《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Nineteen


He pulls away from our embrace and leads me to sit on the king-sized bed. "Now that you have agreed to the League's mission we need to get you ready for tomorrow. The blood moon will rise and when it does you need to be wearing the Kynda and make sure that you chant these words, and these words only: "Dimidium alterum dimittis me." Got it? It has to be those words exactly for it to work. Do you understand my love?" The urgency in his tone makes it clear how important it is to him that Emerson gets released. Little does he know that while he is prattling on about his precious leader, my mind is calculating how to make sure my grandfather is the one to escape from that hellstone.

"I understand." I smile.

He nods satisfactorily "Perfect. Let's go introduce the League to their new boss and have you practice the chant."

I nod and begin to follow him out of the room and down a maze of hallways and doors meant to purposely confuse me. I grin inwardly at the attempt while counting the steps and turns we take.

We come to a vast room with black velvet walls that are lined with weapons of every kind. All around the clank of metal and grunting sounds of Werepires as they viciously train are the only sounds that reverberate in the room. Hate seeps into my core as I study them; my enemies.

Lucius whistles and they drop what they are doing to fall into formation like trained soldiers and stare at me. Some with curiosity, while others, the ones I murdered in the woods, stare with open hostility. Pride swells in my chest as I recall their decapitated corpses and I smirk. One of the girls lunges at me and I swiftly lean away from her hurdling body while catching her ankle as it flies by my shoulder and slam her onto the ground. Satisfaction flows into my heart as her head smacks onto the white tiles and blood spills out. Her eyes simmer with rage and she kicks my arm to free her leg while she comes to stand before me.


I cock my head to the side and smile mockingly. "Is that the best you got?"

A feral growl escapes her mouth as she uses her vampire speed to tackle me to the ground, and I let her. She uses both hands to choke me while she straddles me. I wink at her furious face and just for the fuck of it, run my hands seductively up her thighs and bite back a laugh at her confused face. She snarls as I press her hips into me and I laugh while flipping us over and plunging my hand deep into her chest. Blowing a quick kiss, I rip out her heart and toss it aside. Her eyes go vacant as life slips away and I roll my eyes. Making my way back to Lucius as I smooth out my ponytail and grin.

He raises an eyebrow in question and I chuckle "Oh we go way back."

"Are we just going to ignore what just happened?" One of them called out in outrage.

Lucius shrugged "She'll be fine. Let this be a lesson to all who dare go against my mate and your new boss."

The crowd immediately burst into whispers and began to kneel before me. I held back the urge to behead each and every one of them. Patience Alora.


"Tomorrow night, our king will once again walk the Earth with the help of The Flame." Lucius states proudly as he places his hand on the small of my back. "Praise the Lumes."

"Praise the Lumes." They respond in unison.

Rage slithers up my throat threatening to explode like a shaken soda bottle. How dare they kneel before me and praise my family after slaughtering my pack? How dare the Moon Goddess pair me with the one responsible for the attack?

"Love?" He asks as he dismisses his soldiers and caresses my face "Is everything alright?"

I take a moment to compose myself as I stare into his eyes. The same green eyes as the rest of them. Those glowing green eyes that for so many years plagued my nightmares, growing my rage until one day I could return the favor. I calm my slightly trembling hands and force a smile "Everything is great. I was wondering if we could have some time alone? Just you and I?" I whisper seductively as I roughly grab his manhood. He bites his lip and nods while I fight the urge to sock him in the face.


"Anything for my little flame." He groans while picking me up bridal style and running with vamp speed into his room. Tossing me roughly on the bed he pulls his shirt over his head. I momentarily lose my train of thought as I see his chiseled abs which makes a war of confusion, anger, and desire wage within me. I am really starting to hate the mate bond.

He smirks and pulls my legs to the edge of the bed and separates them as he stands in between. He pulls my hair free of its ponytail and buries his hand in my thick red locks while forcing my eyes to meet his. "I want you so bad."

I force a grin and come to stand "I'll take that bath now."

His eyes cloud over with lust and he disappears into the bathroom. This is so easy I almost feel bad. Reaching into his night table I clasp my fingers around the circular metal and secure it in my back pocket as I step into the bathroom and wrap my arms around his waist.

He turns around and kisses me hungrily. I respond by trailing my hands down his body towards his belt and undo it as I drop to my knees. His eyes drop to half-mast as he watches me pull his jeans down and toss them aside. He pulls me up roughly by my hair and rips my shirt apart. "Too many clothes." He groans.

Smirking, I pull his lips down to meet mine while I force him back. He slashes into the tub and I smile down at his slightly bewildered expression before he pulls me in with him while biting my earlobe. Taking advantage of his vulnerability I pull the syringe from my pocket and stab him in the thigh. His body immediately falls slack as the paralytic sets in. His green eyes flash with anger and I smirk as I sit up and dangle the syringe in between us.

"Funny how snooping works. I searched the whole room trying to find the Kynda and instead, what I find is this Aconitum labeled 'Alora.'" I grin as I kiss his cheek and come to stand "I feel flattered that you needed a stronger dose for me. It turned out really well for me. Thanks for everything." I say as I slide his torso down into the water and turn on the faucet. "Have a nice nap love." I wink as his face becomes submerged and I grab the Kynda.

Wringing out my wet hair I grab his shirt from the bedroom floor and toss it on. Fighting back the huge grin that wants to break out onto my face, I make my way down the maze of hallways until I reach the training room. Smirking when they all stop training and face me.

"Sorry to barge in guys. But I'm gonna need a head start." I say holding back a laugh.

Their faces show confusion for a moment before slowly but surely understanding kicks in and they lunge at me. Whistling while I work I pull them apart with ease, ducking when necessary and pulling out hearts as they leaped over me.

The blood splattering into my mouth made me aware of how thirsty I actually am. I feel my eyes burn and smirk as Reece comes into view.

"Not this again." He mutters as he lunges at me, only to be blasted back as the flames burst through my body. Burning off my clothes as well as barbecuing the entire room to a crisp.

I sigh with content and lightly skip towards Reece's burned corpse and pull out the keys to the cells.

Wow, I feel so much better. I think to myself with a full smile as I pull the flames back inside and jog towards the cellar.

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