《New Life (17PwtP Sequel) ON HOLD》Chapter 3
It's time for Chapter 3, so be ready.
Alex p.o.v
Senior year.
My life is definitely now where I expected to be like. I'm engaged. I have twins. Sophie has a baby. Things are different, it might not be the best way, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
"You ready?" Sophie asked me when we turned into the parking lot of the school. Sophie didn't even seem nervous. I mean, she had a baby too shouldn't she be a little nervous for the people going to judge her?
"As ready as I'll ever be." Honestly I'm kinda nervous. I haven't been to school in a while and I know I shouldn't be nervous but I'm kinda scared on what people are going to think of me. I know it shouldn't matter, but it does.
I'm just hoping senior year will be fun. I kept up on all my classes so I'm not behind. Actually I'm a little ahead of everyone so if I wanted to I could graduate early, but I don't think I will. I want to try to have the most normal school year. I mean other than the fact that I have children.
As for right now my mom said that she would watch the twin until I found a babysitter. She loves spending time with them anyways. But Hayden and I are looking for a babysitter, we don't want to depend if my mom for everything. As for Ava, Sophie's baby, Asher is watching her. But that probably means my mom said that she'd take care of her too.
I could see everyone staring at us as we stepped out of the car. Their whispers weren't even quiet. I could clearly hear people talking about us.
"They're back? I thought they'd drop out."
"It's true, she did have twins. The other just had one."
And there's always the perverts, "Damn, Alex got really hot."
I just ignored the comments and walked into the school to my locker and found my schedule. Sophie was at my locker trying to compare our classes we have together.
"We have AP Biology 1st hour. Advanced Math 4th hour. Also Senior English last hour. That's better than nothing."
My classes were,
AP Biology
Advanced Spanish
Advanced Math
No Class
Senior English
My classes aren't as hard this year, also during my time off I got more credits than I needed to. I'm ready for this year.
No one has directly said anything to me yet, but I could tell people were taking. "Soph, has any said anything to you yet?"
"Just a stupid freshman, but it wasn't a big deal. People can say all they want, I'm not going to care." She shrugged. I wish I had that kind of attitude, but deep down I did really care of what people thought of me. I was raised in a home where I had to be the perfect child with the picture perfect family, hasn't done anything bad in her life.
I'm not that perfect child anymore. I've grown. As I was thinking Sophie shook me, "the five minute bell rang. We have to get to homeroom."
Our homerooms are split up by last names and since my last name starts with an M and Sophie is a J we have the same homeroom. The homeroom teacher's name was Mr. Hansen. He was a single, 30 year old lonely, nerdy man. But he was a great teacher. He actually helped me out with some class work when I was doing schooling at home.
When the bell ring and we were class. Sophie and I sat in the back. Mr. Hansen began calling roll. When he call both mine and Sophie's name you could hear the whispers and people moving to see if they could find us. Mr. Hansen just kept calling roll and after he began explain rules. But no one listens it's the same thing we've been hearing for the last four years.
I wasn't used to leaving the twins all day. I know it's silly but I was really starting to miss them. Right as I was thinking I got a text from my mom. I looked at my phone and it was s picture of the twins giggling. It was super cute. I wish I could be with them, but I need to get my schooling done and out of the way. Then I can be with them the rest of my life.
After Mr. Hansen was done lecturing he said we could do whatever we wanted and so must of us just sat there on our phone. I was on Twitter and then three girls that I never really talked to walked over to Sophie and I.
"Hi, I know we weren't really friends before but I think it was really cool what you did, keeping, loving your babies and stuff." The first girl said kind of nervously.
"Yeah really. That takes a lot. I'm glad you could do it." Another girl said. I honestly didn't even know their names.
"I think we should hang out sometime. Well I mean if you aren't busy with your kids." The final girl said.
"Thanks. And I would like to hang out. I'm sorry, I feel horrible but I really don't know your names."
"I'm Isabel Jackson." The first girl said. Isabel had straight long brown hair, light skin and very pretty blue eyes. She was also really tall.
"I'm Josie Kidde. My last name is pronounced kid-day." Josie had a Mexican accent and had very tan skin. Her hair was raven black in tight curls, but was very natural.
"And I'm Madison Lauder." All the girls looked completely different because Madison had pale skin and natural red hair with very green eyes.
"Yay. I'm so excited to hang out with you guys. It's going to be so much fun." Isabel said very happily.
"It will be a lot fun. I'm so glad we met you guys." Sophie said just as excited.
"Me too. I want to see your guys schedules to see if we have classes together." Josie said. I handed her my schedule and Sophie did the same with hers. While they looked I grabbed my phone out to text Hayden.
The bell rang signaling it was time to go to the first class. I pressed send on the message, said bye to the girls and walked to my first class AP BIO.
Hayden p.o.v
"Is it too late to tell you I'm sorry, because I'm missing more than just your body." I sang to the radio, it's Justin Bieber get over it. He's coming back.
I heard my phone ring telling me I got a text, but I didn't answer it. I will never put myself in risk of an accident while looking at my phone while driving. It's not worth it.
Anyway I pulled into Taco Bell to get lunch before football practice later, and I looked at my phone.
I smiled at the text. She just made me so happy. Anything she does is perfect, she's perfect. I love her. I texted her back.
She replied I love you too. Then I set my phone down to go order my food. After I got my my good and ate it. I decided I wanted to go home to my dad's house and see if he or Liam was there.
Once I got there I saw that both my dads car and the car he got Liam was in the driveway. I didn't know where my key was so I knocked on the door and the maid let me in, but there was a weird look on her face where I felt like I shouldn't go in. But I ignored it and began walking where I heard yelling.
"You're fu*king crazy! In what world would you fu*king think that could be a smart idea by anyways." My dad screamed to someone, but I didn't know who until I walked into the kitchen.
It was freaking Liam. My dad was screaming at Liam. My dad was steaming with anger and Liam was bawling his eyes out looking super sick.
"Dad, I didn't mean-" he began.
"No fu*king excuses. This is absolutely fu*king ridiculous,"
"Dad, what the hell is going on?" I jumped in and screamed at my dad.
"This little fu*ker-" he started talking but I cut him off.
"Nevermind. Stop you're ridiculous. Liam you're coming with me." I told them, but Liam didn't move. He just sat there crying. So I went over to him and whispered "everything is going to be okay." And picked him up, and walked out of the house without making eye contact with my dad. I put Liam in my truck and speed off away from my house and father.
"Hayden, I didn't-" he began still sobbing.
"No. Stop. I don't want to hear it. I don't care about what you did. I just wanna know if you are okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm sorry."
"You don't have anything to be sorry about." I honestly didn't want to know. Whether it was something bad or not much a big deal. I know he was cleared from the doctors but he is still in a fragile state. His mind wasn't ready for the pressure of my dad. "I'm driving you to my apartment but I have to leave at 4. Alex should be home by then. You can use anything out of my drawers. Just take it easy." I saw him nod his head but he was still sobbing.
We got to the apartment and I helped walk him inside. I put him in our bedroom, he got under the covers in the bed and fell asleep. He looked so innocent. My poor brother. I left him alone and walked out to the living room and sat on the couch. I decided to call Melanie, Alex's mom, to tell her she could drop of the twins.
Melanie brought the twins over and they fell asleep on the car ride over so she came in and helped me put them in their cribs. After I didn't know what to do so I took a nap on the couch in the living room. Also I had the baby monitors just so if the twins did wake up I would get them.
I was in a deep sleep and felt my waist being straddled. I woke up to realize it was Alex on me now kissing my neck.
"Mhm. Hey baby." I said.
"Hi. I missed you. It was a long day without you." She said and continued to kiss me now moving down to my chest.
"Da*n. I missed you too. I could get used to coming home to this. I love you."
"I love you too." She replied and then cuddled up to me on the couch.
"What time is it?" I asked. I was really hoping I had time to sit here with her.
"It's 3 o'clock." She said putting her fingers in my hair and twirling it around her fingers.
"Okay. I have to leave for practice at 4. Also Liam is in our room. There was a problem with my dad and I had to get him out of there." She didn't say anything, just hummed mmhm. And I looked down and she was asleep on my chest.
We were laying there and I was rubbing her back and she wore up real quick.
"I wanna see my babies!" She jumped up and ran into the nursery. I got up and followed her. By the time I got in there she already had both Jada and Luka in her arm talking to them.
"Can you hold Luka I wanna feed Jada?" She handed me Luka and sat in the chair and began breast feeding Jada.
"No problem." I laughed. Liam walked in, still looking tired, but I threw a blanket over Alex's chest before he saw anything. "Actually Liam, can you hold Luka? I need to get some stuff ready for football practice."
"Yeah. I'll take him." He said. He sat down in the other chair and I put Luka in his arms. I kissed Alex's head and left the room to go in my bedroom.
I got all the stuff I needed for football practice that wasn't already in the field locker rooms at the college. I went back into the nursery and sat in the ground and leaned against the wall while Alex and Liam sat in the chairs with the twins.
We talked and laughed like we normally do but it was different because you could tell that Liam was more distant. Four o'clock came around really fast and now I was on my way to the college.
Today was the first official practice of our football season but the whole team including myself has been working out most of the summer. I already knew most of the team from these workouts but I didn't know most of the linemen since I was going to be a quarterback our workouts were not the same. But everyone I've met has been cool so far.
I pulled up into the practice field parking lot and walked into the locker rooms. There were some players here, but not many. One of my friends, Nathan, I've met in some of the first workouts was also here. He was a senior and the quarterback, once he graduates this year, next year I will be taking over as starting quarterback if Coach Tomas sees fit.
"What up freshman?" Nathan yelled and slapped my back.
"Nothing much senior. You ready for practice?" Since our workouts, we have always made fun of each other calling senior and freshman.
"I've been ready. I have been doing this for 3 years. Question is, are you ready freshman?"
"Hell yeah." We laughed.
"Hey, there's this party tonight. It's just a little something we throw together for the celebration of the start of the season. It'd be great if you could come."
"Yeah. I'll go. It'd be fun." I know Liam and Alex are at home but I'll just text her and tell her I'll be home late. Afterwards I went to my locker and started getting ready. About ten minutes later all of the team was here, all ready and we were just waiting for Coach.
Coach walked in a few minutes later. He didn't say anything at first just looked around at all the players and smirked.
"This is gonna be a good year. Your asses better be ready." Coach Tomas laughed.
Bye everyone. Thanks for reading. See you next time.
And always, vote comment and fan!!!!
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