《The Chapstick Girl》Let's Make A Deal


Amber's pov:

As he pulls into the side of the road, I could feel his eyes burning through the side of my head, as I try not to seem to affected by his death stare.

Thinking back, I don't think I've done anything wrong lately...


But I could sense something was off the moment he said that he was going to give me a ride home.

I should have known.

"What?!" I finally scream, frustrated of the silence. He wasn't like that, in fact, he has never been like that.


Liam doesn't do silent.

"What do you mean 'What??' Sis, I played it cool earlier, but now that we are alone... I. NEED. DETAILS." He says, as I turn towards him, laughing to myself as I roll my eyes.

"What are you even talking about?" Meeting his eyes.

And the scary thing is...

I think they might be twitching.

"Don't act like you don't know... Liam sees all!"

"You sound like a stalker."

"I am a stalker, your stalker."

"Isn't that weird?"

"I'm your best friend... you knew what you were signing up for." He grabs my arm and shakes it, "TELL ME!!!!"

"I don't know what you are even talking about...." I whine.

He closes his eyes, letting go of my arm to rub his temples.

"You are such a stressful child."


He runs his fingers through his hair and takes a deep breath, "I can't contain this much longer."

"Can't contain what-..."

"MY FANBOYISM AMBER!! I HAVE NO CONTROL-..." I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Breathe in, breathe out. Conceal don't feel don't let them know-..." I start to sing, but he quickly removes my hand from his mouth interrupting my amazing 'singing skills.'

"This isn't the time for frozen, this is serious!!!"

Giving up, I signal for him to continue, curiously awaiting his response.


"I saw you... ACTUALLY COMMUNICATING WITH DAMIEN!!!" He yells, causing me to bang my head against the roof of his car.

"Wait!!! Huh... what-..."


"I..... Wait." I pause to catch my breath, while slightly holding my head from banging it off the car roof, "If you saw, why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"Because I can't fanboy in public! It's dangerous!"

"For you?"

"No the people around me, they don't understand such power."

"What power?"

"Hey, hey! No changing the topic..."

Sighing, I sit back in the seat, removing my hand from my head and locking my hands in front of me.

"Not much happened actually-..."

"Oh yes it did-..."

"Can I continue?"


"Anyways, I was just struggling to carry the boxes to the concession when suddenly he came out of nowhere and started helping me-..."

"Awww what boyfriend material-..."



"And then when we finished, he said he recognized me from somewhere-..."

"Duh, who doesn't recognize their future wife-..."

"Can you please let me speak!!"

"... Sorry."

"He then said that he knew me from the children's hospital I help out at." I finish.

Liam smiles, "Awwwww did he introduce himself in that cute way?"

"Mhhhm yeah..."

"Awwww did you introduce yourself?"



"He had to go back to practice!!"

He hits his head with his hand multiple times before taking a deep breath.

"So he doesn't even know your name?"

"I know but trust me, by this time tomorrow, he won't even remember our encounter."

"You don't know that-..."

"But I do, and maybe it's for the best. Sure I have a tiny crush on Damien, but it's too soon to be falling in love with someone, I'm not ready."

He nods his head in understanding, looking down slightly.


"Please don't be upset-..."

"No no!" He takes my hand, "I'm not upset, I just-..." he draws out.

I stare at my best friend as he continues, "I just hating seeing you... being afraid of falling in love ever since... you know."

I nod my head in understanding.

Although Liam was...


He cares about me, and knows every struggle I've had since my mother died.

I never found it strange or awkward talking about my mom's death with him because he is basically family, I just feel safe telling him anything and everything.

"I know, I may be struggling, but please don't worry...."

He pouts, "I'm your bestfriend, it's my job to worry."

"Well then, what about this..." I draw out, "Let's make a deal." This instantly grabs his attention as he narrows his eyes at me.

"What kind of deal?"

"If Damien never speaks to me again, then promise me that you will let this whole thing go of being obsessed with my non existent love life..."

He slowly nods his head, awaiting the other part.

"But if somehow... for ANY REASON Damien decides to approach me, I promise I will not be afraid and give it a chance IF HE were to ask..."

I cautiously wait for his answer as he lets it sink in.

Then suddenly, he lets out a wild grin.

One that I have and always will be very, very afraid of.

He quickly reaches over the back of his seat and pulls out what looks to be... a diary?

Taking a closer look, I gasp in horror at what I saw.

Ambien was written on the front cover with a cropped picture of me and Damien together in a heart shape.

"Oh my-..." Again, my eyes held nothing but pure horror, as I look up to Liam to see him giggling to himself, as he opens the diary, writing today's date, along with 'first meet.'

"I... uh... huh?" Is all I could say, not even being able to process words from the shock of what lays before me.

Please tell me he didn't.

Liam always scared me...

But this...

This took it to a whole new level.

"W-What is that?"

I knew what is was.....

But I was just really, really hoping it wasn't.

"This old thing? Man I've been waiting to fill this out for years-..."


"Yeah, you took way longer than I expected."

"But..." I take the diary from his hands, a little bit of glitter falling off in the process as I hold it up and point to the heart in the middle where me and Damien's pictures were, "We aren't even a couple, let alone friends! I talked to him ONCE.... TODAY!!!"

Liam only shakes his head, "That's right, you talked to him ONCE! And you know what? Once leads to another. Another leads to another. Another leads to date, proposal, marriage, then I will be called Uncle Liam-.."


He throws his hands up in defense, "I'm just saying!"

I look back at the book.

The pictures were definitely old, as I think back to the times where I used to have short hair all the time, until I decided I liked it long, "When did you even make this?"

"Remember the day you told me you had a crush on him?"

"You made it the first day?!"

"Of course not!!"

He looks away, "I made it the day after..."


"I was excited okay?! My best friend in the whole wide world had her first crush, how was I supposed to react??!"

I hold up the book again as he glances at it, "Okay so maybe I took it a little to far..."

"A little?"

"Okay a decent amount, but that's why you love me...." he draws out, making puppy dog eyes as I can't help but laugh.

"This is why you're my bestfriend."

"Your one and only..."

"Of course." I smile.


"One and only plus Damien-..."


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