Episode 9
School ban chuan Timothy chuan a bag min hawn tir leh a ..an practice leh dawn avangin .. Keipawh chu ka haw a .. Ka inthlak a.. Rawngbawl chu hmanhmawh thlak loh tiin an inkhel chu kan han en ve leh phawt a..mahse Timothy reng reng ka hmulo ..
A thianpa ka zawt a.. Alokal tep ang ati ringawt a..
Ka call dawn a.. Mahse ka call lo ta zawk a..
Timothy thianpa chu midang chuan anlo bia a..
" Timo chu tournament hnai tawh sia.. Hmeichhe tawmpui ahun hrihlo sin "
" An bungbu mek ang a "
Ka mittui chu alo tla ringawt a.. Min mi hmuh ka hlau a..ka hru reh vat a.. School tlangah tunah chuan tumah an awm ka ringlo a..han kal a tah vak vak chu ka duh a. .
Nge an fiamthu mai mai pawh nithei asin ..
mahni awm chu ka duh hrim2 avang chuan ka kal a..
A tifiah tu tur niawm tak chuan Kan school tlang panna step ah chuan Timothy leh Kha Nonoi kha inkai rial in anlo chhuk thla dun a..
Mi sawi thawm ka hriat ringawt pawn ka na in ka chhungril hi a rum vawng vawng a.. Atak anilo ang mi sawi mai mai an fiamthu vel ani ang ka ti lui hram hram a..mahse ka mit ngeiin an han hmu chu sawi tur ka hrelo chuan
" Ka tihpalh " ka tia ka in her vut a.. In lamah chuan chak thei ang ber in ka haw nghal a..
Ka khaw hmuh te chu a fiah lo vek in ka hria .. In ka thlen chuan khumah ka bawk a.. Ka tap nghal bawrh bawrh a, ka hnang zawk nge ni tah pawh chu ka tap chhuak theilo zawk a.. Hriatpuia biak that pawh aphallo a.. Hriatpuia Kaltlang a ka thil chah pawh apaih chhe vek a. A thik a Hriatpuia bul a ka awm in ana a,kei hi na theilo bik ah min ngai mai .. Puan ka la a ,ka inlukhup ka tap bawrh2 a..
Ahnu deuh ah chuan Thawm atang chuan Timothy tih ka hre thei .. Khum ah chuan ka bulah alo thu a.. Ka belo ka la tap a..
Ka puan sin chu lo keu hawn tum in alo khawih vel a.. " Tap tawhlo la .. A hrehawm ania "
Zuala : Min khawih suh
Timothy : Ka tihpalh anih kha.. Engtin mah kan awmlo ania.. Min star thei lutuk a..
Zuala : Ka hria e.. Kal rawh .. Ka hmu peihlo che .. Ka ten che.
Timothy : Tihian awmlo teh.. Anuam lo nia..
Min tung tho a.. Amah en tur chuan min ti a.. Mahse ka en duhlo zel a.. A inkhelh tumna jersy nen ala awm a .. Ka mu leh nghal daih a..
Timothy: Hei ka thian ten min lo call tawh nia.. Inkhel tur in .
Phone chu abia a, a biak dan atang chuan min lo khelhsan phawt ru ka hman leh ka lo kal ang ati a..
Zuala : Han inkhel rawh ..
Timothy: Ka naute hi athinrim reh hma chu ka kalsan theilo ...
Ka bulah chuan alo mu ve a.. Ka puansin chu alo in zawn a..
Ka dul vel chu alo zut a..
Zuala : I kut hi la sawn rawh.. Hetiang a tih lawm mai mai theih ka nilo ..
Timothy: Anih ka kuah ringawt ang che..
Zuala : Tunah hian i kuah hi ka chak viau i ring ami..
Timothy: Engtin mah kan awmlo ka fawp ringawt a.. Ahnute ka khal ringawt .. Mahse nangmah vang in ka insum .. Tournament anih dawn vang nen ..
A kap pawng tha zet huhang ngah zet chuan min do trul leh nghal
Zuala : Kal rawh .. Ka hmu peihlo che.. Hnute nei Bonoi chu ngaizawng rawh ..
Ka tho a.. Bathroom ah chuan ka inkalh hnan a... A fawp a.. Ahnute te a hne a .. Abak a thleng lo maw ? Khang atih hma khan min ngaihtuah ve eihlo mi ? Tenawm lutuk ..
Kawngka chu hawng tur in alo ti char2 a..mahse ka hawng duhlo a..
Ahnu chuan ka chhuak a bathroom atang chuan ka mu leh nghal a..
I thinrim reh hun hun ka nghak tawp tawh mai ang atia .. Rawngte a bawl a.. A inkhel lo thak a.. Chaw pawh chu ka ei duhlo a..
Ka bulah lo mu ve in NONOi phone Number te chu ka hmuh lai chuan a delete vel a..
" Hei Ka delete nghal aw. Ka yih palh liau2 ani .. Thinrim tawh lo la "
Ka be duh chuanglo a.. " Kan pahnih thlalak ruak a kan infawp lai hi ka status dawn .. Ka duhzia che chu i hre tawh mai ang "
Zuala : I mawl ami .. Min tih nat mai duh tawk lo in hrehawm tak a min siam zel ila duh ami a?
Timothy: Ka phatsan che in , ka duh tak tak ah che i ngailo anih kha ..
Zuala : Nonoi ang a no nalh hnute mawi tak nei ka ni ve lo .. Nonoi chu nei rawh .. Mipa tuai pakhat ai ngawt chuan atha zawk lawm.. Ka duhpui che .. Mipangngai ini zawk bawk anga.
Timothy : I mawng mawi em em hi ka duh zawk hnute mawi tak in ..
Ka mawng te chu alo khawih vel a.. .. Athian te ho chu an lokal a.. An lo au thawm chu hria in .. A insiam tha vat a.. Kawngka ava hawn a..
Vawiin tlai Nonoi vang a kalloh chu an hau vel a.. Tournament zWh ah ila ti nghek dawn nia.. Insum rawh te an tia.. nonoi u in A hriat vaih chuan athinrim dawn zia te an sawi vel a..
Timothy chuan atih loh thu leh thildang sawi ang u ati a.. Athiante chuan anla fiam phah sauh a..
Ka ngaithla peihloh chuan lenchhuah san daih ka tum a.. Ka insiam a ka chhuak phei ve a.. A thian te chuan min lo be ve luam a.. An thian ho hi an tawngkam te lah hi azahmawh thei nia.. Mipa hlang anni bawk a.. Min lo fiam a.. " Zuala hi chu i mawng hi khal nalh sia.. Ka hreh miahlo che nia.. Tournament zawh chu zankhat "" te an tia..a thenin keiman ka duh zawk bialnu ka neilo te an tifiamThu a.. Timothy ka va melh chu a nui ve miahlo a.. Athian te dang lah chu annui nasa .. Timothy tih el na chance tha tiin nuisang in " Anei lian lian ani mai " kan tia an lawm em em leh nghal ..Timothy lah chu rapthlak khawp in atum kawh a..ka chhuak kawngka pui ka thleng tawh chu Timothy chuan " Khawnge kal i tum a " chang deuh fak hian alo ti a..
"Hriatpuia'n keimah chiah in ka awm a.. A khawharthlak lo leng rawh ati " kan ti deuh sak a..
Timothy : A tul lo ..
A hmel chu atih tak tak khawp mai.. Min sawisak hrep pawh a chak hmel zawk ..
Athian te ho lah chuan "in ti nasa lutuk ange te an tia.. A then chuan Mawngkaw var deuh ka duhlo nia te Hriatpuia ai chuan ka nei lian zawk fe " te an tia.. Timothy chungah thinrim lo ni ila chu min fiamna hi ka nuih pui hauhlo ang..mahse ka nui vel a..
Timothy chuan a thiante chu " Infiamna chi pawh anih loh chu .. I thing ltk .. In Over mah mah ka duh aiin " ati vin deuh hlar a..
Athian te lah chuan kan fiamthu te chu asang alawm i hriat kha i ho thei atia annuih pui zui mai mai a.. Ka chhuak lui ngat a..
Vani te in ah ka leng a.. Timothy Thik ber Hriatpuia chu lo leng ve tur chuan ka sawm a.. Timothy thik nan ka duh a.. Thla ka lakpui kher a.. Hriatpuia lah chuan Timothy thikna tur bak anilo ang an lo ti ngei a.. Ni mai mai lo ka tia thil dang ka sawi daih a.. Hriatpuia hian ahrethiam deuh nge.. Hriatthiam pawh a awm Timothy khan Hriatpuia hriatthiam deuh2 tur khan a awm reng zel a..
Len pawh ka la len rei hma chuan Timothy chuan min lo call sek a.. Mahse ka la duhlo a.. Status ah Hriatpuia nen a kan thlalak chu kan hmang sak phei chu whatsapp alo thleng nghal Timothy pvt "Hriatpuia te in a ka lo lam che anih chuan ka rapthlak dawn ania.. Tunah mins 3 a reilo Hun hmanglo in lo haw nghal ang che "
Alo kal duh tak tak a ka hriat avangin Ka haw nghal vat a..
School kan bang a ka practice lhe dawn avangin Zuala chu ka bag ka hawn tir leh a.. Mahse Kan khelmual lam kan pan lai chuan NOnoi chu a school uniform nen min hmuh a duh thu alo sawi a.. Ahma in Zuala'n min man chhuak teuh em em tawh leh nghal a.. Ka thiante chu min lo va kalsan tur chuan ka ti a.. School tlangah chuan kan kal a.. IG vel a inbiak ringawt aninzia te asawi a.. Whatsapp a inbiak a duhthu te asawi a.. Ig lo ah chuan Zuala'n aman chuah ka hlau a.. Mahse Nonoi chu a titau nasa ve sia phone number te chu kan insave ve a.. Zuala ka kawp chu ka inthiam lo khawp mai..mahse Nonoi ngaihzawng pawh la nei tamlo hmeltha nu em em mai.. Tleirawlte hmui mawi bawk si.. No nalh bawk si.. Hmui lah sen no chek a.. Min lo star ru tu ani tih hriat a han chhuah tawp chu ka phallo a.. Ka va bem ta kha ania..
Min duh zia te an sawi ve niap niap a.. Keichuan ahmui no chek tu vak mah in anla fawh loh a mawi tawk a pawrh deuh duh tawk a fawh chakawm chu .. Min duh zia asawi zawh chuan thu a chhang ve tawhlo in a tak in ka en tir ta a.. A zei vaklo na a keimah hi ka zei em a.. Hmeichhia tam tak ka lo fawp tawh a.. Ka mipat pui te thleng a fawp tawh tu kha ka nia.. Ahnu chuan a hnute kan khawih a.. A duh vaklo a..mahse a duhlo reilo .. Kan fawp a ka hne dek dek phei chu nuam ati.. Hnuai lam pawh a khawng rang e.. A thil hlu ber chu kan khawih dawn a .. A duhlo nasa mai.. Keilah chuan Zuala ka hrechhuak thut bawk nen ka tawp a.. Ka fawp a.. Chhuk ang inkhelh ala ngai sia ka tia .. In kai rial chuan ka chhuk thlak pui a kan school step chhuk thlak naah chuan .. Le le le ka rinloh leh beisei loh lutuk in Zuala chu kan tawk ta mai.. " Ka tipalh " atia a inher vut a akal Kir nghal Vang vang a.. Nonoi chuan " Tinge le " atia a hrethiam hauh lo ang..kei erawh ka rilru a buai nghal vek Va um zui nghal.mai ka duh rual in Nonoi awm bawk sia.. Ka thlah nghal vat a.. Ka haw nghal a.. Inkhel pawh ka la ngai bawk nen alo mu a.. Ka thlem a .. Thil awmdan te Nonoi ka fawh a ahnute ka khal dan te chu ka zep duhlo a ka hrilh vek a..A bulah a ka mu amwngte ka zut ..keilah lo fit tha bawk nen ka khawng nghal vek a.. Mahse athinrim tizual tu vek ani ..Amah vangin ka inkhelh loh phah a
Ka rual pawh in chaw a ei duhlo a..ka thian te chu anlo leng a hunlo hlawm ltk.. Vawiin tlai ka inkhel theilo chu an thinrim ve hlawm a.. Nonoi chanchin ringawt chu an sawi zui Zuala thinrim nasat tawh nen an hrethiam silo ..thil dang chu ka sawi lui zel a..
Chutia kan titi malh2 lai chuan Zuala chu alo chhuak a.. Ka thian te chuan anlo biain an lo fiam a zahmawh tak tak chuan ka thinrim chu ka insum zolo trep a.. Ka kut ka lo hum ruh a.. Ka thiante mah nise ka hnek hreh hauh dawnlo Zuala hi ka ta anih hi .. Mahse ka thinrim tizual tur chuan hlim leh anuam ati zawk ani maw tih tir chuan Zuala chuan " anei lian lian kha ani mai " te a la ti zawk a.. Ka thin ava rim em .. Len chhuah atumna ka zawt a.. Hriatpuia te in ah ala ti zuia ..amah chiah ala awm ala ti zui bawk a.. Ka thian te chuan an la fiam leh a.. Ka in sum zo lo chuan ka thiante chu ka vimn deuhhrep hlawm a..
Zuala kal hnu chuan ka thian te titi pawh ka bengah alut neklo e.. Zuala te chu engtin nGe an awm ang ti ka ngaihtuah a.. Ka thiante chu engtin tin emaw Chhuanlam siam in ka haw tir thei ta hram a.. Zuala chu ka call a ala duhlo a..ahnu a status kan view chu ka thinrim lutuk chu bang ka hnek a ka kut a bpilh a thi nghe2 a.
In ka thleng chu Timothy chu thuthleng ah akut thi deuh hnuang chuan alo thu a..
Zuala : Tinge a ? Kha i kut kha ati nia..
Va khawih sak chu ka tum a
Timothy : Kha i kut tenawm Hriatpuia i chul ve na khan min khawih suh..
Zuala : Awle .. Nonoi i chul vel na ahnute i hmeh velna kha ka khawih chak viau maw i ti mi ?
Timothy: chak mah la i khawih angailo.. Ka thiante ho te kha iva lo it awm ve a.. An fiam lai te khan nuam in ti vel khawp a.. Hriatpuia in luk tir chu a nuam viau em ? Ka thiante ho pawh khan an beisei che kha..nanglah i meng de sawt2 a.. I phur hmel khawp mai
Zuala : Chutiang ka buaipui ve hmanlo Nang ang in
Room ah chuan luh ka tum a..min kai her sawk in
Timothy : Engtin nge in awm vel a? Khaw maw i hmui kha ..
Min lo fawp a.. Chil chu a chhak leh vak a..
Timothy : Kha Hriatpuia hmui i fawhna kha ka ten lutuk
I mawngkua khaw maw ? A chi kai hnuangte khan kan in ah ilo lut ange.
Ka kekawr te chu pawhthlak atum a
Zuala : I raptlak ..tiang khawp chuan ka tenawm lo..nang angin ka kawppui te ka phatsan ngailo
Timothy: Tiang rilru hi min put tir anih hi.. I thinrim anih pawh in .. Nge min run luih zawng a i chet kher thin .
Zuala : anih chu i bulah pawh ka mu peihlo
Timothy : Mu lo tawp la..
Lukham chu ka la a.. Thuthleng ah chuan ka mu a.. Akut chu atuam a..ani pawh khumah chuan amu a..
Ka ngaihtuah a.. Khum achan bikna chhan tur ka hrelo e..
Ka va phei a " Tho rawh "
Timothy : enge a..
Zuala : Khum i chan bikna chhan tur a awmlo ..
Timothy : I duh i thlang tawh lawm..
A mu sawn duh bik silo a.. Kn Daidan Na kan siam a kan mu ve ve a khumah chuan
Atukah pawh chuan min biak a tum lo a..keiin biak ka tum biklo .. Class ah pawh thu dun in kan in be ngai chuanglo a.. Kar khat lai ani ta kan inbuak ngailoh.. Tournament pawh ani tawh a..
Nonoi pawh in a en ve a.. Timothy chu akhel tha in duhtu angah belh leh sawt mai..
Thik tur hlir thik tur hlir..
An inkhel zo chu ka awmna lamah alokal a.. " Sawtah min va kal pui teh " ka phu zawk kar khat chuang kan inbiak tawh loh hnu ah .. A thlan huh nen a kawr chu ahuh deuh chhep a..hmeichhe ho lah chuan an en duh si..
Ka kal pui loh chuan achi tawh silo ka kal pui a.. A reh ta maw tih ah chuan " ka ning lutuk tawh .. I lak a insum hi.. Thinrim tawh lo ang " tih leh min lo fawo nghal buan buan a..
Keipawh ka tjinrimna a reh vek in ka hria..
Min fawh pah chuan ka mawng chu a chul a ,a hrawm bawrh2 a..
" Hun kan nei reilo , Min fawhthlak sak rawh.. Abak chu zanah "
Min nem kun nghal a.. A jersy kekawr bul chu a pawtthla a..
END OF Episode 9
Zan lamah hman leh ka peih chuan ZUapa kha aw..
Hei hi Like leh cmt kha .. Ka thinlung hmutu pawh kha like leh cmt kha awww
- In Serial267 Chapters
Forsaken Immortals
Finding an ancient treasure was not as fortunate as one might expect. As soon as Bai Rouyun had left the grave, countless sects and hidden families set out to kill her for the sake of obtaining her treasure for themselves.
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Save My Hope
She's desperate to hide her secret... he's determined to expose it.For Phoebe Marshall, her childhood is a total non-event. Her mom was never home, working as a well-known actress. Her dad was busy working in his office, and she ended up raising her twin sisters. But Phoebe leaves Australia to go to college in New York City and years later she is a famous Photojournalist. Noah is rigid. He was an Army Medic for seventeen years and is now living in New York City, working as a Surgeon. He knows this is a new chapter in his life, but he isn't quite adjusting to it. Everything seems foreign to him except helping people.When Noah and Phoebe cross paths, it's less than cute and more a collision of embarrassment. Still, Noah can't keep his mind off the beautiful, shy, Australian neighbour living above him. Soon, he discovers Phoebe's most profound secret and is willing to risk everything to help her. Book One of the Saved Series.-[This story may not be reproduced, reposted, copied or translated by any means unless you receive permission directly from me, the author.]- Save My Hope. Copyright © 2020. All Rights Served.
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When We Were Wallflower
"Am I imagining it..." " was it even real, to begin with.." Harold is a charismatic and handsome teenager who is loved by everyone he meets, but he has a secret no one knows about.... that he loves buying discounted items especially books and meat. As for the reason behind this obsession, only he knows. He struggled to live his life when he had to relocate to another country due to his father's job. There he met Elizabeth a girl who faces difficulty coping through everyday life after moving. Others are always misunderstanding her by the way she acts and the way she looks. They both find each other repulsive despite meeting each other for the first time. As they are forced to sit beside each other, they had no choice but to live in close Proximity. What will happen to them as they face different challenges ahead which might force them to risk everything or lose everything? As they try to navigate life step by step trying to find love and friendship in a place where they feel like a misfit.
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Stronger as One (Completed)
(𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞🔞) Thrown into a supernatural shifter world,a feisty security expert with an aversion to relationships must contend with the men destined to be her mates while stopping a maniacal demon from destroying their world.──────────────────You play the hand you are dealt or you just punch the dealer- that's what Riley has always believed in. Which is why she never let herself be defined by the car crash that took her family away as a toddler or the mystery of her past. Embracing the love of her adoptive parents,she pushed on with her life and worked her way up to become UK's top security and protection expert at only 27 years old. Until one day her past came knocking on her door,turning her life upside down and leaving her questioning everything she ever knew and who she really was.A hidden world full of powerful magic,hot-blooded shifters,fated mates,and impending threats awaits her now. A world that is completely unfamiliar to her,yet one she will fight with fire and fury to save.But when everything is on the line,can her badass ways help her this time or will she crumble?And will her heart accept her destiny and the men fated to be by her side?(Note: Still to be edited, so please forgive minor typos/errors)⚠️This book is intended for an audience that is 18+ (mature themes, sexual content & strong language)⚠️Tropes: -Fated mates that don't accept bonds by default(menage)-Badass Heroine,Protective Alpha Heroes-Mating tattoos,no insta-recognition-Mixed shifter & supernatural universe(🐺🐉🐻🦊,demons,warlocks,etc)-Characters in late 20s to mid-30s-Set in UK/Scotland-Secrets,action,emotional scars,destined saviours,grumpy & cinnamon roll LIs***Highest Rankings***#1 Supernatural#1 Magic#1 Menage#1 Dragons#1 Strong Female Character#1 Steamy#1 Wolves#1 MFM#3 Love#3 Mates#3 Alpha#3 Paranormal#4 Werewolf#4 PNR
8 161 - In Serial38 Chapters
"Hey Gamma." Alice giggles looking up to me, not even noticing that Jay has gone. Her cheeks have a pink hue to them from all the Vodka, her eyes are full of mischief as she goes to take another sip. I quickly grab the drink from her hand before it can reach her lips and throw it away into a nearby bush without a second thought. "Yeah, you're done with that, Wonderland." I grin at her as she scowls at me."Hey!" Alice protests. She gets to her feet, a little wobbly. Then stands on the log she was just sat on, so she is at my height. She puts her hands on her hips and scrunches up her eyes as if to try and get me into focus. "I'm not scared of you, Gamma! You can't just take a girls drink you know!" She slurs out as she pokes my chest now with an accusing index finger. Anyone else would be in a world of pain for talking to me like this, but all I want to do is pull her into my arms and kiss her till her lips are bruised and swollen. She's fucking adorable when drunk. Not giving a fuck if anyone's watching us or not, I step forward, crowding right into her space making her physically gulp at our proximity."I don't scare you huh?" I growl at her in a deep but quiet voice. She bites her lip, but not out of fear, she likes it when I talk to her like this. "You don't look like the big-bad-wolf to me." She whispers."What do I look like to you?" I rasp out quietly as her fingertips continue featherlight touches to my lips."I don't know...something..." She breathes, her eyes crease with both confusion and fascination.----------Labelled as having a dangerous wild wolf, Alice is left feeling isolated on her family's farm for most of her childhood. However, now she is of age, she can finally follow her dreams and compete to be on the elite enforcers squad and win the heart of long-time crush Beta Jay. That is until the packs Gamma, Cole, takes over her training and flips her life upside down. (This is a slow burn; I hope you enjoy x)
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I Want You
Do you believe in love at first sight? What about connection at first sight? Lennon felt a strong connection to Jax when she slipped in a puddle and fell on her back right in front of him freshman year of college. Fast forward to Junior year and she's still crushing on him but Jax is constantly in a relationship and he can't even remember her name. His best friend Xan however makes it his mission to tease and taunt Lennon. She finds herself tangled up with Xan in a way she never expected when suddenly Jax notices her. Will she pursue the guy she's pined after for three years now or continue her fun with Xan? Messing with your crushes best friend shouldn't turn out too bad, right?-This is a stand-alone novella- COMPLETE
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