《Alpha Theo || ✓》19 | don't test me
Instead of hiding back in Theo's room after another failed attempt at sneaking around the house, Theo took me to his office which was found on the same floor as his bedroom.
Theo insisted that we had much more to talk about and he would rather do it in his office than his own bedroom.
Walking into his office, I was astonished at how large it was. Yes, I've seen Alpha offices before-- my father being Alpha had one that I saw may times before. Instead of sitting at the front of his desk, Theo pulled up two seats at the end of desk. He gestured me to sit down next to him.
"So..." I trailed off, wanting him to begin the conversation. I had so many questions to ask him, but I didn't know where to start.
I seemed I had be lied to all my life and the only person willing to tell me the truth was Theo.
He cleared his throat before he spoke; "I know you have a lot of questions--"
"True." He raised an eyebrow towards me as I unnecessarily interrupted him. I sheepishly smiled before gesturing him to continue. Before continuing, a small smile crept on his face sending my wolf in complete bliss.
I was beautiful seeing him smile, I rarely did. I mean it was only recently did I found that he was truly my mate-- after being weary of him when I couldn't feel like bond myself. So I suppose part of the reason I never saw him smile was my fault, I never gave him a reason to.
"I will answer whatever questions you have." I looked down to my knees, and with the position we were sitting our knees were almost colliding with each other but there was still distance.
"Why did you kidnap me?" I knew he had already answered this question before, but I never got the extent of why.
"I told you, because your pack kidnapped my brother."
"Yes, but what were you going to do with me? How was it going to help your brother?" I looked up to see Theo looking directly in my eyes, the emotion within was unknown to me and it angered my wolf slightly to know that we were yet to know what he was thinking and to know what he felt because we had not gone anywhere further with the mate bond.
"And who's fault is that?" My wolf piped up, I could imagine her snarling and baring her teeth at me for keeping her so locked off from her mate, especially since he was yet to see her.
Before answering my question, Theo looked down at his knees as he took a deep breath. "We planned to torture you." My heart squeezed.
He looked back up, a frown deeply nestled on his face. "We planned to kidnap and torture you before information. And if you didn't have any information or refused to give up any information then we would have threatened your pack. Adrian's life for yours." Every word that he was saying was going straight to my head.
Being so close to him and seeing him at his weakest didn't make me forget that he was a known monster and that he had done terrible things, but I had forgotten the extent of it. The man that was crying in my lap only hours prior to this had planned to torture someone to get what he wanted?
"Oh--" I thought he was done, but it seemed that he was only getting started.
"We didn't plan to kidnap him daughter," He backtracked, scanning my face of any emotion but I made sure to block anything from being seen on my face. I didn't want him to read me like a book when I couldn't do the same to him, I had no idea how he felt at the moment.
"We planned to kidnap the first wolf we saw, it was only luck that it happened to be the Alpha's daughter." Theo paused for a moment, his bottom lip falling between his teeth as he leaned back in his chair.
Despite the atmosphere in the room and the topic of conversation, this made my wolf feel quite happy.
"So you were going to torture any innocent wolf for what my father had done?" Theo's head shot up and I couldn't mistake the glare on his face for anything but.
"No one that was working within your father's circle is innocent." I could see he was trying hard but to snarl and growl at me-- my father was a sensitive topic.
"I'm innocent." Somewhat.
"You're not really in your father's circle though, are you?" As much as it stung, he was right.
I wasn't in my father's circle. If I was then I might have known the dark secrets he was holding and everything he was hiding from me.
While thinking, I froze. A thought popped up in my head and I needed the know the answer-- so I turned back to Theo.
"Does my brother know about what happened-- with my father?" Theo's brows furrowed as he thought, and while he was deep in thought I couldn't help but think of how he looked while he did so-- and he looked great.
"Probably not," I let out a sigh of relief. "But I'm not sure." I froze again, only to think once again.
Did my brother know? Did my loving, pillow eating, brother know about what my father had, and if he did-- did he agree with it?
I hummed back at Theo, leaning into the seat as I stared down at the ground.
There was a moment of silence between Theo and I, however it was comfortable. It was always for my wolf's constant purring, all I would hear would be the wind crashing into the window.
"Do you have anymore questions, my dear?" His endearment didn't go unnoticed but neither myself or my wolf-- causing my wolf growl lowly in approval and if if wasn't for the fact the was inches away from him, I would have swooned.
Once again there was a moment of silence between I thought of a question; "Why did my father take your brother?" That question froze Theo momentarily as if he wasn't thinking I would ask such a question.
His brother was one of the reasons I was here, so I wanted to know the details-- call me needy.
"And I believe that was enough questions for today." With a painfully fake smile, Theo stood up and pulled his chair back in place before putting his hand out for me. I stared at it then looked back up at Theo.
"You said you'd answer any of my questions."
He nodded. "Yes but I believe that you've had enough answers today." My eyes narrowed towards him.
"I don't." He held a growl in which only rumbled in his chest.
"Holly, don't test it."
"Don't test what?" I questioned, lifting myself up from the seat-- ignoring the hand that was stuck outwards for me to take. "Why won't you answer my question?"
"Because I don't wish to. Plus, it's none of your concern." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his words.
"I'm your mate, anything that concerns you concerns me." At my words, his brows raised as he stared down at me.
"No, you don't get to think like that." I backed up slightly, my wolf whining at how our mate was speaking to us. "You haven't even accepted me as your mate yet."
He had a point, but I refused to allow him to use that excuse on me.
"Regardless, we are still mates Theo! What is yours is mine and what is mine is yours." Speaking those words out loud shocked me. I had never once called Theo my mate out loud, especially to him.
Was that me accepting him, finally, as the person I was destined to be with?
It was clear that Theo was hesitant with the question, it was clear he didn't want to answer it. But, he did say that he would answer any of my questions-- and this was one of my questions.
"Theo please, what does my father what with your brother?" I asked again, walking closer to my mate as he leaned his back on his desk, his arms holding the edge of the desk as he stood. While his stance was inviting to both my wolf and I, I was focused at the question at hand.
He sighed, looking straight in my eyes before he spoke; "Your father had always been obsessed with this family. My brother, Adrian, absolutely hated your family, your pack-- hell excluding you, your pack could burn it hell for all I cared--" The look I sent his way caused him to roll his eyes, getting back on track of his story.
"Even though my brother and I fought to become Alpha, my brother never really wanted to be Alpha he was mainly forced by our uncle to want it. And while our relationship was tainted by his defeat, it was mainly because because he was embarrassed to have lost to his little brother instead of losing his rightful place of Alpha.
He knew everything about our parent's deaths and about your father. He believed that being an Alpha was an absolute wreck and he didn't want any part of it.
But one thing he loved and one thing he pursued was tracking-- he was the best tracking in his pack, hell in the bloody world." The way Theo spoke of his brother-- along with the ghost smile that was on his face--, it was obvious that he looked at to him and that despite the differences between them he still loved him to the ends of the earth.
It was clear he truly cared for his family, with the way he reacted to the news about Cardella, and now the way he was speaking of his brother.
Theo continued; "Adrian trained to be the best tracker out there, he was amazing at what he did-- not one rogue got away. He even found his mate on a mission, she was a rogue at the time but soon after he found her she was beloved member of the pack-- despite her rogue, and rough, past." Theo brows furrowed for a moment, as if he was recalling something.
"One day he was out tracking around the border, there were scents near the edge-- familiar scents-- and he went after them. He was telling us via our mind-link everything that he would see and everything that was going on." I could tell that Theo was getting angry now, but the way his teeth were unconsciously gritted and he was unknowingly seething with every word he was saying.
"He tracked himself to something he shouldn't have seen. He was so into finding scent that he didn't realise how close he was to your pack's border-- he had ran that far and the scent was so fresh. It was that moment that he realised that he had been leaded to your pack and he had fallen into a trap that your Alpha--" The way he spoke the word was as if he was spitting it out. "--had set. Before he could get away, he was caught by hunters of your pack. He was knocked unconscious and that was the last time that we heard from him.
And it's funny because one of the main reasons I beat him for the Alpha position was because he wasn't fast enough. He, once again, wasn't fast enough to outrun your pack."
I furrowed my own eyebrows at the end of Theo's story that led me to nothing. "But that still doesn't tell me why my father took your br--"
Theo pushed up from the desk, his body so close to mine that it was almost pressed.
"That's the thing, little one," While his endearment almost made me swoon in his arms, there was a slight harshness to it. "We don't know the reason." As he spoke his breath blew in to my face slightly, the smell of the herbal toothpaste that was stored in his bathroom invaded my scents.
"Wa-- what?" I registered what he said. Theo had a sarcastic smile on his face, it was small but it was still there.
"Yep," He popped the P, his face being so close to mine that it had my head bob back slightly. I hoped he didn't notice but much to my embarrassment he did, hiding his own chuckle at my reaction before continuing. "Your father keeps taking the people I love from me for no reason, a hobby of his maybe?" He let out a humourless chuckle, his hand finding it's way in my hair only inches from my neck.
"I'm sorry." I didn't mean to say it, I knew it wasn't going to fix and change anything but I didn't know what else to say-- my father was slowly but surely destroying my mate's life. And it made not only my wolf growl in anger, but it made me want it growl in anger-- however I held it in.
I doubt growling in your mate's face while he was reminiscing on his lack of family was the greatest thing to do at this very moment.
Theo, however, openly laughed in my face at my apology. "Why are you sorry, you had no part in your father's cruel child's play."
"But that's just it, it's my father's doing. I can't do anything but apologise for his wrong doings." Theo sighed at my words, placing both of his hands on the tops of shoulders as he leveled our eyes.
"You don't ever need to apologise for what your father does. None of this is your fault and you shouldn't believe otherwise. Just because your father isn't as pure as you doesn't mean that you need to be there to pick up the pieces he leaves."
"But I--"
"No, Holly." Theo stopped me, looking deep in my eyes. His eyes held so much emotion in it that I was wondering how on earth he was known as a heartless emotionless monster-- because that wasn't who I was looking at right now. "Never apologise for someone else's wrong doing."
I wasn't staring at the monster that everyone said he was, I was looking in to the eyes cold-hearted, blood thirsty killer. I was looking in to the eyes of someone who had lost almost everything had such a young age. I was looking in to the eyes of someone who felt lost and alone in the world, who cared for his family that best that he could.
I was looking in to the eyes of my mate, a man that had everything he loved stolen from him-- of course he was closed off, he was afraid. No one wants the people they love taken from him.
Having Theo's hands on my shoulders warmed my entire body from the breeze coming from the window, my wolf was in a constant loop of purring the second we entered this room with Theo-- his touch only driving her to the edge.
She was in love with Theo's touch and I understood the appeal.
My reaction was impulsive but that didn't mean that I wasn't constantly thinking of doing it every time I was in his presence. I felt Theo about to retract his hands from my shoulders, I could already hear my wolf whine at the thought of losing our mate's touch, and I pulled him back closer to me.
When I realised that Theo beginning to move away from me, my hands shot up instantly to his neck. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close to me in an instant. Just as we were close enough, I leaned forward and enclosed his lips with mine-- instantly feeling the bliss that I felt the first we kissed.
The first time we kissed was sudden and out of the blue, I wasn't ready but at this very moment the tables were turned-- I was ready whereas Theo was taken by surprise.
The second our lips touched, I was in complete and utter bliss. Our lips moistened each other as we collided. Theo was quick to recover form his shock, his arms soon finding it's way around my waist and gripping tightly on my body as he pushed our bodies closer.
My hands that were once grabbing the back of his neck now grasped on to his face, the hair that was growing on his jaw stabbing into my skin with how hard I was gripping but I wasn't complaining-- and either was he.
Spinning me around, my back was now against his wooden desk and I feel his body weight on mine as he leaned closer to me, no space existing between our bodies. I couldn't focus on anything but how his lips felt on mine.
They felt like they belonged her, his hands that were digging into my waist felt as if they had found their place nestled into my body. Overall I felt at home in his arms, with his hands all other me.
It only took him seconds to lay me flat on his desk, his desk being big enough on other bodies to mesh together. Without detaching his mouth from mine, he climbed his way up the desk while pressing his body weight on his shoulders that were on either side of my face.
Instantly, my legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer than me.
His lips finally detached from mine only to find it's way on my jaw, the stumble that designed his face was tickling me as he moved which made an unconscious smile find it's way on my face. He kissed along my jaw, and down my neck up, pecking at my collarbone before going up to the nape of my neck.
While everything I was feeling was beyond amazing, I knew it was time to stop when I felt his canines grazing the skin of my neck-- where I wound bare his mark-- with his heavy breath heating up my skin.
My eyes shot up as a reaction, my hands that were once on grasping at his hair was now firmly on his shoulders as I began pushing him away.
"Stop," My voice was breathy, with all the intimacy between I had not realised that we didn't pull away for some air, leaving me literally and figuratively breathless.
Instantly at my words, Theo pulled away-- his eyes darkened clearly showing me that his wolf wanted to come out to play but he was trying to pull him away. I could hear my wolf growling at me for stopping before it got good.
"I--I'm not ready." I stuttered, my face red hot with all of the emotions I was feeling. I didn't want to stop, hell I would rather go all the way despite being on his desk but I knew I wasn't ready for it all-- I knew going into it now, I would regret everything.
Ever since I came here-- taken here-- I became so unsure about everything, I didn't know what was true and what was a lie. I didn't know if I was sure of anything anymore, so if anything-- I wanted to be sure of this before I went too far.
Hearing my words, Theo's eyes returned to it's blue heaven, a small smile found it's way on to his face and I knew it was genuine. Getting off of me, he pulled me off of his desk and straightened out my clothing that had gotten ruffled due to our-- canoodling.
While doing everything, I noticed Theo was avoiding any chance of meeting my eyes.
"Theo," I spoke up in hopes that he'd look up but all he did was hum in response. I brought my hands to his face, forcing him to look up. In his eyes I could finally recognise an emotion in them, hurt. I couldn't help but ache at that, the wolf within whining.
I brought his face closer to mine, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away-- his face still inches from mine.
When I pulled away, he was hurt no-longer but a smile was found on his face as he gazed at me, his eyes now filled with warmth as we stayed inches away from each other.
His hands found their way back on to my waists, laying their gently as they found their home. At that moment, Theo had leaned his forehead onto mine and gently nudged my nose with his. I couldn't help but purr.
I could get used to this.
- In Serial153 Chapters
Memories of the Fall
This is a story about two sisters, Jun Arai and Jun Sana, and their friends, Juni, Ling and Shu who make their living as members of the Hunter Bureau, an organisation dedicated to dealing with the terrifying flora and fauna endemic to their home Great World. When they get dragged into a grand scheme to unpick the ancient secrets entombed within one its foremost forbidden zones in their world, the Yin Eclipse Mountains, they must all try to survive the dark machinations, eldritch undercurrents and the echoes of a terrible conflict trying to re-emerge into an unsuspecting cosmos that had rather hoped it was done with that kind of thing a few eras hence. So please come join Arai, Sana, Juni, Ling, Shu and the rest of my cast as they journey through strange lands, meet all kinds of unusual beings and unravel some of the power and glory of a land time tried very hard to forget. I promise terrifying mushrooms, angry snakes, confused gods, even more confused cultivators and much, much more! Update schedule: (02/6/2022) As chapters are done, sorry. Progress: Currently up to old chapter 13-15. Chapter 24(or 25)/13, Parts 1 & 2 will be the end of the rework. Part 2 has been temporarily delayed due to me getting a frozen shoulder in the middle of June, which has been very slow to properly clear up. It is getting better, though, but Shoulder/neck is the worst set of muscles to have issues with ;( You can currently pick up most story threads after the rewritten chapters, starting from chapter 13-14 (old) Genre-wise, this is a bit hard to pin down. It's technically a Xianxia (because cultivators!), but it also veers towards Xuanhuan and has more traditional High Fantasy elements and a bit of Gods and Monsters and All Myths Are (on some levels) Valid. It also has a fairly large, ensemble cast, so if multiple point's of view are not your thing I am sorry. It won't ever really be considered 'grimdark' by any real measure of that definition but it does go to some complicated and fairly places dark occasionally, which I will note in author pre-chapter notes when expedient!. About the Author I mainly write fiction for my own hobby, it makes a nice change from academic scribbling! I started writing this quite a number of years ago. It has grown somewhat organically out of a bunch of different interests in all kinds of Mythology, World Building, Drawing Maps, Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Epic Fantasy fiction into what it is today. So I hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading! Other stuff The cover is made by the author, using photos taken by the author. There is a Discord Server- Please come and chat, but beware of spoilers.
8 195 - In Serial39 Chapters
The Feline Faction
""""Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather."Warning: Contains a whole bunch of stuff young'uns shouldn't be reading, like intense violence, graphic descriptions of gore, and some possibly controversial opinions. But hey, that might just be me.
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Territory (rus) || l.s.
Луи был очень молодым и впервые представлен как омега в ранние двенадцать лет, когда его изнасиловал альфа, и он стал беременным самым лучшим в его жизни - сыном Гарри. Гарри никогда не видел в Луи своего отца. Поскольку парень мог мыслить самостоятельно, он всегда понимал и чувствовал, что Луи - его половинка, даже если они были кровными родственниками. Он просто знал, что они должны быть вместе, и что он никогда не позволит никому забрать то, что принадлежит ему.Au, где Гарри - родной сын Луи и сделает все возможное, чтобы защитить то, что ему принадлежит. А принадлежит ему Луи.https://www.wattpad.com/story/131761065-territory-larry-stylinsonCredits belong to ishiplarry79.
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The Broken Circle
Join Lei Jianyu on a quest for revenge, with only his rage and the clothes on his back. With a shattered dantian and an inability to cultivate, will he be able to complete his quest? Or will he, like so many others, fade into the obscurity of forgotten history?
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kumpulan sajak, puisi, dan quotes yang terlintas dalam otak, pikiran dan hatiku. happy reading all😊
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Stretch Marks
I'm slowly getting better. I write things here because it clears my head. Read it if you wish. Just a bunch of horrible poetry.The gray areas are hard. so i'll write through them"Starry skies and butterflies are all it takes to fall in love"~R.Blackwell_________Updates every Friday(if I can)#215~~ highest rank in recovery#225~~ highest rank in poetry *Big deal for me. So shut it*《》《》《》Created somewhere around September 26, 2017
8 174