《How deep is your love (HTTYD)》Part 10
The following day found Henry walking into Hiccup's garage which was called the Dragon's Edge. "Good morning Hiccup!" Henry shouted causing Hiccup to startle and hit his head on the hood of the car he was inspecting.
"Good morning Henry." Hiccup groaned as he rubbed the sore spot. "What brings you here?"
"Oh you know, just trying to catch up with my big brother." Henry said as he took a seat on one of the couches Hiccup had in the back.
"Ha Ha. What are you really doing here?" Hiccup asked sardonically. "You haven't wanted to step foot into my shop since you came here."
"Don't be like that Hiccup." Henry muttered. "You know I didn't mean it!"
"You called my job menial and unfulfilling." Hiccup grumbled.
"I was drunk!"
"And that makes it right?" Hiccup retorted. "You didn't even apologize."
"Alright, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." Henry stated. "I'm thankful to have a big brother like you. You know dad wouldn't have put me up."
"Speaking of, when are you going to start helping out?" Hiccup asked. "I'm paying the rent to your apartment. The least you could do is help out around the shop."
"Look bro, don't worry. You know I'll pay you back for all you've done." Henry told Hiccup. "I'd be in deep trouble if you hadn't taken me in."
"At least find a part-time job Henry." Hiccup told him. "You're my little brother. You know I'd be there to help you out but you have got to start pulling your weight as well. It's straining my finances by paying the rent to your apartment."
"Hey, don't worry about the rent. I got a big payday coming." Henry assured.
"Payday? You don't even have a job." Hiccup mumbled and then suggested. "Drago is looking for some help in the shop, and Alvin needs someone to man the register while he's on a baking binge."
"I'm working on something really big." Henry assured Hiccup. "It has nothing to do with being a florist or operating a cash register." Hiccup quirked a brow at that. "You know, you could have just let me crash at your place instead of getting an apartment. Seems cheaper."
"No I couldn't." Hiccup sighed. "There are some things I like to keep private."
"Come on bro. You can tell me anything." Henry stated.
"Like you've been telling me everything?" Hiccup shot back. "Henry, why did you suddenly come back?"
"Look, let's change the subject for now. How was your date?" Hiccup then asked when he saw that Henry wasn't going to answer. He wiped the grease from his hands as he listened.
"I'm taking her out again tonight. Still don't know where though." Henry told Hiccup when he had finished telling him about their night. "She's a real looker." He smiled.
"It's not just looks." Hiccup mumbled. "Astrid's pretty smart and witty and...."
Henry raised a brow and interrupted. "And how come you hadn't asked her out then if she is your type?" He asked. "She said yes to me almost immediately." Hiccup's cheeks pinked "I was going to, but then the twins decided to have some......... fun."
"Sure sure." Henry stated not believing his brother. "Have you ever even asked a girl out? I seem to remember a distinct lack of girlfriends during Middle and High school."
"And I remember a distinct number of girls slapping you." Hiccup shot back. "You better threat Astrid right Henry. You'd face the consequences if you broke her heart." He then warned.
"Did you seriously threaten me?" Henry asked with a raised brow. "You're so lanky that I think the wind might blow you away."
"I didn't threaten. I warned." Hiccup eyed his brother. "Besides I doubt I need to do anything. I think Astrid hits harder than both of us."
Meanwhile Astrid found herself back at Dagur's salon. She had ended up painting her nails there while she and Dagur chatted. Dagur was currently in the middle of styling a blonde woman's hair into a punk rock style.
"And after the restaurant we took the scenic route back. I didn't even know that there was a lake nearby." Astrid recounted as she waited for her lilac nail polish to dry.
"Seems like a pretty good date." Dagur hummed as he grabbed his spray bottle.
"If you ask me that seemed rather boring." The woman chimed in.
"Good thing no one was asking you Camicazi." Dagur huffed. "Henry took her on a very nice date."
The woman, Camicazi, huffed before saying "If you ask me he was playing it too safe. A quiet dinner at a restaurant and a drive by a lake, where is the excitement!"
"He did mispronounce several things in French." Astrid added. "But that isn't something you'd classify as excitement is it."
"Boooooring!!" Camicazi drawled. "Why don't you ask him to come to Country night at the twins?"
"Cami no!" Dagur shouted as he nearly snipped off a too long piece of hair.
"Why not? Almost everybody will be there."
"Country night?" Astrid asked as she gave the blonde woman a curious look.
"The twins hold it every Friday." Cami now sounded excited as she explained. "Music, food, beer, games and the mechanical dragon."
"Don't you mean mechanical bull?" Astrid asked.
"Nah, it's a dragon in this town." Cami winked at her. "We take bets on who can stay on it the longest."
Cami kept talking and Astrid perked up when she heard that the twins had a shooting range in the back. "Astrid don't you dare go trigger happy!" Dagur warned.
"You shoot?" Cami asked as she tried to turn her head and look at Astrid. Dagur however turned her head back and kept it straight. "If you don't want me to snip off an ear keep it like that." He warned her.
"I haven't fired a gun in a while." Astrid thought back. With some prompting Astrid revealed that she had an 1870 Smith & Wesson revolver.
Cami gave a whistle in appreciation. "Very old school. I have a Winchester Rifle myself. I just can't bring it to work. Gotta use the good ole standard issue service weapon."
"Work?" Astrid quirked a brow.
"I'm the Police Chief." Camicazi told her. "Although I'm off duty now."
"You seem a little young to be the Police Chief."
"Berk only has three officers." Camicazi explained. "Besides the incidents with the twins, there is nothing really to respond to. Our budget even got slashed in half last year."
"Small town, no crime?" Astrid asked.
"You bet!" Cami then laughed before shuddering. "The only time I made an arrest was when Drago went skinny dipping after drinking too much of the twins' moonshine."
"That is not an image I wanted in my head!" Dagur grumbled.
"Suck it up!" Camicazi giggled and then said to Astrid "Best way to know what kind of a man your dating is to see how he handles a dragon." Dagur bit his lip as he really didn't want to make that statement into an innuendo. Astrid caught on and snorted, not at all hiding her amusement.
"I'll ask Henry if he'd like to go." Astrid told them as she whipped out her phone, her freshly manicured and now dry nails flying over the touchscreen.
That night Henry parked his car near the twins' country bar. Music could be heard from outside as he and Astrid got out of the car. A wooden sign hung above the bar, proclaiming the name to be 'The Majestic Yam'. Astrid raised a brow but decided not to dwell on how the place got its name. The stores in town all had weird names. The most normal one appeared to be 'Drago's Daffodils'.
The inside of the bar was quite large as it doubled for a restaurant. There was a stage to her left where a live band was playing. At the back was the long bar where a blond woman could be seen mixing drinks. She looked almost gleeful as she concocted the drinks. To the right was indeed a mechanical dragon. A crowd was forming around it as they were chanting "Go Alvin! Go Alvin!"
"Howdy!" Another blond greeted them. "I'm Tuffnut, and welcome to the Majestic Yam."
'One of the twins.' Astrid's mind supplied as Tuffnut was stroking a chicken that had a small cowboy hat on. Tuffnut showed them to their seats and told them a waiter would be with them shortly.
"This place seems nice." Astrid commented as she looked around. She saw Eret, Viggo and Ryker at a booth near the stage. They gave her a wave when they spotted her. Fishlegs, Camicazi, and Hiccup were sitting at the bar with their backs towards them. The place started filling up as townsfolk came in and greeted each other. She glanced towards Henry, thinking that he'd be happy that they got a good table that gave a clear view of the stage, instead she saw a frown on his face.
"What's the matter?" Astrid asked as an upbeat Honky Tonk song started playing.
"I forgot how odd this town was." Henry whispered to her. Astrid glanced around at the patrons. Some of them were on the dance floor, others at their tables. She didn't know what he meant. Astrid gave Henry a questioning look as nothing seemed out of the ordinary to her. "You don't see it cause you're new." Henry elaborated. It still didn't make any sense to Astrid.
"Well, let's just have a good time tonight." She told him. "I've been meaning to get some dances from you."
At the bar it was starting to get crowded. It was Friday and people were wondering what the mystery drink of the night was. "Take it easy!" Ruffnut warned as she held the shaker threateningly. "Hiccup gets to try it first!"
This statement was followed by a collective 'Aaaauw' from the other patrons.
"Don't you guys aaaauw!" Hiccup groaned. "I'm just being used as a guinea pig here."
"Don't worry Hiccup! Tuffnut only fainted for a few minutes." Ruffnut assured.
"That is not very assuring Ruff." Hiccup told her. "Why am I the one you're testing it on tonight? What about Fishlegs like usual?"
"HEY!" Fishlegs exclaimed as several people overheard and laughed.
"Fish has his eye on a girl tonight!" Ruffnut teased causing the crowd to 'ooooh'.
"Ruffnut you scare me sometimes." Fishlegs told her.
Ruffnut proceeded to put a martini glass containing smoking blue liquid. "Drink up lover boy!" Ruffnut watched Hiccup eye the drink suspiciously. "Maybe you'll finally ask a girl out."
Hiccup nearly choked on the strong alcohol or probably Ruffnut's last statement. "Not you too!" Hiccup eyed her. "I had to hear it from Gobber this afternoon. Why are all of you so invested in my love life?!"
"Cause it's the new hot topic." Camicazi told him. "Well since the last hot, and possibly explosive, topic."
"Now that was a scaly situation." Ruffnut laughed as she thought back. "But seriously Hiccup. You gotta move faster. She's dating Henry now!"
"It's her choice." Hiccup defended. "If she wants to date Henry then I'm not going to butt in."
"Well then at least learn how to ask someone on a date." Ruffnut stated as she searched for her brother. She saw him leading three patrons that she didn't recognize to a table. "HEY TROLL, GET OVER HERE AND MAN THE BAR!" She shouted. The patrons were already well acquainted with Ruff's shouting and didn't bat an eye. Tuffnut came behind the bar where Ruffnut shoved her shaker at him. "Hold this!"
Tuffnut took the shaker without question and watched his sister walk from behind the bar. "Ruff what are you doing?" Hiccup asked.
"I'm going to show you how to get a date Hiccup." Ruffnut stated as she walked towards the stage with determination.
"Oh Thor!" Camicazi giggled as she took in the situation and Hiccup's horrified look. Ruffnut took the stage when the band ended their current song. She took a microphone and tapped it. "Is this on?" Ruff spoke into it to get the attention of the crowd.
"Hello Berk!!" She greeted. Most of the crowd shouted back. "Tonight I'm getting a date!!" More cheers. "And who better than to ask then our resident British hunk Eret!" More cheers as a spotlight was turned on Eret. A very blushing Eret. "Now I'm not going to do the tradition asking."
"Noooooo?" The crowd responded back. Many where curious as to what Ruffnut had planned.
"Nope." Ruffnut spoke into the mic. "I'm going to do it through song!"
Upbeat music started playing as Ruffnut held a hand over her heart while looking at a blushing Eret. "Hey good lookin' what cha got cookin'. How's about cookin' something up with me. I'm free and ready so we can go steady. How's about keepin' steady company." Ruffnut sang as the crowd started cheering.
Hiccup downed the strange concoction in one go as Ruffnut continued to sing "I got a hot rod Ford and a two dollar bill. And I know a spot right over the hill. There's soda pop and the dancin' free. But if you want to have fun. Come along with me."
"Take notes Hiccup. Take notes." Cami laughed next to him.
"Shut up Cami." Hiccup groaned.
- In Serial584 Chapters
Only Villains Do That
While waiting on an Akihabara train platform one day, ordinary high schooler Yoshi Shinonome was suddenly plucked from his normal life in Japan and whisked away by a beautiful goddess to Ephemera, a world of magic and adventure, to serve as her Hero and drive back the evil Dark Lord. This is not his story. Standing nearby at the moment Yoshi was isekai'd was a man named Seiji - a rude, cranky, misanthropic musician who was not at all pleased to find himself also snatched up and transported to Ephemera by the goddess's wicked sister, Virya. According to this self-proclaimed Goddess of Evil, the whole fantasy adventure thing was a game she and her sister played to stave off the boredom of immortality, and since the good goddess, Sanora, had picked her Hero...well, Virya needed a Dark Lord. A grown man with his own career and ambitions, Seiji has no interest in playing. Unfortunately for him, the call to adventure was not a request. Now, he must conquer Ephemera and defeat the Hero...or Virya promises to make him beg for the release of death before granting it. Playing along for his own survival, Seiji nonetheless is under no illusions who his true enemy is, and it's not the naive young would-be Hero from his own world. Placed in an impossible position, Seiji must make enough progress toward world domination to keep his sadistic patron goddess off his back, but not so much that he can't strike an accord with the forces of Good and convince the Hero Yoshi that it's the goddesses who are their mutual enemy. Forced to embrace Evil without being too evil, Seiji walks the razor's edge, building his forces and biding his time till he can get revenge on the goddesses and be free of them, his only certainty that he will not be getting out of this with his hands clean. A Dark Lord's gotta do what a Dark Lord's gotta do. Updates Tuesday and Friday. Most Patreon tiers get to read one chapter in advance of the public release!
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