《The Chapstick Girl》Bickering


Amber's pov:

"What did I miss?" Is the first thing that Damien says as he approaches the table, followed by a dazed looking Liam.

I'm glad to know he's...


I don't think he's okay just yet.

"Whatever do you mean?" Gianna's says from her seat with a smug expression, flicking her hair off her shoulder.

"You are acting weird-... all of you are." He looks around at his friends who were all trying to hide their grins.

A little recap, Gianna, without a doubt, SHUT ANNABELLE DOWN!

And we were all living for it.

Terrified of Gianna of course...

But after being able to get rid of the "pest," it felt like we could all finally get a breath of fresh air.

Things would finally getting back to normal before she was ever here.

This means no awkward silences, no glares being thrown across the table, and certainly no drama.

The only bickering that I choose to withstand is the one between Gianna and Luke...

At least that is funny to watch.

But also with Annabelle being gone, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

The thought of Annabelle hurting Damien again stressed me out, and I was worried that the same thing as last lunch would happen again.

I'm glad that's not case.

Although I wish I was the one to give Annabelle a piece of my mind, I don't think I would ever be able to top off Gianna's words.

"Define weird." Ella laughs to herself, looking up at a confused Luke who takes the seat right beside her with his tray.

"If it's anything involving Gianna I do not want to know." He says, taking his sandwich in between his hands and going in to take a bite.

But before he could, the sandwich was smacked out of his hands by an infuriated looking Gianna.


"What do you mean by that!!"

"All I'm saying is you do weird things, so whatever you did I do not want to know."

"How dare you-..."

The two begin to bicker back and forth, and I find myself getting lost in the conversation by

Damien taking the seat beside me.

I give him a soft smile as our eyes meet, to which he responds back with a wink.



Since he confessed his feelings he has definitely became more confident in flirting.

Not that I'm complaining...

But each time he does something small like that my heart still can't take it.

It can't decide if it wants to stop, beat faster, or explode.

"Hi." He whispers, reaching under the table to grab my hand.

"Hi." I giggle back, letting him interlock his fingers with mine.

"So what did I miss?" He raises in eyebrow, causing me to have to look away for a second with a blush before turning back towards him.

"Annabelle tried sitting here when we arrived, but Gianna quickly shut her intentions down with some... interesting choice of words."

He nods his head, "Well I'm glad she's not here, she tried approaching me during class multiple times, but each time I told her I was busy. I don't want to talk or be associated with a liar."

I completely forgot that they shared a couple of their morning classes together, in that case, there is nothing I could have done to prevent Damien from having to face Annabelle.


I'm glad he was able to stay strong though, knowing me I would have probably broken down and cried on the spot.

"I'm sorry you had to put up with her alone, I wish I would have been there to help." I pout, to which he squeezes my hand.

"Hey-... it isn't your fault. I came in to school prepared for different ways to react when she were to approach me. I haven't had trouble ignoring her, but I know that eventually I'm going to have to call her out for everything that she put everyone through... especially for lying about my sister, that was none of her business to share."

"Just know that whenever you do, I'll be right there behind you."

"I know." He gives me a lopsided grin, causing my heart to do a quick flip.

But his words make me question, how did Annabelle find out about his sister in the first place?

I full heartedly believe that she is either a stalker or...

No, she is definitely just a stalker.

It's not like she heard some "rumor" because who else would know to spread it?

In our school, rumors spread pretty fast, so if there was one about Damien I'm sure I would have heard it by now.

"By the way..." Damien whispers to me, nodding his head at the rest of his friends.


"Do you think we should tell them now?" He asks.

My mind goes blank for a second before realizing what he was talking about.

You know, just that minor fact that WE ARE DATING!!



"That's all you." I poke his chest, to which he swats my hand away.

"What do you mean it's all me? I already had my turn." He points toward Liam, who was looking down at his lap with a cheeky grin. It looked as if he was writing something-...

Oh god.

That better not be the Ambien journal.


It is the Ambien journal.

"Oh right, how could I forget that you almost caused the murder of my best friend-..."

He nervously laughs to himself while scratching the back of his neck, "Okay, so I guess I could have shared the news a little bit differently. But that just shows that I shouldn't be the one to tell them! So this is all you sweetie~..." He softly sings, nudging my arm.

If he wasn't so cute I would have probably strangled him by now.

One day.

"You drive me to brink of insanity."

"That's my job, babe." He whispers in my ear, causing me to push him away.

I turn towards the rest of our friend group who were in a heated discussion on whether Cinderella or Snow White is the more iconic princess.

"Why do girls always fight over Disney characters, don't you have any thing better to talk about?" Luke complains from his seat, earning multiple glares from the girls around him.

"Says the guy who's only personality trait is being on the boxing team." Gianna sticks her tongue out at him, to which he does the same back.

"But at least I am doing something that involves actually leaving my bed for once, unlike some people-..."

"Don't you be dragging me into this, Barrington."

Ella glares at her boyfriend.

"Won't be happing again, Mrs. Barrington." Ella blushes at his words as he pecks her cheek and swings an arm around her.


"Yuck, there goes my appetite." Gianna pushes her sandwich away, causing an eye roll from Luke.

"Oh please, this is nothing compared to what I had to sit through last year with you and Jake." Luke fake gags, causing Gianna to throw a plastic spoon at his forehead.

"We weren't even that bad, right?" She looks at Julie and Damien, but they both look away from her stare.

Damien clears his throat, "Well..."

"We weren't!!!"

"I mean-..." Julie draws out, staring down at her apple like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Cmon! You guys are being a little over dramatic!"

"Over dramatic? There were days where I thought that you guys would just spawn a baby on the ta-..."

"Luke!!" Ella shushes him.

"I really hope I did not just here spawn leave your mouth." Julie groans, putting her head in her hands.

"Where's the lie though-... OWW!!" Luke whines, holding his head while glaring down at the plastic knife.

"Were you trying to kill me woman!"

"You are just noticing now?" Gianna smirks.

"How many times do we have to go over this, no hurting or giving each other death threats at the table." Julie points at the two as they both whine.

"He started it!"

"She started it!"

"Hah I said if first, loser." Gianna teases, sticking up the letter L in front of her forehead while turning towards him.

"I'm going to tell Jake that you are bullying me."

"Oh he knows, and he fully supports."

"Freakin traitor." Luke mumbles under his breath.

"Okay!" Julie claps her hands together, "How about we switch our topic of discussion before things get... out of control."

"Topic of discussion? Are we in some seminar or something-..."

"Shhh!" Julie cuts of Luke before nudging Ella.

"Control your man."

"Trust me I'm trying." Ella puts a hand on Luke's shoulder, to which he shrugs off.


"Love you too." She giggles, squeezing his cheek.

I couldn't help but giggle at the two, I don't know much about the term "love sick puppies," but I am 10000% sure that those two fit the description.

"Moving on," Gianna turns towards Liam, "I heard you got sent to the nurses office, what happened?" She asks, resting the side of her face on the palm of her hand.

Liam lifts up his head, "Oh yeah, I fainted." I can see him looking at Damien and I from the corner of his eye, causing the both of us to squirm in our seats.

"Fainted? You say that so casually." Ally says, earning a head nod from the rest of the group.

"What made you faint?" Julie asks.

"I just heart some... big news. I would share, but I don't think it's my story to tell." I can see the corners of his lip's turning upwards as he was trying not to smile.

"Ughh... now I'm curious." Gianna whines.

"Me too, do we know this person?" Luke asks, looking around the cafeteria before back at Liam.

"A matter of fact, you do!"

"Really? Cmon spill, I won't tell anyone, pinkie promise." Gianna holds out her pinkie towards Liam, but he pushes her hand away.

"Don't trust her, she gossips more than an old lady at bingo." Luke snorts, earning a whack in the head by Gianna.

"I do not!"

"Do too!!"

"DO NOT!!!"

"DO TOOO!!!!!!!!"

"Can you guys stop, you do this everyday." Ella groans, covering her ears with the palm of her hands.

"Sorry baby."

"He's not sorry."

"Gianna!" Julie nudges her, causing Gianna to mutter an apology under her breath.

"But seriously though, you won't tell us?" Gianna pouts at Liam, who only chuckles and pats her head.


Honestly, it makes me quite happy that Liam is leaving it up to Damien and I to tell the rest of the friend group.

I'm sure that he is just itching to share the news, but for our sake he's keeping it to himself so that we can tell them when we are ready.

The rest of the friend group quickly move on from the conversation. Liam and I share eye contact and I couldn't help but mouth a small "thank you" to


He nods his head and gives me a toothy grin, before pointing towards my phone in my hand.

I look down at it confused but a couple seconds later, I get a notification.

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

You should tell them soon. Not to rush you or anything bestie boo <3


I know, it's just... telling them in the middle of lunch while be surrounded by students wasn't my ideal way to tell them, you know?

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

Oh so telling me in the middle of the library while basically making out in front of me was ideal for you?


I-... LIAM!!! It was JUST A KISS!! K-I-S-S. Plus, that was all Damien -.-

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:



I am sure! Do you really think this "baby" can pull something off like that.

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

You aren't wrong. Btw are you two like... official-official or is this like a friends with be-..."


NO!! We are boyfriend/girlfriend you nasty, unholy child.

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

Nasty, Unholy child? Are you tryin to make me blush ;)



Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

Love you too <3



Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

When are you planning to tell everyone else? As much as I feel honored to keep this secret, you know how I am with secrets..... not good.


Soon! You boys don't have practice right? I was hoping we all could hangout after school and I would break the news then 0.0

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

Sounds good to me :D Just don't turn into a stuttering mess like you usually do~


Okay rude!

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

I say it out of love. MWAHHH <3


Really feelin it. -.-

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

I know child, I know.


Wait!! Did I just get upgraded from baby to child :D

Probably About To Say Something Perverted🤡:

Haha. No.

Shaking my head with a small pout on my face, I look up from my phone and at everyone else.

"We should all hangout after school."

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