《Blood Queen || COMPLETED》Chapter Eighteen


He quirks a perfect brow while curiously cocking his head to the side. His intense stare as he sizes Nick up makes my stomach drop. He runs a hand through his tousled black hair before clearing his throat. "It appears there are things we still need to discuss Alora."

Annoyance flares within me and I cross my arms. "Of course we do. You have spoken to me for all of five minutes. Three of them have been with me in this cell. Get me the hell out of here. Now."

His eyes flash with anger and Nick steps closer to me which further angers Lucius.

"REECE." He booms causing the cells to rattle. Seconds later the clank of the metal door resonates as Reece flashes in. "Explain to me why my mate is sharing a cell after I gave specific instructions?"

"I don't know." Reece answers but one look at Lucius's face had him immediately adding onto his answer "I will find out who is responsible. Now." He scurries off like a rat and I am left staring at my mate in disbelief.

"Wow." I scoff and shake my head. "So you're just going to completely disregard me? You do realize that I will never submit to you or bend to your will right?"

"Wolfie has balls." Clementine approves with a smirk.

Lucius takes a steady breath and the animosity in his eyes disappears as a warm smile graces his face. "I wouldn't expect anything less. I will admit tossing you in here like the rest of them was a bit uncalled for. You are my mate. Once you understand how important our mission is you will make the right decision all on your own." He grins as he unlocks the cell and offers his hand. My wolf growls in my mind and I swallow the urge to slam his head against the bars as I take a step forward. He puts his hand up and looks at Nick who also stepped forward. "He stays here."

"He's my Beta." I challenge as I cross my arms.

"Well, I am your mate." He fires back as he stares me down.

"He goes where I go." I rebuttal.

"Yes." Replies my mate "And from the smell of it, he also goes in you. I can smell his scent buried in your pores. Forgive me darling but he stays or you both do."

For a split second, I let my mind conjure up several gruesome ways of impaling him and making him gag on his own balls. Then I take a deep breath and plaster a smile onto my face.

He grins like he's won and for a moment the sight of his smile causes butterflies to explode in my abdomen. I, of course, beat them back down. Jesse's low and taunting whistle in the cell beside us has my hands twitching. I take a step towards Lucius and instantly feel Nick tense behind me. I turn to lock eyes with him and falter at the betrayal in them. He quickly masks it with a neutral face and nods at me to leave. I try to mind link him but it's no use. I just pray he understands the silent message I'm giving him.


Trust me Nick.

His blank face remains unmoving and I sigh as I follow Lucius outside of the cellar and up the stairs. For a few minutes we walk in silence all the while I count the number of doors and windows as we pass them. I take a moment to study his posture. Noticing that his back is ramrod straight and his hands continue to clench and unclench.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he comes to a stop.

"You need to ask me that?" He scoffs "I catch my mate in the arms of a man she's been intimate with and I am not allowed to be upset? Do you think me emotionless?"

I roll my eyes "No. I think you are insecure and are acting like a petulant child. Who I have a past with is of no importance to you because it was before you. I am under no illusions that you have been cellibate so why do you assume that I have been? Let's move on from this and get to the reason why I'm here." I say as I fix my hair into a loose bun and plant my hands on my hips. "You say that in due time I will want to join you willingly. I say we should just skip all the torture and games and get to the point."

He stares at me with a dumbfounded expression and clears his throat. "And the point is?"

"That I'll do it. I'll help you release the old bastard." I shrug and he studies me curiously.

"And why would you do that?"

"Because you're my mate." I answer simply and his defensive stance melts as he grins. "And also because my grandfather is stuck in there."

"Whatever the reason may be, I am very glad to have you on board. You've just saved us both from unnecessary pain. How about we do a full rundown of what is expected of you as my mate and leader of this League after we go to our room. You must want a shower."

The heat spikes in my veins and I hold back the flames that want to burst through my skin at his condescending attitude. Does he think we live in the dark ages where women are bossed around and treated like nothing more than a place where they can shove their meat poles into?

I stare into his green eyes and see the challenge in them. He's baiting me. Testing me. I force a smile onto my face "Are you saying I stink?"

"You smell wonderful. I only suggested it so that I could join you." He whispers, his voice dropping as his heated gaze focuses on my lips.

Despite my better judgment, the bond makes my hormones go haywire as he pressed me against him. Confusion, anger, and guilt seep into my core and I am stumped. I have thought about what my mate would be like but never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought he would be the enemy. I feel conflicted in more ways than one. He's my mate. My destined partner. So why the hell does this feel so wrong?


Nick's face flashes in my mind and my wolf stirs uncomfortably inside my mind. She too feels conflicted.

"Wow. Already trying to get into my pants without so much as a dinner first." I tease with a small smile and he rolls his bottom lip into his mouth before jerking his head behind me.

I roll my eyes and push open the double doors and let out a small gasp. A cream-colored king-sized bed hangs elegantly from the ceiling in the middle of the rustic room. To the right side is a huge crystal sliding door with a side view of the huge waterfall. To the left is the master bathroom with sleek appliances and the most gorgeous bathtub I have ever laid eyes on.

Lucius releases a small chuckle from behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist to pull me against him. "You're so beautiful." He whispers in my ear before skimming his nose along my neck in slow-motion while he breathes me in. My head moves to the side automatically giving him better access and he squeezes me tighter "You smell amazing mate."

My wolf purrs in my mind and my anger fades as the tingles from his touch overpower my senses. "Don't think that this changes anything Lucius."

He groans and tightens his hold on me further. "Say my name again."

"Lucius," I whisper seductively and his breath quickens. "You're not going to shower with me."

He flips me around and presses his forehead against mine "Okay. How about a bath then?"

I grin and shake my head "No."

His beautiful green eyes are light and playful now "Okay. I'll go but I need to do something first."

"Oh? And what's that?"

He smiles while bringing one hand to caress my face before bringing his lips down to meet mine. His kiss is nice and sweet. The pull from the mate bond compels me to deepen the kiss and he growls slightly as he pulls me up and my legs wrap around his waist. The moment I'm wrapped in his arms a flip switches and his kiss is no longer gentle.

His hands are everywhere and his kiss is now demanding and rough. He pulls my hair out of its bun and slams me against the wall, immediately earning a loud moan from my mouth. He pulls away and smirks.

"Oh so you like it rough?"

"Baby you have no idea." I moan out while biting his lip so hard it draws blood. My body goes crazy and I suck on it. Relishing in the amazing taste of his blood.

He pulls away and tightens his hold on me, making my body press against his growing erection. "You want to suck something else?"

The moment I am about to respond, Reece barges into the room and looks regretful the instant he sees the position we're in. After apologizing profusely he pulls Lucius away for some important development that I "don't need to be involved in." He plants one more kiss before telling me to enjoy my bath.

The moment he is far away enough for the mate bond to simmer down I sigh in a mixture of relief and shame.

Shaking my head, I face the mirror and see my wild red locks in complete disarray. Smoothing it out I place it in a high ponytail and splash water on my face.

"Okay." I say to myself as I begin to snoop all around the room looking for it.

Where the hell is it?

Opening a drawer I do not find the Kynda but instead a metal syringe and my eyes narrow as I slam it shut.


I hear a voice call out to me and immediately I turn to look, but no one is around.


I know that voice. "Rose?" I call out and immediately feel ridiculous.

'You must free me Alora. Quickly. You are very close.'

"Where are you?"

'It runs forever, yet does not move. It has no voice yet still shouts. With no eyes, I can still be found.'

I groan and try not to shout "Do you always have to speak in cryptic riddles!? Just tell me where the hell you are!"

After a few minutes of silence I try to calm down and take a deep breath.

'With no eyes, I can still be found.'

Okay. No eyes. Do I need to lose my sight? Close my eyes? Get a blindfold? Ugh I don't have time for this. I need to get my hands on that damn Kynda. Where the hell is it?

My body pulses and I gasp as my vision slightly blurs and I feel myself get tossed away. No. It's not me getting tossed. It's the Kynda.

Flashes of Reece and Lucius's face cloud my vision from odd angles before everything goes black. Seconds later they walk into the room and Lucius looks at me curiously before nodding at Reece to leave.

"Sweetheart did you have trouble turning on the water?" He asks as he embraces me. I return the hug and feel my hands tingle. Pressing myself closer to him I feel a small bulge in his pants and my eyes widen.

The Kynda is in his pocket.

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