《Codename: Kids Next Door (with me and my bff's ocs)》No P in the Ool (Pilot)


SENDING: Kids Next Door Mission Alert

At the treehouse Numbuh 11 aka Juliette Beaulieu is picking out of her clothes for the day when she heard the alert and the light shows that has "11" on it so she grab her usual look (her white and blue stripe shirt, jeans capris, black bailey ballet shoes and black beret) very quick and runs off.

Numbuh 8 aka María Pérez was painting something and when she's about to pick out the colors from her paints, there was a light on the wall that saids "8" in it so she take her apron off and runs off and headed to sector v meeting room and that's when numbuh 1 aka Nigel uno came in.

Numbuh 1: Greetings, fellow kids next door. Today's misson is an important for one of us. Now as you can see, (as the projecter showing) one of our satellites has intercepted a phone call from the neighborhood swim club.

Numbuh 2,3,4,5,8 & 11: Ooh.

Numbuh 1: It seems that our enemies, the grown-ups, have extended their adult swim so that kids have absolutely no swim time of their own. And we all know how boring a bunch of grown-ups are in the pool.

Numbuh 2: Yeah, Numbuh 1, they never splash around or do cannonballs!

Numbuh 3: And they never scream REAL LOUD!!!

Numbuh 4: *dunks numbuh 3* or dunk each other under the water!

Numbuh 1: Precisely. So, if we're going to put a stop to this adult swim thing, we're going to need a plan. And i have just-

Numbuh 5: *whistle* Numbuh 5's have a plan why don't we just jump in the pool? Who's gonna stop us?

Numbuh 8: Good idea, numbuh 5.

Numbuh 4: Let's do this!

Everyone cheered except numbuh 1 who tries to stop them but they didn't listen and get ready to go swim club


Numbuh 1: Hey guys, wait for me.

Later at the C.O.O.L.B.U.S.

Numbuh 2: Good afternoon, passengers. This is your captain, numbuh 2, speaking. At this time we would like request that you, HANG ON TO YOU'RE UNDERWEAR!!! WAHAHAHAHOO!!! WAHOO!!! *get everyone in the rockets flies off and lands on the swim club* They got out of the rockets and got in swimsuits on.

Marìa's swimwear (this fanart belongs to me)

Numbuh 1: Let's Get In That Pool!!!

Everyone runs in to pool as they we're about to jump in but...CRASH!!! They got in the metal fence and get electrocuted.

Mr. Fibb: *came towards kids next door with Mr. Wink in the life guard chair* Our sincerest apologies, kids next door, but is currently adult swim.

Mr. Wink: If you'd like to go swimming, you more than welcome to use the 'kiddie pool'.

Numbuh 2,3,4,5,8 & 11: Kiddie Pool!!!! *go to the kiddie pool*

At the kiddie pool, they can't move in there while numbuh 3 scream marco paulo except numbuh 1 got mad unit...

Numbuh 1: Knock It Off!!! Why are we in the kiddie pool!?

Numbuh 3: Beacuse the water is nice and warm.

Everyone looks at the kiddie pool about what numbuh 3 said and that was nasty.

Numbuh 4: Why don't we go give those lifeguards a good whooping, numbuh 1?

Numbuh 1: Because i have a better idea, Kids Next Door, Battle Stations!

Numbuh 11: 11!

Numbuh 8: 8!

Numbuh 5: 5!

Numbuh 4: 4!

Numbuh 3: 3!

Numbuh 2: 2!

Numbuh 2,3,4,5,8 & 11: 1!

As numbuh 1 press the button to activated the K.I.D.P.A.U.L.T. And it came

Numbuh 1: Preparing the target! *scanning for the target* Almost theeeere. *and lock the target* Target Locked!!! Fire, Numbuh 2!


Numbuh 2: Who? Me? Oooh nooo. *get shoot on the K.I.D.P.A.U.L.T., crashed into lifeguard chair with Mr. Wink and Mr. Fib and goes in the pool* Who wants to go swimming?

The kids cheered as they get in the pool with adults.

Numbuh 1: Adult swim is over! *while going to to pool along with the others* The kids are glad to be in the pool finally and having a time of their life but Mr. Wink and Mr. Fib got out of the water with the chair and everyone was shocked.

Numbuh 1: You know maybe we should get back to the K.I.D.P.A.U.L.T. *saw their K.I.D.P.A.U.L.T. Destroyed by a laser*

Everyone scream and ran away from Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb the lifeguard shoot lasers everywhere to try destroy the kids next door.

Mr. Wink: If first you succeed in keeping filthy children out of the pool, Mr. Fibb.

Mr. Fibb: Try, Try again, Mr. Wink.

Sector v hiding behide the plants except numbuh 2 who's running unit numbuh 1 grab and him.

Numbuh 1: Okay, i've got a plan. First numbuh 3 will- *notice numbuh 3 is gone* Hey where is numbuh 3?

Numbuh 4: At the snack bar.

Numbuh 5: Numbuh 5 ordered nachos. *as snap fingers*

Numbuh 1: Are you crazy?! We can't eat now!

Mr. Wink: *blast plants with laser* I'm afraid you kids next door will be swimming today or ever again. *as him and Mr. Fibb about to shoot kids next door*

Numbuh 3: Snack Time! *as handed numbuh 2 a pretzel*

Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb: Snack time?*gets down and off of their chair as Numbuh 3 handed everyone snacks except numbuh 1*

Numbuh 3: You guys wanted ice cream, right? *as handed out the ice creams and Mr. Wink & Mr. Fibb eats them*

Numbuh 1: Excuse me! We don't get ice cream cones to the enemy. What did you get me anyway?

Numbuh 3: Nothing! *giggles while get popcorn in to her mouth*

Numbuh 1: Nothing? *gets sad a bit but saw lifeguard's chair and gets on it* AH-HA!!! With your superchair, the kids next door will be rule the pool and swim all we want! But first, I'm going to get rid of you lifeguards! *press the button but something went cause he don't know how to use that thing, then drilled the pool and water got dry* Everyone says 'Ahem' as they glared at numbuh 1 when he got nervous with awkward smile.

Numbuh 1: So who going to the kiddie pool?.......Anyone?


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