《IT (2017)- Pennywise Vore》Georgie Gets Eaten



Pennywise sat in the damp and cold sewer as his stomach growled loudly, causing him to bite his lip in hope to last it a little longer until he heard the sound of stomping feet passing by the sewers and a boat labelled 'S.S Georgie' fell into the sewers near him. This made him smirk as his hungry stomach growled once again before looking through the crack in the ground to look up at Georgie, who looked into the sewer grate for his boat. "Hiya Georgie." Pennywise greeted the little boy as his now Amber eyes glowed.



Georgie wailed in pain as his right arm was torn off his body and attempted to crawl away from the sewer grate, where Pennywise slowly reached his hand out before grabbing the younger boy by the ankle and pulled him into the storm drain before he swallowed Georgie down his throat. "Well well Georgie, you really satisfied my hunger for fear fear quite a bit but I'm not stopping here." He said darkly and patted his full stomach followed by a loud burp as he began digesting the younger boy and disappearing to find his next victims.


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