《Invisible Thrusts | Kookv》Part: 3 (Shocked) M


The next morning

Taehyung opened his eyes while kneading his forehead which was hurting as hell. Taehyung looked around the room.

"Did I just dream about s£x?!". Taehyung mumbled while thinking about his dream. "Ahh.... Taehyung since when you started to think dirty?!". Taehyung scolded himself for having a dirty dream.

He was about to get up when he fell on the bed with a groan.

"Wait..... Means it wasn't a dream". Taehyung widened his eyes when he felt pain in his lower part. He quickly removed the duvet from his top then began to look down at his body and he froze.

His shirt was still lifted to his chest and his lower part was naked. He touch his stomach where was dried come.

"Shit..... What the hell was that?!". Taehyung mumbled while thinking about last night.

He slowly get off of the bed then suddenly a white liquid sprinkled down from his hole which make him shocked. He stared at the come which was dripping down from his pink h0le.

"It is a cum?!". He questions himself while taking some come on his hand. "Shit .... How it is possible". He mumbled as he quickly rush into the bathroom to clean his body.

After taking a warm bath he felt a bit better especially in his lower part. He changed into grey sweatpants and a dark green t-shirt.

He quickly changed his bedsheet where was cum atained. After that, he went downstairs where his momma greet him with a warm hug and kisses.

"How was your night.... Baby?!". Jin questions while walking toward the kitchen. "Ugmm.... Not bad .. I guess". Taehyung closed his eyes tightly at the last night's memories. He was still in a daze.

"Great.... ". Jin poured coffee into the two cups and then walked toward the dining table where taehyung was sitting. He handed a cup of coffee to taehyung then he also sit down on the chair while sipping his coffee.

They talked about random topics till their breakfast after that taehyung went to his college and Jin went to his work. Jin has owned a café.



"HEY...". Taehyung flinched again when Jimin shout at him. He quickly tilted his head and saw his friend glaring at him. "You're again zoning out.... What's wrong with you". Jimin said furiously.

They were in the classroom it was lunch time and Jimin was calling his bestie taehyung for going to the cafeteria taehyung was staring outside of the window without even moving his muscles.

He was zoning out again.

"O-oh i-i'm sorry". Taehyung apologize as he stood up then they both walked out of the classroom heading towards the cafeteria.

"You sit here... I'll bring something for us to eat". Jimin said as he gestured to the chair where taehyung sat with a small 'okay'.

Taehyung crossed his arms over his chest as he stare down at the table. He was still amazed about the last night and whoever was in his place their condition will be also like taehyung cuz it is not normal to fvck by a 'Ghost'.


After a few minutes jimin come to their table with food. He placed food on the table as they both began to eat while talking about a random topic.

"So.... Chimmy aren't you and yoongi going to meet his parents". Taehyung questions while chewing his food. "Umm yeah.... I'm nervous and excited". Jimin smiled sheepishly. "Hmm ... I hope everything goes smoothly". "Hope so". Jimin mumbled as they again began to talk till the bell rang and they both went to their class.


Taehyung and Jimin were walking on the road they were heading home. It was evening the weather was a bit cold.

"JIMIN...!!!!". They stopped when they heard a familiar voice from behind. They turned around and saw a yoongi running towards them.

"I- we- umm". Yoongi couldn't complete his sentence cuz he was panting. "Are you okay"? Jimin leaned as he place his hand on the yoonhi shoulder who was bending his back both hands were on his knees panting hardly.

"Yeah.... I'm fine". Yoongi said as he stand straight. "So I was telling you that .... We have to meet our parents today". "Yea.... I know ". Jimin said with a smile. "So.... Let's go". Yoongi grabbed his wrist. "N-no no yoongi.... I want to change my clothes". Jimin said as he didn't want to go there in simple clothes.


"Oh yeah... Then let's go to your house". Yoongi said as he started to walk still holding Jimin's wrist.

Taehyung was also walking along with them but he wasn't uttering any word since he and yoongi wasn't a that close friend.

"Taehyung". Taehyung quickly tilted his head looking at yoongi who was already staring at him. "Yes?!". "Why you're so silent". Yoongi asked when he comprehend that ever since he was walking with them taehyung hasn't yetered any word.

"Oh .. it's jus-". "He has become mute since your friend jungkook died". Jimin said as he looked at taehyung. Yoongi's expression changed into an awful one after hearing jungkook's name.

"Hmm..... Maybe it's because he forfeited his life on his lap". Yoongi reasoned as he smile at taehyung who smile back (not a boxy smile).

After that yoongi and Jimin head toward jimin's house and so taehyung.


"I'm home momma". Taehyung yelled as he sat on the couch while placing his bag on the coffee table. "Welcome home son". Jin came downstairs. "Appa said he is missing us very much". Jin said as he walked towards the couch and then sat next to his son.

"Oh ... You talked with him". "Yeah, he called me". Jin said as he shove taehyung hair behind his ear. "Why don't you call him here momma". Taehyung pout bcuz it's been 7 years and his appa hasn't returned yet from America.

"Yeah... I call him but he said he can't come he has a business to handle". "Hmm ... He loves his work more than us". Taehyung pouted more. "don't be sad my love.... He is doing work for us .... Ofc he loves us more than anything.. and he had promised that he'll try to come soon". Jin tries to encourage his pouty son. "aww.... Whatever". Taehyung said as he hugged his momma.

"Btw ... Is Jimin going to his boyfriend's house". "Yeah ...". "Hmm ... And when will you make any girlfriend or boyfriend?!". Jin questioned and taehyung looked up at his face. "I don't know eomma.... I'm not eager in it". Taehyung reasoned as he leaned back from his momma's embrace.

"Okay pup..... Go and take a bath I'll make something for ya to eat". "Okie". Taehyung stood as he grabbed his backpack and then head upstairs.


Taehyung was laying in the bathtub. He had rested his head on the perimeter of the bathtub, eyes were closed. Taehyung felt someone just breathe on his crook of the neck. He felt hot breath which makes him open his eyes. He looked around the bathroom as he even turned back but saw no one. His heart started to beat at a fast pace.

He touch his neck as he took a deep breath to calm his heartbeat down. "it's okay taehyung.... It's just your imagines". Taehyung tries to persuade himself as he places his hand over his heart.


It was night. Again taehyung opens his eyes with a loud m0an when the again hard and massive thing hit his pr0state. He was sweating and panting badly. He open his mouth wide open as he looked down and saw the familiar look himself.

His shirt was again lifted to his chest and his lower part was naked. His leg was wide open. "Mhhmm.... Nghmmm". Taehyung m0aned as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut while arching his back in pleasure.

It was strange... He was stunned... He had no idea what was going on but .....

Still, he was enjoying it very much

The pleasure...

He again came and the thrust didn't stop until he passed out.

(A/N: hmm... horny ghost)

(A/N: Don't be confuse at the 'thing' word and I'm talking about d!ck but I just couldn't find the word to describe it since it's invisible lol... hdkhebsjehejen)




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