《It's just me and you》Chapter 18- Pre-game
This might just be one of the worst days of my life, and it hasn't even started.
Last night was nothing but a struggle. I couldn't sleep, I was incredibly nervous and once again, I let my overthinking get the better of me. I tried everything imaginable to get me to fall asleep but unfortunately all of my attempts ended up failing miserably.
I'm sitting here watching the sunrise through my bedroom windows. I mentally curse myself and harshly pull the bed sheets over my head to block out the unnecessary light from my field of vision.
I just wish I had fallen asleep or had the chance to do so at least for a little bit, but it's far too late now. I have important things to do and sleeping just isn't on my schedule, not anymore.
The reasoning behind this unfortunate occurrence is that today is Saturday, but it's not just any ordinary Saturday. It's my teams first official game tonight and I can't stop thinking about it.
My mind goes to every possible outcome that could occur tonight and they're not exactly positive thoughts. What if someone gets hurt? What if I get hurt? What if we lose? Thoughts like that stopped me from having a peaceful nights rest.
Usually I'm not that nervous before a game but this time it's different and I know exactly why. She's going to be there. She's going to be watching me and I'd hate to disappoint.
I have no choice but to just push those thoughts beyond me, I need to think positively or else I'm probably going to accidentally manifest an unfortunate result.
Anyways I made a deal with Lizzie and Cameron, to meet them both for breakfast this morning at the local downtown diner. I don't eat breakfast but a coffee will surely suffice.
I hesitantly get out of my bed and begin getting ready for the day. It's going to be a long one for sure.
As I enter the diner I am immediately met with an excruciatingly long line, I guess I'll be waiting a while.
Then from a distance I believe I hear my name being shouted by a familiar voice.
I look up and see lizzie and Cameron waving at me teasingly from the front of the line. I smile and walk over towards them.
Cameron smiles "We already got seats, let's go." He says as he grabs my shoulder, taking me with him.
Lizzie then grabs my opposite shoulder while smiling at me "Took you long enough." She says.
We quickly arrive to our booth, Cameron and Lizzie sit next to each other while I sit opposite to them.
How the turn tables.
Camerons leans closer "Are you excited for tonight?" He asks eagerly.
I try to put on a happy facade but it fails. Why is it that when I try so hard to hide something it ends up terribly for me. I need to work on that.
Lizzie immediately frowns "You okay?" She asks.
I sigh and shake my head "Guys I'm so nervous, I don't know what's wrong with me." I respond quietly.
"Nothings wrong with you, don't say that." Lizzie responds sternly.
Cameron looks at me concerned "Did you take your pills?" He asks.
I furrow my brows "Cameron you know damn well I stopped taking those a while ago." I respond bitterly.
He looks down avoiding eye contact with me. I instantly regret lashing out at him like that, what's wrong with me today.
I gently grab his hands in mine "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. No, I didn't take my pills cam, I hate the way they make me feel." I respond sincerely.
He nods "I'm sorry, I guess I forgot. Don't you think taking them just once for today will make you feel any better?" He asks.
I shake my head "No, I'd rather not rely on them anymore. I'm just overthinking. let's just forget I said anything." I say.
Lizzie shakes her head "Let's not. Y/n it's completely normal and okay to feel nervous especially on a day like today. I'm here for you, we both are." She says genuinely.
I smile appreciatively "What would I do without you two?"
"Absolutely nothing." Cameron teases.
Lizzie slaps his shoulder making us both laugh.
She then clears her throat and looks at me nervously "Y/n you don't have to answer this question, but if you don't mind me asking. What pills were you talking about?" She asks curiously.
I smile at her subtle yet nervous demeanor. It's kinda nice that she cares enough to ask carefully.
"I used to take anxiety medication when it first started. It used to get really bad and my thoughts would always wander into negative spaces. It helped for a while I guess, but it started to make me feel different and I didn't like that part of me so I stopped." I say.
She nods understandingly "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I understand, more than you know. If you ever feel like it gets worse please let me know I can help." She says kindly.
I nod "Thanks Liz, you better let me know if something ever bothers you and I'll do my best to help as well." I say.
She smiles and nods.
The waitress then comes by leaving our menus. She glares at me for a couple seconds making the air around us a little awkward, she then smiles while walking away.
I look over at Cameron and he laughs teasingly while Lizzie looks down at her menu with a serious look, I wonder what that was about.
"What are you going to order?" Cameron asks.
I shrug "I'm not hungry. I'll just get a coffee." I say.
Lizzie scoffs "Hell no. We have a game tonight y/n you need more than just coffee in your system." She says sternly.
I smirk "Okay, what did you have in mind?" I say.
She clears her throat nervously "I'll order some pancakes and we can share. How does that sound?" She asks.
"I'm not a big fan of pancakes." I respond.
"Well, you are now." She says.
I smile "Yes ma'am." I tease.
I notice her cheeks turn a light shade of red as she smiles innocently at me.
Cameron clears his throat "You better score some goals tonight." He says.
"Don't get your hopes up." I say.
He smiles "Too late."
Seconds later the waitress returns to ask for our orders. Lizzie orders pancakes along with some eggs while Cameron orders French toast with bacon. I just order a simple black coffee knowing that Lizzie will force me to eat her pancakes.
"You sure that's all you'd like? I can get you an actual meal." The waitress asks eagerly.
I nod "That'll be all, thank you." I respond.
She nods understandingly while taking our menus and leaving us alone.
"See you guys later?" I ask as we leave the diner.
Lizzie nods "Well we're on the same team aren't we?" She teases.
I furrow my brows "I forgot I had a rookie on the team." I joke.
She laughs "Whatever, see you later." She says.
"See you later, I'll be on the bleachers cheering the loudest." Cameron says happily.
I smile "I know you will."
He smiles and walks away along with Lizzie.
I don't know if it was the food or the talking but my energy is completely gone. I think I'm going to go home and take a small power nap, I certainly need it. What's the worst that could happen?
Shit shit shit, I overslept. The game starts in exactly one hour but I should be out there practicing already. Coach hates it when people are late especially on a game day. I'm the team captain and I need to be out there leading warm ups and giving instructions.
I quickly jump off my bed, grabbing my gym bag and my keys, running out my door.
I grab my phone and dial my coach.
"Hey Coach Hardy..."
She asks angrily.
"I'm on my way, sorry there's just a lot of traffic." I lie.
She says.
"Don't worry, I'll be there." I respond.
She responds sternly and ends the phone call.
As I come to a red light I immediately take off my shirt replacing it with my jersey. I look over at my window and see a car full of girls smiling at me. I smile awkwardly and wave at them. They have white face paint so I'm guessing they're all coming to watch the game.
After finally finding an open parking lot I continue to strip off my clothing and change into my soccer shorts. I look at my clock and see that there's only 20 minutes until my game begins. Fuck this is going to be a complete disaster.
I grab my bag and run out of my car while also locking it. I notice a ton of people at the entrance still buying tickets to get inside. Since I'm a player I don't have to pay, I'll just walk right in.
"Hey! You have to pay!" The ticket dealer shouts at me.
"Look at me." I say as I gesture towards my uniform and walk past him.
He gives me an apologetic look and continues charging incoming customers.
As I make it inside of my schools stadium I instantly notice huge crowds of people waiting for the game to begin. It's usually full but it's never been this packed. My heart rate increases and my palms begin to sweat as I walk towards my teams side.
I avoid all the mean glares that the Dartmouth girls throw at me and continue on my way.
"Finally! I thought you wouldn't make it. What happened?" Lizzie asks me worriedly.
I've never seen her in a soccer uniform before, she looks beautiful. I've also never seen her with a ponytail, it really suits her well. She chose out the number three, I wonder why.
She notices me staring at her and the corner of her lips turn slightly upwards as she stares into my eyes teasingly.
I clear my throat and refocus myself "I fell asleep." I whisper so nobody else can hear, especially not my coach.
"You fell asleep?!" She shouts surprised.
I look at her disapprovingly and she quickly covers up her mouth innocently, making me laugh.
"Way to be discreet Olsen." I tease.
"Way to be on time y/l/n." She bites back.
Just as I'm about to respond coach hardy grabs my shoulder pulling me towards her.
She studies me "How are you feeling? ready to play today?" She asks.
I nod "I'm ready coach." I respond.
She smiles "Just letting you know, this game is important but it's nothing to fuss about or get worked up about. At the end of the day I just want this team to be a team and have fun and work together. Got it?" She asks.
I nod.
She clears her throat "Dartmouth won the coin toss, they get kickoff. You're the captain, don't let your team down. Motivate them and help them. I know this team can win." She says and pats my back while walking away towards other players.
I instantly feel a wave of fear hit me.
Get yourself together y/n.
I can hear my heart beating through my ears and i can feel it jumping out of my chest. My palms feel sweaty and my breath feels rigid.
Why is everything spinning?
I just need to get myself together, that's all. Nothings wrong with me, I'm okay.
There's still a couple minutes left before the game starts. I think I'll just quickly head over to the bathroom and relieve any unwanted stress.
As I walk inside the restroom someone bumps into me quite harshly. I grab their waist before they could fall and pull them towards me.
As if my nerves couldn't get any worse, I just had to bump into her.
I clear my throat "Sorry, didn't see you coming." I say nervously.
She smiles softly "I'm sure you didn't." She says reassuringly.
I look down at my hands and realize that I'm still holding onto her waist I slowly release her out of my grip and put my hands to the side. I look up and notice her intense gaze and how her eyes seem slightly darker than usual. I also catch her looking down at my lips for a brief second and it makes me internally smirk.
The moment is short lived as all my negative thoughts resurface in my mind.
"What's wrong?" Scarlett asks sincerely.
I shake my head "Nothing, I just- nothings wrong." I say, cutting myself off before I announce too much information.
I put on a fake smile "I have an important game to get to. It was nice seeing you Scar." I say as I begin to walk away.
I feel her tug my wrist pulling me back.
She slightly tilts her head and studies me "Y/n, I think I know you well enough to know when you're lying. What's wrong? don't give me that 'nothing' bullshit." She says sternly.
I want to tell her that I'm literally shitting myself and I'm so scared but I don't want her to think I'm weak.
I sigh and look down "I'm fine Scarlett, really." I lie.
She scoffs "Fine, you can lie to me all you want. Just know, I'm not letting you leave this restroom until you tell me what's wrong." She says stubbornly.
"Scarlett I have a game." I say.
She nods "Then make this easy and tell me who did this to you?" She asks with a hint of anger laced within her voice.
She sighs "I don't like seeing you like this y/n. I hate being overbearing but I want you to know that I do care about you. Please just tell me." She pleads.
I take a deep breath "I'm- I'm scared, okay." I say.
I look at her and see that her eyes have shifted into one of concern and worry.
I sigh "I don't want to disappoint anyone. Dartmouth doesn't go down without a fight and not the good kind." I say and look down avoiding eye contact.
She clicks her tongue and shakes her head "I guess I'm already disappointed." She says.
Surprised by her answer, I look up and meet her gaze. Only to see her giving me a teasing smirk.
She smiles "Where's the y/n I met? remember her? The one who punched that asshole at the bar and didn't give it a second thought. Where is she?" She asks.
I shrug.
She shakes her head "That's not the answer I was looking for." She says strictly.
I sigh "I'm trying to find her." I say.
She nods and gently grabs my jaw with her soft delicate hands.
She leans in "Don't tell me I have to help you find her." She whispers.
I look down at her soft looking red lips and back up to her eyes only to see that she's been looking at me the whole time.
I lean closer "It wouldn't hurt to help." I whisper back.
She smiles softly "There she is." She says proudly.
She leans back and lets go of my jaw "It's okay to be scared, It's a natural human emotion and you shouldn't shy away from it, go towards it. I know you y/n, you're one of the most confident people I know and sometimes it's annoying but it's such a gift that you have that trait." She says.
She smiles "I need you to get your ass back on that field and show Dartmouth what a mistake it was for them to even come her to begin with." She says demandingly.
I smile and nod "Thank you." I say.
She nods "I'm rooting for you y/l/n. Win or lose I'll be proud, I'll never be disappointed in who you are." She says.
I bite the inside of my cheek from stopping any emotion that tries to come up. The way she speaks to me, I can't let this woman go. I've been trying so hard to keep boundaries because I know she's with Colin and that's she's my teacher. I just don't care, not anymore.
I walk closer to her and her back slightly goes against the wall.
I lean in "I would never disappoint you, Not in any aspect..."
"Tell me to stop and I will." I whisper near her ear.
She hitches her breath, still not replying to me.
I sigh "I didn't hear a no." I say as I lean closer.
She sucks in a breath "I can't." she says.
I shake my head "Still not a 'no'. Say stop right now and I will." I say.
I can see her chest rising and falling as she breaths nervously "I can't say stop because I don't want you to." She says.
She leans in and kisses me softly. Her warm lips feel so good against mine. She places her hand behind my neck gripping my hair and pushing me towards her.
The kiss grows more heated and aggressive. I grab her waist steadying myself into the kiss. I release my lips from hers and focus them on her neck causing her to moan into my ear. God I love that sound.
"D-don't leave any marks." She says breathlessly as I continue.
"I'm not that stupid." I say against her neck.
She laughs "Don't do that, It tickles." She says.
I smile against her neck "Don't do what?"
She laughs gently pushing me off of her neck.
We then suddenly hear the sound of a very loud whistle Indicating that the game is about to start any second now.
I look at her worriedly .
She smiles "Get out there. I'll be watching." She says.
I nod "Wish me luck." I say.
"I don't need to. You got this." She says confidently.
"Thank you Scarlett." I say while running out of the bathroom and into the field.
This is certainly going to be a long game.
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