《Fire Emblem Three Houses Lemon Shots》Claude 2


(I'm jus gonna stuck with one shots) :p

"HAHA! Got you now!" Raphael brought down his axe to strike you down but you skillfully dodge out of the way. Your physique was smaller than his, therefor you were faster. His axe got stuck in the ground due to him swinging too hard, with that you lightly tap your sword on him.

"Gotcha." You taunt. Suddenly an arrow whizzes past your ear missing you by a hair. You look behind you to see Claude as he fires another arrow towards you. You duck as it misses you and run for cover.

"FIGHT MEEEE!" He shouted shooting a curved arrow to try and hit you.you decide to do your best to charge at him. You jump from your hiding spot and instantly get hit by his arrow. You growl in frustration as he winks at you. He wasn't training seriously, he had been specially aiming for you the entire battle and you've had enough. You take a deep breath, the mock battle was over.

"I'm going to my room." You say with a calm tone. You walk away with those words only sheathing your sword. Hilda snickered.

"I told you she would get frustrated."

"What? What'd I say this time?" He asked.

"You were singling her out. Again." Hilda scolded.

"I was?" Claude thought "guess I didn't realize." He sighed "I should apologize..." he said thinking out loud

"Just give her some space for now to cool off." Hilda advised before walking off to do...nothing.



"Haaa~ it's been a long day..." you stretch your arms over your head falling back on your bed. You've been training with the golden deer house all day. Claude, being the dork that he is, targeted you from a distance making it particularly hard to do anything. Though you were annoyed with him you couldn't stay mad forever. With a sigh you get up and start a shower. The steam filled the room and you took off your clothes folding them and getting in the shower.


-Knock knock-

someone was at your door but you couldn't hear anything.

~on the other side of the door~

"Heyyyy. I know you're in there." Claude sighed "I'm sorry I was a jerk."

.... "I'm gonna come in so you can beat me up now." Claude joked and hesitated before pulling open the door, steam pouring out of the room. "...would this make her more angry?" He nodded to himself answering his question. "Am I going to do it anyways?"


he nodded to himself before walking in the room.

You jerk your head at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Claude emerged from the door completely stripped from his clothing.

"Cla- I- WHAT-" you try to speak but you hardly have the mental capacity to do so at the moment. He didn't say anything. With a serious expression he stepped in the shower with you so that the water hit his back.and he was facing you.

"I thought I could make nice with you. Apologize for today." He gently pulled you toward him kissing your lips. As shocked as you were you couldn't help but melt into him. He kissed you with a slow rhythm as water dropped down from his shoulders and onto you. Pulling away you wipe his wet hair away from his eyes, he grinned letting his hands drop down your back and fall onto your butt.

"Truth be told..This wasn't my initial idea." He laughed letting his eyes linger over your body.

"You know I can't stay mad at you." You say placing kisses on his neck making him lean his head back. You sucked his skin right under his jaw, nibbling with your teeth to leave only a small mark.

"Mm~" he hummed pushing you away a bit so you released. You weren't done yet. You kissed your way down his chest to his lower region. "H-hey.. um.." the once confident Claude suddenly looked nervous.


"Hmm?" You look up with your eyes, sitting on your knees as you continue to place kisses near his member. His hand was on your head.

"I.. I've never-.."

"Me neither." You laugh a bit.

"Well.. I guess I don't really have any objections." He laughed nervously "just didn't think you'd be the one to initiate it..."

You smile a bit against his skin thinking that you've finally got him. You lick the tip of his hardening member making him suck his teeth to not make any noise, you take him in your mouth only a little but it makes him slowly let his head back so the shower sprinkled his hair. You swirl your tongue around watching his reactions closely.

"M-Mmh.. hah.. ah~" he moaned softly in breathy tones making you want to hear him more. You begin to suck him in bobbing your head making him jerk and open his mouth. His shoulders tensed a bit and he tugged at your hair a bit, still you persisted sucking harder. "W-wait.. hah.. st-op.. MMN-" he tried to pull you off but his strength was immensely reduced because of you. "I.. ahh~ I want to .. be inside- NNh-!" He tried to jerk away. You decide to let him go, you gently slide your tongue off his dick. Claude helped you to your feet spinning you so that your back faced him. Your hands against the wall, your spine curved for him. His hands ran up to your chest, fondling your breasts and kissed your neck before he slid in with ease seeing that you were both wet. Your voice slips out loudly, echoing within the bathroom.

"Claude.. Claude~!" You call out his name as he aggressively thrusted in you, his hands went down to firmly support you as your legs buckled under you. "Ah- ahh... c-cla- NN!" You bite your lip trying to restrain your voice as he reaches deeper. He bites your shoulder thrusting harder. "I- MNN-" You cry in broken moans knowing you'll cum soon. You shudder at the feeling as you release over his dick, making him thrust one last time before coming into you. You feel light headed as he pulls out of you but still holding onto you.

"are you..feeling ok?" He asked feeling out of breath. You nod a bit before standing to your full height. You lose your balance and fall onto him as he catches you. "Woah.. hey let me take care of you." He helped you sit down on the rim of the bath (shower bath deal I guess) and turned off the shower. He stepped out wrapping a towel around his waist. Claude then grabbed your brush, another towel and wakes behind you and began to brush your hair, gently untangling it. You drape the towel over your shoulders as the feeling of the bristles and his hands run through your hair made your eyelids feel heavy. You both stayed like that for a bit until he kissed your head. And tilting your head back so he could see your face. "You look sleepy."

"mhmm.." you struggle to keep your eyes open.

"Let's get into bed then." He smiled helping you stand up, you begin to walk out of the bathroom when you feel a light smack on your ass making you jump.

"Claude!" You turn around and playfully scold him.

"Sorry. Couldn't help it." He laughed putting his hands up in a surrender "I'm done, I'm done." He grinned. You give him a look as you slide on a more comfortable shirt. "..for now."

The end :)

Thanks for reading!

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