《Dependence - Book Two (Wattys 2013 Finalist)》Opening Ceremonies: Interviews - Part One
Piper Papillon’s POV:
‘’ Hello Panem! I warmly welcome all of you here tonight, for the interviews! So please, give a round of applause for our first six tributes, the tributes of Districts One, Two and Three!’’ I yell happily and the crowd roars excitedly.
As they scream, the tributes come out in pairs of two. Leading the group are the District One tributes, Brutis Glaze and Belle Cyrus. They are followed by Margo Mead and Ravina Quill. Osmo Overton and Echo Sparks bring up the rear.
‘’ Welcome tributes! Please have a seat and we can begin.’’ I instruct and the six sit facing the crowd in seats beside me.
The crowd begins to cheer their names and toss flowers – as they did in the tribute parade – and the tributes spend a few moments waving and blowing kisses which cause them to scream even louder.
‘’ OK, settle down.’’ I laugh. ‘’ Let’s get started. I will be asking you all questions at once, switching and swapping from one to another. So I will begin with Brutis, we’ve had hundreds of questions come in for you, so we’ve gathered the best. First question, what is your opinion of the randomness of the way the tribute pairings will work?’’
‘’ I don’t like it one bit.’’ He replies immediately and a few of the crowd laugh. ‘’ It’s stupid. We should be able to have some say in who we are paired with.’’
‘’ Oh, but you will. I can’t say at the moment because it’s a surprise for all of you, along with the citizens of the Capitol, but you will have some part in picking the partner you are going to be paired with.’’ I smile and the crowd cheers.
‘’ Interesting.’’ He smiles.
‘’ While we’re on the topic, we have had quite a number of people asking what would you do if you were paired with a weakling from one of the outlying Districts?’’ I ask and his smile vanishes.
‘’ I better bloody not!’’ He replies angrily.
‘’ Hopefully. But what would you do if you were?’’ I question.
‘’ I’d still win it, but I wouldn’t be happy about it. I want to win with another Career not some pathetic twelve year old girl!’’ He responds.
‘’ Well who would you want to be paired with, if you had the choice?’’ I ask.
‘’ Doll face over there. Or maybe one of the District Two tributes. They seem able.’’ He explains.
As he says doll face, Belle sighs aloud angrily.
‘’ Belle! We’ll move on to you now.’’ I smile and she stands and bows to the crowd.
‘’ Thank you Piper.’’ She says and takes her sit.
‘’ OK Belle, first question. What would be your ideal arena?’’ I ask.
‘’ I am not entirely sure, I know exactly what would be my worst one...that would be the desert arena like last year. But I dunno really, I suppose a plain one with no horrible surprises. A water supply would be nice too, and lots of trees to screw over the long ranged fighters.’’ She explains.
I laugh aloud, as does the crowd. ‘’ Oh Belle! You crack me up! Next question, who would you like and who would you not like to be paired with?’’
‘’ Well I don’t really know any of the other tributes yet, except that marshmallow.’’ She begins, nudging her head towards Brutis and the crowd laughs. ‘’ But I suppose Margo or Min Yan maybe. Someone strong.’’
‘’ And who would you not like to be with?’’ I ask, I already have a pretty good idea of the tribute in her mind.
‘’ That.’’ She explains and turns her head to Brutis, the crowd erupt into laughter again and toss a few flowers.
Surprisingly, Belle manages to catch one and she nods her head gratefully to the person that threw it and places the flower on her seat.
‘’ Ha-ha. I’ll be back to you. The next question is for Osmo. Osmo, you volunteered as tribute during the Reaping. You said this was for Echo. Is there something going on between you two?’’ I question.
‘’ No. Like I said before, we’re just friends.’’ He laughs. ‘’ Of course I want to protect her, she’s my friend and I do love her, I’m just not in love with her.’’
The crowds is a mixture of emotions, some cheer for him admiringly, other make awing noises because they were hoping for a bit of romance. I smile at him.
‘’ I see how it is. So you really want to win this?’’ I ask. ‘’ What if you’re not paired with her?’’
‘’ Well I will try make sure she gets home, but I also have my reasons for wanting to win.’’ He explains.
‘’ Such as?’’
‘’ Well the morning of the Reaping, my mother told me she was pregnant. I don’t want to die because I want to see my baby brother or sister come into the world.’’ He explains and the crowd begins awing sympathetically at him again.
‘’ That’s very sweet Osmo, are you hoping it’s a boy or a girl?’’ I ask.
‘’ Well I don’t really mind, as long as it’s healthy.’’ He smiles.
‘’ Oh of course. But if you could choose the gender, what would you pick?’’ I continue.
‘’ A boy probably, I’ve always wanted a brother.’’ He explains.
‘’ Do you have any other siblings? Would you not prefer a sister?’’ I question.
‘’ Well I basically have a sister.’’ He begins, looking over at Echo. ‘’ That’s another reason why there will never be anything between us.’’
‘’ Aw that’s cute.’’ I smile. ‘’ Speaking of Echo, the next question is for you.’’
‘’ Cool. Ask away.’’ She instructs.
‘’ Echo, what is the weapon you hope to find in the cornucopia? That is if you plan on running to it as opposed to running away.’’
‘’ A bow and arrow.’’ She replies immediately with a smile and the crowd laughs. ‘’ There has to be one there.’’
‘’ A bow and arrow?! Where did you learn to fight with one of those in District Three?’’ I ask and for a moment, Echo sits in silent contemplation.
‘’ Ehm...I don’t have a proper one. I had a wooden one at home, my uncle crafted it for me and I used to practise with that in my garden using bottles or tin cans for practise. I’ve always wanted to have a real one.’’ She explains.
‘’ Intriguing! I am very excited to see what you can do!’’ I smile.
‘’ I’m not very good. I did practise a lot though.’’ She replies with an innocent smile.
‘’ I see. Next question, who would be your ideal partner and who would be the person you’d hate to be with?’’ I question.
‘’ Hmm. I don’t really have an ideal partner, I suppose I would like to be paired with Osmo, because I know him and I think it would be much cooler if the winners were from the same District, as it would be easier for the Capitol to manage. However I’d be happy with anyone from the first five Districts, as well as the tributes from Twelve.’’ She begins. ‘’ As for who I wouldn’t like to be paired with, as harsh as this sounds is one of the young tributes. It’s not that I don’t like children, but I move quite fast and I don’t like to be slowed down. I’m afraid they would.’’
‘’ That’s understandable.’’
‘’ God I sound like such a bitch.’’ Says Echo and the crowd bursts into laughter. She takes a moment to realise they are laughing and then she joins in. ‘’ Sorry!’’
‘’ No worries.’’ I smile. ‘’ Next question is for Margo. You used the word ‘necessary’ to describe your participation in this year’s Hunger Games after you volunteered. What did you mean by that?’’
‘’ Well, despite the fact that I was elected by the trainers, I had a personal reason to enter. It’s my mother, she’s very sick and winning the Games would give me the funds to pay for her treatment. I’m not looking for the sympathy vote, because I plan to fight and win, this won’t make me vulnerable or weaker, it will make me more ruthless and stronger.’’ He details.
‘’ I see. That is very noble of you Margo. I’m sure your mother is very proud of you.’’ I reply and the boy smiles.
‘’ I hope so.’’ He says.
‘’ Of course she is!’’ Interjects Belle. ‘’ You’re very brave.’’
‘’ Thanks.’’ Replies Margo gratefully.
‘’ Ooh, have we got the romance beginning here between you two?’’ I ask hopefully and the crowd begins to cheer.
‘’ Maybe.’’ Smirks Margo. ‘’ If the Capitol are nice to us and pair us together.’’
‘’ Hopefully.’’ Corrects Belle. ‘’ I guess it’s just down to the Capitol’s generosity. If it’s a show they want, they’ll sure get one by pairing us together!’’
‘’ It’s not really down to the Capitol, it’s mostly – well, almost completely – up to you all. It will be very exciting, I can tell you that! Unfortunately, that’s all I can tell you.’’ I smile and the crowd boos jokingly. ‘’ Oh shut it you lot!’’
The crowd and the tributes laugh at me and I move onto the next tribute.
‘’ Ravina. Next questions is for you. Why did you volunteer for the Games? You weren’t elected by the trainers in District Two, so there was obviously a reason. What was it? Family matters?’’ I begin.
‘’ No actually.’’ She grins. ‘’ I entered for the fun of it. I love the idea of killing. I want fame and fortune!’’
As she says this, the other careers sitting around her either scoff or give her angry looks, she screwed over the way they do it. She wasn’t the chosen one to enter.
‘’ Tell me, what is your weapon of choice?’’ I question, moving on as a few members of the crowd boo.
‘’ The axe. I’m very good.’’ She boasts. ‘’ Aren’t I Margo? You’ve seen me.’’
‘’ She’s alright. Not the standard she should be considering she’s here, but alright.’’ He replies honestly and Ravina glares at him hatefully. Belle and Brutis laugh at Margo however Echo and Osmo just sit quietly.
‘’ Ravina, who would you like to be paired with?’’ I question.
‘’ Like Belle said, probably Min, she seems very capable of winning. I like that.’’ Explains Ravina.
‘’ And who don’t you want to be paired with?’’ I ask.
‘’ Anyone else!’’ She chortles and a few of the crowd laugh.
‘’ OK, we’ll move back to Osmo. What is your weapon of choice? What do you hope to get from the cornucopia should you decide to venture into it when the Games begin?’’ I ask.
‘’ I don’t have a weapon. I can’t swing a sword for my life, I’ve never even seen a bow and I could never throw a spear with these weak arms.’’ He explains, although he remains positive with a broad smile across his face.
‘’ So how to you plan to win if you have no weapons?’’ I question.
‘’ I don’t really have a physical weapon, but I do have something that will aid my victory.’’ He replies.
‘’ And what is that?’’ I persist.
He raises a finger and points to his temple. ‘’ Knowledge.’’
As he says this, both Brutis and Ravina scoff and then burst into laughter.
‘’ I can’t wait to kill you, how pathetic!’’ Laughs Brutis, however Osmo ignores him.
‘’ He’s right you know. He’s a lot stronger than you are. It may not show physically, but he’d destroy you with the knowledge he has.’’ Spits Echo venomously, glaring at Brutis hatefully.
‘’ Settle down tributes, save it for the arena!’’ I warn, however I play it off as a joke so the crowd can’t tell how frightened I am.
Luckily, the crowd laugh.
‘’ OK then, moving back to Brutis. In the Reapings, you used the word ‘perfect’ to describe yourself, despite this you seem to have a lot of enemies. Why do you think this is?’’ I question.
‘’ I don’t know really, I guess I’m-‘’ He begins but the other tributes cut him off.
‘’ A pain in the ass?’’ Suggests Margo.
‘’ Annoyingly arrogant?’’ Adds Belle.
‘’ Enough.’’ Says Bruno angrily as the other tributes laugh in front of him.
I fight the urge to smile as Brutis’ face flares red with rage and he balls his fists up angrily.
‘’ Don’t mind them Brutis, next question. Do you plan on forming an alliance with any other tributes?’’ I question.
‘’ I dunno. It depends on my partner I guess. If I am paired with someone decent I won’t have to, but if otherwise and I get stuck with a kid, it may be necessary to survive.’’ He explains.
‘’ And who would you approach to form an alliance?’’ I ask.
‘’ Doll face over there.’’ He replies and begins to laugh however Belle dives across the stage and wrestles him to the ground.
She jumps on him as he falls to the ground and wraps her hands around his throat.
‘’ Get him!’’ Yells Echo.
I jump forward and try to pull Belle from him; however she is surprisingly strong and doesn’t budge when I tug at her arm. Brutis cries out in pain as she slaps him across the face. Before she can raise her hand for another blow, peacekeepers rush onto the stage and separate them.
I watch as they are taken of the stage by the peacekeepers and then I turn to the cameraman beside me, the red recording light still visible.
‘’ We’ll be back in about ten minutes folks, to give time for the other tributes to get ready to come on.’’ I smile into the camera.
The cameraman continues recording.
‘’ Turn it off you idiot!’’ I order in a half yell, half whisper and the red light blinks off.
I then turn to the crowd.
‘’ Please take this ten minute interval to utilise the bathroom, or go to the stalls just outside the entrance for some food and beverages. Also, there is a gift shop set up with merchandize from this year’s Games, including bobble-heads of some of your favourite tributes along with cornucopia key chains and autographed posters of our tributes. Thank you!’’
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Tác giả: Ngư Tiểu Quai QuaiNguồn: http://daisyjung.wordpress.comTrạng thái: FullTên gốc: Trùng sinh học bá chi lộThể loại: Hiện đại, trùng sinh, hệ thống, vườn trường, trúc mã, cường cường, ấm áp, tình hữu độc chung, chậm nhiệt văn, thanh thủy văn, 1×1, HE.Couple: Thiên tài muộn tao trung khuyển công x ôn hòa học bá nam thần thụTình trạng bản raw: Hoàn: 140 Chương chính vănEditor: Jeremy
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