《》matsukawa issei


how you meet.


you where carrying a big box to the office during school.

you could barley see over it.

all of a sudden the box got lighter.

a boy with scruffy hair took the box from you and asked where you were going.

you stared at him and told him it's fine you could take it.

he tilted his head and told you, you could barley see over it and he isn't doing anything right now.

you shook your head and walked in front of him so he could follow you to the office.

he sat the box down where the office lady told him to.

you thanked him and shyly he could barley hear you.

he told you his name and you turned red when he asked you yours.

just as you where about to answer the bell rang and you ran away.

how you became friends.


you felt really bad for running away from matsukawa.

you asked your friend where you could find him.

she told you he's on the boys volleyball team.

you collected all the courage you could and walked to the gym after school with your friend.

you knocked on the gym door and iwaizumi opened it.

"sorry oikawa's fan girls can't come into the gym and oikawa has already started practice"

he began to shut the door and you frantically shook your hands and said no i don't want to talk to him.

iwaizumi stopped closing the door and gave you a very confused "then who?"


iwaizumi's eyes got huge and he slowly turned around and called out for matsukawa.

he walked over and asked what he needed, iwaizumi stepped out of the door to show you standing in front of the door.

he looked down at you and little smile crept on his face.

"i'm (y/n) !!"

"and i wanted to thank you again for helping me with that box yesterday"

you said with a bow.

he chuckled and patted your head

"no sweat shorty"

he then turned around and went back to practice.

leaving you a red embarrassment.

when you realized you liked him.


you realized you liked him when he patted your head and called you shorty.

his voice just makes you melt.

you didn't even really know him.


but something about him, how sweet he was to just jump in a take the box from you.

when he realized he liked you.


you two have hung out a couple times in a mutual friend group.

so you guys knew each other pretty well at this point.

he realized you weren't as shy as you come off.

and you're childish.

he went to see a teacher in your class.

it was lunch so he assumed the teacher might be in there.

he opened the door and saw you sitting in the teachers spin chair, spinning taking a bite of food every time it stopped.

you where with your friend and even having a conversation while doing that.

he just stared at you.

he thought it was adorable how easy you are to entertain and how embarrassed and flustered you where when he cleared his throat and you stopped your self almost falling over.

how he asked you out.


you two where eating lunch together at his table.

your friend didn't come to school today so you where pretty board.

matsukawa was chatting with his teammates.

you sat there with your head laid back blowing a strand of hair up from your face.

oikawa leaned in to matsukawa and whispered something in his ear making his face red and making matsukawa flustered and hit oikawa.

"mind your business you nosey bast-"

"hey oikawa are you gonna eat that"

"nah you can have it (y/n)"

you lend over the table pressing against matsukawa to get to oikawa's food.

matsukawa's face turned red.

his teammates knew he liked you but didn't ask or bug him about it.

except oikawa.

you sat back down and began to eat oikawa's food.

matsukawa groaned and looked at you.

your face was full making your chubby cheeks chubbier.

you looked at him and tilted your head as a way of asking what's wrong.

he stood up and mumbled something.

you didn't really hear him and gave him a confused face.

"jesus chri- damnit"

"(y/n) will you go out with me"

your eyes widened at what he just said and you almost chocked as your face was still full.

you tried to eat faster so you could answer but he turned red and walked away.

you finally finished your mouthful and took a breath for air.


you coughed for a second and blinked trying to make sure you heard matsukawa correctly.

oikawa stood up, patted your head and said idiots like you two belong together.

first date.


he took you to a nice restaurant.

you two talked and laughed like normal.

you kept flicking your food at him.

he got annoyed with you acting like a child.

he then took you to get ice cream at some random ice cream truck not far from the restaurant.

it was colder out so he gave you his jacket and called you a dummy for forgetting a jacket.

you did that on purpose knowing he'd give up his for you.

he held your hand as you walked around town.

you pulled him around a lot every time something caught your eye.

he finally had enough of your pulling and put you on his back.

that didn't stop you from pointing things out.

he eventually put you down and walked you home.

first kiss.


you feel asleep at his practice.

you passed out on the floor.

like a small child would.

after practice he walked over to you and sighed.

he didn't want to wake you up but he wasn't gonna wait hours for you to wake up.

he growled and bent over and picked you up.

placing you and your stuff on his back.

he began walking home with you on his back.

you where going to his house any ways.

he threw you on his bed and sat next to you.

you finally woke up and panicked not knowing how you got to matsukawa's room.

he laughed at you for a second.

you pouted.

it was hard to take you seriously when you had bed hair.

he was sick of your attitude and grabbed your head making you face him.

with out letting go of your head so you'd keep still.

he kissed you.

it took you by surprise but you melted into it.

it was so sweet and he kept smiling into the kiss.

when he gets jealous.


he doesn't.

he gets annoyed but that's it.

you're so shy with new people boys give up pretty fast when they approach you and you look like they pulled a knife.

when they keep flirting with you when you look like you're about to cry he'll come grab you and throw you over his shoulder and make you sit by him or a teammate.

he knows you're cute but he also knows you're a nervous mess who's shy and you get flustered fast so he saves you.

when you get jealous.


he doesn't notice.

you get way to nervous to ever talk up or stand your ground.

oikawa usually notices your sad face and saves the day swooping up the other female.

you swear matsukawa's face doesn't change when he talks to people.

so you never know what's he's thinking.

but you're insecure and when girls talk to him you immediately tremble and assume he likes them more.

but he never seem to want to talk to them so it makes you feel a little better.

he walks in on you changing.


you where ready for bed and matsukawa was still watching tv so you left to change and crawl in bed.

you didn't hear matsukawa open the door to your room.

you turned around to face him.

absolutely no words came out of you.

he stood there.

his eyes where wide.

he shut the door behind him and smirked making you extremely embarrassed and turn around covering yourself up telling him to leave.

little things.


just wants to make you laugh.

"you know that was funny"

he'll stay up really late but gets mad if you do.

he likes to wear big coats.

if he is wearing a long coat and you're cold he'll let you wrap your arms around him while he wraps his coat around you and him.

randomly pushes you.

walking in the hall.

he'll shove you.

laying in bed.

he'll push you off the bed.

brushing your teeth.

he'll knock you over.

likes it when you sit on him.

if he's sitting in a chair he'll expect you to sit on his lap.

gets offended if you don't.

randomly chokes you.

will put you in a head lock while you cuddle.

loves when you lay on his chest.

braids your hair.

not a fan of pda but will mess with you if you dislike it to embarrass you.

sleeps with a night light.

he gives you all his clothes.

loves seeing you in them.

wears your sweatshirts.

loves kissing your face all over.

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