《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 14: Hidden Scars
Klaus woke up not knowing what time it was. Frankly, this was happening to him a lot nowadays. He wouldn't say he was getting lazy, but there was a desire in him not to rush anything anymore. He let the warmth slowly ruse himself out of sleep when he felt himself caged in a pair of strong arms. He turned in those arms and saw King still asleep. His raven black hair tousled and his expression was calm, when usually, it's severely grim with a scary glower- remembering it made Klaus smile.
Klaus noticed that the blanket was only on him, King must have kicked it off in his sleep again. He pulled the duvet and covered his mate's bare body. Klaus forgot how big King's bed was at his old house, which was where they were right now. He didn't mind that they came to this house, but he didn't like the reason they came here.
As Klaus laid in bed, taking in the long moments of silence with his mate, his eyes went to the white bandages around King's arm and over his shoulder. There was a tinge of red marring the white fabric, which brought a sick sensation inside his stomach. King had gotten shot when they went on their mission to meet the Red Fang pack. Another close call and Klaus was terrified, as much as he tried to control his emotions yesterday, King was well aware of the concern he carried. That was why King brought Klaus here alone and took all the time last night to comfort him.
However, as much as King comforted Klaus's heart from all the worries he had. Klaus would always be scared anytime King went on missions. Perhaps, these missions weren't concerning to King, especially after all that he'd been through in the past. Klaus didn't know a lot of the details because King never shared them and Klaus never pressed him. He knew that over time King would share his past; the past in those cage fights. It wasn't noticeable that those days haunted King, but Klaus saw it in his mate's eyes every time there was a silent moment alone. King would lose himself in his memories and tried his hardest to trap it down under lock and key in his heart.
Klaus would know, he did that all his life too.
He released a heavy sigh and snuggled closer to King, laying his ear on that steady beating heart. He closed his eyes again, but then, another boy with ruffled black hair and haunted green eyes appeared in front of Klaus... it was Ender.
Klaus didn't know what to do for Ender. He gave him space, so he could get comfortable with the pack, he knew that it would take time since this pack was too much to handle even for the regular members. He would just have to wait for Ender, but sometimes Klaus just wanted to hug that boy and never let go, he wanted to repeatedly tell Ender that he was loved and cherished by both him and King. Maybe, he'd tell him today. Except, before he did anything, he had to do the impossible task of waking up his husband to get ready for the day.
Over the couple of months, he tried a lot of things to wake King up. But the easiest and most reliable way was also the most embarrassing technique.
Seduce King Vitiello-Centauri.
Klaus pushed the blanket away and climbed on top of his mate. He put his weight comfortably on top of his mate, and it always surprised Klaus how wide King's shoulders were, to the strong structure of his chest and abdomen. Klaus never overlooked that every part of his mate's bronzed skin was covered in dark ink.
"King..." he called out, "you need to wake up..." No response, not even a single move from this guy. He was unbelievable.
Klaus propped his chin on King's chest, looking up at him and seeing his tough jaw. Klaus ran his hand along King's rigid abdomen as he straddled his waist. There was something strangely powerful being fully clothed despite King being naked under him. He waited for King to arouse from sleep, but it was pointless.
"King," he mumbled as he feathered soft kisses over his chest to his neck. He inched closer to his mate's corded throat where his mark was. Klaus got curious of the taste and he knew that King was asleep, so he indulged himself.
He licked over the tattooed skin where his mark was and a flutter bloomed in his heart, which was quickly replaced with arousal. The sweet taste took over all reason inside Klaus, he dropped his head between King's neck, taking in that magnificent scent which only King could completely seduce Klaus with. Yet, when Klaus admired his mate, he saw the past King lived tainting his skin. The tattoos were dark and sinful, but between the ink were the scars all over his body. Horrid marks slashed across his neck and shoulders, continuing down his strong body. Klaus's heart hurt as he ran his fingers across the scars that were on King's taut neck. Klaus knew about scars, he had some that he didn't like talking about. Scars given to him by his father, but Klaus had accepted his scars a lot time ago. But King had more scars than he could count. They must have hurt, he must have felt so alone... Klaus kissed the sinister scar on his mate's throat praying that the memories were faded now.
Suddenly, a hand snaked through Klaus's hair. King had woken up.
"Why do I always find you doing the cutest things when I'm asleep?" King's voice was groggy and hot. Klaus blushed a deep red, he closed his eyes in embarrassment.
"Good, you're awake," Klaus tried to play it off. He moved to get up but a pair of strong arms gripped his waist bringing him back down.
King's bottomless blue eyes shined under the sun, it was like the blue absorbed the light. "Not so fast," he smirked. "I still need to be woken up."
Klaus shook his head when he recognized the heat in his mate's eyes. He lazed in his arms and faced King. "No, you don't," he mumbled.
"Really? I don't think I'm fully awake yet," King jested, as he used his strength and turned them over, pining Klaus to the bed. He caged him and used his body to spread Klaus's legs under him.
King laid a kiss on Klaus's lips before he trailed down his throat, he licked the hammering pulse that gave away how Klaus felt.
"If you wanted to mark me again, you should've done it," King whispered as he softly caressed Klaus's neck with his lips.
So, King was awake the entire time Klaus was kissing him and doing his own exploration.
Klaus bit back a moan, he was distinctly aware of the hard erection pressing against his stomach, which quickly aroused his own body. He reached up, his fingers drinking the feel of King's skin, he stiffened when his fingers touched the scars.
King caught the change immediately. "You okay?" his concerned blue eyes searched Klaus.
"Yeah," he gave a shaky reply.
King frowned. "Klaus, what's wrong?" he asked again, this time demanding the truth.
Klaus didn't know what to say, his hand only touched the scar on his neck again, and it was like King understood right away. His blue eyes darkened to near black and a sinister change hardened King's body letting Klaus know that he was reliving the scars.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring it up..." Klaus brought King down into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry..."
King pulled out of his arms, staring down at Klaus with solemn eyes. "It's okay," he said, but his rough voice wasn't convincing. "My scars aren't a secret from you."
"It's just that you never talk about your past," said Klaus.
"What do you want to know?" King asked.
"You'd tell me?" Klaus said.
"I'll tell you everything if that's what you want," King said softly. "Is it?" Klaus could hear the broken vulnerability in his mate's voice. "Do you want to know about the scar on my neck?" King asked him, his breath sucking in as if he couldn't breathe.
"No, you don't need to say anything," Klaus assured him.
King's blue eyes locked with Klaus. "I gave myself this scar," his voice was quiet, but heavy with pain. "I cut my neck repeatedly-" King ran his finger across his neck and throat, just like the slashes were made- "It was the one way to get rid of my slave marks."
Klaus's eyes widened. "Wh- what?" he couldn't find his voice.
King leaned back on his knees. "Does that scare you?" he asked with a cold expression.
Klaus got up quickly and hugging him hard. His eyes stung, but soon he realized that he couldn't hold his tears back.
"Don't cry," King said as he hugged him back. "This is why I don't tell you," he softly chuckled.
Klaus embraced him tightly enough that it probably hurt, but he didn't care. He was relieved that he found King and now he was with the Centauri pack.
Klaus didn't know how much time passed, but a little bit later, King had laid them both down and pulled the heavy blanket over them. Their bodies close together and their legs entangled too, King held Klaus until he calmed down. It was only King's strong, masculine scent that released the tension in Klaus, he couldn't find himself turning away or separating from these powerful arms. King would always have Klaus, there was nothing in this world that would separate them.
Klaus looked up to see if King was alright. He sniffled his nose; "Are you okay?" he asked.
King looked down. "You know, I find your crying face very pretty," he teased as he nipped Klaus's neck making him jolt in surprise. Klaus nudged his shoulder back as he tried to fight his laughter.
King kissed Klaus and then did what he wanted since the moment he had woken up...
It was after a long shower, that Klaus got dressed in yesterday's clothes. There weren't extra clothes here at King's old house. They'd have to go home today because Klaus didn't like being away from home too long. He knew that Bone was there to handle the chaotic group, but Klaus knew that the Centauri pack were a storm once they got out of control. Bone shouldn't be left alone for too long.
King sauntered out of the shower after, fully dressed and his expression back to a grim glower like being awake physically hurt him.
"Come on, we need to hurry if we want breakfast," he told his mate.
King smirked then, he closed the space between them and he wrapped his arm around Klaus. "I had my breakfast and it was sweet as hell," he mumbled before he stole another kiss.
Klaus pushed King out of the bedroom all the way downstairs to get going. He really couldn't handle his mate's mischievous moods, which was never-ending. However, he prayed to Maya that King stayed like this rather than what he was in the past. King Vitiello didn't need to become the monster that was the reason behind his scars.
They drove back to the Centauri pack.
When they arrived back to the territory, pack members were on the fields playing in the snow or lounging at their cabins enjoying the morning air. Klaus waved to his students as King opened the front door to the house. Both King and Klaus went up to their room and quickly changed into fresh clothes before returning downstairs.
"You two are back," announced Viola, as she was walking down the stairs in her pyjamas. She must have woken up right now too.
"Oh, hey guys," Hailey said who was following along behind her.
Klaus smiled at them. "Good morning," he said.
"How's your shoulder?" Viola asked King.
King rolled his arm back trying to get a feel of it. "It's fine," he shrugged, as they both went into the kitchen.
Everyone was already seated around the table drinking coffee or eating the cereal of their choice. River was the only one missing, which was strange. But Klaus guessed the man was most likely training somewhere.
Klaus looked at Hailey. "Is Ender awake?" he asked.
"I don't know," Hailey said. "Bone must have woken him up."
Klaus went into the kitchen as well and Bone was standing with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Hey Bone, where's Ender?" he asked.
"He should be in his room," he said. "It was early when I woke up, so I didn't bother him."
Klaus nodded. He left the kitchen and went to Ender's room, when he opened the door, he saw an empty bedroom. The bed was made and the space was neat- too neat, like he never wanted to leave memories here. A vile sensation grew inside Klaus when he didn't see the small boy in his room. He checked the bathroom and it was empty as well. He looked out the balcony and no one was there either. Klaus went around the house; living room, dining room even the garage but the kid was no were to be seen.
Klaus rushed back to the kitchen. "Ender's gone," he announced.
Everyone's attention snapped around to Klaus.
"What?" King asked first as he came up to him.
Klaus was about to freak out. "Ender- I checked everywhere, he's gone," he said.
"Maybe, he's gone to the Institute," Vincent suggested.
Klaus shook his head. "All his books and his school bag are upstairs in his room," he said. "I'm getting a bad feeling."
From everyone's grim expression, they weren't far behind from thinking the worst either.
"You don't think he left, do you?" Viola asked.
Klaus didn't know how to answer that.
"No, we will find him," said Gabriel as he got to his feet.
The chaos in the house grew as everyone headed out the door and searched the property first. Most of them went to the Institute and Gabriel, Hunter left to search the woods with Vincent and Ryder.
Klaus couldn't move his feet, his heart ached and he felt sick to his stomach.
"He didn't leave," King whispered gently.
"How can you be so sure?" Klaus asked, as he looked at those firm blue eyes.
"Because once you get a taste of this pack, there's no turning back," he smiled gently. "I'll find him." King let Klaus go as he stepped out into the cold winter air and with a light jog, he broke out into a run shifting to his powerful black wolf.
Klaus couldn't breathe, he somehow managed to make it out onto the field as the pack members found out about Ender disappearance. Many helping instantly to look for him. Darren and Tyler rushed to join too. However, Klaus knew that it was a waste, Ender didn't want to be found. He hid his scent and masked everything from everyone.
Klaus lost him.
"Sir!" A voice shouted from across the field. Klaus looked ahead and a young boy was running towards him. It was Jaxx Grayson. He was out of breath by the time he reached Klaus. Gasping for air and supporting himself with his knees, he finally spoke; "I saw Ender."
Klaus's gaped. "Wh- what- where?" he asked hurriedly.
"I was gaming all night when I heard noises outside my room," Jaxx said. "I saw Ender walking into the woods alone."
Klaus sighed in relief. He bent down and hugged Jaxx. "Thank you," he said with tears, before he shifted to his wolf and ran into the woods tracking his boy.
Klaus's wolf was swift through the familiar woods that both of them knew like the back of their hand or paw in this case. The woods were where Klaus found solace when his father would... hurt him... these woods weren't dangerous, this was home and Ender would be safe. He had to be safe.
When Klaus had arrived near the frozen lake, he heard a distinct howl and his wolf's ears perked. His heart raced in his chest as he recognized his mate's call. King must have found Ender. Klaus rushed his wolf to reach his mate. He ran as fast as he could even when his legs ached he didn't stop, he arrived at the top of the sharp cliff that overlooked the territory, and everyone was there, looking at Ender who was at the edge of the cliff.
Klaus shifted back to his human form when he saw Ender with his own eyes. He moved past everyone and stood behind the boy. Ender was in flimsy shirt and jeans, no jacket or scarf or hat and he stood in the snow barefoot.
"Ender," he called out gently but Ender didn't react, it was like he was far away from them. Maya, please, please, let me save him, Klaus pleaded as he bravely took another step closer.
"Klaus," King's voice trailed to him, warning him of the worst outcome.
Klaus didn't believe it, he couldn't give himself to his fears, because he truly believed that Maya brought Ender to this family for a reason. Ender was made for Klaus, that's all he knew in his heart and body, even his wolf yearned for this boy. He saw the short kid in those loose clothes and ruffled hair, he saw King in Ender. Both of them must have been so lost, so alone. The breeze grew stronger and the snow blew in their direction, Klaus would've covered himself but he couldn't take his eyes off Ender.
"Ender, please," Klaus called out, "please just grab my hand."
Ender must have heard Klaus then because he shifted looking back with those haunted green eyes. Klaus breathed out in relief as Ender saw him and his hand reaching towards him.
However, Ender flinched back like he wasn't seeing Klaus but something else. He was afraid to the point that his skin paled to a sick grey.
"I'm sorry," Ender said softly. "I'm sorry."
Klaus's eyes burned as his throat tightened, but he smiled for him. "It's okay," he said. "You don't need to apologize to anyone."
Ender blinked, and there it was, thought Klaus. Those emerald green eyes warmed slightly letting Klaus know that it was working. He could get through to Ender and get him back.
"I can't get this mark off me," Ender pointed to the gruesome tattoo on his neck, "this will follow me forever."
Klaus looked down to the boy's slender neck where there was a number bladed and inked black into his flesh and markings telling the entire world that he was born a slave. Klaus remembered when King told him this morning how he cut those marks off his skin. King was right, these memories weren't meant to be shared because it would destroy their own heart. The ones who battled in theses cages couldn't share anything because they were still afraid. That time spent in the cage haunted their very existence, it would always be that way.
"Ender, you're not in the cage anymore-" Klaus stepped closer- "you're with me and you have an entire pack to protect you."
Ender's eyes didn't wander to look at the pack behind Klaus, his emerald eyes stayed on Klaus, only Klaus. He looked lost in his head, his eyes questioned his very existence and Klaus couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't handle that the boy wasn't in his arms.
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