《What Walks Among Us (currently being edited, will be posted by 2023)》Zombies Aren't The Only Ones Who Bite


I heard someone knock on the door, and I rolled my eyes. Who knocked? These guys are idiots I swear.

Yes! It's the zombie apocalypse and I've got neighbors visiting, wonder what they want?

It was a few seconds before the door handle was tried and again I hard to bit my lip from saying anything. Because I'm stupid enough to leave the door unlocked. I heard murmuring and then there was a crash. No, not the stupid door being kicked in, but a window.

There was cracking of wood as they kicked it from the window and then there was more glass hitting the ground as they cleared it out of the frame. I tensed, backing up a little from the door and into a coat, I paused and held my breath. I heard a creak of Mabel moving around upstairs but luckily the boys didn't seem to hear as they started talking amongst themselves.

"Are you sure you saw her?" said a gruff, accented voice.

"Duh, I mean there's no way I saw a zombie watching us.. and also are you kidding me? There's a broken chair right there in front of the door."

"Guys," a voice said, sounding like he was smiling. How a voice could sound like he was smiling I didn't know but, there you have it, "I think," his steps got louder, as did his voice.. like he was getting closer, I pressed my ear to the door to hear them all better, "that Chester's right."

The footsteps stopped and I sorta wished I had hid somewhere where I could watch them some more. Everything was really quiet and I wondered what had caught their eye.. were they getting their guns out? Were they doing some sex slave dealer talk?

I bit down on my lip and shifted my weight off of my hurt knee, closing my eyes as if that would aid me to hear them better. The doorknob on the closet was suddenly twisted and the door was yanked open. I fell out and a few of the jackets that had been hung up fell with me. I landed on the floor under a really musty smelling coat of my fathers and a very small coat that I think had once been mine, maybe when I was six or so. My knee banged against the ground and I gave a cry of pain, instantly flipping over onto my back and pulling my injured knee to my chest.

I opened my eyes, only to find my vision blurry as the traitorous tears filled them. I saw a pair of green eyes matched with brown hair, he was staring at me, his mouth tilted up in a half smile.

"Are you okay?" He murmured, moving as if to lean down and help me up.

I cringed away and scrambled to sit with my back against the wall, my hand that wasn't keeping my leg pressed to my chest reached under the jacket and found the knife that I had dropped, I pointed it at him and he just raised an eyebrow, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Sam."

He stood up a bit taller and backed off, hands up, "I'm sorry if we scared you... we didn't mean to and I didn't mean for you to fall down.."


He looked like he was still smiling despite the fact that he was frowning, I think it was the way his eyes just liked to sparkle with laughter. It made it hard for me to keep my brave face, and not smile, and so I looked away from him and to the two boys behind him. The one with the muscle top was looking at me curiously, his head tilted and his arms crossed.

The one with the black hair was glaring at me, "You bit me."

I couldn't help it then, I lowered my knife and shrugged, "maybe I thought you were a zombie and figured if I was going to be bit, I would bite you back."

His face scrunched up in confusion while the other two, the brown haired boys doubled up in laughter. Muscle top grinned at me and pointed towards me, "I like you, my names Chester, pleased to meet you, .. whateveryournameis."

I frowned and stood up, not finding it funny that they had broke into my house, "Why are you guys here?"

The black haired boy grunted and crossed his arms, speaking up with his gruff voice, "You ran away."

My blood ran cold and I looked at them all in new eyes, yep. I was a goner, if I threw the knife I might get one of them, but I don't think I could get away from all of them. Plus there's Mabel and she's a bit of an unpredictable factor.

Sam turned and gave the black haired boy a look, which somehow didn't look very threatening with his eyes, "Sorry, Beck was dropped on his head as a kid, he doesn't have very good manners," Sam looked back at me and pleaded with his eyes, "Please trust us. Even if it's for like, ten minutes. We did save you, I think we earned ten minutes."

I bit my inner cheek, "What do you want?" I said, while looking at them all, gripping my knife tighter.

Chester lifted his eyes to meet mine, "Don't worry. We just want to talk," he put his hands on his hips and sucked in a breath, "that's it. After the talk you're in control, if you want us to leave and never come back, we will."

Beck gave a grunt and Chester turned to him, "Shut up Beck, you're the idiot who scared her."

Beck just rolled his eyes and looked at me, he stared for a couple of seconds before some of the hardness left his eyes and he nodded. Like he was silently agreeing.

I watched them all interact, it was clear that they knew each other from before. It was like they were best friends but a little closer. Like they considered each other family. I took a deep breath, "What about the fourth one, the red head one?"

Chester broke into a grin, as did Sam, and Beck shook his head, he was the one to speak up, "Now now, little monkey, don't go around calling Tucker a red head," he gave a wolfish like smirk, "he'll go crazy."

I bit my lip and nodded, "noted," I murmured, realizing he was the one who had chased me in the woods, I smiled to myself with the knowledge that I had gotten away with the scariest one once already.


I was still in my own world when a knock sounded on the door, I shook my head when Chester perked up and unlocked my door and let the redhead, Tucker? inside. Sam looked at me and smiled, "Is there somewhere we can talk?"

I nodded and gestured to the kitchen while I watched Tucker pick the broken chair and carry it over to the kitchen, he gave me a smile as he got closer, "My apologies, little lady, we shouldn't have scared you the other day, and I am regretful that this was the case."

I didn't know what to say and he didn't wait around to hear me come up with something brilliant, as he walked into the kitchen. I waited until they had all walked to the kitchen before I followed, I glanced up the stairs, wondering if I should tell Mabel. But then I thought better of it, if these guys were really going to sell me as a sex slave, I might as well save my sister from the same fate.

Inside the kitchen they all sat in random spots, Chester and Tucker sat at the table while Beck leaned against the wall, looking around. Sam was sitting on the counter, and I stayed near the door frame so I could make a quick escape if I needed to.

"We won't bite," Chester said suddenly, breaking the air of tension that had started to build.

I smiled for the first time, at his words, knowing that I couldn't very well say the same, and had already proven as much.

"What's your name?" Sam asked, watching me.

I sucked in a breath and looked at him, "Debby," I blurted out, and he looked a bit stunned.

Chester snorted a little bit and I swung my eyes around to look at him, placing a hand on my hip, "What? You don't believe me?"

He sucked up his laughter really quick like, "Nono you just, you don't look like a Debby you look more like a .. a Anna or a Kelsie, or something."

I frowned and crossed my arms, Debby had actually been my friend in first grade. She had frizzy hair and really thick glasses, and I don't think she showered but she was always picked on and I decided I would be her friend, because nobody deserved to be friendless.

Tucker cleared his throat, "I think it's a lovely name," he glared at Chester, and it made me wonder how he came to be with three guys who were younger than him. He looked about 26 now that I was closer, and watching him- not from behind the comfort of a boarded up window.

I gave a soft huff, "So what are we talking about?"

They were all quiet for a moment but then Sam crossed his arms and looked at me, his eyes serious now, "Debby why was that lady fighting you? She was still human when we pulled her off..."

I sucked in a breath and looked towards the stairs, which I could see in my peripheral vision, "She was.. my mother. She was sick I think, and.. she blamed me for getting bit," I said finally, "She was mad. I had snuck out to try and get supplies and she started yelling. She attracted a few zombies and I didn't get to her in time."

Nobody spoke and so I looked back into the room of boys, "my turn to ask," I made sure not to look at any of them as I spoke, "Do any of you plan, or are thinking about planning to sell me off as a sex slave?"

There was shocked silence and I finally looked at them all, their faces ranged from shocked to disgusted and I felt a wave of relief, Chester started coughing and Tucker gave me a sympathetic look, "Ah no."

I frowned, if I was a big sex slave dealer I wouldn't tell my victims either. I bet they were surprised I caught on so quickly.

I was lost in my thoughts, trying to figure out how the sex slave market worked when I heard Chester ask in a soft voice, "Debs, why do you have bruises all over your back? And. . why do you have scars on your tummy?" I shot a look at him and he quickly amended, "When you fainted your shirt had ridden up and Sam was having troubles standing up from his position holding you and so I picked you up and he saw the bruises on your back and I saw the scars on your tummy.. we didn't .. didn't do anything innapropriate," his eyes begged me to believe him, "trust me, I would never do that to you, and neither would they."

Strangely enough I believed him, I pressed a hand to my tummy. I had suspected that my back was bruised from the stairs but to have them having seen the evidence made my stomach nauseous. How was I supposed to tell them about what my mother did to me? Yes. I'm the girl with an abusive mother, and I could have ran away but I stayed and let myself continually be beaten on. Continually hurt with weird techniques.. and I would have continued had you not saved me.

No that's a lie. I wouldn't have continued, she was going to die from the bite anyways.

I looked up at Chester and sucked in a breath, looking away as I lied again, "fighting with zombies."

They were silent and I didn't need to look at them to know that Beck didn't believe me, and neither did the rest. They didn't argue, and nobody said anything for a couple seconds.

"For fucks sake," and accented, gruff voice blurted, "are you ever going to apologize for biting me??"

I snapped, using his topic changer as another topic changer, "You're Romanian, aren't you?"

He smirked, letting me get away with lying for now. Tucker cleared his throat and they all seemed to understand I wouldn't be telling them about my past anytime soon. We all jumped when Mabel appeared next to me without me noticing, "Holy hell," her eyes were on Chester, "you're hot."

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