《It's just me and you》Chapter 19- The Game
As y/n exits the restroom, into the field as the whistle calls her. I quickly walk near a mirror, analyzing my physical state. I need to make sure nothing looks suspicious or out of the ordinary.
I check my composure through the restrooms tarnished glass frame. I stare at the subtle yet noticeable giveaway's of my odd and different demeanor.
I study all my features thoroughly, to see if anything has changed since I first walked in here.
The light shade of lipstick I decided to wear tonight seems to be slightly smudged, I use the tips of my middle and index finger to gently wipe the excess lipstick off the corners of my lips.
As I finish composing myself, a thought comes to mind.
What's the point?
What's the point of hiding, lying, or covering up? It's not very characteristic of Colin to see any changes in my appearance since I last left, or even ever. I highly doubt he'd discover what had just occurred in this bathroom a couple seconds ago and to be completely honest, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.
I don't even know what happened...
I mean, I do know that y/n and I had a moment and it simply escalated. What I fail to understand is how the hell did I let it escalate in the first place. I had control, I had my morals, and I had my better judgement. Why on earth didn't I stop her?
It's because you wanted it.
I did want it to happen. God it felt so good. I guess I just feel guilty that I'm hiding the truth from Colin, he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve to have his time wasted, not with me.
I also have no idea how to deal with the whole y/n situation. I think I'm starting to realize that I do have some sort of feelings towards her but I have to remember that it can't ever happen, even if I want to.
I'm her teacher, our relationship has crossed boundaries multiple times on multiple occasions and no matter how hard I try she always seems to get through to me. If the administration were to find out I could lose my job, hell I could lose my license. I can't let that happen not after everything that I've been through, not after...that.
I snap out of my negative thoughts and put up a strong facade. I stand tall, taking a deep breath and raising my head high. Everything is going to be just fine. I then turn around walking outside, towards the bleachers to watch the game.
I immediately notice how packed the stands are, how on earth will I get through these people? This certainly won't be a walk through the park but I'll manage.
"Excuse me..." and "Sorry" I say as I make my way through the huge crowd towards Colin.
I continue to bump and squeeze through highly obnoxious energetic people as I get closer to Colin and to my surprise I notice that his boss is sitting right beside him. I guess I forget that he invited Colin to begin with, this is just great.
As I approach them, y/n's father seems to take notice of me, he immediately springs up to his feet offering a generous hand.
"A pleasure to see you again dear." He says sincerely as he firmly shakes my hand.
As he shakes my hand my mind drifts into the memory of his daughters hands on my hips a couple minutes ago. How I wish that moment wasn't short lived, but lucky enough nothing too serious occurred.
I clear my throat regaining my composure "Likewise." I respond.
He smiles "You alright dear? not a fan of crowds?" He teases.
I shake my head "Just excited for the big game is all." I say.
He nods understandingly "How's the new job going? I do recall last time we saw each other you were quite nervous." He asks curiously.
I nod "Its going great, I'm getting comfortable and the students are slightly more mature than I would've anticipated." I inform.
He laughs "Don't ever let any of those young adults mess with you, being a teacher can be both a gift and a curse." He responds sternly.
I smile "I do my best."
Colin clears his throat "Y/n is one of her students." He states.
Y/n's father looks at me surprised "That's nice to hear, how is she doing?" He asks.
"That's confidential." I joke.
He chuckles lightly "Not well, I suppose." He says.
I laugh softly "She's doing just fine. Don't worry about her, she's in good hands." I reassure him.
He smiles "I'm sure she is if you're her teacher." He says.
I smile thankfully at him and he reciprocates the action.
A comfortable silence fills the air as we watch y/n's game and to my surprise, she's on the bench. I thought she was the captain?
Anyways I'd rather have her sitting down than out on the field, it eases my nerves a little bit knowing she doesn't have a chance of getting hurt.
All of a sudden the crowd erupts into fits of anger and frustration. Apparently Dartmouth scored a goal, how did I miss that? It's not looking good. The score is currently one to zero and it's only the first half so there's still a chance to make a comeback.
Colin scoffs "Why isn't y/n playing? I bet you if they put her in, the game would be completely different." He announces.
Y/n's father nods "She never sits on the bench, what's the reason for it today? The very first game?" He states bitterly.
I choose to remain quiet from their frustrated bickering because I do strongly believe that the reason y/n isn't playing is either because of her injuries or because she was late. Either way I know her sitting on the bench doesn't determine her worth out on the field.
A couple minutes go by and Dartmouths offense makes it near the goal once again, A defensive player quickly takes the ball causing a Dartmouth girl to fall on the ground. It's completely obvious she's faking it and drawing unnecessary attention. The ref immediately calls a foul on our team. A penalty shot is given to Dartmouth.
What the f-
"Oh come on!" Someone shouts next to me in the stands along with others in the crowd.
It was an unnecessary call by the ref. The girl then aligns the ball in the penalty box waiting to take the shot. The ref blows the whistle telling her to take the shot.
The score is now two to zero with little to no time left in the first half. As if on cue the buzzer goes off indicating the end of the first half. I see all the players on the field run over to their side and I notice y/n stand up from the bench.
She walks over to her coach and what I believe is an argument occurring.
"Maybe I should get down there." Y/n's father says while also seeing the discussion between the Coach and y/n.
The argument then suddenly ends and I see y/n look somewhat relived so I'm assuming she's going to play In the next half, making my nerves spike up.
"Let's go y/l/n!" Someone shouts wildly as the second half is about to commence.
He quickly erupts into loud screams "Show them what Brown University can do y/n!" He shouts once again.
I look over and notice him. He has quite a familiar face. I recall seeing him the night y/n got into a fight, I assume he's her friend. It kind of warms my heart that she has such a supportive friend cheering for her.
"Finally, they're using their brains. They should've put my daughter in since the game started." Y/n's father says sternly.
Colin nods "Hopefully the flow of the game will change now that she's in." He says confidently.
I look over at y/n's direction and see that she's standing at the front line, for kickoff. She looks so good, her uniform looks incredible on her. She looks strong and well managed. I just hope that nothing negative occurs.
The ref blows the whistle, starting the second half. The last half of the game. I watch as all the players quickly scramble on their feet towards the ball.
Y/n immediately darts towards the ball gaining possession. The crowd quickly jumps up in excitement. She maneuvers through her opponent's with ease and it somewhat surprises me, I knew she was good but certainly not that good.
She gets closer and closer to the goal while the crowd screeches in suspense.
Colin jumps up "Shoot it!" He shouts eagerly.
As y/n's about to take the shot her opponent aggressively elbows her stomach, shoving her to the side and taking the ball. The crowd gasps in shock and proceeds to 'boo' the unsportsmanlike player and worst of all the ref didn't even call a foul which angered the crowd.
and me.
I see y/n clutch her side as if she's uncomfortable, I think it's her injured side. Fuck. I don't want her to play if she's injured I hate seeing her in that state.
"I think you should tell y/n's coach to pull her out" I suggest to y/n's father.
He sighs "I did that once, it didn't end well. Y/n knows her limits and as much as I want to take my girl out of that game, she's the best shot her team has at winning." He says confidently.
Colin nods "Have a little faith scar." He says.
I have faith in y/n, there's no doubt about it. I just don't like the way those Dartmouth girls play and I don't like the refs, they didn't even call an obvious foul.
Anyways there's absolutely nothing I can do, I'm just sitting in the crowd watching a game. Wait, I can do something.
I take a deep breath "Come on y/l/n, keep your head in the game!" I shout.
I see y/n look up and once she realizes that It was my voice, she smirks softly and nods while picking up her pace chasing the ball once again. God that was hot.
I hear y/n's father clear his throat quite loudly and I look over at him and he's staring at me like he just realized something or is trying to solve a math equation in his head, it's quite an odd view. He then offers a small shy smile and I give one in return.
I return my focus to the game and see that we finally have possession of the ball and they're passing it within themselves, until it finally lands by y/n's feet and she quickly runs towards the goal once again but this time instead she passes it to another player and they shoot it.
The whole crowd applauses happily. They're only down by one point now and then they'll be tied.
Suddenly a man runs into the field stripping off his clothes all while screaming at the top of his lungs. A couple security guards attempt in containing him but they fail miserably. The crowd fills with laughter and support while he runs away.
Well...that's college for you.
I notice y/n laughing while she watches the man get away and the sight makes me smile. The ref then places the ball in the center of the field getting ready for Dartmouth's kickoff.
As they kickoff they immediately try and get the ball forward by passing it quickly and keeping it out of reach. I notice our defense doing the best they can but to be completely honest if any one of them gives up, Dartmouth will score easily.
I see y/n get tired of watching Dartmouth take control so she shifts her position and moves to defend. She instantly gains the ball and starts running as if her life depended on it. As this occurs a bunch of the Dartmouth girls give it their all in catching up to her, stopping her from attempting a goal. The crowd grows seemingly quiet in suspense wondering if y/n can take a shot.
Things quickly escalate as a girl catches up to her and try's shoving her aggressively but this time y/n doesn't budge and continues moving forward. The girl grows impatient and elbows y/n in the nose. The crowd shouts angrily and targets the girl. The ref blows a whistle indicating a foul, finally.
"Giver her a red!" Y/n's father shouts furiously.
Colin nods "Ref, take her out of the game!" He shouts.
Everyone in the crowd is currently standing up watching the event unfold, I am too. I hope she's okay I can't tell from here, plus she's crouched down and clutching her nose so I can't see. Her teammates all run up to her and attempt to help her but her Coach dismisses them all and tells them to back away.
Then y/n slowly stands up and removed her hand revealing an incredibly bloody nose causing the crowd to gasp.
Oh no.
Y/n doesn't deserve that. This is all my fault, I'm the one who told her not to be nervous and this ended up happening. I should've done more.
As much as I'd like to pin the blame on myself an anger boils inside of me, why did the girl do that? Who does that?
The ref fails to show any cards instead he leaves the girl with a warning and calls the play an accidental foul. As if I couldn't get any angrier.
"You've got to be shitting me!" Y/n's father yells.
"How much did you get paid?!" Colin shouts.
I immediately nudge him.
He furrows his brows "What?"
"You're going to get in trouble" I respond.
He scoffs "You and your formalities. Did you see what I just saw or did you doze off?" He asks.
Y/n's father laughs "Of course she's watching, look at her. She looks angrier than me." He says.
I instantly feel my cheeks heat up at the sudden attention by both men.
Colin nods "Sorry, I won't say anything. I simply don't appreciate the call that the ref made." He defends.
I nod understandingly and turn my focus to the field. Unfortunately y/n has to sit on the bench once again until her nose bleed stops but luckily her team was given a free kick opportunity.
A girl takes the shot and... it goes in! It's goes perfectly in the goal making the score tied. I see y/n stand up and cheer for her teammate as a tissue stops her nose from bleeding. I'm just thankful that at least something beneficial came out of y/n's accident and that she still has the same positive attitude.
There's only 2 minutes left in the game and the score is still tied. Y/n's still on bench and it appears that her nose has stopped bleeding, fortunately. I had to stop myself from going down there and checking in on her because Colin would probably raise suspicion or her father, or anyone who's watching.
"Put y/n in!" Someone shouts directly at the Coach.
I notice that the Coach chose to ignore the shouting spectator but suddenly the individual started chanting those words 'Put y/n in' and it instantly spread around the whole crowd causing chaos.
I see y/n look back toward the crowd smiling as she hears all the fans chanting and shouting her name. I love that people respect her and cherish her sportsmanship. Seeing her smile wholeheartedly makes me feel warm and it brightens my mood.
The Coach then turns to the crowd and shakes her head in disbelief, she then walks over to y/n and grabs her shoulder pulling her off the bench. Everyone immediately cheers as the coach calls for a sub to switch out with y/n. My heart jumps in what I think is excitement or fear, maybe both.
Y/n runs back onto the field as if nothing happened with seconds remaining. Her father stands up with anticipation and Colin follows. Soon the whole crowd was standing, some were ready to lose, others were ready to celebrate. I decided to stand because I actually wanted to see the game and everyone standing blocked my view.
I watch nervously as y/n asks her teammates for the ball, one of them passing it to her. The crowd already getting riled up, ready to win. I want y/n to win, more than anything but I don't want her to become disappointed if she doesn't. I don't want her to feel like she let people down, certainly not me. Regardless of the outcome I'll be extremely proud of her efforts.
She runs incredibly fast, already making her near the goal.
"Take the shot!!" Her father yells demandingly, almost like an angry high school coach.
She swings her leg back and takes the shot. The buzzer's alarm goes off and the ball.... makes it in!
The crowd celebrates chaotically and incredibly loud. This feels like one of those cliché movies where the player makes the game winning shot after losing by so much. Colin and y/n's father give themselves a celebratory handshake.
"What did I say? I knew the second they put her in the game would change." Colin announces proudly.
Y/n's father chuckles "I had no doubt." He states.
I smile and look over to y/n as her teammates ambush her with hugs and pats on the back. She then looks up making eye contact with me. She gives me respectful nod and smiles while putting her focus back on the team.
Her smile does things to me and I'm hit with this wave of need. I want her, she's like forbidden fruit. I can't think like this I know it, god I know it but I can't keep up with this mental battle of wanting her and not being able to have her.
"Honey?" Colin asks bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Me and y/n's father are going to go see y/n, you coming or what?" He asks.
I hesitate. It's not that I don't want to see y/n or congratulate her. What if y/n's father or Colin sense the tension between us. What if y/n makes an inappropriate joke. The last thing I want to do is raise suspicion, but then again I think not going is a form of raising suspicion so I might as well.
Control yourself Scarlett, control yourself around her.
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The Ðevil's Mate (Complete)
1st in hell as of June 23 2018 & July 2 20201st in demon as of August 24 2018 1st in forever as of June 12 20191st in fantasy-romance as of June 23 20202nd in soulmates as of June 19 20182nd in fantasy-romance as of July 12 2019 & June 22 20203rd in devil May 20th 20184th in demons out of 73.3k as of July 2 202023rd in love out of 160K as of September 22 2018A 17 year old girl loses her whole family in an accident. She uses a Ouija board to try and contact them. But it's not her family that she reaches... "Is anyone there?" The eye moved to the 'Yes' " Are you my mother?" It goes to the 'No' very quickly. "Are you my father?" It goes to the 'No' "Then are you my brother....?" I trail off. This is scaring me. It slowly goes to the 'No.' "Then... Who are you? Read to find out more. This story is copy right mine it also will have sexual scenes and spelling mistakes you have been warned (so please dont comment on the spelling).Editing is currently going on thanks to calmwatersabernathy!P.s. I don't own any of the pictures on the stories except for the one I drew which I will say underneath the picture.I also respond to all comments!
8 303