《Eureka》⇜ Chapter Four ⇝
You woke up with two arms holding you close. It's a new feeling, but a welcomed one. You giggle a small bit as you try to wiggle away from Billy and Stu. Sydney and Tatum got up at some point during the night and went to their own room. Randy was sprawled out on the floor, he was laying in popcorn. Yikes.
As you moved you heard a groan besides your head. An arm around your waist only pulled you closer "How about five more minutes?"
"Billy, you're lucky your girlfriend doesn't see you like this." You grumble "Out of context, this looks really bad."
"And with context, does it look any better?" The boy teases ruffling your hair as he slowly pulls his body up. His movements cause a chain reaction, as Stu besides you starts to move when his head rest resettles itself.
"Aren't you only proving my point?" You giggle a small bit, watching as Stu shakes awake. He glances at you both and smiles like an idiot.
"Morning already? Shame."
You shake your head siding off the sofa "I'm gonna go uh, brush my teeth and stuff. Maybe get my life together while I'm at it. I don't know, I'll decide when I get there."
"Have fun, don't drown." Billy says yawning.
You smile grabbing your bag and heading to the bathroom. In there you freshen yourself up a bit and replace your pajamas with spare clothing. You felt a bit filthy, but it was just that weird feeling you normally get when you sleep over at someone else's place. It must just come for free with unfamiliarity.
You sigh a bit as you brush out your hair, checking your phone for messages from your mother. Nothing other than a 'make sure not to sleep too late' and a 'don't do anything I wouldn't do' message. You roll your eyes a bit, you'd think she'd know better? You weren't exactly that type of gal.
You come back out to find Randy awake, and waiting besides the door. He grins at you "Oh, hey- I thought it was Tatum in the bathroom and I got worried. She takes like 12 years."
You giggle shaking your head "Nah, I only take 5 months." You joke moving out of his way so he can take your place in the bathroom. You move back to the living room and sit back down on the sofa, Stu coming up and sitting besides you.
"I hope we didn't annoy the living hell out of you last night. I understand if you can't put up with us, though. We are a little crazy." He chuckles.
You shake your head quickly, giggling "What? No way, this is the most fun I've had in forever. I've never really had friends like this, and I really appreciate you all trying to bring me in."
"That's good, Randy was worried as shit about you being exposed to us. Thought it would make you see that he's an absolute nutcase." He chuckles.
You feel a hand ruffle your hair "We are all nutcases, so I guess you can join the club, (y/n)." Billy mumbles tiredly as he takes the seat on the other side of you.
"Are Tatum and Sidney not up yet, or do you guys just prefer torturing me?" You joke "I don't want them to think that I'm trying to steal you guys from them or something dumb like that. It always goes down like that."
"You watch too many movies, dork." Billy chuckles "They wouldn't be dumb enough to react like that."
You nod a bit "Y-Yeah, you're right. I guess I really only experienced that kind of stuff via films." You stretch out against the sofa "Sleepovers are a lot less than I thought they were. For instance, a lack of prank calling and making out all the time."
"Ugh, you should see Tatum and Sid when the-" Billy is cut off by Stu shoving a pillow against him as a warning.
You shake your head at their antics, giggling "I should put aside more time like this. Get some things done faster and stop to enjoy my few years of high school."
"Hell yeah you should! Again, we have nights like this all the time. You should start joining us all the time for these things!" Stu says happily, Billy nodding in agreement.
You glance at the two of them and grin, a genuine one "Yeah guys, I'd like that a lot."
As you walk into the school building, life feels a little different. Actually spending some time with people your age kind of opened your eyes to reality. You started to notice other people a lot more, the way other people had friend groups, the way other people would spend their free time not worrying for the next big test or assignment, but for the next moment of life.
It made you feel like you finally had something other than some grades and a GPA. Of course, you weren't just going to throw work aside. Work always came first, and you decided that no matter what you wouldn't put them before your hard work. But... it was really nice to invest some time into yourself.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" A hand slaps your shoulder as you move through the halls. You smile over to Randy brightly, he returns it immediately and asked; "Where do you sit at lunch?"
"I normally don't eat lunch, I sit in the library and read." You explain.
Randy grins "Why don't you come sit with us instead? We hang out by the fountain."
"What if it rains?" You asked.
"Well, we never had a concrete spot to retreat to before, but the library does sound like a good idea, doesn't it?" He chuckles.
You feel your lips curl into a grin and you giggle a small bit with him "I guess so! I'll come out to meet you guys at lunch."
"Sweet!" He says "I'll see you then!"
"Alright!" You giggle, watching as he heads off into the crowd of students. You can't help but smile a bit as you head to first period, taking out your homework and sliding it into the bin on the teacher's desk.
You take your normal seat by the window, one of your friends pokes your arm, pulling you out of thought only to comment on how happy you seemed today. You brushed it off, told her you had a good weekend.
It was a great morning.
You forgot how many classes you, Billy, and Stu actually shared. Because all of a sudden the boy's usual spot changed in the class, and they sat somewhere besides you now. Of course they stole the seat of some poor kid who was just trying to make their way through school, but you were willing to throw that mindset to the side if it meant you could hang with them during class.
Third period you all shared together, and it was probably your favorite class. Ceramics. You weren't talented or anything, it was just one of the only classes you didn't have to pour hours of research into, or work through formula to get to. You just got to create, and you loved doing that more than most things.
"Stu, what exactly are you making?" You asked choking down a giggle as you watched the boy mold.
He doesn't move his eyes from the piece as he speaks, like he was intently focused on the wonderful object of 'art' he was making "The goal is to make it look enough like a penis to just barely get away with it."
"Is that what a penis looks like?" You joke "I guess I haven't been missing much."
Billy burst out laughing "Stu, stop- that isn't gonna work."
"Not with that attitude it won't." He says "If I poke enough holes in it, I can call it a candle cover."
Billy shakes his heads "What the fuck is a candle cover?"
"You know, those things old people put over their candles so the candle light makes cool designs on the walls and stuff?" He asked "My grandmother had one."
You scoff rolling your eyes "Mrs. Rye isn't dumb enough to believe that."
"You both are killing my dreams an awful lot, and I really don't appreciate it." Stu sighs "I thought you both were my friends."
"Friends trash each other's ideas, Stu." Billy countered
You giggle "Especially if the 'idea' is trying to get away with putting a cock and balls on your ceramics piece."
Stu only chuckles "Ha, you said cock-"
"Real mature, Stu."
You chuckle and shake your head a bit, going back to your piece. You weren't insanely talented, but you did feel really proud of the coil mug you were working on. Honestly you thought this class would be chaos with these two as your friends. Well, it is chaos, but you actually enjoy being a part of it-- which is something you really didn't expect.
You, Billy and Stu seemed to click a lot. You all had the same interest in horror films, similar sense of humor. You didn't really know just how much you loved puking out obscenities until you started hanging with these dorks. They took the stress of classes away just for a little while, and while teachers were worried that the two would be a horrible impression on you, your work hardly suffered because of the little distractions.
"(Y/n), do you have any work to do tonight?" Stu asked you suddenly.
You glance over at him and shrug a bit "I have to work at 6, but I don't have anything due soon. End of the third quarter, so a lot of teachers are relaxing with the work load so they can just deal with grading assignments."
"You should stop and get ice cream with us!" Stu says "Me and Billy were going to that drive thru after school, the one with the really good sundaes that nobody ever remembers the name of."
You giggle a bit "Yeah, the one next to the library? That sounds fun! I haven't been able to go yet but I heard they had really good shakes."
"Oh my god, they have this 'concrete' shake that is literally just a brownie and Oreo in ice cream that they blend up a bit. Literal heaven." Billy says giving a small chefs kiss to nobody in particular.
You nod happily "Totally! Just wait for me by my locker after school."
"Billy, I never agreed to let you pay, I'll literally kick your ass." You groan trying to shove your money into his coat pocket.
He only dodges you completely "Nope, it was my treat from the moment we got here. My dad gave me 50 to leave him alone for the day so uh, yeah. No way."
"But you didn't need to pay for me, I have my own money!" You say quickly.
Stu chuckles "Don't worry I free load off of Billy all the time. He still loves me... I think-"
You giggle a bit "He's put up with you this long, dude, takes some real love to do that."
"Yeah, what (Y/n) said." Billy mumbles through a bite of ice cream.
Stu chuckles spinning his spoon around his cup "It's a good day for ice cream." He says peacefully taking a spoonful and putting it in his mouth.
"Thanks for taking me out, guys." You giggle "I never get to do things like this."
Billy shakes his head "You just needed friends to do it with. We told you it would be a good idea to befriend us~." He teases chuckling "But honestly life is a lot more refreshing with a new homie. I love Randy to death but, he's a lot to handle."
You giggle "Yeah, he's a bit much. I love him a lot though, he's a good friend." You say "Sometimes I feels he wants to be a little more than that, but honestly that doesn't feel right."
Billy raises a brow "Oh, really? I thought you two were on the verge of making babies."
You narrow your eyes shaking your head "What? No way! He's like a brother to me. Hate to 'friend zone' someone like that, but it isn't my responsibility to like my friend back, you know?"
"So, if you don't like him, who do you like?" Stu asked pointing his spoon at you before taking another bite off it "You got a type or anything?"
You shake your head "I haven't had many crushes, actually. Feels like I've been missing out. I don't really have a type for myself either. Actually, I've found it kind of hard to find myself like... liking one dude? I like a whole ton of people. I don't like explaining it because it sounds weird but-"
"Poly, it's called being poly." Billy says simply. You must have looked as worried as you felt, because Billy quickly continued "We understand. You like more than one person. Hell, as long as everyone is consenting to it all and it isn't just fancy cheating, I don't have a problem with it."
You smile a bit, nervousness in your stomach "Are you sure? I mean, I know a lot of people think it's really weird-"
"It's not, you're just a human. Besides, with how much time you've spent single you might as well take two boyfriends to make up for it." Stu teases a bit poking your cheek "Have fun, homie."
You giggle softly "Thanks, dork. I don't think I'm gonna find anyone for me in high school though. Aside from you guys, a lot of the boys at this school admittedly annoy the living hell out of me."
"I'm so shocked. You mean half the boys at this school are assholes who won't be redeemable pieces of society until their late 30's when they are working as garbage men?" Billy remarks playfully rolling his eyes "You aren't actually missing much here."
"Yeah, you aren't- but still, you shouldn't give up hope for dating someone in high school. Who knows, someone might surprise you. I mean, you hated us at first!" Stu chuckles.
You punch his shoulder lightly "I didn't hate you guys! You just gave off creepy vibes! I thought you were gonna prank me or something-"
"We wouldn't prank you on the first day of friendship! We'd wait a week or two first." Billy retorts chuckling "Why would we prank you?"
You shrug "Because I'm socially naive and an easy target or something?"
Stu ruffles your hair "You shoot yourself down way too much, dude. No wonder you don't go for dating and stuff, you're too busy worrying about what others are gonna do to you rather than what they can do for you."
"Wow, Stu actually using his brain and giving out helpful advice? Someone get the camera." Billy remarks.
You giggle a bit "Thanks, guys. But I just don't see a dude being genuinely into me. It's a nice thought, though."
"It's a realistic thought, too. Stop selling yourself short." Billy comments, finishing up his ice cream "Maybe we can help find a good kid for you later on."
You feel your lips curl up a bit at his comments. You heart feels light in your chest for a moment, and you feel at ease. Right here, with these two idiots, nothing bad in the world can touch you. They were the first people you've ever opened up to about your love life, about how you felt about loving people. And they seemed to be the first people to really understand your polyamorous nature. It was releasing in a way, that somebody knew that about you, that it just didn't sit in the back of your brain.
Billy pokes a napkin at the side of your lip "We actually wanted to ask you something about this weekend."
"Shoot." You say smiling, turning to face the two.
"Well," Billy starts "Sid and Tatum are going out of town with Dewey, Tatum's brother, this weekend. And Randy is going to see a movie with his sister so... We were kinda wondering if you wanted to come over, hang out with us?"
You nod your head a bit "Yeah, totally! My mom should be fine with it. She's off work this weekend so she's probably taking my sister out to that new waterpark just out of town, anyways."
Stu and Billy both light up a bit at your approval, causing you to giggle a small bit. They both complemented each other a little too well, and both of them together was often chaos. But you liked it, it was different from the way others at the school acted. Something about them seemed genuine in a way, and only with you.
You weren't an ignorant person, you watched a lot of people all your life, just sitting and observing the way they act. You noticed while watching Billy and Stu that they seemed a lot more active and passionate around you than they did with their own girlfriends or Randy.
For a moment, you assumed that it was because you were newer in the group, but after a small while of hanging with them, you became less sure that this was the case. They seemed to just enjoy you a lot more, they seemed more fascinated with what you had to say. You'd be lying if you said that the attention, as odd as it was, didn't make you feel great.
They were always the first ones to point out how you were acting off, to comment on if what you were wearing was a new outfit. Small things that you hardly noticed were all they could talk about around you. They seemed to know what was wrong with you before you could point it out.
They also weren't afraid to hide from truths that you hid from yourself. Your anxiety in school, the depression that came from being antisocial and uninvolved. They noticed the way you tried to hide everything wrong, to the extent that you could even hide it from yourself. But not them.
Being around them just felt right. They made the world make sense again. And you'd kinda be lying to yourself if you said that you haven't developed at least a tiny little crush on the two. Well, you've only been friends with them for about a month, so you didn't really want to say for sure. But you really did enjoy them, and even if you did love them like you thought you did, you'd keep it to yourself just so you didn't ruin it.
You think, maybe just a little bit; you might just like them.
You mess with the end of your shorts as you wait at the door. You know that tiny little anxiety you get when you knock on the door to a house you've never been to before? When you debate whether to press the button and ring the doorbell or just run away? You were in the middle of it.
Luckily not long after you stepped up to the porch someone suddenly took your shoulders and started to shake you. You squeak a bit and turn to face Stu, who as the biggest smirk on his face. You shove him lightly giggling a bit.
"Allow me, my fine lady." He says before aggressively knocking on the door "Aye, Billy boy! Come get your friends off the porch before we jump through the window!"
A small moment later, a slightly inconvenienced Billy comes rushing to the front door and throwing it open for the two of you to step inside "I picked out a few movies for us, hope you don't mind; all of them are horror."
"Ah, man, you suck, Billy. Picking my favorite genre of movies? You're the worst." You giggle "You better have some snacks, though. I'm so hungry, I'm on the verge of ending it all."
"Yeah, yeah. I snuck some into my room. A few bags of chips should keep you alive." He says heading to his bedroom with you and Stu close behind.
"We are starting out with Silence of the Lambs; anyone who has anything to say about that can eat my ass." Billy says.
You giggle "Lucky for you I adore that movie and Jodie Foster. So, please, play that good shit."
You and Stu pile onto the bed happily as you watch Billy enter the VHS and set the movie up completely. He then turns to the two of you and smiles, jumping onto the bed and throwing his body into Stu's lap. You grin and move a bit closer to the two, leaning on Stu's shoulder as Billy uses your left thigh as an arm rest.
You each made small remarks about the film as you watched it, about 30 percent of the comments were about how good Jodie Foster looks (mainly by you, because you refused to let an icon go unnoticed) and the rest were about Hannibal and how, with a name like that, he should have been caught sooner.
You each snacked on both an open bag of cheese puffs and some plain off brand potato chips. Billy also had a hidden 12 pack of soda under his nightstand. You three indulged in the snacks up until the end credits. It wasn't too late at night, around 11:30. Billy decided to play another movie, but the setting the volume a bit lower so you all could have discussion as the film just acted as background noise.
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[Featured by @HistoricalFiction, @WattpadHistoricalRomance, @action, @talesofthedeep, @adventure, @WattpadESL, @WattpadSeries, @NARomance @StoriesUndiscovered]Eva did everything but follow the rules. No one seemed to understand her. Suffering domestic violence, she used humor to hide how alone and unwanted she truly felt. However, everything changes when her uncle arrives in Curaçao. After he introduces Eva to the world of piracy, her life sets a new course, but not everything was what it appeared to be. Will Eva finally find true happiness as a pirate? Or the challenges will overwhelm her and bring even more sorrow?Warning: violence, physical abuse, swearing, cursing, alcohol consumption, and mild sexual content.A/A = Action/Adventure Some awards:🥇1st place in The Mysfic Awards 2021 (Action)🥇1st place in The Candy Cane Awards (A/A)🥇1st place in the Library Awards - Fall 2020 (Special Genre and perfect score)🥇1st place in The Fairytale Awards 2020 (A/A and highest/perfect score) 🥇1st place in the Scarlet Awards 2020 (A/A)🥇1st place in The Aureate Awards (A/A)🥇1st place in the Jam Fest Awards 2021 (Best Fight Scene)🥇1st place in the Sweet Treats Awards (Best Main Character and perfect score)🥇1st place in The Spotlight Award (Best Opening Chapter) 🥇1st place in The Leaves Awards 2021 (Historic Fiction)🏆Best Fight Scene & Best Emotional Scene in the Grandiose Mini-Awards🏆Best Main Character in The Golden Flower Awards 🏆Best Female Lead in the Spark Awards 2020🏆The Best Main Character (MC) in The Aureate Awards🏆Best Blurb in the Dream Hearts Awards #1 in pirateadventure, piratecaptain, buccaneer, talesofthedeep, pirateship, and piracy#2 in pirateship and mixedgenre#4 in stealing #6 in piracy#12 in caribbean and actionpacked#112 in historicalfiction This book and its characters are mine, but the pictures and songs are not.
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