I sighed while sitting down on the one between them. 

"Hey," they sighed in sync. 

"Nick's looking for you," Zoey informed me. 

"Why?" I asked in confusion while looking around but I couldn't see him anywhere. 

"He bought you breakfast," Madeline said while smiling at me suggestively. 

"Where is he?" 

She pointed in front of me and he was walking up with an Acai bowl in his hand. 

I stood up and walked over to him, "Hey," I squinted at the sun. 

"Hello," he handed me the bowl while looking at the water. "I went and got you that, it's the closest thing to breakfast I could find," he said while looking around. 

"Thank you," I smiled, "Are you looking for someone?" I asked in confusion. 

"Yeah, Elijah. I was supposed to take him from Finn, he's going out with Allison today but I haven't found them yet," he sighed. 

I looked around while eating a piece of mango. "He's right there," I pointed to the entrance of the beach where Finn and Elijah were walking through. 

"Bye, Dad!" he waved, eager to run over to Nick. Finn waved him bye while Nick picked him up, walking to the sun loungers with me. "Hi Emma," he grinned. 

"Hi Elijah," I smiled, setting my empty bowl aside. 

"Do you have sunblock on, Eli?" Nick questioned. 

He nodded while staring at the water, bouncing up and down. I picked up my sunblock and poured some out onto my fingers. "Put more," I dabbed it onto his nose before rubbing my hands together and applying it on his face. 

"You wanna go swimming?" Nick asked while grabbing his arm floats out of his bag that Finn handed him. 

"Yeah," he said enthusiastically. 

"Right," Nick nodded while slipping the arm floats onto his arms. 

"Emma, come on!" Elijah tugged my hand while Nick set him down. 

"Okay," I sighed in defeat. 

"Elijah, come here," Madeline called him over for a hug while Zoey went over to Landon who got out of the water. Madeline was busy talking to Elijah and Nick took that time to steal a kiss. 

I bit back a smile while Elijah walked over to us. He held my hand while we walked to the water, him jumping on the sand that was a little too hot for him. "Are you two fwends now?" he asked, looking up at Nick and me. 

"What?" I asked in confusion. 

"Nicky just gave you a kiss," his nose scrunched up and we halted. 

"Huh?" Nick chuckled. 

"I saw you," he squinted up at the sun. 

"No, you didn't, Eli," Nick gave him a pointed look. 

"I'm gonna tell Maddie," he laughed while running back to her. 

"Elijah!" Nick called out but it was of waste.

He was already talking to Madeline while pointing at us as he jumped up and down. 

"And now?" I sighed while looking at Nick. 

"He is a little spy," he shook his head while laughing.

He's Madeline's little spy.






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