《A great change》Chapter 1.



I got up folded my praying mat, went up to my bed and opened the Quran, started reading Surah ar-Rahman. It is one of my favorite surahs. After finishing it, I went to the dining room for dinner but my feet halted as I heard Aisha talking something about me to mom. I quickly hide behind the door so that they could not see me. Aisha was saying that they should think of some way to retain me from the college. My anger reached the height of Everest. I thought to go in but my legs stopped on hearing the name Imran.

The name of college and Imran was enough to take me away from here, I went to the hall opened the first drawer of the table beside the sofa took the keys of my scooty, and went out slamming the door. The voice was so large that it would have surely reached the last house at the end of the lane.

I put on my helmet. I don't know where I was going. I crossed every street which came before me. The words of Aisha were irritating my ears. How could she do this again being my elder sister? How could mom? Aren't they happy with me? These questions were storming my mind. All of sudden, I saw a flash of bright light, and before I could realize anything I lost control and dashed against a tree. I heard a manly voice but was not able to decipher the words and the rest was darkness.


I woke up on a king-size bed, there were two lamps on both sides of the bed. All the furniture was neatly arranged. It gave me the feeling of a 5-star hotel. As I got up I felt a heavy pain in my head. I spread my hand over my head and found a band-aid in it. Why I'm here? and Whose house is this?


I heard some footsteps and a woman dressed neatly in black and white came in. I think she works here.

"Are you okay?" she asked me with a sweet smile on her face. I nod my head saying yes.

"How did I land here? and BTW whose house is this?" I asked looking around the room.

"Rehan sir brought you here. He said that you met with an accident and were slightly injured but it's all right now" she told handing me a mug filled with coffee.

I hesitantly said no, but she forced me to drink. I then asked her about my scooty. She said it is in front of the house.

The coffee was so good and its aroma vanished my headache in a second. "Nice coffee!" I said smiling. She returned it with the same and asked my name.

"Aimen and yours?" I asked her.

"Hina," She said, "Your name is as beautiful as you"

I mumbled a small thank you for her compliment. I was in no mood to meet a non-mahram and thank him, so I got up from the bed and moved towards the door. "Where are you going? " she asked me.

"Going home," I said.

"You can't go without meeting sir," She said with a confused look on her face.

"Please understand me, my mom will be really worried and say thanks to your sir on my behalf," I told her. Actually, I doubt that mom will be worried or not.

After thinking for a while she spoke: "Okay! Let me leave you to the main door". I passed through the hall which was designed in a great way. I found my scooty near the gate, I quickly went towards it, started, and made my way home.


I was lying in my bed trying to sleep but those hazel brown eyes were not leaving me. The beautiful face wrapped in a hijab was before me. I had not seen such a beautiful girl ever in my life. I looked at the clock, it was 11.30 pm. What the hell was she doing alone outside at this hour?

Thinking that she would be asleep, I closed my eyes with a firm decision not to think about her but I can't control it. It's like I am intoxicated by her. I stood up, went to the door, and opened it. Then my legs made their way toward the guest room, I opened the door as slowly as I could without making any noise, I felt like a thief in my own house. As I stepped in, I was shocked. She was not there.

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