《Reunited At Last|✔️》15| I Had To
Liliana's PoV
"What did you want to talk about so desperately that you had to wake me up?," I snapped at Sebastian as soon as I slid into his car.
I glanced at the time on my phone. 3:00am. Valentina had come and woken me up, claiming he was outside and refusing to leave. I obviously had to get up from my comfortable bed to deal with him.
I have no idea how the fuck he knew I was staying there and to be honest I really don't want to know.
He stayed silent as he sped off down the road. It's 3:00am. I'm in no mood for games. "Have you not seen the fucking time?," I scowled. "I'm in no mood for your games so say whatever the fuck you need to say and drop me back off at home."
He continued driving, ignoring me. I contemplated between grabbing the steering wheel and risking my life or opening the door and throwing myself out of it, also risking my life.
He glanced at me warily as I stared longingly at the door handle. Slowly, his fingers inched towards the lock button before pressing it down, locking the door. I guess the only option left now is to grab the steering wheel.
"Don't even think about it," he threatened me. I let out a sigh and slouched back in the seat and closed my eyes. Maybe, I could get some sleep while we get to wherever.
If this happened at any other time, during the day, I would not be acting as calm as I am now. I'm just like this when I'm tired. The only thing I care about is getting some sleep but if he's taking me to my death, at least then I'll be able to catch up on all the sleep I've lost in my entire life.
I don't know if that's a pro or a con...
"What!," I snapped as he shook me awake. He rolled his eyes and leaned back into his seat.
"Nice to see you're still still cranky when you've not had enough sleep," he mumbled. I ignored his comment and stared out for the window. He didn't say a word as he got out of the car, making sure to take the keys with him.
Damn, he really thinks I'd drive off with his car? I mean, I would but...
I begrudgingly got out of the car before checking the time on my phone. 4:00am. And I have no service. Fucking amazing.
He might as well just kill me. I want to be in my bed. This is hell. This is torture especially because the wind is biting me and I'm currently wearing pyjama shorts and a random T-shirt. I really should've brought a jacket with me.
I finally decided to look around. We were in a clearing. I slowly walked towards the edge. I've been here before. The city below us was dark as not a single household was awake.
I think I've been here with Matteo before I found out he was crazy. Then again it's been six years so I can't really remember.
Sebastian was sat on the ground, his legs dangling off the edge. I sat beside him crossing my legs underneath me, not daring to let my legs dangle in the air.
I do not have a death wish.
We sat silently for a moment since my attitude and sarcastic comments were resting and refilling for the day ahead. I was in no mood for his bullshit.
"How are you?," he suddenly asked. I raised an eyebrow at this. He drove almost an hour out of town just to ask how I am?
"Tired," I said in a duh tone.
"I would've come earlier but-."
"Let me guess, the wife wouldn't let you go?," I asked, interrupting him. The way he shifted and the changes in his facial features as I said the word 'wife' didn't go unnoticed by me.
"I just wanted to apologise for all those years ago when you felt like I didn't understand what you were going through. I'm sorry for making you feel so alone," he uttered.
My eyes widened. I was not expecting an apology from him. I know for a fact that he's still not used to apologising to people and the fact that I'm receiving one makes me feel a tiny bit special.
"Thanks," I shrugged. He looked at me expectantly. "I'm not apologising," I scoffed out. "I've already apologised once and it's not happening again."
He didn't say another word as we stared at the darkness in front of us. "I missed you," he said. I stayed silent, wondering if I had heard him right.
He's been acting like a prick about my return and now he's saying he misses me. I can't help but wonder if I'm being played or if he's trying to fuck with my feelings as some sort of revenge. But he's married and that's causing me enough pain so I doubt it.
"Who wouldn't?," I retorted as I cringed. It's the lack of sleep.
"Are they-Are they dead?," I asked slowly after a couple of minutes.
"Matteo is," he spoke. "He killed himself after I shot you on the same day. He really fucking loved you."
I've come to terms, through all these years, with the fact that he'll most likely be dead but hearing it from someone else is much different to thinking it.
"And your mom?"
"She's breathing," he confirmed. "But you won't ever see her. And if you do, she'll be behind some metal bars."
That makes me feel slightly safer.
"Why didn't you kill Isabella?," I asked. "She was apart of it too."
"I have no fucking idea why I didn't," he sighed out.
"Your wife pregnant and it's not yours," I stated. "So why did you marry her?"
"Why is it so fucking hard for everyone to believe that I actually have feelings for her?"
"Cut the bullshit," I snapped. He can't love a bitch like her.
He let out a sigh. "We need to talk."
"Well, what are we doing then?," I asked sarcastically.
"You need to stop," he began, still looking at the darkness in front of us. "Go back to being dead. Just leave."
"Go. Leave. And don't come back. What we had was a mistake and now, I've got something good, I can't have you pulling another stunt like what you did at the wedding."
"No, we weren't a mistake," I said firmly. "That's you just saying it but I know deep down inside of you, inside of your heart, you don't believe that." I shook my head slowly as I turned to actually look at his face, instead of down below. He didn't dare to look at me.
"WE WEREN'T A FUCKING MISTAKE!," I yelled at him, pushing his arm. This fucker ruined my sleep and he's trying to fuck with my emotions. "Look me in the eye and tell me." He didn't move an inch.
"Tell me before I fuck your face up," I threatened. Even though Red has been in hibernation, it doesn't mean I stopped training. If anything, I gotten better and learnt a lot of new skills and tactics.
Hopefully, I get the chance to practice them on someone.
"Do it and you can make your own way home," he snapped. I let out a sigh knowing he wouldn't hesitate to leave me here.
Sebastian's PoV
I clenched my eyes shut as she yelled at me, wanting me to look her in the eyes and tell her that she means nothing to me. She'll never mean nothing to me.
"Liliana," I sighed out. "You need to stop."
"Just look me in the eye and tell me that we were a mistake, then I'll leave you alone."
I can't. I can't lie to her.
I had to say it to her. I had to hurt her fucking feelings but I can't lie to her. I don't know why I fucking can't but I can't. It's probably her big fucking eyes.
I turned to see her already looking at me. "I can't," I told her honestly as I let out a sigh.
That felt like a huge fucking weight being lifted from my shoulders.
"I knew it. You still love me so why the FUCK DID YOU MARRY HER?," she said talking calmly before she began yelling.
"I have my reasons," I said calmly. She stood up and paced back and forth.
"I want to hear you say it," she demanded. I stayed silent, knowing she's gonna continue talking. "I need to hear you say you love me."
"I do! I-I still love you," I breathed out, finally uttering the word I haven't been able to say since she left. "I always have. But you left me behind. I had to move on."
"But I'm back now and you don't love her."
Her being back doesn't change anything. I can't stop what I've been working towards these past six years. That'll mean I've just wasted time and energy on something that won't ever happen. But it will happen. I will make sure it does.
I got up and turned to face her. Her arms were crossed over her chest. I walked towards her causing her to watch me with wide eyes as I pulled her towards me, pulling her in for a hug. Her body relaxed after a few moments as her arms slid around me. My arms wrapped around her as her familiar scent slapped me in the face.
"Finally getting to hold you, made me feel like I wasn't choking anymore. I feel like I can finally breathe easy for the first time in years. So no, we aren't a fucking mistake. We weren't a fucking mistake," she said, pulling away from me.
Why the fuck did I hug her? That was not part of the plan. Fuck, I've just made it much harder than it needs to be.
I took a step back and forcefully separated myself from my emotions as I said these next words.
"There is no us, not anymore, and now, there never will be."
I had to say it. I didn't want to. I had to.
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