《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》Operation L.I.Z.Z.I.E.
Love Is Zesty Zany Insanity Eh?
At the treehouse, the alarm went off to make sector v running where numbuh 1 gets something from kids next door super secret mail.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: We heard the kids next door message alert!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Are we under attack?!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Should i ready the superassault ship? *saw numbuh 1 walk while read something that he ignored him* Numbuh 1?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *turns around to see his team* Huh? Oh! Um, it's just, a, um, a b19-4 in, uh, sector 10. *as he rolls the letter and get nervous that he hide something*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *scratch his head* A what?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *raise his eyebrow* Sector 10?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *puts the letter in his pocket* Nothing to worry about. I'll handle this one myself. You guys just, uh, take the day off or something. *as press the button of his rocket shoe and flys off*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *waves* Bye-bye!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Wow, what a hero!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Well, we got the day off from adult fighting, so what y'all wanna do?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *jumps happliy* Let's go to the carnival! *runs to numbuh 5 and hold her hands* Oh, please, please, can we go to the carnival?!
Later at the carnival, they go on a few rides like the ferris wheel, bumper cars and round up unit they got dizzy.
Numbuh 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 11: *super dizzy* Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Let's do that again!
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: I think i had enough rides for one day.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: I feel sorry for numbuh 1 having to work while we having fun.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *saw numbuh 1 and some girl* Ooh, numbuh 1's working, all right.
Numbuh 1 & ???: *giggling while walking and hold hands*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: He's working it real hard.
Numbuh 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 & 11: *giggles*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *turns around, gasp and let go of his girlfriend's hand*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Hey, numbuh 1, how's the mission? *as the gang laugh*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Oh, um, hello, team. *chuckles*
???: Aren't you gonna introdue me to your friends, nigey?
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Yeah, nigey.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Um, sure. This, um, is lizzie. *as lizzie wave*
Numbuh 2, 4 & 7: *start singing* 🎶Nigey's got a girlfriend🎶
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: I do not!
Numbuh 2, 4 & 7: Nigel and lizzie, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. *while numbuh 1 was trying to tell them that he and lizzie are not dating unit lizzie stop him*
Lizzie: *giggles* It's okay, nigel. You can tell them that we're going-
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Home! What a good idea! Well, see you around, lizzie. *about to leave but get grab by his girlfriend*
Lizzie: Hold on, nigel! You can't say we're going out when we're alone and then deny it in front of your friends.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: I never did that.
Lizzie: You just did!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Did not!
Lizzie: Did too!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Did not!
Lizzie: Did too!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Did not.
Lizzie: Did too.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Uh, uh, really, guys, i never said we were going 'out-out'.
Lizzie: *gasp and grab nigel by the collar of his shirt* We'll see who's going out-out. *pushes him in the mub, walks away and muttering*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Hmm, women.
Numbuh 3, 5, 8 & 11: *shocked* What?! *hits him*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Ow! What?!
That night at the treehouse...
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: All he just said 'women'. *gets hit* Ow!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: What's so bad-- *gets hit again* Ow!
The next morning...
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Man, it's good to get out of that house for a while. *go out and walk along with the boys*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: I'm glad we did.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: And just in time for new-comics day.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Yeah, I'm gonna get the new 'flying yipper'.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: I'm gonna get-
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *put his hand on wally's head* Tag! You're it! Race you to the corner! *runs off*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: You're on! *runs off as well*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Guys, wait up! *runs after hoagie and wally*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *runs to the corner* I win! *panting along with carlos and wally unit saw lizzie* Hey, numbuh 1, here comes your girlfriend.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Kissy lizzie! *as numbuh 2 & 7 laughing*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *get angry* Why you... *run after numbuh 4 but saw lizzie* Hey, lizzie.
Lizzie: Hi, nigel. Look, i'm sorry about yesterday and i wanted to make it up to you....
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *glare at his friends when they were laughing*
Lizzie: With this gift.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Huh?
Numbuh 2, 4 & 7: *encourage numbuh 1 to get that gift from his girlfriend*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Oh, no, i don't think... Well, okay. Thanks, i guess. *as he get the gift from lizzie and opens it* Huh? *pick up that hat thing* uh, thanks. I always wanted... Whatever this is.
Lizzie: Why don't you try it on?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Um, i think i'll try it on later.
Lizzie: Come on. *gives her boyfriend a puppy eyes* Please, nigey. I wanna see.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *gets nervous* Well... Well...oh all right. *as puts it on* How's that?
Lizzie: Perfect!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Okay, guys, we're out of here. *leaves*
But little did they know that strange hat that lizzie gave numbuh 1 is some kind of a control helment. What a evil girlfriend she was.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *felt something strange* Ugh-ugh-ugh! I'll...catch...you...guys...later!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Are you sure, numbuh 1?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: You okay?
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: What about the comics?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *felt it again* Ugh! Ugh! Ugh-ugh-ugh! I'm g-g-going to hang out w-w-with l-l-lizzie instead.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Oh, whatever. *leave along with numbuh 4 & 7*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Fine by me.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Later.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Yeah! New comics! Out of the way!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Hey, where are numbuh 5's magazines?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Ugh! I hate it when you make us buy your cruddy girl magzines! *as pulls out the bag to give them to numbuh 5*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Yeah, yeah, tell it to captain loser and the dorkaloid.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: You wouldn't know quality literature if you bit you on the-
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Hey, where is numbuh 1 anyway?
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Man, is so weird! He says he doesn't like lizzie. Then gives him a helment and he goes running off with her. *then reads the comic*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *stops read the magzine* Uh, what kind of helment was it?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: It's big and stupid.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: light blubs on it.
Numbuh 3, 5, 8 & 11: Boyfriend helmet.
Numbuh 2, 4 & 7: What?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: A boyfriend helment. There's an ad for one right here. Look. *as turns the pages unit founds the ad*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *reads it* 'The yes, dear 5000.' They sell these things?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Who invented these anyway?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Well, they ain't cheep. *as numbuh 11 nod agrement* And the bad news is that the effects become permanent as the helment fuses with the victim.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: We got to save numbuh 1!
Numbuh 2, 4 & 7: Aah! *as before runs off*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Hold up, ya'll! We don't even know where he is!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *chuckles* I know where i'd want to go if i had a boyfriend.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *lovely sigh* Me too.
Numbuh 5 & 8: *gasp*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Come on! Let's go! *grabs numbuh 3*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Quit daydreaming! *grabs numbuh 11*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Aaah!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: What? What'd i say?
Moments later that night...
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Hey, uh, maütre dork, you got a table for five?
The waiter: *walk to the kids* I am sorry but, uh, have you any reservations?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Not about kicking kissy lizzie's butt! Out of the way, chump! *jumps at man to make him fall*
The waiter: Sacré bleu!
Lizzie: Nigey, your horrible friends are trying to ruin our romantic date. Destroy them!! *as pulls the remote to control her boyfriend*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Yes, d-dear! *jumps up and act like animal that he can destory his team*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: All right, let's-- Hey! *gets jump his head by numbuh 1*
Numbuh 2, 5 & 7: Wha!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *jumps on numbuh 5 while numbuh 2 & 7 runs off*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Numbuh 1... *as get grab and pulls up by numbuh 1* You're being brainwashed. You gotta fight it.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: You're j-just jealous!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Jealous? Don't hold your br-- Who-o-o-a! *gets throw and lands on a couple who kept saying 'i love you'* Ugh!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Rah! Aaaah! *act like an animal*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: All right, numbuh 1. You asked for it.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Let it rip!
Numbuh 2, 3, 7 & 8: shoots the weapons at numbuh 1* Ugh!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *grunting while grab the bottles, flips and pull them*
Numbuh 2 & 7: Oh! *gets pulled along with numbuh 3 & 8* Aah!
Numbuh 2, 3, 7 & 8: Aaaaaah! *hit each other* Ugh! Ow!
Lizzie: My hero! *laughs and pulls the remote to kept control numbuh 1*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *lands on the table*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: There's the shot! *shoots the weapon*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Ugh! *use that cap for plates to put the net in baxkwards to numbuh 4*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *gets caught in the net* Whoa!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Numbuh 1! Stop! We're your friends!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: The only friend i need is my girlfriend! *put the table cloth to make numbuh 11 trip*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *screamed while numbuh 1 puts the table cloth over her*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *then pulls her down and saw something shoot*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Freeze, lover boy! *shoots the weapon*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *use knife and fork to cut the ice unit he made a swan sculpture* Ahh. *give it to lizzie* F-for you, darling.
Lizzie: Oh nigel! *takes the ice sculpture*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: All right, numbuh 1. We're taking you home now!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *growls and jumps to the table* Just try and take me! *gets the stuff alover him while grumbling*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Give him everything you got!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Ya-a-a-h!
Numbuh 3 & 2: Aaaah!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *still in the stuff that his team shoots at him unit they got him*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: We got him! Move in for target-abduction maneuver.
Lizzie: *shocked* Oh, no! I won't let them take you, nigel. *turn the button to max power*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *chattering and muttering*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Uh-oh. Run! *she and the rest runs*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: He's gonna blow!
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *pops out*
Numbuh 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 11: *flys off and get caught by sliver wears while sliver wear get their clothes on the wall*
Numbuh 2 & 3: *groaning*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Yah!! *walks back to lizzie and sit the chair* I'm sorry about that. Now, what were you saying?
Lizzie: I was just saying we're going to be together forever and ever!
The waiter: Pardon moi, monsieur. Your check. *puts the check on the table*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *grabs and look at the check* What?! How can you charge that much for a lousy steak?! *gets his head down* Ugh! *the boyfriend helment begain to shake on his head* It's--It's--It's highway robbery! *then the helment begain to gitching*
Lizzie: Uh-oh. *hides the table*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *then the boyfriend helment destory* Ugh. *got pass out for a second* Ohh. *rub his head while get upset at lizzie* Don't ever use one of those things on me again, lizzie.
Lizzie: What are you gonna do now?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *turns around and saw his friends*
Numbuh 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 11: *groaning*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Um... Wanna get some ice cream?
Lizzie: Sure! *gets off the chair and hold hands with her nigey* I like pistachio ice cream.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Really? So do i!
Lizzie: You're neat, nigel uno.
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Kidnapped by the Alpha
This is back up! I never got around to editing it because I didn't have the time like I thought I would. Enjoy this and the sequel.Isabelle was jolted awake out of her nightmare quite suddenly. Dazed, she tried to look around but found that her head was held firmly to the pillow under her. Cloth covered her mouth and nose, a sickly sweet smell enveloping her senses. Her mind began getting hazy. Chloroform, her mind whispered almost silently. Her vision began tunneling, and she weakly looked up into a pair of icy blue eyes. She stared into those eyes as she was pulled deeply and forcefully into oblivion. Isabelle is a smart girl and not really the girly type unless going out. You would usually see her wearing sweats around the house or outside in her backyard on the beach since she lives on the ocean. So when she suddenly gets kidnapped one day, she wonders what she had ever done to deserve this. She hadn't done anything wrong, at least she didn't think she did. But she learns that there is something about her that is special and that she is not only human. Meet Jared Gray, the person that kidnapped Isabelle because of her being his mate. He's been waiting since he was 16 to find his mate and now he's 22, about to give up on ever finding his mate. But when he smells her in a mall one day, he follows her home and decides to take what's his. Isabelle's life will never be the same again. Will she be able to escape or will she fall in love with her hot and charming kidnapper that she wants nothing to do with? Or will she stay with him and eventually fall in love? --- THIS IS A DRAFT. And I was 15 when I first started writing it so there are many mistakes. Please don't judge too harshly. WARNING: CONTAINS SOME SCENES OF SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENTALSO, MANY MISTAKES! SOME THINGS I'VE WRITTEN I FORGOT TO PUT BACK IN THE STORY SO THIS NEEDS TO BE HEAVILY EDITED. Sequel is called Unwinding Fate
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