《Destroy Me (Book 1) A Supernatural Story》6-You Could Have Saved Us


(Based off Season 3x10)

Calliope gasps as she wakes up, so does Sam and Dean. Dean looks embarrassed as he sees he's holding Calliope protectively. Calliope quickly pulls away, "We should umm, we should go check on Bobby" she says avoiding Deans eyes.

"Uh yeah" Dean agrees, also not looking at her.

"You two okay?" Sam asks looking at them.

"Yeah, we're going to go check on Bobby, did you want to find this Jeremy guy since he's already met Dean and I, that's who was in Bobby's head" Calliope says as she gets up and hands the info on Jeremy to Sam.

"Yeah, I can do that" Sam says taking the info.

Calliope and Dean headed back to the hospital to check on Bobby, the car ride being completely quiet and awkward. They enter Bobby's room to see him wide awake and surprised as seeing Calliope. "They saved me from the vampire" she explains, "thanks for sending them" she says as she gently hugs the old man.

"I knew they would help. Dean thanks by the way getting my stupid ass out of there' he says as they hand him the files he had from his room.

"Hey, Bobby. That uh..that stuff, all that with your wife? That actually happen?" Dean asks Bobby.

"Everybody got into hunting somehow" he replies to him.

"I'm sorry" Dean says.

"Don't be sorry. If it weren't for you , I'd still be lost in there or dead" Bobby looks at Dean, "Thank you".

They hear the door open and look to see Sam enter the room. "So, uh stoner boy wasn't in his dorm. My guess is he's long gone by now" he tells them.

"He ain't much of a stoner" Bobby replies picking up the picture of Jeremy.

"No?" Dean asks.

"No, His name is Jeremy Frost. Full-on genius. Hundred-and-sixty IQ. Which is sayin' some considering his dad took a baseball bat to his head" Bobby explains as he passes Calliope a copy of Jeremys dad's license. "He died before Jeremy was 10" Bobby tells them.

"Looks, like a real sweetheart" Calliope comments.

"Injury gave him Charcot-Wilbrand. He hasn't dreamed since" Bobby tells them, as Calliope puts the paper down.

"Till he started dosing the dream drug" Dean says.

"Yep" Bobby nods at him.

"How'd he know how to dig up your worst nightmare and throw it at you?" Dean asks him.

"Yeah, How'd he get in there in the first place? Isn't he supposed to have some of your hair, your DNA, or something?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, 'fore I knew it was him, he offered me a beer, I drank it" as Bobby says this Calliope quickly glances at Dean.

"Dumbest frigging thing" Bubby adds.

"Oh, I don't know. It wasn't that dumb" Dean says trying to laugh it off.

Sam and Bobby both look at him, "Dean, you didn't" Sam asks his brother.

"He did" Calliope answers.

"I was thirsty" Dean says looking at Calliope, "who's to say he didn't get one of your hairs while we were there" he adds trying to bring Calliope into his mess.

"That's great, now he can come after either one of you" Sam says mad at his brother.

"Well, now we just have to find him first" Dean says.

"We better work fast. Coffee up, because the one thing we cannot do- is fall asleep" Bobby warns them.

After two days, they still couldn't track down Jeremy. Calliope was exhausted from getting no sleep and getting nowhere. Bobby and the Bela chick were staying back at the motel trying to put any clues together. As they headed down a road, she sees Dean pull the Impala over and stops her car behind it. She gets out, walking up to their care she hears the boys arguing, and sees Sam get out.


"Hey, what's going on?" she asks Sam as he goes to the trunk.

" He wants to go to sleep" he says as she sees him opening the trunk and making dream tea.

"Not without us" she says to him.

"I told him that, I'm surprised you want to come too" Sam says as he finishes.

"Yeah, well I promised I would stick around till we end this" she says, and Sam closes the trunk. They both go back to the car and get it in, Sam in the front and Calliope in the back.

"You want to go on this dream fight too?" Dean asks her.

"It's going to be a first" she says as she takes a cup from Sam, "Bottom's up" she says as takes the drink.

Calliope opens her eyes, " Sam, Dean" she says and Sam wakes up.

He looks at her before looking at his brother, "Dean" he says as he hits him.

Dean awakes abruptly, "Jeez..For the love of God" he looks around seeing them still in the Impala, "What are we still doing here?" he asks them.

"I have no idea" Sam tells his brother.

Calliope hears a noise outside, "There's someone out there" she looks at the boys as they all get out of the car. As they get to the front of the Impala, they hear music. Calliope sees a woman seated on a picnic blanket, a basket nearby, the women smiles at Dean.

"Hey you gonna sit down?" she asks Dean, who looks at the woman and doesn't move.

"Come on. We only have an hour before we have to pick Ben up from baseball" she says going to hand Dean a wine glass.

Dean look over at Calliope and Sam, I've never had this dream before" he tries to deny and they just look at him, "Stop looking at me like that" he adds.

"Dean, I love you" the woman says as everything begins to shake and disappear.

"Where'd she go?" Dean asks. They all look around confused, Sam suddenly takes off. Calliope and Dean take off after him into the woods.

They all suddenly get separated, Calliope stops realizing she is no longer near Sam or Dean. She looks around the room she was now in, the walls were light blue, and she could hear voices coming down the hall. She walks out of the room and notices familiar pictures on the walls. "No,No,NO" she starts to cry as she runs to where the voices are coming from.

She gets to the main room , and she sees what she was scared of seeing. Laying on the carpet covered in blood are her parents. "Why couldn't you save us" her mother pleads.

"You failed us Calliope, you failed" her father says.

"I tried, I tried to get back" she cries as she falls down beside them.

"You didn't and now we are dead" her mother says to her, as she reaches a bloody hand out to grab at Calliope.

"This isn't real" Calliope cries, knowing this has to be Jeremy's doing.

"You should have never been born" her father says as he too grabs at her.

"Your Not REAL!" Calliope screams focusing all her energy on what's happening.

The scene suddenly changes and instead of waking up in the Impala like she thought she would, she sees she is in a motel hallway. She can hear shouting coming from a nearby room, and following the noise she gets closer, and recognizes Deans voice. "That was his crap, He's the one who couldn't protect his family" she hears Dean say as she slowly opens the door, to see Dean beating down on a copy of himself.


"He's the one who let Mom die" Dean says pinning the other Dean down, "Who wasn't there for Sam. I always was! He wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me". Calliope looks at Dean shocked by what is happening, as Dean walks away from the other version of himself. He raises his gun, "I don't deserve to go to hell!" he says as he shoots the other Dean twice. Blood splatters all over the other Dean, who's eyes close.

Calliope slowly walks up to Dean, " It's not real Dean" she says as Dean approaches the dead version of him. The other Dean's eyes then flash open and they are black like a demons.

"You can't escape me, Dean! You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become" the demon Dean taunts.

Calliope grabs Dean, getting his attention, he looks at her. "This is Jeremy Dean; this is not what you're going to become" she tells him.

"She's lying Dean, even she can't save you and you know that" the demon Dean says.

"Dean don't listen" Calliope pleads with him.

"You're going to die Dean" the demon version says as it gets up, and just as its about to attack them everything goes black.

Calliope sits up in the back of the Impala at the same time as Sam and Dean awake. It takes them all a minute to realize they are back in the real world. "You two okay?" Sam asks them.

Calliope shares a look with Dean before nodding. "Yeah, I just need some air" she says as she gets out of the car. She leans against the front of the car, taking a deep breath. She's shaken up, not just by what she had seen but what Dean had seen as well.

"Hey, we're heading back to see Bobby, did you want to come?" she hears Sam ask.

Wiping her face, she turns back to look at him, "Uh yeah I can, gotta make sure the old man's okay"

"Are you okay?" Sam asks her.

"I will be just shaken up by what I had seen" she tells him.

"Okay" is all he says not pressing anymore as he goes back to the Impala.

Calliope recollects herself before getting back into her own car and heading back. She pulls up just as the boys do and parks her car. She gets out and follows Dean into the room as Sam goes to talk to Bobby.

"You want to talk about it?" She asks Dean as he goes to sit down on the bed.

"Not really, how did you end up there anyway?" he asks her curiously.

"I was in my own nightmare, and knew it wasn't real and fought back. I honestly thought I was going to wake up but then I found myself in your nightmare" she says as she sits on the other bed across from him.

"That doesn't make any sense" he says.

"I know, but just know Dean that isn't what's going to happen to you" she says as she goes to take his hand. He moves away, "Umm I'm going to go figure out where Bela is" he says wanting to avoid the conversation. Dean takes out his phone and tries to call Bela. Calliope gets up and starts to walk around the room, wondering how she got to this point in her life.

The nightmare still stung her, even though she knew it wasn't real it still scared her. Calliope goes and stands by the window when she hears Bobby and Sam come back into the room, but ignores the conversation lost in her own thoughts. She's brought back when she hears Dean start to freak out, "No, No, NO!" she hears him say as she turns back to see him go for the safe, opening it and looking inside.

"The Colt?" Sam asks, as Dean slams the safe shut.

"Bela stole the Colt?" Calliope asks.

"Damnit Boys!" Bobby says pissed at them.

"Pack your crap" Dean orders his brother, as he goes for his own bag.

"Why? Where are we going?" Sam asks him.

"We are going to hunt that bitch down" Dean says clearly mad.

Calliope goes back to her room and packs up her stuff, heading back to her car, she tosses her bag in the back seat. She sees the boys clearly having a deep conversation, waiting till they were done to call Dean over. He comes over leaning against her car, "You going to be okay?" she asks.

"I just want that damn colt back" he says.

"You know what I am talking about" she says to him as she reaches out to touch his arm.

"You need to back off" he says moving back and shocking her.

"Dean, I know we just met, and we don't know much about the other but you need to tell your brother what's scaring you" she tells him.

"I don't know if I can Calliope. How do I tell him I don't want to die" he says.

"Callie" she says, " You can call me Callie"

"Well, Callie, what I saw in there scares me I'll admit that. But telling Sammy it's going to worry him even more" he tells her.

"He deserves to know Dean" she tells him.

"I will, umm what are you going to do now that we saved Bobby?" he asks her.

"You two want to track that Bela chick down, I'm going to go back to Bobby's and try and find a way to get you out of this deal" she says to him.

"You don't need to do this Callie" Dean tells her.

"Dean you saved me; I at least owe you this" Calliope says as she then surprisingly hugs him.

"Keep in touch" she says as she pulls away.

"You too" he says as they go separate ways.

Calliope goes back to her car when she hears footsteps, turning around she sees Bobby, "where are you off to now?" he asks her.

"I was hoping your place, if you don't mind. I'm going to try and get Dean out of this deal" Calliope tells him.

"I hope you can figure it out in time, cause we've hit dead ends." Bobby says.

"Maybe you boys just need a real woman's touch" she smiles at him.

"Yeah, maybe, see you there" he says as she gets in her car and then takes off for Bobby's home, hoping she'll be able to help save Dean Winchester.

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