《Old Old Pucca World》Chapter 5 - Special Animal


Leaping from branches to branches. Mio felt deep in his soul, he never felt this much joy in his life. The pink cat then stops, turning to face him. Mio nearly hit the pink cat if he didn't move swiftly to the side. They breathe hard while staring at each other. The pink cat makes the first move, walking around him while flirting.

Haven't seen you awhile, Yani.

Same goes for you, Mio. [Move her head beneath his chin] Ten years, eleven years? I don't know, we live far too long.

Did Lady Yasha assign you to be here? Who's your master?

Master? Oh no, she never was my master. Let's just say that I'm more like her guardian angel. I didn't interact with her that much. I just keep my distance and watch her in peace. When we crossed paths, she treated me like a normal cat, and I would step in her area sometimes. [Lick and bit his ear] What about you? Why are you here?

Garu. [Move his head away, flicking his paw on his ear] Master Garu had to restore his honor.

Oh, let me guess. It's a ninja thing. She's been into the ninja stuff in the past five centuries. [Yawn] How boring can she get? [Smirk then lean close to Mio face] But, I'm glad you're here. I really miss you. Remember your promise?

Promise? [Think hard then began to blush] Oh, that promise. I think...we'll discuss this later.

[Giggle] You're such a teaser. [Turn her tail toward him] We aren't the only special animal in the village.

Yeah, Kuma, Leo, and Tora are here.

What?! [Quickly turn her whole body at him] Those idiots are here?! Why?!

[Surprise] Because of Lady Yasha.

[Bit her lip while mumbling her mouth] Curse her... [Look at the other way as she reverts her eyes at him] We best give them a surprise visit. Where are they located at?


Between the mountains and the forest. Close enough at the beneath of a cliff side. You could see their house by standing on it. But, let me warn— [Yani has already left that he noticed her running into the distance] Wait, you don't know the way!


That's the last of it. Below this, it's an extra that's part of the document. An idea of what Yani and Mio's past history were like while being together.


Yani was fighting some giant ogress while protecting Jun. There are others too. She lost her guard when a bat was about to strike her when Mio stood in the way. The ogres lower themselves when learning who truly are. Jun and Lady Yasha had a long talk while eyes gazing at Mio, sitting quietly by himself. Lady Yasha could see Yani's love eyes, so she asked for her to Jun.

Yani was commanded to stay and serve for Lady Yasha. Mio was instructed to teach her the way in the area. Throughout her stay, she seduces him without him noticing. When the moment comes, Yani learns that she'll be assigned to a new place. She quickly kisses and confesses to him. He was shocked at first then apologized. If he really wants to apologize, he should make things right. Mio promises and kisses her with the last scene of her leaving.

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