《》iwaizumi hajime


how you meet.


you where on a morning jog.

you where about to turn the corner when you ran into someone.

the contact knocking you to the ground.

you shook your head and looked up when a deep voice asked if you where ok.

you nodded and took the hand he just reached out for you to help you up.

you brushed your self off and apologized to the very attractive boy for not watching where you were going.

he apologized too with a straight face.

you stared at him for a minute till he got kinda red and looked away

"you're very attractive by the way."

you said.

you are very bold and spoke your mind.

the boy got flustered and ran past you saying thank you as he went by.

how you became friends.


you kept seeing him more after that.

you realized he was at your school.

you saw him a couple times during lunch.

you went to one of the volleyball games because your friend really wanted to go but not alone.

you saw your team come out and saw the attractive boy come out with the team.

you thought it was super cool that he played volleyball.

after the game you found him by the bathrooms.

you walked up to him

"hey !"

"you're really good at volleyball!"

"i mean like really good!"

he looked down at your smiling face.

he turned light pink and gave you a soft giggle and a thank you.

"i'm (l/n) (f/n)"

"oh i'm iwaizumi hajime"

you guys became friends after that and you even have study dates together and jog.

when you realized you liked him.


you two where in public and walking threw town.

it was a hotter day so there where more people out.

you don't really care for people and you started to get nervous.

you started breathing heavily and began to sweat.

iwaizumi knew what was wrong because you get anxious a lot

with out thinking with out a word.

he just stared playing with your hair.


it was so gentle and soft and it really calmed you down.

when he realized he liked you.


you where sick.

and didn't tell anyone because you hate being sick.

you refuse to believe you are sick when you actually are.

you didn't come to school and no one knew why.

iwaizumi was concerned so he walked to you house after school.

he knocked on your door and looked down at a small pale blanket wrapped you opening the door.

he couldn't help but chuckle at you.

you slammed the door on him.

he opened the door and let himself in.

you refuse to let him help you because

"you weren't sick"

he thought you where super cute when you finally let him help and you fell asleep.

how he asked you out.


you guys where playing video games at oikawa's house.

you where finally beating him in mario cart.

oikawa fell asleep on the couch.

you beat him and you threw your hands up in celebration.

you looked at him with your eyes closed and stuck out your tongue.

when you opened your eyes to look at his face.

he was just staring.

with a soft smile and pink cheeks.

"(y/n), do you wanna go out sometime?"

you stared at him for a second.

you gave him a soft bright smile and said absolutely.

first date.


you guys went to the beach.

you swam and sat in inertubes

you had lunch together and talked for what felt like hours.

you then walked around the beach and got ice cream.

you watched the sunset and then he walked you home and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

first kiss.


you weren't having a good day.

you didn't go to school you decided to stay home.

you didn't answer any texts or phone calls because you just didn't want to talk to anyone.

iwaizumi was worried and walked to your house after practice.

he knocked on the door but you didn't answer.

he remembered where you leave the spare key and he let himself in.


he walked to your room to find you wrapped up in your blanket in your dark room.

he didn't turn the light on he just moved you over and crawled in bed with you.

you rolled over to look at him and ask him what he was doing.

he just kissed you.

it was very soft and gentle.

you guy then cuddled till you felt better.

when he gets jealous.


he doesn't really get jealous.

but he was getting a little


at how friendly oikawa was being with you.

he could tell you weren't interested but it still made him mad.

he was scared of losing you to the dumb pretty boy.

oikawa talked and teased you.

iwaizumi was getting pissed and didn't know if oikawa was just talking or he was doing this on purpose but he didn't like it.

iwaizumi finally had enough and walked up to the two of you.

he stepped in between you and oikawa and kissed your forehead and turn to growl at oikawa.

when you get jealous.


you lucky don't have to get jealous a lot.

he's with oikawa a lot and oikawa takes all the spot light.

but this one girl noticed him.

she was ignoring oikawa and her friends and talked to iwaizumi.

you where just across the hall and we're watching the whole thing.

you don't want to over react and jump in.

so you watched.

the girl touched his hair and that was your last straw.

you walked over to your now flustered boyfriend.

"hey babe can i walk with you to class?"

you said with a light smile on your face.

his face lit up at the sight of your face and agreed immediately.

ditching the now angry girl.

he then told you it was cute that you got a little jealous over him.

he walks in on you changing.


it was raining on your guys walk home.

his house is farther then yours so you both just went to your house.

with out saying anything you went to the bathroom to shower and change.

he didn't see or hear you leave so after a little bit he was confused where you went.

he opened your room and didn't see you and then turned around to open the bathroom door.

assuming if it's locked you where in there.

but when he twisted the handle the door wasn't locked so he opened it. he looked up when the door opened to see you taking your shirt off.

shirt covering your face and boobs out only covered by your lace bra.

you stopped moving because you heard the door open but you couldn't see.

iwaizumi stood there for a second his face grew dark red.


"i'm so so so sorry!"

and he slammed the door and left.

little things.


isn't super talkative.

he loves to play with your hair.

he'll twirl it, run his fingers threw it, brush it.

it don't matter.

he likes to hold you.

like when you hug him and your arms are around his neck he'll always lift you up so your legs wrap around his waist.

likes to lay on your chest.

this man can cook.

he'll make you breakfast.

"did you eat today?"

"eat this"

"have the rest of this, i can't finish it"

would prefer staying in then going out.

never picks the movie.

just wants to nap.

so protective.

"you shouldn't do that"

"don't talk to her"

"be careful!"


he likes to body slam you.

he'll wrap his arms behind you and lift you up and slam you on the bed.


he'll bite you randomly.

"ow iwa!"

doesn't even apologize.

buys your favorite snack all the time for you.

not into pda but he'll hold your hand or your back when out together.

oikawa loves to hang out with you guys.

iwaizumi isn't good at picking up hints.

you gotta just tell him what you want.

(i'd just like to make the announcement that i'd do anything to or for this man.

he is a literal god to me.

he is actually 100% my dream man, i've cried bc he isn't real and it really hurts.

hope y'all have a good day! xoxo)

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