《Naruto The Shinobi Hunter》Chapter 16


"Y-Yeah, c-can you believe that?" Naruto asked, taking a few quick breaths before Kushina dropped her husband onto the ground and rushed to her son's side

"Ow," Minato muttered

"Are you alright? Do you feel funny? Come here!" Kushina ordered, grabbing her son by the shoulder and pulling him toward her. Kushina grabbed one of Naruto's arms, placing two fingers on his wrist. She then began counting, checking his heart-rate, "80..." Kushina whispered

"He's fine, Lady Kushina! He's just a bit tired! Also, here," Guy said, pulling out a piece of paper, "this is his official academy-papers. Due to the fact he's completed the Physical Exam, he'll be taking special classes with yours truly!"


"I'll see you next week, Naruto! And let your days be youthful!" Guy shouted, running away before Kushina could speak any further. Kushina stood there stuttering at the fact that Naruto's condition was fine and that fact that he passed. Minato, meanwhile, was slowly getting off the ground as Menma and Naruko helped him up, "Are you alright dad?" Menma asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. I may be the fastest man alive, but there's no way in hell I'd be able to out-run your mother," he replied, getting on his own two feet

"Dad, why is Mom so upset? Naruto passed, didn't he?" Naruko questioned. Minato looked at his daughter with a sad smile, placing his hand on her head and sighing, "It's complicated sweetie. Now let's go home,"

"Alright, dad," Menma walked over to Naruto, grabbing the ladder by the hand and running towards home.

Minato was in the bathroom wearing grey sweats, a t-shirt, and socks. Looking in the mirror, he saw a few cuts and bruises from his wife and sighed, "Kami, if your up there, please... tell me what I'm supposed to do," Minato whispered, pulling back the mirror and taking out a med-kit. Opening it up, he began to fix himself up when there was a knock on the door, "Come in,"

"Minato?" Kushina asked, opening the door, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"


"What is it?" he asked, still working on his face. Kushina entered the bathroom wearing clothes similar to her husbands, "I was wondering... could we... take Naruto to Tsunade?"

"Hm?" Minato asked, taking out an alcohol swab

"I mean, take him in for a check-up. You know? Make sure everything's alright?" Kushina repeated, placing a hand on his shoulder. Minato sighed, leaning over the bathroom sink and put down the swab he had in his hand, "Kushina... *sigh* fine, if it'll make you feel better," Minato said

"Thank-you, sweet-heart," Kushina kissed Minato on the cheek, making the ladder blush, "also, you'll be sleeping alone tonight,"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm going to sleep with Naruto for tonight,"


"I'm his mother. I need to make sure he doesn't have a heart-attack in the night. Also, if you have any dirty-thoughts, I'm using a sleeping bag," Kushina explained, pulling out said object. Speaking of said object, it was also wrapped around a katana. Minato looked at the katana and back at his wife, "Give me the katana,"


"Kushina, you're not using a katana to make sure Naruto doesn't have a heart-attack,"

"No!" Kushina said, acting like a child

"Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, as your husband, I demand that you give me the katana!"

"You'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands! Even then, good-fucking-luck! I'd 've glued it to my cold-dead-hands!" Kushina said, running away. Minato began to run after her, but Kushina slammed the door, hitting Minato. That door slammed his face, cracking his nose and causing him to fall backwards. Slipping on the bathroom floor, he fell and slammed his head against the toilet, knocking him out.

"Hehehehe," a man with bandages around his face giggled. A giant sword was on his back as a child behind him asked: "Zabuza-sama, what are you laughing about?"

"You heard nothing, brat. Now come on, we've got a job to do,"

Naruto was sleeping in his bed when he was woken up by his bed-room door opening, "Huh?" Naruto whispered sleepy as he sat up to see his mother, "Mom? What is it?"


"Hey, sweet-heart. Do you mind if mommy sleeps with you tonight?" Kushina asked sweetly. Naruto rolled his one good eye and shook his head, "Yeah, sure," Naruto replied, laying back down. Kushina smiled, walking over to the side of his bed and pulled out a bed-roll. Placing her sleeping bag on the bed roll, she hid her katana under her son's bed and started stretching. When she was done, she kissed Naruto on the forehead and said: "Good-night,"

"'Night," Naruto mumbled, pulling up his blanket over his shoulder.

Kushina woke up, her eyes widened as she felt something pressing down on her chest. Looking around, she saw nothing. Just the darkness of the room trying to eliminate the light of Naruto's electric-clock. Sitting up while grabbing her katana, Kushina looked at the time, "12 in the morning," Kushina walked around the room with her katan at her side. Making sure nothing was out of place, she walked back to her sleeping bag only to feel that same pressure form before on her chest. Turning back around, she still saw nothing, "What the hell is going on?" she whispered before a thought went through her mind, "Naruto?", whipping around and looking at her son. Quickly, but quietly, she came up to him and inspected him. Slowly placing her fingers on his neck, she didn't expect for Naruto to grab them, "Sonvabitch!" she shouted/whispered, "What a grip!"

"You thought you could sneak-up on me, didn't you, Danzo?" Naruto said, sitting up... snoring? Kushina saw that her sons eye was closed and he had his head tilted back, snoring, "Okay, he's sleep-talking," she whispered

"Well too bad... *snore* Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist," Naruto muttered out, not loud enough for Kushina to make out the words, but loud enough to hear him whisper

'What did he say?' Kushina thought as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. Naruto threw a punch at Kushina. Amazed at his speed, Kushina quickly moved her head, only for Naruto to pull on her fingers and raise his knee to strike her in the nose. Dropping her katana, she swiftly placed a hand between her son's knee and her face, she softened the blow. Shock struck her harder than Naruto's blow as the ladder pulled on her fingers again. Pushing chakra through her entire body, she fought back against his strength and released her fingers from his grasp. Naruto jumped off his bed as Kushina escaped from his hold, spinning in the air, he performed a dropping-axe-kick, snoring as he did so, "I'm sorry, Naruto," Kushina whispered, forming a hand-sign before orange chains flew out of her back and wrapped themselves around Naruto. Wrapping her own arms and legs around her son, she felt him resist a little, but was still sleeping, "You think... *snore* you caught me *snore* you're wrong," Naruto muttered, but he didn't do anything as Kushina interlocked her fingers together, giving Naruto a giant bear-hug while restraining him

"Dear Kami, I'm gonna have to watch him from now on?" Kushina whispered, placing him in bed. Not wanting to have him go into another sleep-fight, Kushina crawled into bed with her son, still hugging him, "Goodnight, Naruto," Kushina whispered, kissing him again, this time on the cheek.

"How did this happen?" Tsume asked an ANBU as they were securing a murder scene

"We have no idea, Lady Inuzuka. But here, we'd thought this might alleviate who from the clan was murdered," the ANBU said, handing Tsume a piece of cloth that they'd recovered. Bringing it up to her nose, Tsume took a sniff and her eyes widened, "Rogi," she whispered

"What are you thinking?" Kuromaru asked

"Jomari was last seen with Rogi, right?"

"Yeah, he said they were going out for a walk... and Jomari returned with Naruto,"

"We're going to have to ask Naruto tomorrow. It's too late and he needs his rest,"

"Are you suggesting that the son of Lord Hokage had something to do with this?" the ANBU asked

"Maybe," Tsume replied, walking away as ANBU where shoveling what was left of Rogi off the ground

"Holy shit! It's like fucking paste!"

"Shovel harder!"

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