《Sky: Children from The Unknown》chapter 6


They of course missed something important. Vault Elders started explaining to them after breaking up the meeting. You are stealthily walking beside the Forest Elders, don’t want the twin Elders to know at this point.

You return to the realm where you were found, the Hidden Forest realm. Right inside the Forest Elder’s own Temple. It’s exactly the same as in the game you played before you entered that world.

Crushed stone floors, dark plants, and dark creature crabs... You’ll try to eat them one d-cough! Back to the story. She sit in her usual place when you are walking around the place.

Until suddenly the temple gate opened. You panicked right away. Trying to find a place to hide. You decided to hide in a small stone building like house there. You’re in. Observe the skykids from inside while waiting for them to leave.

This is your daily life now. Hide from the skykids while walking around inside or outside the temple. she didn’t agree with you getting out of her temple before, afraid that you would be hurt by the rain that continued to rain on the forest outside. But changed her mind when you proved that you don’t feel pain when exposed to raindrops.

At first, you had a lot of trouble hiding and escaping from the skykids. There are even some of them who sometimes chase you too.

Why so? Because without you knowing at that time, you were actually visible to all skykids. Unlike the stranger skykids who only looks like a shadow. You only realized it when your mother told you that when a skykid also chased you into the temple.

Your mother also reports everything that happens about you to the Vault Elder. That you don’t feel pain or hurt from the rain water. Until you start exploring that place. This makes Vault Elders interested and starts inviting you to come to her realm.


And now you who always go back and forth from her realm to learn all the things about that world. From the initial story of how they got there, to the call of the children of light to restore the arrangement of stars that fell from the sky.

You also learned the names of each of the other Elders. Isle of Dawn Elder was Daleth, Daylight Praire Elder was Ayin, Hidden Forest Elder was Teth, Valley of Triumph Elder was Samekh, Golden wasteland Elder was Tsadi, and Vault of Knowledge was Lamed.

These elder twins we’re once a single entity, when they get out of orbit, they run into a problem that makes them split into two entities. That is why their symbol in the Vault of Knowledge is a single entity that is split into two parts.

Even Eyes of Eden has an Elder who is the king or leader of all the Elders. His name was Alef.

You studied all the emotes too. She was very surprised by your fast think in learning all the emotes in just a few moments. You immediately understand and can imitate the emote.

You only have a little trouble at the Seasons Emote, one of which is dancing. For Soul sake you rarely even come out of your room! What else is dancing. At least you finally got the hang of it after few weeks without stopping practicing it.

Yes, you didn’t learn it directly from the spirit, but from a picture like a short film from the ‘memory cube’ neatly lined up on the shelves there. You pretty sure will forgot how to do it again later.























I don't know it just me or was the story that always make it 3 part '-'

Welp... I just following it.

Btw... If you wanna know how memory cube is look like here the pic.

Remember! All the picture and video it's not mine!

But it would if I say so.

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