《Lost Fantasy-Life After Reincarnation (Arc 1)》Prologue


The rays of sunlight flowed into the room through the glass windows, pass the white curtains and sprayed itself onto the red carpets of the room. The room wasn't big, and it wasn't small. In the far end of the room, a bed was situated. On the bed, laid a young boy, about eight years old with dark, black hair.

Gradually, the boy stirred, yawning as he forced his grey eyes opened. He sat up, allowing the bed covers to fall from his chest and folding over itself on his lap. He blinked a few times as he stared at the scenery before him. He saw a white door on the left side of the wall with detailed carvings. To the right of him, was the windows where the sunlight had entered from. The white curtains appeared to be blowing in the air as a gentle breeze entered the room, and as if a playful spirit, caused the boy's hair to wave.

The boy stared at what was before him, dazed as a sudden look of fright dictated his face.

"What's going on?!" he exclaimed, quickly getting out of the bed and slipping his feet into the slippers that was beside his bed. He quickly felt a sudden disruption in his movements, as if something was different about his body. However, he dismissed that thought as an aftermath of waking up and ventured to the window.

Why's the window so tall? The boy went on his tippy toes and with both hands on the window sill, he pulled himself up in order to look out the window at the world outside.

"Where am I?" the boy then backed off from the window. Confusion and a sense of fright prevailed as he slowly walked back to the bed that he had awaken from. "What the hell?" The boy looked at his hands, and discovered that it was smaller than usual. In fact, everything about him was smaller.

The boy panicked as he glanced around the room and finally spotting a mirror in the not far distance. He immediately rushed over, fearing for his life and hoping that his hypothesis was false. However, it turns out that he was right.

The boy looked into the mirror and at the boy that was reflected in the mirror. The boy then placed one hand on the handsome looking face that was reflected in the mirror and the other on his actual face.

"Who the hell are you?" the boy exclaimed as he stared in shock at his reflection. "Where the hell am I? I should be sleeping in my apartment...where the hell is this?"


"Master Loganel?" a girl's voice said from the other side of the door followed by a series of gentle knocks. "Are you awake?"

Loganel? Is that me? "Ugh..." the boy struggled to elicit a plan from his brains.

"I'm entering," the girl's kind voice said.

Slowly, the door opened, revealing a girl, probably only twelve in age, dressed in a french maid outfit. This girl, with her light brown hair up in a ponytail, entered the room with both hands in front of her. She then smiled warmly at the boy as she saw him.

"Good morning," the maid said in a cheerful voice, "Master Loganel. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Loganel ?" the boy stuttered. "Is that...me?"

"Why yes," the maid smiled as she walked over to the boy and squatted down so that she was eye level with the boy. "Master Loganel's trying to play tricks on me?"

"What?" the boy looked at her pretty face. "I..."

"It's no time to be messing around, Master," the maid then said as she rose to her full height, and proceeded to walk over to the bed that the boy had awaken from and made the bed so that the bed sheets were neatly smoothed out and the bed covers are laid out. "Breakfast will soon be served. You do not want to make your family wait."

"Family?" the boy asked. "Where am I?"

"Master Loganel ..." the maid then stared at the boy, frozen in place as she tried to comprehend what was occurring. "Are you sick?" the maid immediately rushed over and placed a hand on the boy's forehead. "It's me," the young maid said, "your servant, Juliana!"

"Juliana?" the boy repeated the name as he sought to recall whether or not he had heard of the name in the past. However, it was useless as he wasn't able to recall anything.

"Master Loganel ..." the girl looked into the boy's eyes with worry in her own. "I believe Master Corrin should know about this."

"Who's that?" the boy asked as Juliana took him by the hand and started out of the room. With the boy in her left hand and her right hand holding up the maid dress, she speed-walked as she led the boy down a long hallway until they arrived at the doorway on the other end of the hall, and entered what appears to be a grand entrance area. There were two curved stairways in the entrance area which led up to the second floor that Juliana and the boy were on at the moment. Juliana then proceeded to carefully lead the boy down the stairs and turned the corner so that they approached what appears to be a dining room where a rectangular table with a white tablecloth was set. "Master Aldin," Juliana called out to the man with black hair that was sitting on one end of the dining table and reading a book.


"Yes, Juliana," the man set his book down after marking his page with a bookmark. "What's the matter? Why do you appear to be in such a hurry?"

"Master Loganel ..." Juliana forced out with a hint of weeping in her voice. "He's...He's lost his memories."

"What?" the man suddenly stood from his seat and rushed over to where the boy was standing. "Logan?" the man said as he knelt down and placed both hands on the boy's arms. "My son, are you all right?"

"You're..." the boy looked at the cleaned shaven man before him who resembles the boy that he had saw in the mirrors earlier.

"I'm your father, Logan!" the man said emotionally. He appeared to be legitimately worried.

So I'm...Logan? the boy thought in his head. I guess I should go with it. I don't even know where I am. It's best if I could use this identity for now. Looks like I'll have to be know as Logan from now on.

"You're my father?" Loganel said, staring into the man's eyes blankly.

"God," the man said as he stood up and quickly walked a few steps to one of the butlers in the room. "Get the doctor!" he shouted, "Get the doctor now!"


"Nothing seems wrong with him," a man in a white, doctors robe said after he removed his hands from Loganel's forehead. "Everything is normal," the doctor said.

"But," Loganel's father insisted, "how could he just suddenly forget everything?"

"Yes, doctor," the woman that appears to be Logan's mother added, looking helplessly at the doctor for aid, "why did he lose his memories?"

"I do not know," the doctor said, "but everything is normal. He's very healthy with no sign of any diseases."

As the adults conversed, Loganel stared at them awkwardly from the bed that they had him lay down on. He wasn't used to being treated like this, and this intense feeling of care that he felt from the man and woman that was supposed to be the parent of him, or the body's owner, made him feel guilt from within him. It didn't feel good for him to be hiding the truth from them. But, how could he tell them? He can't just them that he is just a random soul that has taken control of their son's body. It'll devastate them by not knowing where the soul of their child had disappeared to and if it was still present, is it retrievable.

It's just...complicated. He was confused as to why all this had happened. He was in fact, extremely confused. He's now in a foreign world in which he has no knowledge of, surrounded by strangers, and naked with nothing to defend himself from. He has nothing except the shield of Loganel . The identity of Loganel is the only thing that is keeping him safe.

"Mrs. Ainzloft," the doctor said, explaining to the woman who stood before him with a sullen look on her face. "I think for now, as long as his body condition isn't deteriorating, we should just observe for now. Who knows? Over time, he might start remembering things little by little." The doctor then immediately started for his black, leather duffel bag and headed for the exit of the room.

Loganel's parents and mother on the other hand, remained by the boy's side, watching over him. They initially looked at each other, feeling troubled and confused as of what had occurred to their son. However, their positive look on life immediately led to them dismissing future worries. To them, as long as their son could live a happy life, they are happy. They believe that as long as the boy is alive, memories aren't the most important because they could be made in the future. But if their son had lost his life or his health was deteriorating, then that is when the sadness would strike, invading their minds and robbing them of their happiness and joy. Therefore, to them, even though they would've preferred if Loganel had remained normal, but they are still content with the situation.

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