《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》Operation L.I.C.E.
Lice Interrupt Cheese Eating
At the tree house when numbuh 5 will get the goods so the rest of sector v is waitting for her to get back with the goods.
Numbuh 1,2,3,4,7,8 & 11: *sigh sadly and gasp when they saw numbuh 5*
Numbuh 5: Numbuh 5's got the goods. *gets up in the tree house, walk around them and show the goods while everyone gasp* Tortilla chips, compliments from the Delightful Children From Down The Lane, so numbuh 5 says "dig in". *as pour the chips in the bowl and pull the string to let the chesse comes out*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *eats the chesse and tortilla chips and stops* You know, could've just went to the deli on the corner. *continue eating*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Come on, you know chips always taste better when you take them from those delightful chumps. *dips the chip in the cheese sauce*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *pulls the salsa bottle out from her bag, grab a dip cup and pour in*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *stops eating and saw numbuh 8 got something* What's that?
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Salsa. I brought this for dipping tortilla chips.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Could i try?
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Oh, i don't know. The salsa is a little-
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Come on please?! Let me try it!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Ok, but don't say i warn ya.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *take the tortilla chip, dips in the salsa and eats it* Hmm, not bad. That's really- *sweats, face beagin to turn red and flames come out of his mouth while screaming* Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! *grab something to drink, cools down and saw numbuh 8 eats the chip with salsa* Crud, how does not makes it hot if you eat with this stuff.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: I'm from Mexico. I can handle the salsa. *eats the chip with salsa proudly*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Mmm. *about to eat it but something itchy in her hat, try to eat the chip but her hat kept itching* Oh man.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: What's the matter?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: That chase must've taken more out of me than i thought.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Aw, come on. *dip the chip in the cheese and offered numbuh 5* Have some cheese.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *walks around, holding her hat while groaning and screaming* Aaahhh! *the hat ripped revealed the giant lice that you ever seen when the giant lice done growling looks down at numbuh 5, whimpering and saw it jumps out and crawling away*
Numbuh 1,2,3,4,7,8 & 11: *shocked*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *laugh* That was funny, do it again.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: What was that, numbuh 1?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Lice and not just any kind, these lice are hungry for hair!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Oh.
Numbuh 2,4 & 7: Ew.
Numbuh 8 & 11: Ugh.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *tap her head and gets mad* Wait till i get my hands on that bug, i'm gonna-
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Gosh, numbuh 5, you look so... So... Funny! *runs off to her room* Wait here, i'm gonna get my camera.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Uh, here's your hat back, numbuh 5. *gaves her hat back*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *gets her hat but notice* Hey, this ain't numbuh 5's hat.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Those delightful children must've given you a lice-infested hat. *as numbuh 2 and 11 cover their mouths of shock*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *screaming*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *looks at numbuh 2 and 11 and thinks that one of them scream* Easy, numbuh 2 or 11, it's not that surpising.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: That wasn't us.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: That came from numbuh 3's room. Come on! *runs off along with the rest of the gang*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *grab the bowl of cheese dip and goes off*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *goes in numbuh 3's room* Numbuh 3--Oh! *shock*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *shocked* Sacré bleu!
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *gets sad cause all of her stuff animals had tare by lice and drop one of her dolls* Mr. Mopsy. Oh, cuddlestiltskin. Wrinkle, tinkle, pinkie mouse.
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *try to comfort kuki* That's okay, numbuh 3. We'll get you some new toys.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Toys? I don't want toys. *turns around in her anger mode* I Want Revenge!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: What's the big deal? Nobody got hurt.
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *grabs numbuh 4 by the shirt collar* Say that again, squirt and then we'll if nobody's hurt! *walks off*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *shocked and speechless*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Gee, i never see her so mad.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Well i have but trust me it gets worse from last month.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *walks in with her new hat* All right, numbuh 3 lost her friends and i lost my favorite hat along with most of my hair. *as puts the hat on her head* So who else wants to find some bugs to squash?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *turns around and saw the lice* Um...I think they've already found us!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *gets scared* W-what do we d-do n-now?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Follow my lead. *runs off* Run!
Numbuh 2,3,4,5,7 & 8: *run while screaming*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *runs off* That's your plan?!
Sector v: *continued running and screaming unit goes in the room while the others close the door and panting then the lices bang the door but then they'll get the door and holds it unit it stop*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: I think they've gone.
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Gosh, i hope so. *walk backwards* These things gives me the-oop! *bumps into the giant lice and turns around* Heebie-jeebies! Aaahhh! *throws the bowl and runs off*
The giant lice: *growls and then screeching cause of the cheese and dies*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: W-what happen?
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *walks and saw the cheese where the giant lice died* Well, at least we now know they like nacho cheese very much. So here's what we're gonna do. *smirk of an idea*
Later when they get prepared to battle the lice with nacho cheese...
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: The modifications, we've made to our weapons have made them able to handle the zesty, full-bodied flavor of nacho cheese. These lice don't like nacho cheese and we don't like them. *as puts the modification on around himself* So the minute you get one in your sights, hose him with everything you got. Any questions? *numbuh 3 shook her head no* So...then let's juice up. *pulls the string for get nacho cheese dip to fill their weapons up but the string pulls off, heard the burp and then saw the another giant lice*
The giant lice: *clean it's teeth with a toothpick, gets caught, screeching and crawls off*
Numbuh 1 & 11: Uh-oh.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *put his finger on the cheese dip* Not much cheese left for our weapon, numbuh 1.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: We'll have to get more at the source.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Right, from down in the kitchen, we'll have to fight our way up through the tree house and get to the cheese repository on level 67, then we can load our weapons to full from the main tank unit then, we'll have to ration what we've got. *fill his weapon with cheese* Kids next door, let's get that cheese.
Moments later...
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *walk while talking to himself when get nervous* Ain't nothing gonna happen, cause i ain't afraid.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *touch wally's shoulder* Hey numb-
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *freaks out by screaming while spray his weapon and breathing heavily*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *gets mad* You cover the rear, numbuh 4.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Ah, got to keep cool. Nothing's gonna happen. I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm ice, baby.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *try to clam numbuh 4 down* Numbuh 4, clam down.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: *ignore numbuh 7 cause he's too scared to listen* No cruddy lice is gonna sneak up on me. No, sir.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: It's okay.
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Lice don't sneak up on ice. It ain't nice for lice to sneak up on ice.
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *sigh*
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Those lice better think twice cause it's no dice for those lice. *distracted by goes in the room*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *notice that numbuh 4 got distracted and runs off to go get him* Wally?
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: No dice or rice. So take my advice, you cruddy lice. I am not nice, right numbuh 1? Right? Numbuh 1? *looks around and realize he's lost in the room* Guys?
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: *came in* Numbuh 4, i think yo get- *heard the growling and turns around that it was lice*
Numbuh 4 & 7: *gulps*
Numbuh 7 aka Carlos: Let's get out of here!
Numbuh 4 aka Wally: Aah! Aaahhh! *runs off along with numbuh 7 but bump into the giant lice* Ugh!
The giant lice: *laugh evilly*
Numbuh 4 & 7: *screaming*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: That was numbuh 4 and 7. *runs off to find them but runs back cause the lice are coming* Run! *her team run*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *kicks the door* Uh oh.
Numbuh 1,2,5,8 & 11: *screamed*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: I'm too young to be bald.
Numbuh 1,2,5,8 & 11: *shout indistinctly*
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *picks her doll and looks at it* You guys go on.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: What are you, nut?
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: *puts her doll back* Mr. Mopsy and me got a little score to settle, go! *her team runs off except numbuh 1 and 11*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Numbuh 3, are you-
Numbuh 3 aka Kuki: Go!
Nunbuh 1 aka Nigel: Come on, numbuh 11. *runs offs along with numbuh 11*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *saw the cheese explosion* Numbuh 3!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: We can't stop now, come on.
*walks off*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *panting and fell*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *turns around* Numbuh 2, are you alright?
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Yeah, i'm all- *holds the wall cause the lice grab him*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: *shocked* Numbuh 2!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: I'm coming! *runs to numbuh 2* Numbuh 2, take my hand. *pulls out her hand*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *grab her hand*
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *struggle pull numbuh 2 but gets pull by lice* Aaaahhhh!
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *shocked* Numbuh 8!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Save yourselves! Go!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Go without us!
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Our hair will hold them off! *the lice bites his hair* Aaaahhh!
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: *the lice bites her hair* Aaahhhh!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Let's go, there's nothing we can do for them. *walks off*
Numbuh 1 & 8: *looks at numbuh 2 & 8 sadly before walks off*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: Aaaahh! *laugh* Hey, that tickles.
Numbuh 8 aka Marìa: Aaaahhh!
Numbuh 1,5 & 11: *goes in the source, close the door and panting*
Numbuh 5 & 11: Whoa.
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: The cheese room. I've never been up here before. It's so...cheesy.
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Levels 10 through 40, subsections 'd' throught 'm' at this rate, they'll have the entire tree house infested in the mater of hours. We've only got one chance left. First, i'll raise the pressure in the main tank so that we've got enough cheese to fill every nook and cranny in the tree house, then all we've got to do is hit the purge button and we cheese the place. So let's do this. *run torwads the purge button but the ground shaking then the purple giant lice comes out about to run off screaming but gets grab*
The giant lice: *growls about to eat his hair but...* Huh? *sniffing and turns out he has no hair* Ew. *throws him*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Aaaahh! *crash into the boxes*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Looks like it's all up to us, right?
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: Yeah. Just the two of us against that lice. *turns around*
The giant lice: *evil laugh*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *looks at the lice, looks at the button then looks at her weapon and smirk* I have an idea. *whisper to numbuh 11*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: *gasp and smirk*
Numbuh 5 & 11: *press the button of their weapon, flys around the giant lice and lands on the ground before run*
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *laugh and saw the button* Come to numbuh- *get caught her hair along with numbuh 11's hair by the giant lice* Oh!
Numbuh 5 & 11: Ugh! Aah! Waaahhh! *straining*
Numbuh 11 aka Juliette: Press the button! Hurry!
Numbuh 5 aka Abby: *try to reaching the button*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: *runs* Sto-o-o-o-o-p!
Numbuh 5, 11 & the lice: Huh? *looks at numbuh 2*
Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie: You gotta say something cool first, like, *deep voice* 'say cheese, punk.' Or 'cheesed to meet you.' *normal voice* Wait, wait, wait, wait, how about this one? 'Cheese- *as numbuh 5 press the button and got cheese all over the tree house*
The next day at the park....
DCFDTL: *walks and gets trip by someone's leg then the helmet drop* Oh!
???: *grabs it and brings it back* You drop this, youngster.
DCFDTL: Thank you, adult person. *lenny grabs it, puts it on and felt itching of it as they walks off*
Sector v: *pulls out the newspaper, saw them and laugh*
Numbuh 1 aka Nigel: Yes, way to go, team.
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-𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-after realizing her feelings for ken ryuguji, y/n goes to speak with him despite knowing about his relationship with emma sano. however, she ends up walking in on what was supposed to be his secret proposal to his girlfriend. as y/n backs away, she falls right into kisaki who leads her down a path of substance abuse until she's wrapped tight around his finger and does anything he asks without question. lucky for y/n, there is someone else who catches her before she falls too deep under kisaki's control.𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬!languagealcohol and drug abusegun violencei am a whore for hanma so expect hanma content lol𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬!smut, fluff, angst「 © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 | 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 」i do not own tokyo revengers or its character.i only own the ocs and the plot.
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