《The Chapstick Girl》She Never Left


Amber's pov:








"What!!!" He whines, turning towards me as I try to contain my grin.

"Are you mad at me-..."


"Because everyone now knows of your average sized-..."

"Stop saying that!!" He covers his face with his hands as I let out a low, but evil laugh, finishing off my sandwich as we sit at our table in the school cafeteria.

"You're evil."

"Hey, I'm not the one who decided to announce it in the hallway-..."

"I had to defend my manhood from people like you!!"

"Like me?"

"Yes, thinking it's so easy to joke about something like that..." he whines again, while I continue to laugh.

But my laughing gets cut off by a loud shriek in the, already pretty loud, cafeteria.

It immediately goes silent, as Liam and I take a quick glance at one another and follow everyone else's stares towards the center of the cafeteria.

"What in the world...." I mutter, as the girl shriek's again, making a few who were close to her flinch back and whisper to one another.

"You are such a bitch!!!" She screams, and tries to attack the other girl, but she was held back by a guy in a football jersey, trying to calm the frantic girl down as she tries to escape his grasp.

"What is your problem!! Leave us alone Tessa!!"


Anyone who didn't know her clearly was new to the school...

Or lived under a rock.

Those who were fortunate enough to leave before she moved here in the middle of her freshmen year were blessed.



Literally, just her existence made you want to cry.

The sound of her heels clicking down the hallway and the words she would say just would make you lose brain cells on the basis.

She was a senior last year, but didn't graduate and got held back because of failing History...

And Math...


And Science....

And any and every single class that she took she failed.

I mean, I'm not one to judge but...

Is failing health class even a thing for her??

I mean, she was clearly.... educated.

If you know what I mean.

"Can I just have one day without having to see or hear her... just one?!" Liam groans, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair.

"Hey, at least she isn't in any of our classes this year-..."

"Who ever is on the yearbook committee this year needs to add 'biggest bitch' of the grade, no school, and have her face take up the whole page. Maybe that will open her damn eyes."

As you can see, Liam isn't the biggest... fan of her.

Our freshmen year, about two years ago, ever since that day...


"There he is, I knew he was gay. God he such a weirdo, I don't know how anyone could like him, disgusting." Tessa laughs with her friends as we pass by her lunch table.

Liam looks down at the ground, embarrassed, as I put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey, hey ignore them. They are just being mean like they always are. Don't even give her the time of day to let her words affect you. You are amazing, and I'm happy that you were able to finally come out and be yourself." I try to comfort him, but he shrugs my hand off of his shoulder and continues walking to our lunch table.

"It's fine." He mutters as we sit down.

"Please Liam-..."

"I said I'm fine." He says a little louder, unpacking his lunchbox, but he doesn't attempt to even touch his food.

Instead, he just sits there and stares at it, staying silent as I try to make small talk to cheer him up.

I hated her, and that's a lot from me because I never try to hate anyone.

That fact that she was shaming Liam for just being himself was disgusting.


I don't know how anybody could live with themselves for finding enjoyment from hurting others.

"Liam, please talk to me. Don't be upset over who meaningless words. She just says stuff like that to gain attention and make herself look better. You are amazing-..."

"Amber, please, can we just stop talking about it."



End of flashback

Since that day, overtime, Liam grew stronger.

I have to say, he's gotten to love himself, and take pride in who he is.

Even after her constant judgmental stares and mean words, he was able to look past it and ignore her.

And not only did he do this, but he actually stood up for himself and others like him who were under her harassment.

One day last year, Liam confronted her and gosh, was she embarrassed.

He called her out for it in front of the whole entire cafeteria.

She hasn't spoke or even looked at him since.

I was, and still am, so proud of Liam.

He truly is amazing.

And I know that who ever captures Liam's heart will be the luckiest man alive.

I just know it.

"Amber...... Amber!!" I shake my head and look at Liam who was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Hmmm" I mutter.

"You spaced out pretty bad, are you alright?" I nod my head quickly, looking back at the crowd of students and Tessa who stopped struggling, but was still glaring at the girl.

"He liked me first!" Tessa screams, as a guy steps in.

I swear, this is exactly what a five year old would say...

I'm not even joking.

"Leave Tessa, you're just embarrassing yourself in front of everyone." He says, throwing his arm over a girl who I haven't seen before.

"Who is she?" I ask, turning towards Liam.

"One of the new kids this year, uhhh, she is a twin... Alison? Ally? Something like that.... oh oh yeah her sister is actually dating Luke. I see her sometimes at practice." I nod my head.

"And the guy... basketball team-..."


"Ah ah okay."

This is basically how our conversations go during school fights, wanting to know what's happening but at the same time not caring for it at all.

Some people are just so petty, our school is definitely one for drama.

We actually have it all the time, it's like people just can't get enough.

"You come here with your expensive cloths and fancy living ways and think you can just step in here and think you can come to my school-..."

"Get over yourself Tessa! Just because someone has something you don't doesn't mean you get to be a god damn bitch to everyone." The sound of Luke's voice makes an appearance, as everyones attention is now drawn to him.

"That's a little rich coming from you and your past Luke Barrington-..."

Luke looked extremely pissed off, as his hands ball into a fist. The girl beside him tries to calm him down, but it didn't seem to help.

"Oh, hit a nerve? Was it too soon? Sorry, I almost forgot about the whole Samantha-..."

"Leave Tessa!!!" One last voice calls, I can't help but stare as Damien walks into the cafeteria, stopping the fight before it had the chance to escalate further.

Tessa was about to say something back, until a few off the lunch staff, followed by the principal, enter the cafeteria.

Everyone instantly scatters while he calls up everyone who was involved in the nasty ordeal that was probably...

Well, most likely...

Tessa's doing.

I heard Liam swear under his breath from beside me, as I look at him with a questionable glance.

"What wrong?" I ask, as he bites his lip nervously.

"Coach said that if anyone gets in trouble in these next few weeks, they won't be able to box in the finals...." he draws out, watching as Luke and Damien, followed by a few others, leave the cafeteria with the principal.

"My dad.... is going to kill them."

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