《Sky: Children from The Unknown》chapter 5


The meeting became not conducive, scrambling to ask all things about whatever you know. From why your hair is black to how humans live. “Please calm down ... We are here to discuss the new constellations that have suddenly appeared,” said Vault Elder.

It catches your attention, you immediately turn your head looking for the new constellation that is currently being discussed. Until your eyes fall on the constellation at the end of the road where skykids usually come. Forest Elder just stood there silently, unaware that you were walking away from her towards the new constellation.

The one who realized it was the Golden Elder. “What’s that kid doing?” instantly they all look at you who are standing on the edge staring at the constellation. Forest Elder immediately walked quickly to you followed by the other elders.

“Be careful (Y/n) you can fall from there” she said a little worried to you. You don’t care about those who are right behind you now and keep looking at that constellation.

You feel very familiar with the shape of the constellation, “Naga...?” You subconsciously whispered the name of your Soul creature or your Atma towards that constellation. “Naga? Who is Naga?“ Isle Elder asked.

“Naga...” you call out his name a little clearly. “Who is Naga that this kid means?” Daylight Elder asked while turning to Forest Elder, “I don’t know, she hasn’t told me about that yet.”

“Naga!” this time, you very clearly called out his name. Their eyes widened in surprise. The constellations were connected to each other to form a creature that they had never seen before.

It even moves closer to you “(Y/n)!” Forest Elder shouted for the first time and raised her hand as if to reach out for worrying about someone. You turned to her and gave a reassuring smile “it’s okay mama!”


She reluctantly lowers her hand and nods slowly at you. Still not sure but believe in you. The constellation has completely formed. The head of the creature moves towards you. “Naga...” You happily hug his head affectionately.

“Don’t ever disappear like that again” you said full of worry to him. He just nods at you and then briefly looks at the Elders behind you.

Feeling the creature’s gaze, they froze on the spot, intimidated by his gaze You smiled and nodded at him “Yes... We are in their world”

The dragon just sighed You thought it seemed like he was exhausted from being separated from you without any warning. The dragon slowly disappeared. Get into your body, which confused them even more.

“What... What just happened?” the question that the Golden Elder asked was a representative of the other Elders who also had the same question.

You ran back to Forest Elder and embraced her. “Mama! Naga is back! ” with a happy smile you tell it to her. That she slowly hug you back. Somehow little bit scared of losing you.

“It’s confirmed ... From today, (Y/n) will stay with us” The other elders widened in surprise except for Forest Elder and Vault Elder “what?!” alongside with the arrival of the twins “did we missed something important?” with a confused expression.
























Yo reader! It's me again-

Anonymous: why my hair black? Didn't you say it's (h/l) (h/c) / (h/c) (h/l) before?

Errrr... Yeah! I make that (h/c) and (h/l) before.

But I change it into black when (Y/n) was already in Sky world.

I just think... If the spirits hair was white... Why not make (Y/n) hair black?

It's because (Y/n) was 'Human' and has several reasons that I cannot tell it now.

Don't wanna hear more spoiler don't you~?

F for the twins-

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