《Dark Protector ✔》Chapter 12: Bleeding Heart
It was dark when Zoya woke up, which was strange because she usually left a lamp on. However, it was after she tried to move and her body ached that she remembered her mother had locked her up in the basement. She grew alert and opened her eyes, but the only light that helped her was peeking from the crevice of the door above the stairs. She could see sunlight or maybe it was the chandeliers, she didn't know.
Zoya shifted onto her back which didn't help the pain since the floor was concrete and cold as ice. The ache on her ribs throbbed every time she took a breath, she felt some wetness around her dress and it was clear that there was blood. She was frozen to the touch and the skimpy gown she wore didn't protect her either, which was because her mother chose this dress for her.
Zoya remembered the look on her mother's face when she refused to wear such a revealing gown. It was clear from that point that her mother would lock her up after the party. However, that didn't stop Zoya. She may have worn the gown, but the entire time at the party she didn't give anyone the attention they seeked from Ellen Knightley's pristine daughter who was born a beauty and with an honourable pedigree. Everyone admired Zoya Knightley, her mother never let her forget that either. But it was evident that people only admired the name and the legacy stuck to it. No one knew that this admirable legacy was made up of bloodlust and terror. Zoya saw the way her parents looked down on everyone. The Knightley name wasn't to be trusted and Zoya knew that from birth.
Suddenly, the door opened and a figure stood like a dark shadow. "If you learned your lesson, then you can come upstairs and have breakfast," it was her mother who had left right after announcing that.
Zoya struggled to her feet, which were bare. She must have taken off her heels when she fought against her mother before getting locked down here.
Zoya used the ledge to get herself up the steep stairs. She couldn't find the strength in her knees since her entire body was frozen. She needed a hot shower and her bed, she couldn't stomach food right now though. She would eat after her parents left for work, that was the only way.
When Zoya finally reached the top floor, the bright sun stung her eyes. Despite the horrendous basement, the entire Knightley estate was gorgeously designed. Every part of this mansion was as if it was a temple for the gods. Large windows and white drapes showcased the massive property outside and the garden her mother was proud to show off to her friends. The entire interior was designed to scream luxury and money. Zoya always found it hilarious how beautiful this house was yet the basement was a prison that resembled her parents.
Zoya crossed the long hallway and as she did, the servants all ignored her. They kept their eyes averted and their minds on their tasks. No one intervened in madam Knightley's affairs and Zoya was part of that bargain, otherwise their life would become worse than hell itself. That threat alone was enough to shut everyone up and mind their tongue.
Zoya reached her room as fast as she could without being seen by her parents. She closed the door but couldn't lock it because her father got rid of it. All the doors didn't have locks on them except his study, which was the place he kept himself all the time. She rarely saw her father, which was good. Zoya preferred to face her mother over her father.
Zoya limped to the bathroom and saw her reflection. She was thin and pale after spending the night in that basement. In the sheer white gown, that was barely covering her, she could see the black and blue marks festering around her rib cage and torso. All the marks were put in places Zoya could hide, her mother loved to do that. She enjoyed watching Zoya in pain while others smiled at how perfect Zoya looked all the time.
Zoya peeled off the gown when she saw the large streaks of red marring the gown. She turned to see the hideous slashes across her back. They weren't deep enough to leave scars because that wasn't possible for a Knightley child to have. Zoya was afraid to touch it but she needed to disinfect the wounds right away. She stood in the tub and then grabbed the alcohol and poured the clear solution down her entire back. She bit her screams back, not allowing anyone to hear anything. She poured the entire bottle and dropped it. Zoya quickly turned on the water and let the shower carry all the pain away.
She stood in the shower a long time, it was only until she started to doze off that she mustered a bit of strength and dragged herself out of the bath. Zoya grabbed a t-shirt and slipped it on before she opened her balcony doors and closed them behind her.
The warm sun beamed all its light onto the small balcony and she curled up on the chair looking out towards the large fields. She wanted to run away; shift into her wolf and escape forever.
Zoya knew that was the plan. She just needed a little more time and she needed to endure a little longer. Once she graduated university, she would run away with the money she's been laundering from her own parents. It been four years since she started taking a few million with many excuses to go shopping or for trips to host their friends. She did all those things while keeping the cash for herself. Zoya would take the beatings a few more times and then it was her turn.
With that hope burning inside her, she took a rather peaceful nap.
Suddenly, the alarm went off and Zoya woke up with a jolt. It wasn't dark anymore, the light from the morning sun was bright and warm.
After a really long time did she have one of those dreams. That massive house, her parents and the basement where she spent a lot of her time wondering when she'd escape. Now, that she was living in her own house, it horrified her that she was dreaming of those days. This was the last place she ever wanted to bring those memories which she gladly left behind.
A lot of time passed since then and she knew that this wasn't her trauma. She paid a very expensive therapist to get rid of those and a long trip around the world to heal her wounds. She knew she was having these dreams because of last night.
She couldn't admit it, but that angered her more. FINE! Here she goes: River didn't come to their date and her River fell sick. And now, she had to face everyone from the Centauri pack at work.
Zoya groaned loudly as she punched her pillow, when suddenly, her hand froze and she realized that River wasn't next to her in bed. The small pup was usually cozied up with the extra pillow and under her duvet. In such a short time, River had made a place in her heart. He was just like her; abandoned and alone yet fighting to stay another day. She didn't realize that she needed him more than that pup needed her. His presence lingered around her space- the very space she cherished all to herself. Even her wolf was quiet in the loss of him. Both of them were gone and while one wasn't coming back, there was hope for that small pup to return. She'd visit River today at the vet before going to work.
Gaining a bit of momentum, she got out of bed and cleaned herself up. However, when she saw herself in the mirror, her skin was pale and her eyes red and puffy. She looked terrible and it all came crashing down on her.
"It's okay, Zoya," she told herself as she turned the tap on and splashed her face with icy-cold water. "You are fine. All will be fine. You've overcome hardships before, this is nothing-" she splashed more water until her face cooled off- "You don't need anyone. You don't need him."
Zoya took a shower and went to her dresser to put on makeup because she needed it today. Looking at her complexion, she grabbed foundation and concealer and covered all the exhaustion. She put on blush for colour and a brighter lipstick to remove the attention off her blood-shot red eyes.
Walking into her closet, she took out a sunshine-yellow dress and her hot pink heels, this was as bright as she could get.
She arrived downstairs after getting dressed when her phone rang. She pulled out her cellphone from her purse and saw Sabrina's name. Her stomach dropped, she stared down at the caller ID and couldn't muster the courage to talk to her friend. All of it would come pouring out, Zoya just did her makeup too, she couldn't risk balling her eyes out right now.
When the phone rang for a little while longer, Zoya panicked. She had to answer soon, otherwise it would just get harder. Her finger clicked the stupid green button without her permission.
"Good morning, Zoya," Sabrina said oddly cheerfully.
Maybe, she didn't know about what happened between her and River, thought Zoya. "Er- good morning," she replied carefully.
"Are we still on for today?" she asked. "If you're busy, we can always cancel. Don't hesitate to tell me-"
Then it hit Zoya. Sabrina was trying not to be obvious but it was clear that she knew about everything. That was why she wanted to give Zoya space.
Zoya's breath caught in her throat. "Don't act like you don't know," she mumbled.
Sabrina grew quiet... "I'm sorry," her voice saddened and she drew out a deep breath.
"Did River tell you?"
"No, Gabriel told me last night," she said. "I'm sorry, Zoya. If I knew he'd do this I would've stopped him."
"No, it's my fault," said Zoya. It's her fault for thinking that she could have a sweet love-story and a family of her own. It was always her fault for dreaming of things she couldn't have and that always costed her.
Sabrina sighed. "I would understand if you don't want any of us coming today," she said.
Zoya knew that it would be hard, but her friend had nothing to do with her relationship or whatever it was that she had with River.
"Sabrina, you are always welcome," Zoya said assuredly. "Please, I don't want it to be awkward between us. Bring everyone too. I want them to have their dresses and a good time before-"
"Before what?" Sabrina asked.
Before, she went back to Greece. "Nothing," she lied. "Bring the girls and let's have a nice date."
"Okay, but lunch is on me today," said Sabrina.
"Just don't bring River with you," Zoya didn't know why she had to tell her that but she thought it would be better to just lay it out there. She knew she was being pitiful and maybe even shameful but she didn't care now.
"I won't," she said assuredly. "He won't be anywhere near you, I promise."
"I'll see you later then," Zoya said. "I have to go-"
"Yeah, sorry to keep you," Sabrina added hurriedly, "I'll see you later. Bye."
"Bye." Zoya cut the phone first.
Zoya didn't drink coffee nor eat breakfast. Unhooking her long coat off the rack, she grabbed her purse and then left the house. She got into her car on this bitter cold day, there was thin layer of ice on everything, even her car. She waited for a while, letting her car warm up before she left.
Once she hit the road, everyone was driving as slow as possible. It took her longer than usual to arrive at the vet.
She hurried out of the car and opened the door into the vet. There she saw Dr. Boone sitting and drinking his morning coffee with a book in his hand.
He heard her and looked up. "How is he?" she asked.
"River's fever hasn't gone down yet," he told her as he put his book down. "I gave him medication this morning but he refuses to sleep. I don't want to put him to sleep with an injection either, but if he doesn't rest than this recovery will be harder."
Zoya's body grew numb. "Can I see him?" she asked.
"I was thinking of that too," Dr. Boone said. "I think you need to tell him to sleep."
The doctor took her to the back where there was River sitting in a cage with an acrylic window, so she could see him clearly. He was laid down on a white towel, his blue eyes alert and his head resting on his paw.
Dr. Boone left her alone in the room. Zoya went up to the cage and locked eyes with this stubborn little pup.
"Hi, baby," she smiled, but he didn't grow excited because he saw that her smile wasn't a happy one. He lifted his head and gave her a small cry. "What is this I'm hearing? The doctor tells me that you didn't sleep. You need to sleep, River," she said as she put her hand on the glass. "You need to get better so you can come home with me. Don't you want to come home?"
River put his head back down and hid his eyes from her.
"Don't give me that sass," she rebuked. "I'm a Knightley and so are you. That sass won't work on us-" River made a gruff sound and wiggled his tail a little- "I'll come back after work and you better have gotten some sleep... Hurry up and get better... We still have so much to do together."
Zoya moved back a little and River grew alert again. His bright blue eyes watched as she left without him.
Dr. Boone came out of a different room and joined her at the front desk. "If you don't mind me asking, are you okay?" he asked.
Zoya stiffened. "Wh-what?"
"Well, it's not unusual for animals to mirror their owners. If you're not well than it is likely that it's affecting him," Dr. Boone explained.
Zoya's heart ached. "Oh god," she lost the strength in her legs, "oh no, no, no-" suddenly, a pair of arms supported her to the closest chair.
"I didn't mean it like that," Dr. Boone said regretfully.
"No, I'm glad you told me that," said Zoya.
"I'll take care of River, so you don't need to worry," said Dr. Boone.
"Thank you," said Zoya.
She got up from the chair and headed out to work now. A lot needed to be done still and she didn't have time to regret every moment of her life.
Zoya arrived at work a couple of minutes past nine o'clock. She parked her car and went straight through the doors, when she noticed the double security team guarding the entrance.
"Good morning, boss," said Jonas.
"Good morning," she greeted all of them. "What's going on here?"
"Abby assigned us to double the security," he told her. "I had a few extra guys called in."
Zoya peeked a smile. That was thoughtful of Abigail, which wasn't a surprise now that Ellen Knightley showed up twice already. Abigail was being cautious and Zoya always appreciated that about her secretary.
"Thank you, Jonas," she said. "Have a great day."
"You too, boss," he said and then he left to cover his post.
Zoya took the elevator to the top floor to her office when she saw Abigail standing over her table. It was going to hard hiding what happened from her, but Zoya really didn't have the strength to face it yet.
Abigail spotted Zoya. "You're here," she hurried over. "I've got you a triple soy milk latte waiting and a bunch of files to read over."
"I only get here two minutes and I'm already busy," she jested.
"There is no rest for the living," Abigail retorted. "You take this-" she handed the cup over- "I'll take that-" she grabbed Zoya's purse and then both of them went into the office together.
As Zoya reviewed the spreadsheets for their Winter collection, Abigail stood in front of her organizing the next batch of files or contracts. Except, Zoya couldn't concentrate. She usually was the busy bee around her company making sure everything was perfect. But today, she could barely ready past the second sentence.
"Where's River?" Abigail suddenly asked. "The pup is always with you."
Zoya's stomach dropped. "He's at the vet," she told her.
Abigail frowned. "Is everything okay?" she asked. "He's not hurt, is he?"
Zoya didn't find any point in lying about this, since Abigail adored that pup too. "He's got a fever-"
Abigail dropped her book by accident. "Fever!" she astounded. "How? What? When? Wait, back up!"
"He caught a fever last night," Zoya told her.
"I was with him all evening and he was fine," said Abigail. "I'm sorry, Zoya. I should have taken better care-"
"It's not your fault," Zoya interrupted sternly. "It's mine."
Abigail grew quiet. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"Don't ask me that," Zoya sighed as she got to her feet. "Let's go meet the team in the gallery. I need to see the winter collection."
They both set off to the ground level showroom where the collection had been arranged. This was the demo arrangement for the show before Christmas and then the one before the new year began. Zoya walked into the large room that had glittery snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and the floor glittered like diamonds, it was a soft silver dancing under the spotlights. The gowns were arranged around the gallery, so guests could walk through and view each piece. Some were wedding dresses; some gowns for bridesmaids and the rest were gowns and suits for women. The next section were men's suits and their accessories.
Zoya ignored the sick feeling in her gut when she saw that the time was almost hitting noon. She stayed busy with her employees as she told them how the arrangement should be fixed. As everyone took notes of her words, her phone rang; it was Dr. Boone.
Zoya stepped aside and answered. "Hello, Dr. Boone. Is everything alright?" she asked unable to hide the panic. "Is River okay?"
"He's good," he told her. "I thought I should let you know that he went to sleep after you left. I think meeting you put him to ease and he's sound asleep now."
Zoya let out a shaky breath of relief. "That's good," she muttered softly. "Thank you for telling me."
"No problem," said Dr. Boone. "Have a good day, Ms. Knightley."
"You too, Dr. Boone," she said with tremendous ease in her heart and they cut the phone.
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