《Eureka》⇜ Chapter Eight ⇝
"Randy likes you? Damn that's literally insane, how are you dealing with that?" Stu asked with a small laugh. You came over to spend the night with the two after how stressful work was for you. Randy didn't talk to you for the rest of the night, and honestly you were both pretty thankful and incredibly worried about it.
You lay back, your head on Stu's lap as you let him play with your hair "I'm worried, Stu. He seems really upset with me, I don't know what I was supposed to do; I don't like him back. Did he just want to me give up my own feelings and give them all to him or something?"
Billy sighs leaning over and pecking your forehead "You did nothing wrong, don't worry, he's just going to be emotional for a bit. Poor boy is just really emotionally driven."
"I've noticed that much." You sigh "I want him to be happy, though. He's still my friend. If things get ruined with Sidney and Tatum after you guys break up with them, we are going to lose all three of them as friends, aren't we?"
"We don't need em," Stu says "We are pretty cool on our own, aren't we?"
You nodded a small bit "I guess so, but still, it's going to hurt to lose half of the group over this all, this is my first real friend group, you know?"
Bill grabs your hand kissing the knuckles "It's all going to be okay, even if things do fall apart we can find equally as cool people. Besides, I'm not too horribly attached to my friend group anymore after one of my friends tried to pursue both my romantic interest and then pinned one of them and me as a killer."
You nodded a bit "That's pretty fair. Honestly I don't know why I'm so weighted over this. I guess just guilt? The idea of stealing someone's man feels gross to me, even if I do really like you guys it's just not something I'm able to easily get over."
Stu laughs a bit "You aren't stealing, me and Tatum are breaking up, plus she's totally cheated on me at least twice by now without thinking I'd notice. Saying she'll spend the night with Sidney while her and Billy would be out on a date- pretending like I wouldn't know all about it. And Sidney and Billy are as broken of a relationship as they come."
You giggle a bit "Jesus, what a soft way of phrasing it. But I guess you're kinda right."
Billy nodded a bit "Of course he is, he's a genius just look at him." He says flicking Stu's forehead, Stu mumbling a small 'ow' in return.
You giggle a bit "You guys are both complete dorks. You're lucky I'm absolutely head over heels in love with you two."
"Oh I can absolutely agree on that." Billy chuckles as he pulls you off Stu and into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist like you're an oversized teddy bear "We are absolutely lucky as all hell~."
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and you grumble out a few meaningless threats, but you overall relax more into him and let yourself be held. Stu seems to get a small bit jealous at being left out so he reaches for your hand, which you happily take and use your free hands to play with his fingers.
You three spent time together like you normally did; horror movies, screaming along to shitty music you all enjoyed deeply, ranting about horrible things in the day- and a new addition to the hangout schedule, cuddling. How did you not realize how touch starved you were earlier? Every time Billy or Stu hug you or even hold your hands you feel like melting.
"Me and Stu were thinking of convincing our dad into getting us food." Billy says "We'll be right back, okay?" He says pecking your cheek.
You giggle a bit "Alright! Don't bother the fuck outta him though that man is at him limits."
They both laugh a bit and head downstairs to go bother Billy's father for food. You grin a bit plopping back on the bed. As much as you loved having them with you, there's nothing quite like having a bed all to yourself. You look around for your phone, and find that it's on the other side of the room on Billy's dresser. You sigh a bit as you slide off the bed and head to get it. But you are suddenly tripped by something.
You fall forward, bracing yourself as you hit the floor, with a groan you roll onto your back- your leg still caught on something as you groan a bit "Billy if you don't clean your room, I'll beat your assss-" You curse out, aimed at Billy, but obviously the message wouldn't reach him because he is far too busy harassing his father for fast food.
You sit up and try to pull it off your leg, but the fabric was horribly clingy and stretchy. What even was this? Why was it stuffed under the bed? You pull it out from under the bed and manage to get it off your leg completely. Holding it up, you realize it looks a lot like a cheap dress. Actually, it reminds you of a costume. You narrow your eyes confused, scooting yourself over to the bed and looking under it. You saw a matching piece of fabric and pulled it out. It was a mask, the same one you saw on the news when the police where talking about the murders.
You feel your heart drop. No... No, there's no way. Billy couldn't be the murderer. He probably bought this for a prank, he totally did- but even then why would he pull a prank like that? Billy doesn't do things like that. Stu, maybe- even that seems unlikely, but not Billy.
You notice that there's a bit of a weight in the hood of the mask. You reach it and immediately hiss and pull your hand back. You cut your hand on something sharp- nothing serious but it would bleed. Carefully, you dump the contents onto the floor in front of you.
The first thing your eyes immediately go to is a large hand knife. It had a small bit of fresh blood on it, from your hand, but you noticed darker- stains from past accidents. At least, you hope they are accidents. You also noticed an old phone, and a small walkie talkie. You pick it up messing with it in your hand- but you quickly realize it wasn't a walkie talkie, it was a voice changer. It said so on the side of the product. You speak into it;
It softer and it matched your tone more, but it was the same voice you heard when Billy used to call you. He knew your number, he called you on purpose, and he never told you how him and Billy managed to do that voice, even after you found out everything. Eventually you just dropped it. I mean, there wasn't really much of a reason to see it as anything other than Billy and Stu's crazy antics.
You feel your arms tremble, your body feels light. This must all be some mistake, right? Billy isn't the killer, you know him so well. How could he...? You've been with him all the time! But... you were never actually with him on the nights anyone was murdered, weren't you?
You hear footsteps rushing towards the staircase, Your heart thuds against your chest and you jump up in a rush, You shove the knife, phone, and voice changer back in the mask, and then shove that and the dress back under the bed. You quickly hop onto the mattress and lay back, staring at the TV as if nothing happened.
Billy and Stu both rush in, both of them laughing and smiling like idiots "The old man will be back with Taco Bell very soon!" Billy says "I told him what you like from there so hopefully he doesn't fuck it up. He probably will do, the man is an idiot."
You nod a bit giggling sheepishly "T-That's- well, that's fine, I mean, you guys got something for me and that's enough really."
Billy nods, not seeming to acknowledge the awkward stutter or hesitant wording of your response. He sits down besides you and wraps an arm around your shoulder "We got the whole place to the three of us, at least, until he gets back."
You nod a bit looking away "C-Cool, we can actually play our movies at a decent volume without him yelling at us."
"Hell yeah!" Stu says turning up the TV. Billy doesn't take his eyes off you, even as you turn your attention back to the movie. He pulls you closer against him and pecks your cheek, and he gives you an upset look when you don't fluster or make a small remark at it.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asked "Did something happen while we were gone?"
Stu glances over "(Y/n), you're bleeding! What happened?"
You glance down at your hand- the small cut on your palm from when you reached into the mask was deep enough to bleed, you just were hoping it wouldn't have been obvious. You were honestly too nervous to really acknowledge that, but it should have been obvious since your blood got on the knife.
"N-Nothing I went to grab my phone and I tripped and fell. That's all." You say quietly avoiding eye contact.
You feel both of their eyes on you.
"You're lying." Billy says gripping your arms a bit tightly. You instantly start to shake your head out of pure anxiety.
"N-No I'm not I cut my hand, it was an accident." You respond quickly, way too quickly. You stared at Billy with begging eyes, you wanted him to let go. For the first time ever, you were scared of them, scared for your life.
Billy frowns and grabs both your arms, suddenly pinning you back to the bed "Now dear, I know you wouldn't lie to me about something unless you really didn't want us to know, what happened?" He asked with a blank expression as he straddled your body.
"I-I just cut myself, get off me please-"
"Stu," Billy comments "Grab my things from under the bed."
He noticed the way your eyes went wide after he said that, and the way your body tensed under his when he said that. And instantly his grip faltered a small bit and, you saw a bit of... sadness. Regret. At least, that's what you thought it was.
"What things?" Stu asked, seemed like he wanted to actually not get an answer, not to know.
He sighs "The... You know what, Stu, and check if there's fresh blood on it."
You whimper a bit "B-Billy come on this isn't cool please let me go, you're heavy."
Stu gets down slowly and reaches under the bed, pulling out the costume and mask. You look away as he does, refusing to make eye contact with either of them. If Stu knew about this, about that mask and what was there, and if they were acting like this about what you found... could they both be in on it?
"Billy, there's blood on the mask and the knife..." Stu mumbled, seeming upset- not even angry, just frustrated and sad "(Y/n), why would you look? Why the fuck would you do that?"
Your body shakes as you start to tear up "I-I'm sorry I really didn't mean to, I was just grabbing my phone and I tripped on the sleeve of the costume and I-I just... I didn't want to, really... You guys really are the killers aren't you?"
Billy frowns, gripping your wrist harder "We would never hurt you, we wouldn't. We promise that we would both never hurt you, please understand that."
"You guys are the killers?" You repeat the question again, this time more firmly so they couldn't ignore it or brush it off. Weakly, Stu nods his head and moves over to the bed.
"We didn't want you to find out about any of this, we're sorry." Stu says "We were never going to hurt you, honest! We just... We didn't want to tell you, we didn't want you to find something like that out."
You shake your head quickly "I-I know you guys wouldn't kill me! I trust you guys with my life, but... W-Why would you guys do that? Why would you kill our classmates? Stu, you dated that girl! Why would you kill her?"
"It's a long story, (Y/n)." Billy says letting go of your arms, but still straddling your hips "You... You didn't struggle? You didn't call the police or anything did you?"
You shake your head no "N-No... I... I just... I couldn't do that, I love you guys. I didn't believe it, I still don't really want to."
He grins a bit "Even if we kill people? We killed Casey, (Y/n), we killed Steve. Randy was right about us... Doesn't that make you angry?"
You nod a bit "It makes me angry... but that's because I love you guys, and I don't understand why'd you do something like that. I didn't want to call the cops. They'd take you guys away and then I'd be alone again, I'll have nobody. Why didn't you tell me about any of this?"
Stu sits down besides you two and runs his fingers through your hair "How were we supposed to tell you something like that? We didn't want to tell you anything, once everything is over we planned to move with you, out of Woodsboro and somewhere we could all be happy."
"Everything was over...? You guys are planning more murders?" You ask.
"... That party we are planning... The one where we break up with Tatum and Sid..." Billy says, him now avoiding the eye contact.
You think for a moment, trying to process it all "Y... You're going to kill them? You're going to kill our friends! You guys have known each other for years!"
"Friends? (Y/n), I've been trying to be nice about it, but they fucking hate us! They all think us three are complete freaks! I've hated them for years, Tatum and her dumb shit, Randy's fucking wimp ass, and Sidney's damn... Her mom was a bitch!" Billy snaps suddenly "Why can't you see that? You want to see the best in people but I know you see it too!"
You start to cry quietly "Y-Yeah but... Killing them... It's not right!"
Billy grabs your cheek "Once they are gone, we are going to be happy. We are going to move. We are going to be okay. With our plan, the fame from it all will give us enough money to move, you'll be able to start school, hell you'll probably be able to get into any school you want! We'll be set for life and it will just be us three. Please, please tell me you want that."
You nod quietly, lost for a moment in thought "Y-Yes I want that... but do they really have to die for it...?"
Billy sighs "We have everything worked out, (Y/n). And from where we are now, there's no going back. What do we do, just stop killing people and give ourselves in? That isn't really possible after all we did for this. We just need you not to tell anyone. You can do that, right? For us? And then we are going to be all okay, all three of us, we can have a relationship..."
Your breath hitches a bit and you wipe your eyes of the tears "Y-Yes... I... I can do that. Will this really work? How do you guys know everything won't go wrong?"
"We have someone who gave us everything we needed to get away with this, and we've been working on this plan for years, my dear. Everything will go perfectly fine. You don't have to be involved with any of it, really." Billy says petting your hair lightly "Just don't tell anyone for us, that's all you need to do."
"Why can't we just run away now? Can't we just go now?" You ask "While everyone is looking for Sidney's dad..."
He sighs "We have Sid's dad. He's our scapegoat. We'll explain everything to you later. But you have to promise you won't freak out on us, okay? We don't want to have to hurt you, really. We would if liked it better if we could let you join us from the beginning..."
You shake your head "I-I couldn't do something like that, killing someone... I don't think I ever could do something like that. N-No offense to you guys, but..."
Stu chuckles "We never expected you to. But now that you know, you can at least be an ally to us, right?"
"How?" You asked curiously "I can't kill anyone, you know that."
He grins "Just cover for us, tell us if anyone is suspicious of us. You already think Randy is, right? See, you're already helping us!"
"Yeah and when the cops or anyone asked you where we been, just say we were hanging out that night or something." Billy chimes in "We'll back you up if you help us, okay?"
You nod a bit "Okay, I've always been a good liar, I think. So it should work" You say "Just not around you guys, though. It's hard to lie to you guys."
"That's obvious enough." Stu chuckled ruffling your hair "You're a complete loser at that! I doubt the cops will ever mess with you, though. You're way too nice. The only one who's accused you of anything so far is Randy and that's just because he spends too much time with horror movies."
You giggle a bit shaking your head "Yeah, he's a loser." You state sitting up slowly, Billy still not moving off your lap as you do but giving you more room to sit up comfortably "What's your guys plan during the party? Do I do anything?"
"Well... We were kinda planning on knocking you out and tying you up in a closet while we did everything. We really didn't want you to get involved." Billy admits "You'd just be another victim in the whole thing. Completely obvious to everything going on. We didn't want you to worry."
You nod a bit "We could still do that, Billy. I'm fine with it. I mean, it's gonna suck but you could still knock me out and tie me up! I don't mind it."
He grins "Really? Are you sure? We don't have to knock you out, we could always just tie you up."
You giggle a bit "Either is fine, whichever you think would work better when we get to it."
He grins leaning over and kissing you quickly "You're the best, babe." He says starting to kiss all over your cheek "You won't regret it, I promise!"
You smile "Okay, okay! Stop all the kissing loser."
Billy smirks moving his lips to your neck and starting to leave kisses along the skin, his hands moving to your hips as he does. You feel your cheeks flare up "B-Billy what are you trying to do?"
"What?" He asked innocently "I was just thinking... I mean, shouldn't we practice tying you up? For the big day?"
You gasp a bit and shake your head, your cheeks quickly flushing "Billy! We can't, remember no cheating on Tatum and Sidney!"
He rolls his eyes "Come on, they'll be dead by the week. Don't worry about them, they won't find out about this." He says going back to kissing your neck.
"W-We really shouldn't, it's bad..." You mumble shyly.
Stu grabs your chin "Don't worry about that, just let everything go and relax~." He cooed softly. Before you could answer, he moved his lips roughly into yours, holding your chin as he does.
You whine playfully, but kiss back none the less. When Stu finally pulls away you sigh lightly and smile at him "I guess we can... but you guys can't be too rough, you know that. I've never really been with a boy before, let alone two."
"We promise, we'll treat you great." Billy says grinning.
Stu nods happily "We promise!" He repeats.
You giggle a bit and both of them basically tackle you to the bed. Let's just say that until Billy's father came back with the taco bell, they both had you completely distracted from the intense discovery you just made.
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