《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 22: Dark Protector
Zoya's skull throbbed like it had been hit with concrete. She couldn't feel her body and even her eyes wouldn't open on command. The last thing she remembered was leaving work to join River at the Centauri pack to celebrate the news of Ender's adoption. She had gotten a gift for Ender too and was going to give it to him tonight. However, everything after that was blank. She couldn't remember anything. Why couldn't she remember anything? she thought.
A muffle of voices caught her attention. She shifted and realized that she was sitting in a chair somewhere. The air was taciturn and bitter, just like how her parents liked it in their house.
"She's in bad shape already and you drugged her," a voice said.
"She'll live, it's just a few cuts and bruises, and the drug is so her wolf doesn't show, it's harmless," it was her mother's voice that she heard next.
Zoya froze. Oh god, don't let this be real. Let it be a dream otherwise she wasn't going to live another day.
Suddenly, a cold hand touched her face and took something off her. She realized that she couldn't open her eyes earlier because there was a cloth over her. She blinked away the black splotches from her gaze and focused on everything around her.
Opulent oak floors, that crimson red Victorian rug and that massive table that faced it's back to a huge arched window. The golden drapes made from velvet hung from the windows to the hard floor. The scent of cedar wood and cold venom hit her nose and she knew exactly where she was. Purgatory. The place of her nightmares. The Knightley mansion and her father's study.
Zoya needed to leave. She tried to move but just as she twisted her wrists, they cut into a slick wire and it cut her skin. The wire was what her father adored using on her, it was his preferred method to get her to submit to him. Everything was bound. She was prey being readied for slaughter, just like when she was a kid.
"Don't struggle," her mother snapped at her.
Zoya went completely still.
She remembered now. She was driving home to River when she noticed the vans following her car. She had outrun them all and it wasn't hard for her, but it was when more vans circled around her from the other end of the highway that she crashed into them. She passed out after that and they must have brought her here.
"It was you," she acclaimed.
"It was your father," Ellen revealed.
Zoya looked up at the woman dressed in white. Ellen was beaming delightfully like seeing her own daughter bleeding out on a chair didn't bother her at all, in fact, it pleased her.
"You're not going to ask why you're here?" Ellen baited.
Zoya wasn't worried about that, she needed to figure out how to get out of here. "You must have your twisted reason," she rebuked.
Ellen's smile fell. "Even after a car crash, you're still stubborn," she gritted out.
"I guess that's one thing I get from you," Zoya retorted. "But my brains come from dad since you're as dumb as a bimbo-" a hard hand smacked across Zoya's cheek, lurching to the side with a jolt. Zoya's eyes watered with the sting of that slap.
"You insolent child!"
"Ellen, enough," another voice froze both of the women in their spot. Joe Knightley had entered the room, and it didn't go unnoticed that Andrew Reed was with him.
Zoya lifted her head to face the man who had become a demon more than a father to her. Joe Knightley looked like a prestigious nobleman. He stood tall and broad in a dark grey suit, his brunette had streaks of grey dusted in it but perfectly racked back from his handsome face. She knew her father's perfect blue eyes, they were hollow that held no emotion or truth. She saw no life in his heart and there wasn't any shred of love either.
"Do you know why you're here?" Joe asked her as he stood in front of Zoya.
"Because I slapped your little bitch over there," Zoya remarked as she threw a piercing glare at Andrew.
Zoya expected it and she bit down on her teeth when her father's hand smacked across her cheek. He packed a punch even in his old age. She could never forget how his beatings hurt a lot more than Ellen's ever did.
"I won't ask again," Joe said.
"Let me guess... Oh that's right, I hurt mommy's feelings. Yes, that must be the reason since you love each other so much," Zoya retorted cheerfully.
Joe tilted her head back with the use of his jewelled fingers. "Do you think this is funny?" He asked.
"I find it pathetic actually," she snapped. "That the three of you strapped me to a chair and are too scared to face yourselves. You make me sick and I'm never going to forgive you for this."
Ellen laughed. "Don't give us that trivial bullshit," she said.
Zoya pulled her chin away from her father because even the faintest touch felt as if acid poured on her skin.
"What you did at the restaurant will not be forgiven," said Joe. "You not only disrespected your mother and our friend, but you fucked with my reputation."
"I don't give a damn about your reputation," she snapped back at him.
"Are you fucking crazy!" He smacked his hand across her cheek again, turning to Ellen. "This bitch is testing my last nerve."
Zoya started to tremble like a leaf, but not from fear. She was laughing, which soon reached their ears. She couldn't believe after so many years, that she would be back in this house under their control again. She ran away as far as she could. Yet life had dragged her back here where never wished to be. This was her nightmare alive right in front of her eyes. What did she do to deserve this? she wondered. Maybe, she was cursed forever. This poisonous family was in her blood and there was no running from it.
She stopped laughing and let her head fall back against the chair. "I hate you," she said as her cheeks throbbed and her tears were red from blood. "You're all going to die."
Ellen, Joe and even Andrew all stared at her as if she had lost her mind. But she was never sounder in her life. She wished them death and if she had to rot in the basement all her life for it to happen, so be it.
You won't need to wait all your life, her wolf said. Our mate is coming to get us.
River... the love of her life... she needed him and she didn't have to pray or hope for him to come. She knew in her heart that he was coming for her. She just had to be patient.
"After her bruises fade, we will arrange your marriage," Joe told Andrew. "I don't want to waste any more time."
"I completely agree," added Andrew.
"I think we should keep her here so she doesn't run away," suggested Ellen.
"Do whatever you want," said Joe. "She just needs to be ready to say her vows."
"Andrew, dear, would you like to help me?" Ellen asked.
Andrew willingly cut the wire digging into her ankles and dragged her up on her feet. She faced his bottomless blue eyes and her gut churned. He pulled her into the hallway and followed Ellen towards the basement door.
"A few weeks down here will clean her up," Ellen professed, "and help her lose that extra fat she's gained without my supervision."
Andrew opened the door and forced Zoya down the cold stairs with him into the hollowed concrete basement, that was dark and cold.
"We'll get a basement like this in our new home," Andrew whispered into her ear. "So, if you disobey me, then I'll have a place to lock you up."
Zoya struggled against his hold and Andrew didn't like it one bit. Suddenly, his meaty hand shoved at her shoulder, her heeled foot twisted under her and she toppled down the last few steps onto the cold floor. She let out a painful cry and couldn't move from the pain growing inside her.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," he said as he bent down on the floor with her. He moved the strands of her hair back and laid his lips on her bruised cheek. "Even with so many bruises, you're beautiful-" his warm breath caressed her cheek- "I remember the slap you gave me. I can't wait to give it back."
"Fuck off," she sneered at him.
Andrew's eyes flared. "Good idea. Maybe, I should get a taste of what I'm getting," he snapped back. His hands were forceful and harsh as he groped her breasts and collared her throat before he tore through the silk dress she had on. She kicked at him but with her hands bound, she couldn't do anything.
"I like the fight in you," he growled against her throat as his hands clawed at the skin of her inner thighs. Her scream echoed into the dark void she was trapped in.
"Andrew," Ellen's voice made him stop. "You can't fuck her before the wedding, it's not traditional."
Andrew groaned. "I guess you're right," he said just as he pulled his hands away. "I should save it for our wedding night." He got off her and went up to Ellen and they locked the door without looking back.
Zoya mustered an ounce of strength and got off the floor, she rested her back against the wall at the bottom of the stairs and counted her heart beating inside her. She stared up at the door and didn't let her gaze falter nor did she give in to the darkness consuming her. She felt her eyes close voluntarily, but she needed to be awake for when River came. She needed him.
"River," she whispered through her sore throat.
Don't faint Zoya, her wolf warned.
I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you, she told her wolf.
I'm sorry too, her wolf howled a painful cry.
Suddenly, the locked door opened and the light beamed down the steps into her eyes. She saw a figure thinking Andrew came back for her to finish what he started earlier. Until, the rich fragrance that healed her soul washed down to her. Her eyes filled with tears and she cried out her mate's name.
River was down the stairs in seconds, he cut her restraints and then his arms were around her. "I'm here," he whispered soothingly. "I've got you."
She cried in his arms feeling relief wash over her. "Thank you for coming," she cried out. "I love you. I love you so much."
River held her tightly.
"Take me from here, please," she sobbed.
"I will," he said softly. "But first, I have some people to kill."
Zoya looked up into River's vengeful eyes. She didn't say anything after that. River put his jacket over her body, the coat covered her ripped dress, when she stood to her feet, she noticed the blood down her legs and the bruises around her throat.
A poisonous air engulfed him and his eyes changed. The softness he had left and was replaced with burning intent to kill.
"Was it Reed?" he asked through gritted teeth as his hand touched her thigh.
"Yes," she said.
He looked at the bruises at her throat and he didn't vocalize his next question, she heard him though. He didn't need an answer from her though. He knew.
River circled his arms around her waist and his lips sought hers. He kissed her intimately, like he was a marking her with his lips. She met his hot tongue with her own desperation and saw the difference between his touch versus Andrew. River was made for her, she felt her own body blooming under his touch begging him to consume her. She moaned into his mouth and clung to him.
River broke the kiss and bent down to carry her up the stairs. Right when they reached the first floor, she wanted to ask about so many questions. How did he know where she was? Was he here alone? How did he know about Andrew Reed? But she didn't ask right now because she was just relieved that he was here.
River held her hand and took her back towards her father's office when Zoya froze. "Don't worry, they can't hurt you," he said and she followed.
The door opened and Zoya found herself standing in the room where she was detained, but now, it was the other three kneeling on the floor. Lupin, Azura, Ryder, Hunter and King were all here surrounding the room with their dangerous demeanours and powerful bearings. This was the Centauri pack's power, it was clear now to her.
River let her hand go and walked over to Andrew. He didn't waste another second before he grabbed the man by his throat and crushed it under his grasp. Andrew struggled and whined for a while, but River didn't kill him so quickly. He tossed Andrew across the room, slamming him into the wall. River stalked up to him and Andrew crawled back on his hands.
"You dared to touch my mate," he seethed.
River pulled a golden brass from his pocket that fit his knuckles before he pounded his fist into Andrew's face. The handsomeness was quickly distorted when River was done with him. Andrew wasn't dead but he laid unmoving and crying out of pain like she had. River took out his gun and shot Andrew in the groin making the man scream and topple over. No one in the room flinched neither did Zoya before River shot Andrew in the face and ended his life.
"So, if that's Andrew then who is this fucker?" King asked.
"Joe Knightley," said Hunter.
Zoya watched as her father's eyes turned into saucers and gaped at Ryder who was looming over him now.
Ryder tilted his head. "Oh, is that so."
"Hurt him before you kill him," was all River said.
"With pleasure, brother," remarked Ryder.
"You can't kill me," declared Joe. "Unless you want all politicians, the largest law firms and every judge, prosecutors to come after you."
None of the pack members flinched at the threat.
"The friends and connections that you're gloating about can't touch us," said Ryder. "We're the fucking Centauri pack. Everyone is scared of us and you're about to see why."
Ryder grinned and grabbed her father's head by his hair. He threw him into the chair that Zoya was tied on and it broke from the force. Zoya didn't turn away when her father cried out. Ryder slammed Joe's head against the ground over and over again until it was turned to mush in his hands.
"Is he dead?" Azura asked as she saw Ryder drop the body on the ground by Zoya's feet.
"He's not breathing, so I guess," alleged King.
"Let's just make sure," said Ryder gruffly.
King walked over to the body and shot the man a few times to really make sure he was dead. The splatters of her father's guts were on Zoya's heels. She breathed out in relief that he was gone now.
"That leaves this bitch," Azura said.
"What do we do with her?" asked Lupin.
"I suggest we hang her from the roof," said Hunter.
"Gut her like a fish first," suggested King.
"How about we cut off all her limbs and then hang her from her neck?" added Ryder.
"Any will do," Zoya mumbled and they chuckled.
"You can't kill me!" she screamed. "I'm her mother. Your mate's mother! You- you won't hurt me."
River walked up to her. "What did I say that I would do to you if I saw you near her again-" before she could utter a sound, River had his gun at the temple of her head and pulled the trigger multiple times. He reloaded and did it again putting a fuck ton of bullets into her skull like he promised. She limped onto the floor, her head completely gone.
Zoya breathed out, the smell of blood hit her nose but she didn't hate it. She had realized that her wish came true. This family was gone, the hatred had ended finally. Joe and Ellen Knightley couldn't hurt anyone anymore.
"Thank you," she said to everyone in the room. "Thank you for saving me."
They all smiled at her.
"Let's get you home," said Hunter. "Everyone's waiting for you."
Home, she smiled at that and her gaze locked onto River. He was her home. She didn't know when but the floor slipped under her feet and everything went black. The last thing she remembered was River's arms around her and his voice soothing her that she was safe now.
The Centauri pack was assembled in the hospital VIP ward as Zoya was asleep in the room, Abigail rushed over as well when River had called her and told her what happened. Dr. Stone was busy in the room with Zoya, she had stitched up her forehead and cleaned off her wounds. By the end of it all, Zoya had a few bandages on her face, her throat and her thighs.
River watched his mate resting back on the bed. She was safe, but the fire blazing inside him hadn't been sated. He craved more blood and killing those three wretched people once wasn't enough. He needed them to die over and over again until they were screaming for mercy and he'd kill them again because he'd never give them that relief.
"Are you okay?" Sabrina appeared with her eyes puffy and red since she was crying most of the night.
"No," he told her truthfully.
"Dr. Stone said that her injuries will heal quickly," said Sabrina.
River wasn't worried about her injuries. "I'm pissed," he gritted out.
"Why?" Sabrina frowned.
"I was too late," River grumbled. "She got hurt and I couldn't protect her."
"You saved her," said Sabrina. "She's with us and you got rid of her family. Her recovery is all that matters now. Just be by her side when she wakes up, that's all a mate wants." Sabrina went to Gabriel after leaving River alone.
River hung his head down and tried to get himself under control.
"Are you still pissed, like I am?" Ryder asked.
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