《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》Operation C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.E.R.E.E.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Kids next door, as you all know too well, the delightful children from down the lane have been going to ever greater lengths stop us from capturing their fantastically desiclous birthday cake. This year, they've tried to evade us by fleeing the counrty but thanks to the 2x4 technology placer tracer *as the screen pops out to show numbuh 1's team* numbuh 5 planted on them, we've pinpointed their location a heavily fortified castle in lower sprekenheim. Now, all we need is a plan that will take the cake.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: I say we beat the crud out of them.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Simple.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: We could ask them to share the cake really, really nicely!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Simpleminded.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: We could steal the cake without get caught.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *get mad* Hey, that was my idea!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: I say we attack them with very stale bagettes.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Numbuh 5 says we go over there with some kind of giant robot, so we don't get our butts kicked by the giant robot you know they got waitting for us.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Or we can egg-inate them with a kajillion farm-fresh eggs, all loaded into my latest invention. Cakes are made out of eggs anyway, so the massive payload of eggs yolk will totally goopify those delightful dorks without harming the cake.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: That is brilliant!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: This is stupid! Why did you put a kajillion eggs in my room?!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *as put all the eggs in numbuh 1's room* Well, i wasn't going to put them in my room.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Getting late. We're all going to need some shut-eye for tomorow's mission. *walks off along the rest*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Yep. Have a good night, numbuh 1. *close the door*
The next morning...
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *screaming* AAAAH!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *as running and open the door* Numbuh 1, what's going...on?
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Ay caramba!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Sacré bleu!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *tries to get the birds off of him* Get these stupid things off me!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Oh, man, my eggs! *runs off*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Uh, what are these?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Chickees! Enough for everyone to cuddle and snuggle and love! *as she pick up the baby chicks*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Hmm. Do you think these would make decent chicken fingers?
Baby chicks: *chirpping*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: What's going on?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Oh look, the chickees have to go potty.
Numbuh 1 & 11: Aah!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Numbuh 5, the window! Numbuh 2, emergency trud-ifcation!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: And hurry!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *grunts while open the window*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *grunts while pull the lever to make the tree house go down so the chick can use the bathroom outside*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Man, that was too close.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Agreed, numbuh 5. Now let's get out of here. Eggs or no eggs, we have a mission. Since the farm-fresh plan laid an egg, we'll go back to the default plan. *as he and the rest of his team to get ready for the cake mission*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: We ask them to share?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: We steal they're cake without get caught?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: No, we beat the crud out of them.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Yeah, now you're talking!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: We blow in, strom the castle, kick their butts and we're eating cake for lunch. *press the button to open the ship but chicks fall on him* Aaaah!
Rest of sector v: *laugh*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *chuckle* You were saying?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *gets mad* What is it with these things?!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Aw, the chickiees think he's their mommy. *laugh*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Hey mommy, can i have a glass of milk?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: And some cookies?
Numbuh 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 11: *laughing*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: I am not their mommy! *walks off*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: I think a certain mommy's a little bit cranky.
Numbuh 3 & 11: *giggles*
At the ship....
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *got the baby chicks all over him cause they think he is their mom* Ugh. Numbuh 5, location report, please?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *look at the knd computer* We got another 97 chicks... I mean clicks, before we- Oh man, these stupid birds keep messing up console.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Relax numbuh 5, they just want to help. *yawns while laying on the chair when the baby chicks driving*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Aye, these pollitos (translation: baby chicks) are driving me crazy.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Is that all these little rats with wings can do? I still say we should show them the fryer! *saw the baby chicks chirpping at him* What did i say? What did i say?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Numbuh 2, we need an immediate potty drop now!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *get the ship down so the baby chicks can use the potty*
The baby chicks: *goes outside and take care they're business and then goes back to the ship*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Whew! *the chicks came back to him and groan* Ohhh!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *walk to her leader with books when numbuh 8 & 11 came as well* After bathroom break, the chickees need their mommy to read them a story. *as she gave the books to him*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *yelling* I am not their mommy! *saw the baby chicks as they chirping* And i am only reading them one story. *as put the books down, grab one book and start reading* Once upon a time, there was a little red ridding hood and the wolf ate her, the end. *close the book*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: The chickees want you to read it slower, silly. Especially percy. Right, percy? *then percy nods*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *face plam* Ugh! Numbuh 3, i know you think these chicks are cute and cuddy and fluffy but we're on a mission! *didn't know that he hit percy with a book* It depends on super-strict discipline, not cuddy fluffiness. I need a polished fighting force ready to jump when i say 'jump'!
The baby chicks: *jumps on the ship for what thier 'mommy' says*
Sector v: Whoa! Aaaah! *as they got spin by the chicks jump unit they stopped and made it when they groaning*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Well, we're in the right place anyways.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *saw numbuh 7 got dizzy and run to him* Numbuh 7, are you alright?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *got dizzy* Mom, isn't dinner time yet? *gets snaps out when numbuh 1 yell*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *yelling* That's it! I cannot run mission with all these blasted birdies following me! *as trying to get the baby chicks off of him*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *came in with a remote* That's okay, it's the chickees' tv time anyway. *turns on the tv*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *almost fall cause the baby chicks goes to the tv* Aah! *saw them watch tv* You're joking. All i had to do to get them to leave me alone was to let them watch tv?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Of course, silly.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *yell at numbuh 3* Well, why didn't you tell me?!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Because too much tv is bad your little bundles of joy.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *about to be ready for cake mission* Whatever. Just leave it running and come on.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Okay! *talks to baby chicks* Make sure bing-bing doesn't pick on mr. freckles, wendy sue.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Today, numbuh 3!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Mommy's still cranky.
DCFDTL: *they're ready for get to be on camera* Ahh, i think we're ready for our close-up. *press the button for get the camera and get to on tv all around the world* Greetings, children of the world, were so sorry to interrupt your stupid shows but it's our birthday. So today you're going to sit there and watch us eat our fantastically delicious birthday cake that you'll never get to taste. *evil laugh unit something exploded the door*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *came along with the gang* You better save some room, freaks. Cause you're going to be eating your words along with that cake.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Um, we don't let them eat the cake, numbuh 2.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Uh, provided we let you eat the cake, which we're not going to do.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Man, you got to work on that.
DCFDTL: Oh look, nigel uno and his friends are here to play with our presents.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Knock it off. You know we don't want your presents.
DCFDTL: But our present wants you. *saw they're presents into some kind of knight robot then evil laugh and knd runs while screaming*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: What did i say before? Giant robot.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Kids next door, battle stations! *then shoots with his weapon along with numbuh 3, 5 & 7*
Numbuh 11 aka juliette: Well look like we should've do. *gets the stale baguettes* Throw that robot with stale baguettes! *throws the baguette like boomerang at the robot but get grab by that robot* Ugh! Aaaaah! *gets grab, throw into the present that turns into the cage on the right side* Ugh... Oh...
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *runs and do flips at the robot unit she gets caught, throw the cage on the left side*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *runs to the robot while warrior
screaming and shooting his weapon unit he runs out, nervous chuckle, gets throw and gets in the cage where numbuh 11's is* Aaaah! Oww!
Giant robot: *turn balloon into mace*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Uh-oh!
Numbuh 1 & 3: Aah! *runs off*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *gets crushed by mace, get pick up by roobot* Ohh-aah! *gets thorw and gets in the cage where numbuh 7 and 11 is* Oh...
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *shoot the robot with his weapon* Take this and that! Some of this and some- Aah! *gets kick and goes in the cage where numbuh 8 is*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *swing something while shooting* Aah ha ha ha ha!
Giant robot: *shoots the mace numbuh 3*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *gets hit and falls into the robot's hand and throw into the cage where numbuh 4 and 8 is* Aah! Ugh!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Okay, gift box, prepare to be returned. *as he about to shoot the robot but...*
Giant robot: *turns around and growling at numbuh 2*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *got scared, screaming and runs into the cage where numbuh 5, 7 & 11 is* Let me out!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Ugh.
DCFDTL: Now it's time to play our favorite little game, Pin the sword through the nigel! *as their robot about to get the sword through nigel* Nighty night, nig-Aah! *the robot gets hit by couple of baby chicks*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *saw the chicks goes to him* Hey, what are you- Whoa! *got the chicks all over him unit the chicks turn into knight armor*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Check it out! Numbuh 1's a 'chick' magnet!
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *laugh* Nice one!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Oh, stop it.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *face plam* Ugh.
Giant robot: *growls*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Alright, guys, let's get him for mommy! *then few chicks turn into the sword*
Giant robot: *growls while run towards numbuh 1*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Aah! *run towards giant robot*
Numbuh 1 & Giant robot: *began to sword fight*
Giant robot: *try to swing the sword at numbuh 1's chick armor*
Baby chicks: *moves away from the sword*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Ha ha!
Giant robot: Huh? *swing the sword again*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Yeah! Whoa! Whoopsie!
Baby chicks: *moves away from the sword again*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *grunts as the baby chicks
Giant robot: *got blind by baby chicks* Aah! Aah!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Hyah! *as the chicks a sword slice the robot's chest*
Giant robot: *got sliced, let the teddy bears and gets pin by numbuh 1 and his chick armor on the wall*
Baby chicks: *turns the sword into a hammer so they can smash the giant robot and they did*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Nice job, chickies. Mommy's very proud. Now then... *the armor chicks walk towards to delightful children unit the chicks had to potty again* Oh. Oh, that's okay, chickies. You can go take care of business, i can handle this. *the chicks flys off and he lands on the table* Every year, we go through the same thing with you brats refusing to share even one bite of your delicious cake. So that's why this...year... *saw the chicks poop on the cake and had an idea* This year, we're going to let you eat the whole cake all by youselves.
DCFDTL: *get confused* Huh?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: I mean, who are we to interrupt your special day? It's your cake, you deserve it. Come along, team. *walks off with the baby chicks*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Are you out of your mind? We fly all the way here with these chicks and then there's the crash and then... *gets tap on the shouder by numbuh 2, he whisper to her about what happen and then saw the cake with chick's doo doo in it* Uh, you know, numbuh 1 is right. You do deserve it.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Enjoy! *try not to laugh*
Dcfdtl: Uh...thank you? *start eat the cake with chicks' doo doo right in front of the camera to let the kids from around the world to see it* (yuck)
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