《Naruto The Shinobi Hunter》Chapter 25
"Oh kami, I don't feel so good," Naruto mumbled as he walked out of the restaurant. His face was covered in chocolate, sprinkles, and even pure sugar as Garou followed behind him, his face the same as his students'.
"I've made a terrible mistake," Garou's face twisted into that of pain, causing him to run to the nearest trash-can and vomit
"That's you get for eating all those sweets," Bang commented, cleaning his mustache, "although, I guess what really put you down was the cheese-cake,"
"Don't remind me," Naruto burped into his hand, trying his best not to throw up like Garou. Bomb and Guy soon walked out to see the student-sensei duo and sweatdropped, "To think, that after everything that Naruto's been through, it would be a bunch of sweets that take him down," Guy watched Naruto fall to the ground clutching his stomach
"C-Can I p-please go h-home?" Naruto asked, shivering from the pain as his stomach churned, "I-I just w-wanna go to bed,"
"*Sigh* It is getting late. I'll take Naruto home," Guy walked over to Naruto and picked him up, "have a nice night, Bang-san,"
"You too, Guy-kun," Bang replied with a smile as the green-clad ninja vanished with the boy in tow.
"Coming!" Kushina said, putting the pot of ramen on low as Naruko and Menma were eating at the table
"Who is it, mom?" Naruko asked, stopped eating only to ask the question before devouring more Ramen
"Probably your father," Kushina replied, grabbing a hold of the door handle, "he said he was gonna be home late because of the peace negotiations with that stupid ambassador from Kumo,". Kushina pulled open the door to reveal Guy, with Naruto still in his arms.
"How do you do, Lady Uzumaki?" Guy asked, smiling as best he could to distract her from the fact that Naruto's face had made a new shade of green. To Guy's dismay, it didn't work.
"NARUTO!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, smacking Guy hard enough to send him flying while grabbing her son, "What happened?! Why is your face green?! WHAT'S WRONG?!"
"I-I'm gonna throw-up," Naruto muttered, quickly putting a hand over his mouth to stop himself from doing so
"Bathroom! TO THE BATHROOM!" Kushina shouted, making a 180 back into the house, running up the stairs, and breaking down the bathroom door. Setting him next to the toilet, she literally tore off the lid just as Naruto puked.
"I-I hate t-today," Naruto whispered, then he puked some more as Kushina rubbed his back
"It's alright, Naruto. Just let it all out," Kushina flushed the toilet while Naruto continued to vomit his dinner and dessert. While this was happening, Guy was walking through the front door with a broken nose, "It seems the flames of youth burn for Kushina-san, even though they are slow," Guy cupped his nose as Naruko and Menma walked out from the kitchen to see what was going on
"Guy-sensei! Why do you have a broken nose?" Menma asked. Guy gave him a smile, waving it off.
"Hahahaha! What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine! I just had a trip-up at the front door is all... but do you have any pain-killers?" Guy questioned the twins. They nodded as they saw blood drip onto the floor. Running into the kitchen, they jumped up onto the counters and opened the medicine cabinet.
"Does this one look like pain-killers to you?" Menma asked, showing his sister a bottle
"No, those look like those v-gummies mom gives us," Naruko replied, reaching for a bottle in the cabinet, "Tee-le-nol?"
"I think that's it. But let's take it to him to make sure," Menma hopped off the counter as Naruko tossed him the pill-bottle. Quickly running back to Guy, Menma presented him with the bottle. Guy took it out of Menma's hand and held it in front of him.
"Tylenol! Thank-you, Menma-kun! You're flames of youth shine bright!" Guy said, unscrewing the cap and taking out two pills. Quickly swallowing them, he gave the bottle back to the young boy as Naruko came into the hallway with a roll of paper towels.
"Here you go, Guy-sensei!" Naruko gave the man the roll. He smiled, placing his hand on his nose and cracking it into place. The sound made the young children shiver as Guy tried his best to clean himself up.
"Thanks you two. I'll make sure to try to give you both a little boost in your science classes this year," Guy smiled, walking into the kitchen to throw the bloody paper-towels into the trash. But before Guy could say anything to the twins, they all felt the hair on the back of their necks stand up. Naruko and Menma were almost oblivious to it, but the sensation was still there.
Guy, however, felt this wave of death converge on him. He stood in place, fearful of what he was gonna see. But he managed to bring up what courage he could muster and turned his body. Standing in the kitchen was Kushina. Her red hair moving on her head like the tails of the Kyuubi. He remembered them clearly on that night. The night Lord Third gave his life to save the village. But now, a smaller tailed beast stood before him. One filled with more hatred than the Kyuubi could ever have.
"Guy-kun~," Kushina gave a rageful-coo, slowly walking to the man.
"Y-Yes, K-Kushina-s-sama?" Guy's voice cracked as he replied to her, his body filled with fear.
"Can you please tell me... why my dear Naruto is puking?" Kushina looked directly into Guy's eyes, "But more importantly... why the hell is he home so late?"
"W-Well, y-you see, uh." Guy started to speak, but he needed to lie. He made a promise to Naruto to not tell him about his training prior and about his 'break-down' at dinner. The cogs in his brain turned and turned until he came up with an idea. It was stupid, but it was the best he's got.
"Y-You see, I-I made a bet w-with N-Naruto. W-We h-had a contest t-to see w-who could eat m-more food w-while d-doing an intense-workout b-before t-throwing u-up. I-I guess I-I should-n't h-have d-done that?" Guy lied, hoping deep within his soul that she would buy it. But to some higher-beings, they laughed, as it did.
"That so? Well then... I guess we're gonna have a bet of our own," Kushina gained a grain, stretching from ear-to-ear as she popped her knuckles.
"If you can make it out of the village with me breaking every bone in your body. You're free to go. Other than than, there are no other conditions," Kushina explained, getting up in his face as she whispered, "this is the part where you start running,"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Guy shouted as he vanished in a cloud of dust. Kushina slowly turned around as she looked at the twins.
"Take care of your brother while I'm away. He's in his bed with a bucket. Bring him this bottle," Kushina said, tossing Naruko a bottle Kaopectate 'For Children', "give him the entire cap. I've also got saltines in the food cabinet and make sure he drinks plenty of water. Do you understand?"
"YES, MA'AM!" Naruko and Menma shouted, saluting their mother. Kushina then walked out the front door, closing the door behind her hard enough to make cracks appear on the door-frame.
Naruko was carrying a cup of water and a plate of saltines and set them on Naruto's night-stand.
"Life is pain," Naruto whispered, hugging himself as Naruko pulled his blanket over him
"Preaching to the choir on that one," Menma commented, attempting to open the bottle again. He turned red in the face, trying to open the bottle until he threw it at the ground. It then promptly bounced back and hit him in the face.
"ARGHGHGH!" Menma shouted in both pain and anger, falling to the floor while both his hands covered his face. Naruko then walked up to Menma and grabbed the bottle. Looking at the top, she then opened the bottle and poured Naruto a cap of the medicine. Shen then gave it to Naruto, who drank it and shivered, causing goose-bumps to appear on his skin.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU OPEN IT?!" Naruko showed Menma the top of the lid
"'Push-to-Open'," Naruko said to her brother, screwing the cap back on the bottle. She then turned her attention to Naruto, who was rocking in his bed. "We'll be back in a bit, bro. You gonna be okay?"
"Y-yeah," Naruto replied, "j-just gonna t-take a nap,"
"Okay. Love you!" Naruko said as she walked out, dragging Menma with her as Naruto slowly went to sleep.
Naruto heard the sound of footsteps walking across his front door. He opened his eyes to see that it was almost 12 in the morning, "Ohhh, what now?" Naruto said, sitting up and hopping off his bed, "Well, I don't have a stomach-ache anymore... but I'm hungry," he looked at the plate of saltines and back at his door. Grabbing the plate and water, he walked to his door while eating the saltines. Managing to open the door, he peeked out to see Naruko sneaking down the stairs.
'Where's she going?' Naruto thought as he ate the last cracker on his plate and downed his entire cup of water.
Slowly making his way down the stairs and setting his plate and cup on the nearby table stand, he saw Naruko walk out the front door, leaving as quietly as possible. Naruto squinted, his mind thinking of all the reasons why this would be. But he couldn't think of anything.
'I need to follow her,' Naruto quickly and silently made his way to the door, opening it slightly to see Naruko at the front gate, looking both ways before squeezing between the bars.
Walking outside, he ran to the walls and jumped up to the top with surprising ease. Looking down from his position, he saw Naruko running down the street and making a hard-right a couple of blocks away.
"Why is she heading that way?" Naruto asked himself as he jumped down and did his best to follow his sister.
Naruto was currently sitting on top of a two-story building overlooking the park. He saw Naruko sitting on the swing-set in the moon-light, watching from afar.
"Alright, so... that's it?" Naruto said, disappointed at what he's seeing, "she came out here to play on the swing-set... fuck-me-running, that's nothing to sneak out about!"
"Naruko-chan!" Naruto heard a voice from below. He looked down to see a girl about Naruko's age, wearing a sweater and boots. She had short, blue hair and she was running to Naruko.
"Hinata-chan!" Naruko said out-loud as she jumped off the swing-set and ran to the girl. Once they got close enough, they hugged each other with Naruko smiling while Hinata was blushing.
"Alright, so she's got a secret playmate. Again, not something you should be keeping a secret," Naruto said as he saw them separate from the hug. He then witnessed Naruko kiss Hinata on the cheek, making the blue-haired girl's blush redder.
"Come on, Hinata-chan! Let's go!" Naruko said excitedly as she dragged the girl away. Naruto was still processing the information from before as he watched his sister drag Hinata. Yet, they didn't get far when 4 men appeared, dressed in shinobi outfits. They all had dark skin and wore Kumo head-bands.
"Looks like we got lucky," the apparent leader said. He had a goatee with a clean-shaven head. A sword was at his side as he motioned for one of his men, wearing a mask, stepped forward with a burlap-sack in hand.
"Both the Hokage's daughter and the Hyuga Heiress, this is too good to be true," the masked man said, when suddenly-
"Wha-*CRACK*" the Kumo nin barely had any time to speak as Naruto appeared, punching the man hard enough to shatter that side of his jaw and send him flying. The other 3 men stood there in shock, along with Naruko and Hinata, as Naruto stood there with murder in his eye.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you all," Naruto growled, revealing his teeth as they slowly became fangs
"W-Whoa, I-I didn't expect this," a Kumo nin sucking on a lollipop said, shocked at Naruto's appearance.
"I'm gonna ask again... why shouldn't I kill you?" Naruto ordered, getting ready to fight.
"N-Naruto?" Naruko asked in shock as she saw Naruto standing in front of her, "W-What's h-happening?"
"Urgh, I hate this," the leader said as he drew his sword and walked toward Naruto, "I hate killing kids. But who's gonna miss this little freak?"
"Come on then, kill this little freak," Naruto said, a smirk appearing on his face as the man suddenly appeared in front of Naruto.
"Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading!" the man shouted as Naruto saw him swing his sword around to cut his neck. But something triggered in Naruto's psyche. His mind flashed, seeing the sword come ever closer to his neck. He then did something that was thought impossible for most his age.
To everyone around him, they saw the sword go through his neck. But a few seconds later, it looked as if it had passed through a cloud of smoke. Naruto's attacker was astonished as Naruto was on the ground, he swung his leg around, building up speed and flexing his muscles. It was at this moment, Naruto said: "Manga Mimicry: Carlos Medel- Capoeira," and struck the Kumo-nin in the ankle with his foot.
The shinobi's ankle shattered at the impact as Naruto then spun on his hand and struck the Kumo-nins chin with his heel. Bone could be felt breaking as Naruto did a flip into the air and took a stance, putting up his hands in front of him before aiming at the man's head.
"Manga Mimicry: Gaolang Wongsawat- Flash," Naruto stated as he threw a series of punches in the time span of a second.
Blood flew everywhere as the man fell to the ground, bleeding out as Naruto stood over him. The boy then looked at the other two, who were shaking fear as Naruto's smile grew.
"I hope you can do better than him," Naruto said, staking another stance subconsciously.
"Because if you want my sister and her best friend... you're gonna have to kill me!"
- In Serial130 Chapters
This blurb concerns Incursions book 1: Incarceration. If you could buy superhuman abilities, but they might kill you—or worse—would you do it? Ten years ago, in a world not so different from our own, people with powerful abilities appeared. The new powers were dangerous, dangerous to acquire—dangerous to have—dangerous to wield. World governments raced to find and eradicate the abilities and those who possess them while using the media to rule by fear. Whereas corporations sought to exploit the abilities for profit. Raz Owens was living the dream - a rising star at a job he enjoys, a girlfriend he loves, but it all comes crashing down when Raz disregards his late father's advice. He is pulled into a chaotic underworld of clandestine labs, shadow organizations, and super-powered criminals. Used as a human test subject in a place where few survive the day, he must last long enough to escape. His only advantage? A power that seems nearly useless—a heads-up display. Contains: monsters, violence, death, dismemberment, gamelit, superpowers, superpower consequences, good guys, bad guys, good guys who might be bad guys, bad guys who think they are good guys, good guys that might go bad, bad guys that might turn good, guns for hire, competence, incompetence, continence, incontinence, conspiracies, and some of what I just said wasn't true. This story is written in third person limited POV. That means you can expect to know many of the thoughts and inner dialog of one character, and only see the actions of other characters. This POV does include scenes without the main character, and thus the reader can and will know things the main character does not. Further, this means characters act on what they know, which is almost always less than the reader knows. Something else to know. These books do not hold your hand. If you're reading it and thinking "Gosh, why aren't 'they' doing some 'obvious' thing." Bad news. You probably missed something that explains exactly that. If you're seeking a light read that doesn't ask much of you as the reader, you're invited and very welcome to come on in, but this might not be the story for you.
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