《I struck a deal with the Devil》Chapter 11 - Why so scared Riven?✔


Mina was walking straight towards a guy dressed in a Superman costume. Violet's plan was pretty logical. Take the pieces out one by one, starting from the weakest.

Masha was casually leaning on the wall by the bar. She was watching Violet make her way through the crowd, towards a cute blonde haired boy. Her attention turned to Mina soon after as Mr. Superman was manhandling her.

"Vlad is so not gonna like this." Masha said, holding the bridge of her nose in a dramatic way.

Violet moved behind the blonde boy dressed in black. She knew he could smell her, but she knew she can have him wrapped around her finger.

The blonde turned around and smirked at the devil horned girl in front of him. The boy was taken aback. He never saw such a beautiful creature in his life. Violet smiled at him and made him blush.

"Hello." She simply said.

"Hi..." The boy answered.

Violet chuckled. This boy was too predictable. He considered himself a playboy.

"Violet." She extended her hand.

"Andrew." He took her hand.

Instantly Violet let out a heat wave as they touched. Andrew stumbled back and fell on the couch behind him. Violet took hold of his lap and straddled it. The blonde gasped and Violet could feel him get excited.

She leaned into his ear and felt him shudder under her.

"What's a dog like you doing here?" She whispered.

"How did you..." The blonde was feeling dizzy from the heat.

He needed pleasure. He needed it NOW.

'Violet, Mina did it. They're in the room.'

Violet groaned. Her fun was cut short by Masha. She looked down at the blonde who was breathing heavily. She ran her index finger down his chest, feeling his abs. Andrew might have looked skinny and bony, but he was far from it.

She ripped his t-shirt and traced his skin. As her finger made swift movements on his abdomen, he moaned at the burning sensation rising in him. Violet finished her teasing and leaned in to the blonde's face.


"I had fun... Andrew." She said and kissed him on the lips.

She left Andrew on the sofa and went towards Masha. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl with blue high lights watching her. Violet could feel something was off with her. She made a mental note to ask Mina later.


"Please, I don't have any money. I just came here for my friend's party!" Riven was babbling on and on.

"For the last time. I don't give a fuck about your money! Now shut up!" Mina yelled.

Riven was tied to a chair and Mina was sitting on a box nearby.

The room was small and filled with boxes of all kind. It was the club's storage room. The door opened and Violet stepped in with a smile. Masha stayed outside as a look out.

"Oh thank God! He's been rambling and crying for the last 20 minutes." Mina said.

"Sorry. Had some business to take care of." Violet said apologetically.

Riven fell silent. He wasn't whimpering, nor begging anymore.

"Violet... your alive?"

She smirked at the boy in front of her.

"Mia and Ursula didn't tell you? Sweetheart I came back from the dead to give you a piece of my mind." Violet caressed the boy's cheek.

Riven's eyes widened at the shock of heat that Violet radiated. The teen was scared for his life, because he knew that the Violet before him was not a human anymore.

"Riven, sweetheart, how have you been these past 2 months?" Violet sweetly asked, taking a seat on two boxes in front of him.

"Go-od." Riven croaked.

Violet could practically feel his fear. She loved this feeling.

"Why so scared Riven?" Violet asked.

"I-I'm n-not s-scared..."

"Don't bother lying eye candy. We can smell your fear." Mina smirked.

Riven gulped as Violet's eyes intensified with color.

"Riven, why did you leave me there in the park to die? Why are you holding your tongue for that bitch Jena?" Violet gripped the boys jaw.


Riven whimpered out. He never expected Violet to hurt him, even if he was on the bad side.

"I-I'm s-sorry." He said.

"Well sorry won't take away the shit I went through!" Violet snarled.

She turned towards Mina and motioned for with her head for her to leave. Mina left the room and joined Masha outside.

"She's going to kill him isn't she?" Masha asked, watching the many teens dance and dry hump each other.

"Yup." Mina answered, popping the 'p'.

The girls leaned in and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

"One more question. Where is the bitch?"

"I-I d-don't k-know. S-Stephan h-hid h-her, a-after h-he b-bailed h-her o-out." Riven was now shaking.

Violet was mad, but expected this. Riven was never the one to be told secrets or so. He was just one of Jena's pawns.

Violet released Riven's jaw and stood up. Riven looked up at the brunette with pleading eyes.

"P-Please, h-have m-mercy."

Shadows swallowed Violet's face and only left her red eyes to devour someones sole. Violet smiled showing a sharp set of teeth. Riven started hyperventilating.

"Well, dear Riven.... The time has come for you to set an example for your friends. Oh and I don't show mercy." Violet said, a sickening smile taking her features.

Mina and Masha heard that and turned around. The DJ looked towards the two girls who nodded. Violet was to not be disturbed right now. The DJ smirked and amplified the music. The teens waiting in line could hear it all the way at the back. Like they were inside the club.

In the storage room Violet caught Riven by the throat.

"I'll let you choose, do you want a slow and painful death, or quick and painless?"

Riven choked at Violet's words and spit in her face. She wiped it off her cheek and glared at him.

"Slow and painful it is." Violet let go of his throat and stared at the boy.

"You have pretty eyes.... what a pity it would be to lose them."

Violet smiled and stuck her fingers in his eye sockets. She pulled out his eyeballs leaving hollow red holes seeping with blood.

For some reason it reminded her of Lucifer's tear fountain.

Riven screamed in pain. A few vampires in the club turned towards the door, but as soon as they saw Mina and Masha they averted their gaze and continued dancing.

Violet caught Riven's head and pressed it against her chest. Riven was screaming in agony.

"Shh... Riven, sweetheart, shhh... you asked for this."

Violet parted his mouth with her bloody fingers. Riven's tongue reacted on its own and licked Violets fingers. Violet moaned in pleasure.

"For a 17 year old virgin, you know how to pleasure a girl."

She said kissing him. She forcefully parted his mouth and started the tongue battle. Riven quickly forgot about his pain and gave into Violet. She smiled against him and bit down his tongue. She ripped his tongue out.

Riven screamed and bit Violets shoulder.

"You little jackass!"

She then ripped his head off making his neck into a sprinkler. The front of her dress was covered in blood. She growled her eyes twinkling. She dropped his head and smiled. Dracul appeared beside her and smiled at her.

"Can you take care of the cleaning for me?" She asked him.

"Of couwse. I wiw wrap him as wew and send him out as a pwesent."

Violet smiled and patted the small purple dragon. She said a silent thank you and left the room, leaving a decapitated Riven behind.






Machine Head's 'Now We Die' on the side :3

Feedback is always welcomed♥


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