《Invisible Thrusts | Kookv》Part: 2 (Invisible Thrusts) M


After a 2 months

"TAEHYUNG?!". The boy named taehyung flinched when his bestie named Jimin shout his name. He turned and saw his friend coming toward him. "Are you even listening to me?!,.... What's wrong with you tae .. ever since that guy has death you're spacing out a lot... Is something bothering you or what?!". Taehyung looked at Jimin's face which had no expression, probably mad.

"No ... Chimmy...... I'm just feeling bad for that guy .. he was so young to die... Isn't it?!". Taehyung questions as he looks up at the sky like he will see the dead guy there. Jimin walked towards him as he place his hand on the railing they were on the balcony of Jimin's house.

"Yes you're right.... But whoever can lose their life if they ride a bike with fully wasted". Jimin reasoned. Jimin was also presented there when jungkook lose his life. They were just returning home from the club and on the way they saw jungkook's bike hiting by a big truck. Hopefully the big truck didn't drive over the bike and jungkook. The truck quickly drive away in fast pace. No one didn't know who was the driver and they didn't even able to read the truck number.

Jimin and taehyung were inside of the car. Jimin was sitting in the driver seat and taehyung was in the passenger. Jimin eyes were wide open as he was just froze on his spot while looking at jungkook's bleeding head and the worst thing is guy hadn't worn his helmet.

Jimin didn't move from his place as he was dead shocked but taehyung was quick to walked out of the car as he walked towards the bike and jungkook. And rest of the moment you already know.

"I just can't believe my eyes. I saw him dieing In front of my eyes I couldn't do anything to save him". Taehyung voice was soft and cracked. "It's not your fault Tae... And stop talking about him. You don't even know anything about him. He is just a stranger to us and here you're stressing yourself about him. You're skipping your meal and losing your weight too.


He was just a stranger taehyung. So please now stop thinking about him". Jimin exclaimed. Jimin wasn't a heartless person he also feels bad about that guy who lost his life at a very young age. Everyone is feeling bad about jungkook but taehyung was acting like jungkook was his boyfriend or husband he always stays silent. He had stopped to go outside with friends he even had stopped to talk with anyone except his momma and Jimin.

He space out a lot and skipped his meal too and Jimin didn't like it not even a bit. He was worried about his friend.

"Just try to forget about him Tae...". This time Jimin sounded soft as he place his hand on taehyung shoulder who looked at him. Taehyung didn't say anything except a small nod. He removed his hand from his shoulder as he walked inside the room.

"Umm... Yeah you were telling me something right?!". Taehyung changed the topic as he sat on the bed. "Oh .... Yep .... You know today yoongi told me that he wants to introduce me to his parents". Jimin said as he also sat on the bed.

"Wow really.... Jimin I'm so happy for you". Taehyung smiled he was very happy for his bestie. "Yeah... I'm also happy Tae". "So when you're going to meet his parents ". "Maybe tomorrow night.... We're going to have family dinner". Jimin said excitedly his eyes were already sparkling.

"Then all the best chimmy". They both hugged each other happily. Jimin and yoongi were boyfriends for a year but they hadn't told their parents yet and tomorrow yoongi is going to tell his parents about their relationship.

"Okay Tae ..... Let's go downstairs I'm hungry". "Yea.... I'm hungry too". Both besties went downstairs to eat something.


It was already night and taehyung returned home from his friend's house. He entered the living room and meet with his eomma who hugged him and kiss his forehead. "So baby .... How was your day". His eomma asked. "It was good eomma". Taehyung replied as he walked towards the couch and then dropped his weight on the couch.


"And you know eomma.... Jimin and his boyfriend yoongi are going to tell their parents about their relationship tomorrow". Taehyung said happily. His eomma is a boy his parents are gay and his eomma was a rare male who gave birth to a beautiful boy named taehyung.

His appa wasn't living with them in Korea he lived in America he is a businessman. He had called his wife and son there but taehyung's eomma named jin refused to go there since he love to stay in his country.

"That's good news babybear.... I'm happy for them". Jin said with a sweet smile. "Me too eomma". Taehyung said. "Okay baby goes and fresh up I'll heat the food". Jin said as he walked towards the kitchen. Taehyung went upstairs to his bedroom after mumbling 'okay'.


Time skipped

After dinner taehyung returned to his bedroom he open his cupboard and took out a big white silky shirt and boxers then head towards the bathroom for taking a bath.

After taking a cold bath he walked out of the bathroom wearing boxer and a big shirt which was reaching his thighs. Taehyung dried his hair and then walked toward the bed.

He climbed on it and then lay while covering his body with a duvet. For a while, he stare at the ceiling and then closed his eyes.


In the deep night, taehyung was sleeping peacefully when unknown energy remove his duvet. Taehyung squeezes his legs together when the cold air hit his warm skin. His white shirt lifts to his chest and his boxer slides down slowly revealing his private part. Soon taehyung felt some thick thing entering his pink h0le.

The thing started to push in and pull out of his small h0le. Taehyung was now half awake not fully so he felt some pain and pleasure in his lower part. Taehyung m0aned unknowingly in his sleep. He clutch the bedsheet as he arched his back. The 'invisible thrust' started to went at a fast pace. Taehyung was m0aning and arching his back in his sleep.

"AHHhhhhh...mhmm". Taehyung open his eyes fully as he lift his back a bit then again fell on the bed when the thing hit his prostate repeatedly. Taehyung rubbed his eyes trying to figure out what was going on. He saw his body shaking up and down on the bed. He look down at his lower part and widened his eyes. His leg was wide open naked, his shirt was lifted to his chest.

Taehyung tried to speak but couldn't proceed with any word except m0an. He fists the pillow as he squeezed his eyes tightly. He open his mouth the thing was continuously hitting his prostate making him to cried out in pleasure.

Taehyung open his eyes again and then look down at his lower part the thing was thrusting in him but he couldn't see the figure. "What's going on". He questions himself.

After a few thrusts, he came all over his stomach while m0aning loudly. Taehyung pant heavily still not able to figure out what's going on.

After cum!ng the thrust wasn't stopping and he felt dizzy. He gasp for air and soon he passed out.


Hello again my precious angels. If you have any confusion or questions then feel free to tell or ask ...okie.

I hope this chapter wasn't boring 🙃

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Love u ♥️🌼

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